DAILY tkkl 0MG0ITIA5. PEXDLET05. OBEGON. TUESDAY EVENING, APKIL 25, 1921 TEN PAGES ft? k A JL JL-rfJL- V-X L WAVJU V-1 X 1 V- JL JL JL JL JL JLJL JLA. J- -M JL ' fiG2 EGST , "Spiritual Regeneration" 'By John J. Flinn, C. S. llemebr of Ihe Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. The Flint Church of Christ, Scientist, la Bos- ton. Mass. ' la that Illustrious and Immortal document, the American Declaration of Independence, one of the truths which the framers and signers held to be self-evident was that all men are entitled to Life, Liberty and the pur suit of Happiness. Countless multi tudes In practically all nations of the etmh have since subscribed to this as sertion of elemental human privilege. Id recent y' . u""a0 " we" " side of the I'nlted States, more than ever before, the Inalienable right of mankind to life, liberty and the un hampered pursuit of happiness has been affirmed. Eighteen centuries beore the Dec laration of Independence becume th! Magna Charta of the American colo nies, however, man's right to life In all Its fullness-was proclaimed by Christ Jesus In the presence of the persecut ing Pharisees, In that beautiful figure of speech wherein he describes him self as a Shepherd who Is willing to lay down hla life. If neorssary, for his sneep. I ,8m come, ne saiu.. mm thcy might have life, and that they might have it more ' abundantly." Again, he told the Jews, who were striving to harass and embarrass him, Itovf they might secure real freedom. in almost his first utterance In the presence of the rabbis, he read from Isaiah the marvelous passage predict ing the coming of the Messiah: "The Spirit of the Lord God In upon me; be. cause the Lord halh anointed me to ju-each good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the caplves, and the opening of the prison to them who are bound." In the First Psalm is laid down the basis upon wliloh man may obtain happiness. He walketh not In the counsel of the un- godly, aor stnndeth In the way of sin ners, nor sltteth In the seat of the scornful, but his delight Is In the law of the Lord; In his law doth he medl-- .' Into day and night." -And Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, ever alert to perceive, and ever jealous to conserve, every privilege of the chll- , riren of God, declares In the Christian Science textbook,' Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: "Discern ing the rights of man, we cannot fall to foresee the doom of all oppression. Slavery is not the legitimate state of . man. God man man free.' Paul Bald. 'I wat free born.' All men should be free. Whore the spirit of the Lord is, there la liberty. Love and Truth make froo, but evil and error lead into cap tivity." ' . ..-.. . 1 FRUITLESS PURSUIT OF , HAPPINESS For ages men have been engaged In n effort to get more out. of life, to ob- tain a larger measure of liberty, and which are supposed to make up the sum of human t happiness. Hut the prises sought have been elusive; they have lost their value even with seem ing attainment, for the struggle to capture them has, in the main, been oarrled along on the theory that hap piness Is something material and. therefore, to be pursued by Indulging tho material senses and turning loose upon the chase the sensual desires, To Judge by appearances, the world as a whole today Is unhappy; never more so In all Its history. If one were disposed to Indulge In It, here would be an exceptionally tempting opportu nity to satirise material prosperity. Prosperity and happiness, happiness and prosperity, as we all know, are al most Invariably coupled in huomn , thought and conversation. Humnnlty , In general thinks of happiness as something largely If not wholly de pendent upon, or certainly u a com. punton of, prosperity. In the opinion of the world, to be prosperous means to be happy. In all the uges, so far as known, there was never before such wide spread prosperity on this planet as that which prevailed during the twenty years preceding the first of August, 1914, and luter developments seem to show that never In ull the nges was discontent so prevalent In the breasts and thoughts of men as during this period.' Some of the nations were so rli;h that they could afford to ap ply; almost unbelievable surpluses of revenue to a means of giving vent to their unrest. Freedom from Indebted ness, phenomenal expansion of trade, luxury unrivaled In ancient or in mod ern times Individual fortunes swollen almost beyond calculation, Individual extravagance carried on with a confi dence and a boldness that could nelth r Im rAliNnmtfl with mil iihauliitA-v. these were all present, and yet tho na t'ons und their' populations were un- Mtppy Tlmo was, and that not so very long ago. when, comparatively speaking, a man's wants were little here 'below, and among the great majority of the peoplo only modvtute effort was re quired to supply them. ' But prosper it jr .legitimate and artificial, has mul tiplied men's seeming wants In our days many times over, and has made -them bo complex, that they have long since passed und distanced actual needs. To meet what have now come id do Known as wants demands a con stant strain; attutmnent only whets the appetite for more; emulation takes Ihe Joy out of accomplishment; pos. session disappoints rather than satis fies, and getting, gnaws at the heels of having. MATERIALISM HAS ITS CHANCE - Never has materialism had its way more comoletelv than In the last seven years. Never has Its way been less ob. strtictcd. To have opposed Its head- . long career auring tne greater pan ot this time would have, been to Invite opprobrium and hostility. It domi nated nearly everything and every 'body. ' An opponent of Ms methods would be as one crying lit the wilder nesa In the midst of howling storm. Here was Its chance, and it made the , most of Ity For years It had been Im patiently. awaiting the day when It would prove itself the greatest force on the globe. The opportunity com ing at lust, la proved only one thing: . Its ability to destroy. It upset the World, ( halted progress, stopped. 