TXZ2 CIS DAILY HAST PmSLETCIT, 022G0N, TUESDAY E7ENIK0, APEIL 25, 1922. TEH PAGES Social and Club News , . . , , CUD HAS MEETING. For a meeting of the Spizzprink tum club yesterday afternoon. Mrs. N. P. Mcl-ean nd Mrs. A. H. fox entertained at the home of Mrs. Mc Lean, 1001 Haley street. 'Her work throughout the stale was the theme for a talk by Mia. Nettle Whetstone, state president of the Ile bekah lodge. Members of the club decided to en tertain their friends at some date in the near future, at the library club rooms. The club will meet May 8 at the home of Mrs. Will H. llen ett with Mrs. Julia I-ockrldne and Mrs. Eliza Iiurchell as hostesses. WHIST C1.VB ENTERTAINS 1 For an especially enjoyable meet ing the the Duplicate Whist Club. Mrs. Frank Frailer was hostess yes terday afternoon. Guests motored to Mrs. Frailer" attractive country res idence. Hillside Home." for luncheon, spending the luter hours In playing Duplicate, liesides members, addi tional guests were Sirs. Harold War ner, - Mrs. Belle Under, of Port land, who i() a guest of Mrs. War Bar, Mrs. Char. Hamilton, Mrs. L. L. Rogers and Mrs. O. It. Erlckson. MOTOK TO WALLA WALLA. " A motor parly consisting of Mrs. Oeorgo Strand, Mrs. Pan P. gmythe, her houseguest, Miss Louise- Poulson, of Portland. Mrs. Charles Carter, Mrs. Fred Steiwer and Mrs. Anna Herrlck spent the day In Walla Wal la. Miss Poulson will depart tomor ' row for her home. " hopf's tpgTAins shop EXCLUSIVE BCT Anyone Having Dandruff or Itching Scalp' 1 , Should Use Youth Craft FOR THE HAIR AND SCALP A Positive Remedy for Dandruff and Itching' Scalp We sell VOUTH CRAFT HAIR AND SCALP REMEDY on an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. s If hot entirely satisfied f and money will be refunded. 5 YOUTH CRAFT SELLS AT , $1.00 per bottle 'S "Try the drug Phone 520 iwW m SAVE YOUR ' MONEY j We can save you 40 cents on a sack of flour. Over 20 per cent saving. Can you afford to overlook this opportunity. Kerr's Hot Cake Flour in 10 pound sacks, Special price 6T,C Table Supply Coffee, per pound 30c Honey, 2 cakes for- v .43c THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DE5PAIN & CHAS, W. GOODYEAR Proprietors. MISS. Dl'DLET VISITS Mrs. E. A. Dudley, of Athena, is a cuest at the home -f her sister, Mrs. Will M. Peterson. During the week end Mi Jessie Dudley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley of Athena, was a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Peterson. MJtS EMCKSOX IS Of EST Mrs. u. It. Erickson (Reno Aildi.nn is a guest at the home of her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier. of Hillside Home. Mrs. Etiekson. whose wedding was a recent event, resides in Spokane. I.EAVK FOR IVKTLAXD. Mrs. John M. .Dolph and little daughter Elise, who have been guests of Mrs. Dolph's mother. Mrs. George I'oringer, left last night for their home in Portland. SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT. A special! meeting of the Girls' rurity and Protective League will be held ut the Christian church at T:30 o'clock this evening. Officers state that the meeting, is an import ant one. , LITTLE SOX HORN, i. Mi, and Mrs. Aaron I. Graham, of 61$ Ash street, are the parents of n seven und a half pound son, born lust evening at the Graham home. MOTOIl TO PENDLETON. Mrs. Jennie 1-angley and Mrs. Le ona Hust, of Milton, motored to Pendleton yesterday and were the guests of friends! - Sample Coats AT 25 PER CENT OFF Polo Coats, Camel's Hair Coats, in tans and grays. Show Room Samples at 25 per cent less than reg ular prices. See them! NOT EXPENSIVE return the empty bottle i 'I E store fittV Pendleton, Oregon i. 1 OR CIRCLE TO MEET. The Bible Beading Circle will meet tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock in j Parish Hall. Reading for th week is found in Chapter 21, Book of Xum-J tiers. This being the last meeting of the term of !0 readings for 1321,:!. a j business session will be held for the! purpose of formulating plans for the j purpose vi luruiuwiinsT plans tor ine next course, to begin the second Wed nesday of October, 1922, and to decide several important questions in connec tion with closing the present term. MFETIXGU TO BE HELD A missionary meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:3(1 p. m. in the reception rooms of the church. Hostesses will be Mrs. A. H. Cox. Mrs. Julia Lockridge and Mrs. P. J. Hege man. The program will Include a re rtort of the Presbytery meeting in Mil ton. KKTCRX FROM I'ORTLAXD. