EAST 02100311. P22TDL2TCS, CXEOOK, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 2. 1922. E32T sty (Fhnmas stop . Soda Club News ' DJBTARTMKNT HAS MEETING, f The Music Department of the Pen dleton Women' Club met yesterday afternoon In the library rlub room. Gl'ILD HAS MEETING. . Member! of the Parish House Guild met-yesterday at the home of Mr. ,K. M. Tannler in Itotutlaa Court with for the study of American composer. Mrs Tannler and Mrs. Emmett Ks Mrs. William R. Wyrtik wan In tea as hostesses. About thirty mem Charge of the program. bera were present. A paiier on the composers Henry' Th, OvOA eav, lhe ,um or one 'Hadley and Jesse Gaynor wa given hundred dollars to the Church of the by Mrs. A. 1, Owens. Mrs. Clara Itedeemer. this being In addition to Porter Smith read a paper on Victor 'on hundred ninety-four dollars pre Herbert. and Mrs. Maude Woodward sented In January- Tentative plans , wn a seiecuon irom one 01 nern- )Wtn made for a benefit card party. - ert's light operas. A sqetrh of the n.V- Alfred Lock wood, pastor of the wu.fe s - -.. i I .. I . . rnH,i . . ..... v - - ...... " - cnurcn, mane a snon taia. given by Mrs. Wyrlck. The closing The hostesses were assisted in . number of the program wns com- serving by Mrs. Fred Brown and Mrs. posed of two songs by Carrie Jacobs David 11. Hill. The tea table was Bond, suns' bv Mrs. H. K Inlnw. on- v. 1 i.. t-. .I i. iiiui iiniijtij miicm n tii igiivk titled, "Just Hold My Hand," and I spring flowers. . "love Tou Truly." , jD. A. II. TO MKKT. PROGRAM IS POSTPONED. The Daughters of the American The Ilaplist ladies missionary pro Revolution will meet this evening at gram for Wednesday has been pont ine home of Mrs. Robert Simpson, poned one week because the commit- ilJOI East Court street. 'tee will be occupied In preparations I - 1. 1 till.. ... .. tl-ntlut .. LEAGUE TO MEET. . isoclutlon to meet here Friday. Satur- The Girls Purity and. Protective uy and Sunday of this week. A fel league will meet this evening at lowship lunch Is to be given Saturday 1:S0 o'clock In the reception rooms noon for the delegates, officers and of the Christian church. .friends. . HOPF'i UPSTAIRS SHOP MORE GOOD COAT NEWS! M. Spring .ff ! ' Coats : 8 20 Per Cent Refaction Show Room Samples comprising smart Coats' of Polo Cloth, Chinchilla, Camel Hair, Tricotine, etc. "S,. WHILE! ANY REMAIN 20 PER OT. REDUCTION ' EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE . Anyone Having: Dandruff or Itching Scalp . Should Use Youth Craft FOR THE HAIR AND SCALP i A Positive Remedy for Dandruff and w . . Itching Scalp We sell YOUTH ' CRAFT HAIR AND SCALP 1 8 A Phone 520 5 8 REMEDY on an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. If not entirely satisfied return the empty bottle and money will be refunded. . YOUTH CRAFT SELLS AT $1.00 per bottle, THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE "Try the drug store first" ' " ,,, v Pendleton, Oregon WINNERS IX CONTEST. Miss Lois Castle of the Burnett Bc-hpol of Music, won first place In th. preliminary piano contests held In Walla Walla last evening according to word received here this morning by Mrs. B. A. McDonald. Miss Castle will represent Walla Walla In the state contest to be held in Walla Walla May 1 under the auspices of the State Music Teachers' Association of Wash ington. Other winners In last nlght'a pre liminaries were Walter Mueller, of the Whitman School of Music, Miss Opal Nichols and Miss Bethel Stack, of the Burnett School. . MRS. M ANKER HONORED. Mrs. M. Manker, who will leave soon for Vader. Washington, for an extended sojourn, was honored at a party last evening when anumber of the Women of Woodcraft called at her home on Railroad street.