7 production. It unsettled the thoughts I of men, it wrought havoc and scatter ed wreckage wherever its power or In- j fluence was felt The world is still staggering from Its thunderous explo sions. It counted upon Its big loans, big profits, high wages, great bank ac-1 counts the setting in of an era of in flation and artificial prosperity fur justification. All of these were realised to the satisfaction of human craving, and with their realisation came a pe riod of lufury and extravagance such as history had never before recorded; but In conjunction with it all came ex periences In popular disillusionment, popular disappointment, and, worse than all. In widespread moral degen- fHm vkinh nn narmannnt re- c- u ,ble MV(( that ,.hlcn Uh - ll he hrnulht s shall be brought about through spirit ual regeneration. The ailment from which the world Is suffering is mental and Individual. All causation Is mental. Society, ta ken either In its smaller or larger as pects. Is primarily Individualistic. That which deleterlously affects the individual deleterlously affects the mass; by healing the Individual a great step is tuken toward the healing of the community and the na tion. Mary Baker Eddy, a sol itary, but by no means a lonely figure in the world's history, thought all this out, and thought it out to a logical conclusion, over half a century ago. when as the herald of a new cru sade she sounded tho keynote of uni versal freedom, asking a fuller acknowledgement of the rights of man as a son of God, demanding that the fetters of sin, sickness and death be stricken from the human mind and that this freedom a freedom Immea surably greater than anything in the nature of political liberty be won through the abandonment of all bar barous and savage methods, and by resort to the spiritual healing of exist ing wrongs. How much the world how much mankind would have gained In the last fifty years had her doctrines been adopted by rulers and statesmen at the beginning ot this period, and steadfastly adhered to, Is beyond computation. The Borrow, the anguish, the blttor woe plied upon human misery during the last eight years could have been, and would have been averted. If only her tribute to the First Commandment had been taken Into the consciousness of men and nations. LOOKING IN THE WRONO . DIRECTION Outside of Christian Science, prac tically all are looking in a wrong direc tion for an acceptable and satisfying arrangement of the differences that are disturbing the world. It is gener ally hoped that by appealing to the In. dividual and collective selfishness of men a basis, ot settlement may be foundv through territorial ' ' gifts,, through some amelioration of indem nltles, through, resumption of trade relations, through preferential tariffs, or, when thoso, or any of them, full of effect, through some kind of pressure, The thought of bringing about an un derstanding on a basis ot good will, of unselfishness, ot forgiveness and for gotfulness, of brotherllncss, of the Golden Rule, ot the Christ ly injunc tlon that "ye love one another," is submerged by the false and foolish 'be. lief that behind every ' International treaty all the ancient geographical, racial, tribal, political 1 and religious bigotries, prejudices and bitternesses must be preserved to meet possible or Impossible emergencies, This Is the bad old. method ot inter national intercourse from which ad vanced government has essayed from time to time, and struggled honestly and earnestly, to escape, by the adop tion of an open and frank diplomacy. The condition thus sought to be remedied, and which Is still to be remedied, has prevailed from the earliest period. The Prophet Isaiah was constrained by tho materialists about him to say: "The way ot pence they know, not, and there Is no Judg ment In their goings; they have made them crooked paths; whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. There fore la Judgment far from us; neither doth Justice Overtake us; we wait for light, but behold obscurity, for bright ness but we walk in darkness. And Judgment is turned away back ward, and justice standoth afar off, for truth is fallen In tho el roc t, and equity cannot enter." i Mary ltaker Eddy, If the leaders of the peoples of tho earth would see It, as some day they must and shall, hus long since made clear the basis upon which world harmony can be secured; namely, through the understanding of the one great and only God, whereby tho destruction of all fulse gods may be brought about RECOGNIZED EFFICACY OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. That Christian Science heals sin, sickness and disease and drives out all manner of evil In individual cases Is a fact so often attested and so thor oughly established thut It were a waste of time at this late day to un dertake to offer further proof. The healing efficacy of Christian Science is now admitted by informed people everywhere. Ministers of the ortho dox churches and even medical doc tor very generally acknowledge