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Itogcrs re turned yesterday from Portland where they visited Mr. Hogers' par ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Judil 8. Ropers, formerly of this city. The trip was made by motor and Mr. and Mrs. Itogers visited also at St. Johns with Mr. and Mrs. John Millor. TILLICIMS TO DAXl'E. Members of the Tlllicum Club will ! enjoy a formal dunce tomorrow eve ning at the Knights of Pythias hall. Hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Km met t Estes, Mr. and Mrs. Italph Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, and Dr. und Mrs. David B. Hill. VISITORS IX PENDLETON Mrs. L. H. Frye of Walla Wulla siK'iit Sunday in Pendleton as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alfred Fitr Gerald at the Judge Thomas Fits Gerald home, Mrs. Frye was former ly Miss Lulu Ely. HOMECOMING TOMORROW NIGHT Members of the Rcbckah lodge are anticipating the "Homecoming" ses sion to be held at the I. O. O. FY hall tomorrow evening. The affair promises to be one of decided inter est. MRS. WARDEN HERE Mrs. H. Warden of Pasco, Wn., visiting Mrs. C. A. Fitzputrlck for few days. MRS. MORSE RETCRN8 Mrs. Roy Morse has returned after a visit In Portland. MRS. XORVELL HERB. Mrs. Letcher XorVell, Helix matron, ii In tho city today. , H 0 M EDEmWsTRATIOI. IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES Utile for Giving HwectH to Chll- (Iron Persuade yourself to satisfy your craving for sweets us largely us. possible with natural sweets raisins, prunes, dates, flKs, sweet upples. sweet or- tinges, peals, bananas, ' honey. TheHe contain most vulutihln' t mbierul suits, us well us- sugar. Eat no candy between meals. If cunily Is eaten, let it be only one or two pieces eaten ut the end ot a meal ns it dessert. Eat only one dessert with u meal. A small amount of sugar, Just t enough to make It palatable, may be used to sweeten cooked and canned fruit, not enough to "preserve" It. Preserves and jelly should be treated as candy, just a little being , eaten neeu- xiouiilly as a part of n Htcul, ns an aeeoniimnlmfyit to n tint food, or with cottage cheese, or . In ft dessert. V, D. EXPECTED IN TEN DAYS WASHINGTON. April 25.- -(IT. P.) The 'Interstate commerce comnils- Hlon will announce extotmlve railroad rato reductions within ten days, ae. cording to ofl'iciul announcement to day, i CHILDREN SCOLDS should not b 11 dosed." Trtu lhm trnal1t Hflk ' V VapoRuo Over 17 Million Jan IheJ Yearly FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby unnounco myself an candi date for the office of Joint Penre. Dontutlvo of I'mntillu and Morrow Comitllen, on tho Mepubllcan tickit. If elected I piomlo to faithfully iiid honestly ucrform' the duties of the office, working: ut nil time, for Hie best Interest. of t lie Keonlo of thin district uiul the Mate of Oregon. I favor legislation tending to oil. minute- wuslo In public expenditures and reduction of the luxes wherever poKHlblc, consistent with tiound public policy. Slogan. Count ructivo economy, und a fulr er distribution of the tux burden. E. M. HULDEN. (Paid Adv.) JOSEPH ELL Insurance Moved to 526 Main East Oregonian Bldg. v Office Phone 245 Re. Phone 790-W Seed Potatoes WE HAVE F-AKLV K.OSE. uKYBLIEST OF ALL . XETTED GEM Mil ID POTATOES FIXE OXIOX SETS AXD A COMPUTE IJXE OF XOKTII " F.KX GltOUX FliOWElt .VXD UAKDKX 8EEDH lied Rock Chese. pound 53o Parker House Rolls, doien - , 23e Health Bread, loaf '. SJH; Extru Fancy Apples, box .. .'