CGHT PAGES PHLY LIST 01I00SIAH. PZSTLZTCN. OREGON. MONDAY E7EJtnr3. IAY S. 1822. , . . - - . 1 " Social and Club News- LARGE DEI.KGATIOX C)XVKXTH. AT .MHS8. SOMMEHVILLB RETURNS W. C T. V. TO MEET. I Mrs.- E. i. Hunimerville murne-l I A progmm ot special in With the Mwntlon of the Portland 1 yesterday after a mwt enjoyable planned for tomorrow by the local Vitiation. Ft-ndleton has the largest , tay of four months In San Diego and :chapter of the Women's Christian representation at the National Parent Loi AnKelea. In San Diego she vis- jTemierance Pnlon when members Teacher Association now being held In j Ited her daughter, Jin Arthur'and friends will meet at the, library Tacoraa. (Sprairue. Mrs. Sotnmervllle's grand- cluuroora at 1:10 p. m. The local delegates are Mr. W. Hobby BpraKue. accompanied her The program, which will be fol "Wyrick. Mr. Clara Porter Smith. Mrs., home and will be here for the sum- lowed by a social hour and a silver Thomas Hampton, all officers of thejIlu.r. offering, will Include a vocal duet by state association. Mm. Wlllard ltondj . . (Mrs. Jabin Vaught and Mi.n liaiel and Mrs. John Pecbler. I'matlllaj qjjjls WILL BE GUESTS jKoch: readings by Miss Lois Swag- countr will have a parent-teacher con- ( M)(1l R(Jlh Snow. Mlm Irva DaIe an4 (Tart and little Irene Swanson: an ad ference May 1 and 20 and Mrs. Hlg-! MtM Vera Hampton will be guests of l?re"" "Tt" Vttlu of the Petition and Jtlns. the national president, will I I .. t,iM , i-iii. nf!'"' Signing." by Rev. W. A. present on this occasion. j Urpeon dring jumor Weed-End. AU The next convention of state-wldo thw n, m,.mh., , th .)llne wrnA. interest will be the convention or ine clags of pendleton high school. ifie junior eek-tnii lefcutitieg will begin June It. i reon Federation of Women's clubs art Tillamook. May 30 to June 2. tn--clnsive. Special rates will 1)8 made for those who wish to attend. Rail road officials are co-operating with the club officers to make this a large and successful gathering. Gressman; Introduction ts the poly glot petition, by Sirs. A. F. May. county president; piano solos by Miss Vivian Estea; presentation of silver service stars to members by Mrs. Ruth Wall Qelss, local president. accompanied Mr. Erickson, who R1UDQE LUNCHEON GIVEN. Mrs. Alvin ("lusher, Mrs. lhile ftl usher. Mrs. Wlllard llond. Mrs. "rYed Earl and Mrs. Henry Collins drove here Saturday. entertained on Saturday with the second In a series of brldire lunche ons at the home of Mm. Blusher. In LEAVES FOR SPOKANE. 1 aira. ii. ft; cnrnnuii neno rtuuuui i q. piypg pFVOl ETON Who has been here as the KuesTofj j, ,.,ara ot Anfe,Pa her uncle ami aunt Mr and Mr-Ian(, daUKhter, Mn, 0eor)fe ljltha, Frank Frailer, at Htllalfle Home left . - .. . ... . .. yesterday by motor for Spokane. She the afternoon's play, Mrs. Harold ! ,. Warner, and Mm. Dan P. Smythe won the honors. TO ATTEND WEDD1NO. Mrs. R. B. Nutter is In La Grande, of Salt lake, are Pendleton visitors at the homes of Mrs. Card's sons, Hugh Keailrr and Paul Kewler, and her daughter, Mrs. V. Parrett. llETUR.VS FROM MEDFORD Mr. and Mrs. H. Marsh re turned last evening after a motor trip to Medford. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne I). Morrow. where she will be a guest tomorrow evening at the wedding of M!s Mary FitxQerald and Elmer Lnrrlson. fie wedding will be followed by a break fast at the country club. LEAVE FOR PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Smythe left lost evening for a visit In Portland. HOFF'a UPSTAIRS SHOT Special! This Week An High Grade . Wraps from $50 up to $97.50 .". i Reduced ' 20 Per Cent 1 A reduction of from $10 to $20 on thobe e)k.clusivc garments. ' EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE CARD PARTY THIS EVENING. Hem tiers of the Parish House Guild will be hostesses this 'evening for a benefit card party, at Parish Hall. A number of Pendleton women have made arrangements to fill tables for the