it, al. though with certain reservations. They have not all yot been brought around to the point of seeing that there enn be no reservations, limitations nor re strlctlons when we are dealing with the power nnd mercy and love of God. They might as well acknowledge the principle of mathematics, or recognize the law of gravitation, or tho diurnal revolution ot tho earth, or the orderly motion of the planets, or the rise and full of the tides, with certain reser. vatlons. Truth admits of no variations, no modifications. The doctors of divin ity and the doctors of medicine, than whom, as a rule, there are no more conscientious men In the world, feel freo to say in these days that, no doubt, there are times when Christian Science does some good. When pressed they will even go so far as to recall In stances that have come under their Immedlnto observation where men and women have been greatly Im proved physically, mentally and mor ally by Christian Science, tout often they will be quick to qualify this ad mission by saying that there are ttmes, of course, when christian Science goes too far. Here they are inconsistent and illogical again, for they are, per haps Inadvertently and unconsciously, but Nevertheless surely,., committing themselves to the position that right ; can be wrong, or that good can be bad, j lacked with the proofs, that Is. which or that truth can be false, in certain .she intuitively felt were obtainable circumstances. They would not think through a higher and holier under of saying that in their experience they standing of the Bible. had found addition, subtraction and multiplication to work out rairly well, but that the rules of arithmetic are sometimes carried too far. Now, Christian Science is true from the first to the last word of our text book, or it is not true at all. If it be false at any point, if it be faulty at any point, if It be not in absolute line with one Invariable, changeless Principle at all points then, to use the words of Paul, our preaching is vain; and moreover, to paraphrase slightly the language of that ' great Apostle, we who have accepted Chris tian Science are the most hopeless and most miserable of people. To go fur ther. If further it would be possible to go. If Christian Science Is not alto gether true if the healing power of the Christ be not present yesterday, today and forever then we who have been proclaiming our healing through Christian Science from the very house tops are fulse witnesses. But we who have been healed in Christian Science, and we who have practiced it to the healing of others, know full well that when its Principle is intelligently, honestly and trustfully employed. It never falls. This Prin ciple has always existed: it has been known to certain of God's people throughout all the ages, and It was un derstood by Jesus more clearly than by any of his predecessors. MARY BAKER EDDY'S T.1 SK Apparently lost for centuries, the Science whereby It could be put Into operation as ji tangible, practical, usable, workable agency, was redis covered by Mary "Baker Eddy. Her great task, the greatest that woman has ever been called upon to perform, was to proclaim and demonstrate con vincingly to a doubting world her marvelous revelation. In her own simple but beautiful languages she tells us When and how each of her steps was taken. ' Those ' acquainted with her writings are familiar with the story. She left nothing to mere as sertion. She proved by demonstration every declaration which she set down in writing. In the year 1866, she tells us, she discovered the Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Truth and Love, and named this discovery Christian Science but her first pamphlet on the subject, , although copy righted In 1870, did not appear in print until 1876. or ten years after her divine revelation, "as . she had learned," to use her own words, "that this Science must be demonstrated by healing, before a work on the subject could be profitably studied. She was In no hurry to launch her - discovery upon a world slow to yield itself to consideration of a new philosophy of lifo, and one especially that undertook to refute or reverse practically all the theories of human existence handed down by the schools from time Imme morial. She knew too much , of the world to trust hor rovelatlon In Its hands until she was prepared with such proof as it would demand to in sure at' least a respectful, If a skepti cal, hearing. To obtain these, proofs, and to render them convincing and ir refutable, she gave herself over to prayer and study. When she" sought authority she sought and found it in the Bible., When she sought guidance, she looked for it in the teachlnga of Christ Jesus and his apoBtles. All of her dependence for light was placed upon the Scriptures, and when she fi nally laid her thesis before a critical people It was fortified, with spiritual truth in every line, sentence, para graph and page. Nothing has been more puzzling or more annoylngly baffling to her critics than the fact of her scrupulous, per sistent, tenacious adherence to tha Bible to the book which Christians through centuries have regarded, or have professed to regard, as divinely inspired: She took it and employed It as the keystone of her philosophy. She took It, as It was intended plainly by its Inspired writers to be ta!;en, in spirit and In truth, neither deducting from It nor adding to It, but accepting It with open mind and interpreting it in accordance with Its manifest design nml meaning. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS AND T J3 BIBLE .Tint as the discoverer snd founder o." C'hr'st'an Science places the n.b'e first .it nil times; just as she looks to It nnd lings to It at all time for In spiration and for strength; just ns she lias given It first place in the rcllgioi's tenets nnd services of the church she instituted nnd organized, so do nil of her loyal followers accept Us inspired Word ns their sufficient guide to eter nul 'If. It Is entirely within rovon alila bounds to say that in np other class er denomination of prot.wed Christian religionists is the Bible es teoned more highly or studied more regulurly. closely, earnestly or In telligently than It Is among ChrHUn Scientists. The Christian Science text book Science and Health, Is an ex position of the Bible, a Key to tho Scriptures, and. as such, it has already unlocked for millions, as It Is destined to unlock for countless multitudes to come. Inexhaustible treasures of spir itual wisdom and understanding. In the earlier days of her labor the critics were puzzled and baffled by the discovery that many statements in her works which they regarded ns the most radical and tho most startling statements that challenged and some times flatly contradicted or positively controverted their time-honored" nnd seemingly rock-rooted theological premises and conclusions were liasel upon biblical passages wh'c'n they had commonly and habitually ueil In services and sermons, but which, In the light shed upon them by this woman this presumptuous woman presented a meaning altogether new to them so surprisingly new indead, that when they came across them In Mary Baker Eddy's writings they questioned the correctness of her quotations and flew to their Bibles in the confident but vain hope of prov ing her inaccurate and unreliable. Christian and orthodox In her en vironment through childhood, girlhood and young womanhood: Christian and orothndox In research and thought throughout her long years of study to fit herself for the work to which she had been called, she was moved by no Impulse to overturn the faith to which her Puritan ancestral beliefs led her to subscribe,, but, rather,. Jo buttress.lt with the support which its foundations J A REMARKABLE RECORD. Unless one has made a study of her lifework, especially during the period of her greatest activity, the period in which she instituted and established a denomination 'which now spreads throughout the habitable globe, it will be difficult if not impossible for him to obtain a comprehensive understand ing of this remarkale woman's achieve ments. Beginning while still an in valid, by delving into all the authori ties she could lay her hands upon. questioning and scrutinizing the gen erolry, .accepted premises and slons of theological disputants, contln ulng for years to dig among the theo logical debris of centuries In the con fident hope of finding the lost key to the Scriptures; finding It, reburnlsh- lng it artd unlocking the treasures which she sought, safeguarding them that they might not be dissipated among the Ignorant, going on to the teaching of her first student, to the writing and distributing of her early pamphlets among a chosen few; pre paring and publishing a book that has changed for the better the thought of millions, founding a College of Meta physics, In which during seven years she personally taught over four thou sand students; organizing the first es tablished Church of Christ, Scientist, acting as Its pastor, filling the presi dency of the first Christian Scionce Association, revising her first work, writing other books, editing, alone and unaided, for a period, as well as pub lishing the Christian Science Journal, carrying on direct supervision over the whole Christian Science movement down to the smallest Important detail writing, traveling, dictating, preach ing, founding a weekly publication and later on a daily, and through it all compiling a Manual containing by laws for the government through all the years to come of the church or ganization which she had established. What a picture Is this! What an ex hibit is this of dedicated intellectual and moral effort, of unselfish and un selfcd devotion to an idea, a conviction and an Inspiration! , The preparation of the Mr.nual would of Itself constitute a monument to the Inspired wisdom of Mary Baker Kildy, embracing, ns it noes, rules ann laws for the government and per petuation of the Christian Science or ganization that have withstood, and are destined to .withstand,' all the shafts of evil that may be directed against them by open or by hidden foes. It has taken centuries to bring about the separation of Church nnd Stuto, even ill the degree to which it id at present acknowledged and main talned. The Manual of The' Mother Church, The First Church ot Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, is destined to be the model of legisla tion under whleh In ull countries ro llgloiis worship In the future will be assured of freedom from State regu lation und poltlcal Interference. There Is still existent a. certain amount of Irritation In some quarters because Christian Scientists, to use a common phrase, "make so much of Mrs. "Eddy." Some of our critics ex press the opinion thut the name of Mrs. Eddy occurs too often in Chris tian Science services, In Christian' Science testimonials, and In Christian Science writings. It will have to be admitted that, ob a matter of fact, Christian Scientists do muke much of Mrs. Eddy, but a very simple reason for It should be sufficient Justification. They