- Mrs. Manker was presented wtlh a charming gift Quests for the affair were Mrs. Alex McKenzie, Mr M. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Olsen. Mrs. A. Zeuske; Alls. .David Rogers. Mrs. Charles Straub. Mrs, A .Thomas and Mrs. Til- lie Walters. PARTY T OB EGIVEX ' A' card party will be trlven tomor row evening at the I. O. O. F. hall, by me members or the Triple Link Club. Members of the club and their h'i- oands. will- be guests. Any member or tne Kebexah lodge who has not yet joinea tne flub Is Invited to utten.l and become a member. MRS. PERI.VGE RHOSTESS. ' Mrs; George Perlnger will entertain with a bernkfast party tomorrow morning, at her home on Lewis street. In honor of Mrs .Henry Judd who Is here from Portland as the guest of ner mother, Mrs. Alvln Sluher. A number of friends of Mm. Judd have oeen invited. WORK IS PRAISED. The work of the Pilot Rock chan. ter of the Rebekah Lodge is praised by Mrs. Frank Whetstone who In. night visited the neighboring lodge. duo siaios mar the chapter, though sniull, In deserving of SDftnlul men tion. MOTOR TO WALLA WALLA. A motor party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes, Mrs. Richard iviayDerry and Mrs. l.awrenco Q. Frazlor motored1 to Wulla Walla v- terdny for tho day, returning in the oven lug. : - MRS. DICKENSON DEPARTS. ' Mrs. Oliver Dickenson departed to day for North Powder after being In Pendleton as the guest of Mrs. Blaine uurton. Mrs. Dickenson resided 111 Westoni formerly ARE AT BEACIU , Miss Mildred Berkeley, -who has been sojourning In Portland, and Mrs Harold FlUglbbon" (-Beth Smith) of Portland', arc leiidlMg a few days at Cannon Beach. . ' ,T , , ,' ' 'v MISSPELL HEM U. Miss Margurot Fell of Eugene, aiv rived here last ovenlng and is a guest at the homo of Mr.- and Mrs. George Fell. She will bo In Pendleton for a month. ' i. Mlta PLANTING? RETURNS Mrs. John Planting has returned from Astoria, whore she spent the pnst week, she was called there by the lllnosa of hoi" mother. DifE SILK STOCKINGS BLOUSE OR SWEATER IN DIAMOND DYES y The Most Complete Stock . We advertise the largest and most complete line of Staple and Fancy- Groceries in Eastrn Pregon. We belieTe in Quality goods. . THE SECSET OP OUR SUCCESS IN THE ' GKOCESY BUSINESS Has been strict attention to Qualiiy, the best brands of Groceries are the cheapest to the user. Everything We sell is Guaranteed strictly - , as represented and if not satisfactory we will thank our customers to inform us, for we will make it right." " ' 1 More Than a Little Better' Groceries at Bight Prices. ,. vi Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Three Phones 28; Onljr One Quality, the Best ARB IX LA GR-NDE. Mi1.. and Mrs. J. T. Richardson, for merly of Pendleton, are now located permanently In La Grande. Mr. Rich ardson is In business there. MRS. MOON WERE. ' Mrs. V. H. Moon is a gurst at the home of her parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. James it. Gwlnn . ' DANCING PARTY ENJOYED. ' A ' dancing party was enjoyed last everting- by the- Knights of Pythias at the K. P. Hall. H 0 ME. DEMONSTRATION IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES AnJUltraa Retype f or ail I'awy i Chocolate Ioelng. May bo Used for tlip Cakos. Two squares bitter chocolate melted In double bo'h r. Add ' one cup granulated sugar, stir- . ring In gradually. One egg,' un- beaten added quickly. Two la- blespoons of cream. Cook until smooth. Is ' not sticky and hardens quickly. Creamy. llarralt Angrl VouA Cnko, This recipe will make a large . cake that does not have a trace of bitter taste that so many cakes have. It varies from most re- clpes In the addition of lemon Juice. ; . 