affair. P ENTERTAINS CLUB. Mrs. Lina Sturgls was hostess to day for the members of the Dupll rate Whist Club. They were enter tained at luncheon and the later hours were spent In playing dupli LEAVES FOR EUGENE. Mm 'Robert 81mpson left on Satur day for Portland. She will go later to Eugene to spend "Mothers' Day with her son, John Simpson, who Is a siuaent at university of Oregon. - KETURN FROM PORTLAND Mm. Roy Ruley, Mrs. Charles Bond Mm. George Hartman, Miss Esther Kelly, of Pendleton and Mrs. Ben HUi of Walla Walla returned lust evening by motor after u visit to Portland. AH 15 IN RlKfSIDKNl'E. Mr. nod Mm. Glen Stater are new Pendleton residents., The.v are dum- Iclled in the liymnni Rice residence. " reiKiijM Avenue, for tho sum inier. ' MRS. SVUKOIS RETURNS ..: Mrs. Juinog Kturgis , returned this morning after a visit in Portland where she was the guest of Mr. and Mwrs. Frank Butler. RETURNS TO PORTLAND. Mrs. Henry Judd left on Saturday night for Portland after a visit here as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Alvin Slasher. ", 1 t "' MRS. SMITH HERE. Mrs. Charles Smith, of Athena, is a Pendleton 1 visitor today. " HADIO PROVES BOON. (Continued from page 1.) BUTTER The first mention of butter is made in "PluUrch's Life of Caius Caesar." '"When at a banquet given in honor cf the great captain at the house of Valerius by the Milanese chieftains, asparagus cooked in but ter was served ... i -, We have a good supply of fine country but ter from the best ranches in the county that . we can sell while it lasts for 70c for full two pound roll , . AH of this butter was received Saturday. We guarantee every roll Please order early. j "More Than a Little Better Groceries at , . Right Prices." , - Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Three Phones 28. Only One Quality, the Best SI, MILD I HOME- DEMONSTRATION IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES A BOTTLE OF KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC Will be given FREE with every purchase of a 50c tube of KLENZO DENTAL CREME radio telephones have recently been Installed at several of the remote UghthouHes In Alaska. , Some of the lightships are' also equipped ns radio fog-signal stations. with the new department of com merce system, used continuously dur ing foggy weather to furnish accurate bearings to ships possessing the radio compass. According to Clcorge R. Tutnam, commissioner of lighthouses, radio should be a great boon In relieving the lonely and monotonous life of tl" faithful keepers at Isolated stations The rnmmnnt.inn frpntrnpnt. tf TflA7n f!vfmo onrl 5. at the entrance to twin s -.,mi S Antiseptic will insure cleanliness of the mouth, , i C Z,!? g throat and gums; prevent pyorrhea and by dissolv- S '" ten months. At Tuiamook Rock 5 ing all stale secretions and destroying the germs that 4 w'!;,, r0"hll,t1. J,,lilf ."""f1 bHd R i i . . . i . V , , ... . 5 weather has prevented direct , com- a lurk in the crevices not reached by a brush, will re J immication with the shore for periods 4 TTrtdVO nil Karl fncfno nnrl ramnva fVin eanc-a nf iV.n W. ' seven weeks at a time. On the off- m siuMo iiKnisnips supplies are received 5 much dreaded bad breath. I THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. I Phone Main 20 Pendleton, Oregon y wight rhone sao-j The Real Value Of Confidence It is the confidence of the people which the Table Supply seeks. We realize that there is but one way to gain the same. To be truthful to cur patrons to be fair in our dealings and to stand squarely behind om advertisements. "Watch Us Grow" THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors. usually only once a month, and the tenders often work In remote locali ties. Relaxation at these stations de pends chiefly upon libraries furnished t.V I lie government find donated mas uiliies with tin occasional phonograph presented by a thoughtful friend. Pon't tuke a chance camp fire. Put It out. . with your Fire Ih the enemy or trees, grass, Bame. Prevent fires. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Foil IlKXT 3 room furnished apt. with piano.' Phone 331-J, 1208 15. Webb St. Foil s.LH CHEAP if taken at once Refrigerator, lllirnry table, wicker rocker, gas heater. Call at SIS John. Son street. tialSaCDadeaXemaanaanantamaiDamara (East Oregonlan Special.) STAN'FIELI), May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Tom of The Dalles, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Charles Hoggard and Mr. Hoggard. They re turned to their heme Monday. The Study club met Thursday aft ernoon at the homo of Mrs. V. H. Martin. The president, Mrs. Rich- ards, presided. After the regular business was dispensed with, the fol lowing literary program was listened to. . The history of the Chautauqua by Mrs, Hnggard was very Interesting, Mr. Hills gave a paper on Edison as an Inventor. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kilbury and children of Walla Wulla was the weck-eml'guesls of Mr. and Mrs. C. X). Connor. """" SSanimy Fnlsnilo of Tacoma, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Nudo. the first of the week. . ! Miss IgOivn Kennisou entertained a number of ladies In honor of Mrs Harry Ounn Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. II. R. Perrln on the Meadows. . Thoso present were Ma dams C. I. Connor, Charles Hoggard, R. V. Starkweather, W. K. Smith, Elmer Reeves, George Riesling. J. O, McCoy, 'W. T. Reeves, Ilnlney, Cuff- man, 'Parrln, Keimison nnd the guest of honor. Social conversation Jinl fancy Work" was the features of the afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Dunn will leave In a few days to Join Mr. Dunn at Pas co where thpy will re'do in the fu Mr. ..and Mrs. Don Pruitt nnd daughter Eleanor,' nnd Mrs. KUjiii beth Connelly were looking over Ten dleton Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs.-C. w. Connor were shopping (n Pendleton Thursday. Mr. and Mr-. Laurence were at tending to business in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. a E. "Dingey of Vmatll'u spent Sunday with her sister, Mn, Jay Arneson. Mrs. F. M. Smith left Thursday for Pine Island, Minnesota, where she will make her future home. Mr. mid Mrs. J. H. Knight enter, ta'ned a few friends Monday evening in honor of Harry Colvnmn '. Ta coma., 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Hale were the pleasing host and hostesses it 1 a M)0 party at their home op the Sunshme ranch Saturday evenlnpr. Mrs. H. B. Rees and Miss E. 1,'Utnk were In Pendleton Saturday. F. 13. Stuart, was In Pendleton on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Itn.isi nnrl daughters, of Elgin, spent a few d tys Hasen, and thiir brothers, Churieu and Kara and sister, Mrs. -Oil Puin. 1: Record tBreakeis PBIISaiiill!!!! "Try the drug store first," and Koeppeng, 1 rhe drug stort that serves best, for Prescriptions. I J i (y(r(y'TsTS't(r(!cifasi ' Ethelda McGary. 14. ot New York (standing), broke th world'a awim. mint record for 300 yards. br ttm being , Rath Smith, Ohto 8tat . Unlvertltr raemsld. broke the world'! record tar the 100-yaxd back haul trok wjl mark ot$9JNf. Pliiniblnjf - hi tlte rarni Home ,. A noteworthy campaign is be- ing put on by the farm bureaus ' of a number of counties in Xew York state to demonstrate how easily the farmer may Install modern plumbing In the rural home, doing tho work himself without expert assistance, and ' putting in a water system little by little as funds and time be- 4 ,-nmo Avulliihtn. WHh modern 4 a filiic fltttnou tin.l oriititimnnt thm work can be easily dene by any- one possessed, of ordinary me- chanical gumption without training or experience; and . a start can be made with a very . simple installation, - consisting first of nothing moro than a kitchen sin. and pump, with a simple treuse-trun disposal of waste. This primitive system may be readily developed by lidding u