make so much of Mrs. Eddy, be cause Mrs. Eddy has made so much of thetn. But there is another, and a stronger reason: Christian Scientists make so much of Mrs. Eddy, because not to understand and appreciate her would mean failure to understand and aimrerinta thn truth which God has imeuieu iiiiombii nvi mu nuMu. I believe the lawyers In this audi ence will agree with' me that there Is nothing in the line of testimony that goes further with court or jury than that which comes freely at first hand This it wus that gave immeasurable strength to the preaching of the Apos tie Paul. This Is was that down to our time gives so much weight to his epistles. Christian Scientists do not feel hurt nor offended when the right of their revered Leader to so much recognition und gratitude Is question ed, for they attribute such criticism to luck of understanding of the fucts. Many, perhaps a very great many, who are today numbered among thoso Who never miss an opportunity of ex pressing gratitude to her were at one time numbered among the people who became Impatient at the mere men lion of her name: Neither do Chrls tlsn Scientists fool hurt and offended when doubts of the heullng power of the faith they hold Is voiced In their presence, for, very likely, they hae been at one time audible doubters themselves. ' They would ruther, in deed, come Into personal contact with the vigorous, robust, outspoken, hon; est doubter, than with one who .is overready to accept superficially everything that is offered, without looking for proof, and without proper consideration or investigation, SCIENCE OPEN WIDE TO INQUIRY The more questions an inquirer asks In Christian Science, the more proof he demands, tho more determin ed ho Is to Investigate! for himself, the more promising convert and the better J church meinour and worker he be comes eventually. It Is safe to say that an overwhelming majority of those who accept Christian Science aro persons who can give a reason for the faith that Is in them. They are persons who have taken nothing on hearsay, who have not been swayed by tho influence ot others, who, do not conjecture, who do. not guess, who do not merely believes but who have won understanding from experience, and who know. Paul knew. Ho had had personal experience with the regenerative pow er of the Spirit. Hb drew and con vinced great audiences everywhere because he was able to give testimony at "first hand because he could speak out of the fullness of personal, actual, human experience, because he could tell of n mental change that with the quickness of a lightning flarh trans formed his character and made him a new man. There are tens of thous ands of Pauls in our days throughout the world -tens of thousands of per sons, that Is, who have been turned through Christian Science from wrong to. right thinking, healed of sick and sinning beliefs, cured of pernicious , tendencies, relieved of slavish habits, liberated from bondage and restored to the libertv which belongs to God'9 children; and these are ready and i willing to give direct testimony to thej healing power of Life. Truth and Love and to offer heartfelt gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy, who led them by her teachings from darkness into light. We have from our revered Leader an unqualified Indorsement ot the axiom that the impossible never hap pens. W'e have learned from her that what blesses ones blesses all. Mcst of us realize from our own experience that good manifested radiates beyond the bounds of our vision, even beyond the bounds of our Imagination. Our conclu-"reasoning faculties teach us, even if our spiritual Intuition be dull, that if. Christian Science heal3 in one instance through the intelligent application of Principle, there can be no limitations placed upon its healing efficacy. It needs only to be applied to govern ment, to polities, to economics, to fi nance, to commerce, to sociology, to education, to the murals of the people,' in order thut it shall work marvelous changes in that potential power of democracy known as popular opinion. There is no more efficacious agency than Christian Science for the promo tion of better taste, higher aspiration.) und good will anions all people. It Is the most tranqullizlng Influence operating throughout the world today. Its doctrines have already transform ed for tho better the aspiration and character of millions of 'people (in all parts of the globe, and every one of these Is spreading Us truth, express lug his gratitude, not so mti'ch,; by word of mouth, nor. by indulging In religious controversy,' as by letting his light shine. Through tho reflection of Life, Truth and Love, the omnipot ent power of God is being more wide ly recognized now than ever tefore, and there Is coming into tho cons ciousness of the nations, slowly but surely, an attitude of thought which will eventually weld tho hearts as well us tho Interests of men. ' THE PARAMOUNT MISSION' It must never be lost sight ot that Christian Science is engaged first and last in the task of restoring to tho world the Word and perpetuating the works given and carried on by Christ Jesus, and that Its grandest mission and Us greatest joy Is to restore primi tive Christianity and to perpetuate these works as the 'Master himself, were he once more among us, would direct. Ho came with healing In his thought, with healing In his voice. with healing In his touch. He went about everywhere doing good. As In his day, the Word Is healing all man ner of disease, yet Christian Scientists know