8 egg whites. ' 1 1-3 cups fine granulated su- gar sistcd three times before- STOP IMS ran Penetratbg, - Antiseptic Zemo -WU1 Help You i Never mintfhow often yon have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itch ing Eczema quickly by applying Zemo furnished-- by any druggist- for -35c. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing be gins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every traceofEczema, Tetter, Pimples, Rash, Blackheads and n similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. When others fail it is the one dependable treat ment for skin troubles of all kinds. Elastic Sport Girdle The style shown here is so com fortable that the wearer may. well say: "I hardly know that I have a corset on." I ast the thing , for golf, tennis, dancing or mo- CB a la Spirite toring. , . " -' v - " PRICE ' - $1.75 " $25 ' .'$3.75 ',, Wls;aldllsiBalBIaisfelllslllllaK 1 THE FISH m MM measuring. 1 cup Swans Down cake flour sifted times- before measuring. 1 level teaspoon cream tartar. . 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. 1 tablespoon lemon Juice. Add salt to egg whites and "beat until foamy. Add cream of tartar and lemon Juice and Jieat until stiff. Fold In the su gns slowly. Add flavoring. Fold In floftr slowly. Poll In an un greasedan and bake r.O to 6Q minutes. Us n pan with a cone In center. V. T). 4 ( " - , I, 1 ' ' T INCONVENIENCES ARE BOUND TO HAPPEN Our store is all torn up workmen arc busy mak ing this place, Pendleton's finest market. Littlo errors are bound to creep in for the next few days. We only ask that you bo patient for tho present phone us at onco if anything is wrong let us cor rect any errors at once. Wc will soon bo- ready for you with lots of room and help. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 73d Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D: DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR 5 - Proprietors wf. 1 1 WV "Diamond Dyes" add years of wear to wornj, faded skirts, waists) coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang ings, draperies, everything. Every Pucknge contains directions so simple any woman can put new, rich, fade less colors into her worn garments or uraperles even if she hus never dyed before. Just buy Diamond Dyes no oi ner kind then your material will come out right, because -Diamond L'.ves are guaranteed not to streak "Pot, fade or run. Tell your druggist whether tho: material you wish' to' dye is wool or silk, or whether It Is linen, cuiton or mixed goods, ; WASHINGTON, May' 2 (I. N. S.) Great uerial wur fleets will be devel oped by the American navy to place ir on a par with the sea ; forces of Pritaln, was revealed before the sen ate naval appropriations committee. Appropriation of nine millions, urged by the Secretary of navy, would be used to create a new aviation base on the Pacific coast and in acquiring great naval air fleets which would be ready' at an Instants notice to give battlo to invaders. ill 111 I TV" V comfortable l vi P " ECONOMICAL W '1 . I": .- J Vor Sale BJ All Leading Dealers IT'S A QVEEK WOlU.D.' TOLEDO, Muy 3. (I. ; X. S.)- "Judge Austin, let me go and wo will he even, because I voted for you lost election." said Felix Matuslun In po lice court. ' He was charged,, with, being drunk nd disorder.; i,',,, ,.t ,,, , . "Take another look,' , I am Judge Cohn 125 and coBtgv" said the court. BY PORTIAND, May 2. (!'