tank to provide run- ulnar water, then a hot water fytein may be added and final Jy is may be completed by in- stalllnR a .complete modern bathroom, a septic tank and a drainage system.. ' FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself as candi date for the office of Joint Repre sentative of Umatilla and Morrow Countiles, on the Republican ticket If elected I promise to faithfully and honestly perform the duties of the office, working; at all time for tho best interests of the people of this district and I he State of Oregon. I favor legislation tending to eli minate waste In public expenditures and reduction of the taxes wherever possible, consistent with sound public policy. Slogan. - Constructive economy, and a fair er distribution of the tax burden. E. M. HULDEN. (Paid Adv.) 'I 1U. I. V. TEMPI.R Republican (and date for Represent ative, 2:trd IMsiriet, If I am nominated and elected I will represent all the people of, Uma tilla county, regardless ot party affil iation, I 'Will not favor any click or clan. I will solicit the co-operation of my constituents and every organized body of men working in the Interest of the state and Umatilla county in particu lar. - I Will favor the mlllage tax to sup port the state colleges but will op pose additional appropriations there for. I will endeavor to reduce taxes by placing on the tax rolls property here tofore untaxed, nnd equalise taxation Dy tuxlng Intangible properly and In-cunios.-r-Pald Adv. . J- : CHICHESTER S PILLS . if tm a mil in Ht and Va'a ItirtmilA ni mihtr. Bmi of if ifM Aekr'wCIIIIIKK.TKIIl PraiitlM. A.k SMAMONIt III yMnkitowna. Bftl.Sifnt, Always Keiui.l SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYUHIS I'll T-t WT,a If S THE BASIS OF AC 000 . Mr at . II mm Use our bread as a foun d a t ion upon , which to build the perfect meal. This bread never disap points in its quality. It is made with the kind of care and of the same excellent mate rials that the particu lar housewife reveres. -Pendleton Baking Co. i , AN EXCEPTIONAL ARRAY OF SILK BLOUSES EVERY BLOUSE1 IN THE STORE INCLUDED IN THIS BARGADT ' ' A- WHEN YOU SEE THEM YOU'LL WANT TO BUY, SEVERAL. , REGULAR PRICE $12.50 TO $22.5 Bigger Yields on Fordson Farms THE big yields Fordson farmers enjoy are the envy of the community. The only reason other folks dont get am . J . . , . i -1. .V.. 14n1 CA well - many bushels is because tney aom r"J ' u k Plow and disc and culti-pack without delay. That s what makes the perfect seed bed that brings big yields. Every farmer knows that is the thing to do, but those who farm with horses can't seem to find the time. , , ' - The difference is all due to one simple thing; the man who uses a Fordson Tractor and an Oliver No. 7 Plow will plow seven or eight acres while his neighbor is plowing two acres with a team. The Fordson farmed land can be plowed at; just the right time. X)rer 200,000 Fordon Farmers Use 01ier TUUge Implements WHb.V w ipson Auto Co. FORD AND FOrj)SOX ' ' xATJTUOIUZED SALES AND SERVICE rbonem ' Pcndelton, Ore. FEEt:HUlfST? Dr. Q. O. Fletche., Jr. Chiropodist a'hd Foot Specialist MOVED I ,.., i:: .. s Buster Brown Shoe A Stores, i Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Ingrown', Nails,; Broken Arches, etc., INSTANTLY relieved with a few moments PAINLESS treatment. .. Phone 58 0, ; - Hours 8:30-1 1 ;30,: 12:30-5.30 it is a shame 1 flip wnv 1 some refrigerators enl" nn ipp and spoil y foods . i - All of the thintJS in the ponsf-rnrfinn'ftf a rpfrirPr- ator that save ice are hidden the many v ails of in sulation cannot be seen from the outside. : i We would like to show you this "best-of-all" re frigerator. It costs no more than ordinary makes, and we sell them on payments if you wish to buy on credit - ' . Crawford Furnitiire Co. Your Credit is Good.) - - Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New 19$ K. Court Street Phone m . , lVndteton. Ornoa 'jrrrvrw g-y am" a-? ;nr rn aaargaEgjtr-