full well, for thi-lr teacher has so Instructed them, thut, as In Jesus' duy, the healing of physical ailments is a means rather than an end. Be cause of the stiffness of their necks and the hardness of tholr hearts, In our times, as was the case nineteen hundred years ago, human beincs must be Impressed with some tangible evidence suitable to their understand ing, of tho love and mercy and power of God before they are -brought to a realization of the fact that the para mount mission of Christian Science Is the destruction of sin, the root of all human sorrow and suffering. Christian Scientists make no strong er pretensions of belief in the Bible than do other professed Christians, but Christian Scientists go farther than merer belief. they trust, and strive to understand. And according to tho measure of their understanding they make practical application of Bible truths and achieve demonstra tions. One might bollevN In mathe matics fervently, devoutedly, unwaver ingly, everlastingly without ever got ting further than belief. Mere belief would nover solve a problem in fig. tires. One must take chalk, or pencil or pen in hand ' und work the problem out In accordance with the principle of the science if anything Is to be accomplished. Christian Scientists, following the In striictlon of Mary Baker Edtly, and adhering to the Principle which she discovered, prove the truths in the Biblo through their understanding and their work as they go along, and bring realization of Its prophecies and its promises Into their daily experience. Christian Scienco Is rot blind faith It Is an intelligent understanding of God and of man's relationship to the Supreme Being, the omnipresent,, om nlsciont and omnipotent Creator. It is nn understanding ot God which ad mits of no liniltutlon, question or doubt with regard to His all-seeing wisdom, His all-inclusive power, His all-embracing Love. It is complete acceptance of the Father-Motherhood of the Eternal. It is an absolute acknowledgment' that' the God ot our Bible reigns. Governs, controls the uni verse, and that there la none other be side Him. 1 ' , AN UNDERSTANDING OF GOD Christian Scientists have come to know and to measurably understand God through the teachings ami ivorl of .Christ Jesus, the Wayshower, and through the revelation which Mary Baker Eddy, God's Inspired handmaid of thoso latter days, has. given to the world a revelation which, amtmg other things, has re-established In the consciousness not only of her students but of vast numbers who may not' ns yet bo included among her followers, the conviction thnt Jesus did not dem onstrate tho divine power to heal for any select number or for a limited poriod of time. We have tho f.ro Phecy nnd the proml.ie of Jesus: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that bclieveth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and crea'cr works than there shall he do, because I go unto my father.' Mrs. Eddy looked forward Implicitly likewise to . the opportunities which would come, to her followers for the accomplishment of greater demon strations than any that were crown ing their efforts In tho first half cen tury of mind-healing which her dis covery had brought about. Thus we see that demonstration of the almighty healing power of the di vine mind Is still in Its Infancy. Jesus saw and prophesied that not only such wonderous works as he perform ed would he continued after his earth ly mission nnd be-n brought to a close, but that greater work would be accomplished bv. those accepting his teaching nnd following In his steps throneh the future. Mary Baker Eddy, in her self-ahnejration was so licitous that she should he known only ns one who had planted and watered His vineyard, leaving to the years to roiue, and to growxn .n unaerstand- ing, the gathering of greater harvests than she had been privileged to see. Doubtless, there are In this audience some who would like to know how even a slight understanding of Christ ian Science might be obtained. They need not be ashamed to confess their ignorance; rather should they be proud to entertain and to express a desire fo'r the possession, even in a ! small degree, of that which cannot be gotten for all the riches contained in all the earth. "Whence, then, cometh wisdom, and j where Is the place of understanding asks Job." And be replies: "God un- i-h - . - . . l i .,. I ...I derstundeth tho way thereof, and he knoneth the place thereof, for Jie looketh to the ends of the earth, and aeeth under the whole heaven. And unto man hesaid. Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil, that is under-" standing." "Wisdom is the principal thing," said Solomon In his proverbs, "therefore, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding." arewklw ptbesll 8 -l',fe f , THE BEGINNER, IN SCIENCE . To obtain un . understanding' In Christian Science, is to obtain an un derstanding of God and His relation to Man. It seekers are in earnest, I can promise that they will quickly find reudy. kindly, patient and com petent helpers, not only at the begin ning of the journey, but all. along (he road. They come in tho right atti tude if they come as' little children, with receptive minds, prepared to lis ten to the Truth. Only by putting away self self-satisfaction, self-contentment, self-righteousness all self made, man-made, world-made opin ions and by consecrating themselves to the tusk of acquiring it, at any cost nnd at any- sacrifice, can an under standing which will enable them to make progress In divine Science be