.' I.) A lUiick car driven by' Mrs. Kathleen Ayres arrived here today after com pleting tho Journey from Sun Francis co In twenty.two hours, ' forty three minutes, a now road '.record. Mrs. Ayres drove nil the nay, Claude Me Oee of Portland, uccompunylng her. The previous record was twenty-five hours, fifty one minutes. SMELL OF BLOOD SETS BULL ON WILD RAMPAGE MEDINA; Ohio, May J. a bull, which escaped from tho I May slaughter liousa.'nesr Akron, went on - rampHgo after' smelling the blood of a butchered companion. It gored three dogs,' snapped off a hundred or more' mplings and broke down threo ' barbed-wire and two rail fences. , .... , , Deputy Sheriffs Scotty Ingcrtoa and Kdward Hutchinson worked over two hours before they subdued and then killed the bull. The animal didn't die until after .three shots hud been fired Into It. ' . Fire la 'destructive handle with LONDON, May 1. "The Pilgrim Fathers .did not break away from the Mother Country because of harsh treatment. What really caused the separation was not oppression but dis tance, different surroundings and the fact that the most advanced Radicals of England had found refuge in Amer ica and carried Into effect that the ideas of government that were re pressed in the Mother Country." ' ! Thus declared Professor B. Rav mond Turner, Professor History at the University of Michigan, in an ad dresB to the Royal Colonial Institute In London on "The Relations Retween Western Europe and America.' "Though the original English stock had become, largely Intermixed wltn Dutch, Gi-rnirfn and other foreign ele ments, America remained English in language, Institutions and laws," he said. "Of the ISO.000,000 English speak ing people In the world, almoHt 100, 000,000 are In America, and of these about 60 per cent were supposed to be directly descended from British stock." K Professor Tumor doelnred that If ever . real League of Nation" were established Us foundations would be the peoples of Westoni Europe and the peoples of America. , 1 Put your JT Ire out while you can. When your breath is bad, appetite. poor, and you feel "blue" and dis couraged, you need Herblno, : Olie or two doses will set you right. It Is a great system purifier. Price, 80c. Sold by The Pendleton Drug Co. For every purpose for which a lini ment Is usually applied the modern remedy, Liquid Borofcone, Will do the work more quickly, more thoroughly and more pleasantly Price, 30c, 60c and $1.20. Sold by The Pendleton Drug Co. j " , A bud- sprain heals slowly If nbt treated with a" redemy that has the power' to penctrate-th- flesh.' Biri lurd's snow Liniment Is especially ndapted for-'Kitted- ailments.' Three siaes, 30c, 60c nnd J1.20 per bottle. Sold by Th6 Periaietbn' Drug Co. ' ' - "' "'- But you need the right kind of tackle. For . the kind that gets the fish see SOL BAUM Sporting Goods Man ' Phone 656 "LOOK FOR THE FISH" ., 4 - '- - Hotel Pendleton Building l!!Blll!laIIIMI!lll!HIII!BlliiiaiBlllllBiOBIIB!ll!M II The satisfaction ina tow of Castle Gate Coal can be measured by the ever in creasing demand. V; ; A real Coal that meets your re quirements. ' B.L. Burroughs, Inc. , Fone Five For Fuel v. a A44AiiiiAai444l AAA44 NAAAAAAAAiAAAAA4AA4kAA a a a . T ITS THE BASIS OP A GOOD - fc, Jr It MEAL Use our bread as a foun d a t ion upon which to build the perfect meal. This bread never disap points in its quality. It is made with the kind of care and of the same excellent mate rials that the particu lar housewife reveres. Pendleton Baking Co. QUALITY PRINTING at "Reasonable i Prices East Oregonian Printing Depp jpmmmmm smmm wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm JJ&g&& UhJ U liull lUui flLUI""""" U L' - In the Automatic Refrigerator you have EIGHT Walls of Insulation. The cold air cannot leak OUT!' Warm 'air cannot work itsAvay IN ? : i ; : That's why you need much less ice.' : ?i ' With or without Water coolers, . rL:i$ Crawford Furniture ;Ca Your Credit is GnnA . - '. J JrJ2? 0W Furniture Taken in Exchange for New ' ' IDS K. Ctoart Street Phoeem PeaiL car .