Httulned. "When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously. He directs our path;" says the discoverer nnd founder of Christian Science. (Science nnd Health,, p. Z54;10.) "Imperfect mortals grasp the ulti mate of spiritual perfection slowly, but to begin aright and to continue the strife of demonstrating the great problem of being is doing much." To begirt aright, is to provido oneself with a copy of the Bible and of the Chris tian Science textbook, and to zealously and religiously Btudy their contents. All of Christian Science Is contained in these, two volumes. ' To study the Biblo and Science and Health Intelligently and profitably de mands constant recourse to prayer. that the eyes and the heart mayl be I mere worldly success, should constl opened to understanding. "The pray- tute an impressive warning to the. or that reforms the sinner 'and' heuls business and professional man as well the sick," says Mrs. Eddy, "is an ab- as to the sqclal strlver of our day. ' solute fuith that all things are possible Wrong thinking Is at the bottom to God a spiritual understanding of j not only ot Individual troubles and Him, on un-selfed love." It Is a fact, j sorrows and sufferings, but it Is the strange as It may appear to those of j cause of all the harrowing evils that other religious denominations that j beset. the family, the community, the through Christian Science hundreds of thousands of Christian people have been instructed for tho first time how to prny Great multitudes have come Into Christian Science seeking health, seek-1 thoughts of humanity were in har Ing a larger Hhnre. In the refinements i mony with the divine Mind, with, ihe and comforts of life, seeking domestic tranquility, business ease; great mul titudes will continue to : come into Christian Science In the hope of ob fainlng the ' pence they have sought elsewhere In vain, and they shall not be disappointed. But the vast ma jority advance in Christian Science because they have. In progressing step dy step, made every other Considera tion secondary to that of rising in spiritual understanding and working out their own salvation; In no other way than by accepting Christ's many invitations to come unto him, to bring our troubles to him, to ask of him, believing, anything we may need not something we simply want may di vine assistance be obtained along the rugged way to salvation. To obtain either healing or salvation, we must be ready to ubandon self. Self Is the great hindrance. Self blocks the way. Self submerges us In odr own shad ow. 'We must get rid of self by real ising the Allness of God, by 'throwing up our hands nnd declaring with all the earnestness and honesty we can command, "Thy will, O Lord, not irilne,, be done." When this point is reached, and we are trusting divine Tove, not partly, but wholly; not con ditionally, but absolutely, the point of healing is also reached, and salva tion to crown the healing Is close ut Hand. AN UNWARRANTED INSINUATION There aro certain fundamentals to the discovery and philosophy of Mary Baker Eddy which when recognized and understood by the Impartial stud ent forever brush aside the utterly unwarranted and gratuitous Insinua tion the utterly silly aspersion that Christian Science is neither Christian nor scientific. The man who first said this, apparently, was more con cerned about the fashioning of a clev er tind catchy epigram than about tho truth. The saying was picked up by a thousand prcacherR and repeated from a thousand pulpits, but from first to last It has Impressed only the Ignorant and the prejudiced. The term Christian Science, the discoverer and foHnder of Christian Science says (Science and Health, p. 12S;16), was used to designate the scientific sys tem of divine healing. . Nothing could te more appropriate or more logical Mnce she holds It to bo basic that all Science Is of God, not of man. (Science and Health, p. 551;16.) She holds thut Jesus was the most scientific man that ever trod tho glober-one who plunged beneath the material surface of things and found the spirit ual cause. Again and again she pavs rrim reverent tribute. She holds that he was Inspired by God, by Truth and Love, In all that he said and did; that his spirituality separated him from sensuousness. nnd caused the selfish materialist to hate him; that Jesus established in the Christian era the precedent for all Christianity, theology and healing: that he read mortal mind on a scientific basis, and that Chris tians are under as direct orders now. as they were In Jesus' time, to be Christlike, to possess the Christ spirit, to follow th Christ example, and to heal the sick as well as the sinning. lth the clearness and keenness of spiritual vision which character izes all the thinking and speaking and writing of Mary Baker Eddy, she is able to differentiate between tho man Jemi and the Christ, and thus, to the satisfaction of Jew and Gentile alike, permanently has she bridged for mil lions a theological chasm that has1 yawned menacingly before the eyes of confused and bewildered humanity for centuries, thus has she enabled her follower to acknowledge and adore nn. ...nnm and infinite God: '4 nricnnwledEe Hla .Son. one thnst; un,iiTxmnH hat is meant by the Ho Ghost or divine Comforter; to re-V;J nixe the real Man as God's linug likeness, and to subscribe. understu..J- ingly and whole-heartedly, to thoeet n-Kii. ft rhrit Ji-sua indairSly In the thought of Christian Scientists as the Wayshower. the Redeemer, the Savior of humanity. . Whether we seek understanding ,or healing in Christian Science, and 1t should be remembered that undej- ii standing is possible only through ihe ji V. . , , .1 V... X t Hi t i.nrl, . , . , I . .,! anrf neaung ot ignorance, nen-upimvi, ance, seu-opimun nu prejudice, we must come In slmplicit trustfulness and confidence, ne must have arrived at t a decision to go the full length of the way. There must be no shifting, no hesitancy. Nothing short ot an .unconditional surrender will open the door that leads from captivity to freedom. The wavering, undecided and unready' flhould blame themselves only If these proclivities obtstruct the work of tho practioner or the teacher, defer healing or en tirely prevent it. A BLESSED ASSURANCE : Christian Science is rich in blessed assurances for tho struggling heart, and generous In the granting of thernv and one of the most beneficient ana benevolent of these Is the certainty that where there is an honest'desire for understanding and healing, and a genuine willingness to be taught and lifted out ot trouble, succor Is close at hand. Those who seek understanding and help in Christian Science honest- , ly, earnestly and confidently, do not fail to find it. Nobody nbed pause haltingly at the gate, fearing lest he is beneath consideration or ' beyond hope or help. Since God is Love and God Is omnipotent, nothing ' that is good can bo impossible. Never has there been a' time In all history when men were In greater need than now of that ienrness ot sight, that steadiness of purpose, that strength of character that probity, perspicacity and unshakable moral stamina which are imparted through spiritual discernment and spiritual un derstanding. It is the mission ' and. purpose of Christian Science to bring the kingdom of God to earth, by dis pelling the Illusion that mutcrtalism, sensuality, money-grubbing, money getting, money-spending, can satisfy the human desire for contentment, peace and happiness. The Wreckage all about us of hopes, aspirations, am bitions based upon the attainment ot nutlon and the world at large. Chris tian Science offers right- thinking as a corrective as an obtainable, foaBi Iblc, and, in' fact, as the only possible ! cure for this stupendous evil. If the Commandments, with the' Beatitudes, with the Prophets, with the teachings ot Christ Jesus and his disciples, with the Principle of Christian Science, as revealed through and expounded and taught by Mary Baker Eddy, the world would be freed from ferment, confu slon und tumult. Christian Science corrects, exalts and strengthens the thought of the Individual, and the thought of the community, the nation nnd the world will be straightened, elevated and ' strengthened propor tionately with. the Increase In the num ber of Individuals who shall claim, and win, their natural inheritance of light and who engaffe In ' the work of spreading It among their fellows. FIRST GLIMPSE OF SALVATION ' Christian Science has helped many hundreds of thousands of sick and sin ning, sorrowing and suffering, disap pointed, discouraged and despairing men and women to obtain their first glimpse of salvation, to get their first experience of heaven on earth; to realize fully for the first time that God Is all-in-all. that He . la t Life Truth and Love, that He is an ever presont help in trouble, their strong deliverer, their sure salvation. , In Christian Scienco they learn more cer tainly than in any other way, bocause they learn it through their own dem onstration, that while God Is a right eous judge, He is also a kind, gentle, tender, compassionate, loving, merci ful Father; that He is ever ready, has ever been ready, to hear the sigh and to 'dry. the tear of the' repentent,' toj soothe the hearts of those who corner to Him in humility, with longing for" forgiveness born of genuine regret for post shortcomings and backslldings. The Christian Scientist, if he be faithful, pruys without ceasing, but he prays to a God who Is Infinite Intelli gence, who does not need to be In structed, who lacks nothing In Wis dom, who knows, without being told, what Is best for His children, nnd who , has provided for them out of the am plitude ot His love everything they need. He prays for light, for wisdom and for understanding; he prays that the mind may be In him which was also In Christ Jesus; he prays that he may be honest, upright and true, that he may be a good man, a good friend, a good oitizen, that he may not think or say or do anything contrary to God's commandments, 'and with all his praying, which Is honest and pure de sire, uttered or unexpressed, he yeams for righteousness, harmony and peace. u viirinnan science ' essentially a roligions of Faith, Hope and Love, tnese three; to tho Christian Solon - , tist the greatest of these is Love, be cause It comprehends all that liOve which doth not behave itself unseem ly, socket h not her own. is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; beareth all things, belleveth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things that Love which finds expression in the slmplo lines: ; , Let me be a little kinder, let me be a - little blinder .' To th! faults of those about me; let me praise a little more; ' ' Let me be, when I om weary. Just a little bit more cheery; '; Let me serve a little better those that I am striving for. --v It me be a little braver when temp tation bids me waver; i Let me atrtv s Itttln haHar tn h all that I should be; Let me be a little meeker with the ' brother that t weaker: - :-''- I.et me think more of my neighbor Una a little less of me,.