. . t'hae & San boms Coffee Bale continues the rest of this week. One pound free with -five pounds for .. 92.33 ' Brings the price down to 39 cents per pound for the finest grade of coffee. - , . Fresh Strawberries - Fresh Irrigon and Walla Walla Asparagus. .... . , Aekrnnan's Dainty Cakes, 3 for " Assorted Jams, largo Jars . I"ure Prttit Jelly, gallon tin . Country Butter, roll Gray Bros. Grocery Co. three Phones 28. Only One Quality, the Best IGHJ , Frunkle Webb or Portland is In Pendleton ond "rarlii" to go" ugainst Iluddy Stevens, local boy ill the ten round main event of the City Commis sions bojiing card, Friday night ut the Altn. Webb and Stevens both held light workouts this afternoon at the tabor hull, Webb working out at 1 o'clock and Stevens at 2:31). They will workout at the same hours tomorrow. The Portland boy appears to be in first class condition und Innnl funs can expect a good bout when he comes up against 'Buddy Stevens, who fought him to a draw two years ago. Utah boys are anxious to win tho mutch Friday and will extend themselves to the limit. A match that promises us much In terest us the main event is the semi windup bout between ltuttling Rob Unrn'es of Spokane and Oeorge Welch of Wallji Walla; Welch wus on the Inst card lit Pendleton and displayed fast : footwork and . clever . boxing. Burnes topped Welch last Saturday ut Wulhi Wallii and Welch promises tu give Harues'a good run Friday. While the bonl lasted lit Wnlla Wallu it wai?! fast and furious according-to those who witiiessed It. Franklo Neul of Pendleton and Charlie ;Saf ford are scheduled to gc four rounds In a special event. Neul has been seen In action several times by locu( fans and has won many friends, j Snffnrd used to he a "(lob" and .did sonic fighting while under the management of "I'nclc Sam."-. A cur tain rlstT i.-i being arranged between Rfoolis of Pendleton und another lo cal boxer. : OF JUSTICE REM - 1 v -7 : ': v WASHINGTON,' April 25. (A. P.) My direction of the Attorney Gen eral, W. O. YVtts, special agent to de pnrtitient of Jostle, was removed to day "for disloyalty to the department." ufter adml.sKion that he had furnished Mepresv-ntntlve Johnwn, .republlciin, of Soufh Dakota, ttTth Information on wnich Johnson based his attack on the department In n, recent speech in tho house. . ; HAKDI.V AN AVUtSIOX! IlKRVKlt, April 25. a. N .S.) I.ouls Iares, a Creek merchant of Hlple)', Tenii., wus cohlL' to bn sum that he had looked the' HoM over thoroiiKhly before deciding upon n mate for himself. Tcstlfvlnir in dlst- tlct court here In a honrlnir on the suit of 1'Yances Kynn for the estate of a former Denver restaurant pro prietor, litres declared that he had corresponded with 1,501) American KlrlH. Tho statement came In re sponse to an attempt on the part ol Miss liyan's attorney to show that Ijircs entertained an aversion to American girls. if Edward T. Mercer, SI, sailor of Norfolk, Va., Is under arrest at Bal timore following the finding of the mutilated body of his wife, Ruth, SO, in Chesapeake Bay at Ocean View. Mercer ay ha can establish fcla innocence andjh&t he has not been to Ocean View for three yeait x Accused It f ' Ah I'M S, 1 , i J i ... , V i .VXD ...3ci L.33C .,....$1.30 80c Japanese Influx Not Desirable, Says Brazil Newspaper PHIUP AQU1LA KEMPSTER (Cnited Press Staff Correspondent.) RIO DE JANEIRO, (By mall) It is doubtful If the South American countries, . particularly Brazil, will ever pass suceh laws that will open their ports to Japanese. Immibration on a large scale. It is likewise to be questioned if the Brazilian states, where small, Jap colonies are already established, especially Sao Paulo, would bo willing to welcomo an exten sive increase of Nipponese residents. This is the attitude expressed in an editorial published yesterday by "O Estada," of San Palo, a conservative morning newspaper, which is recog nized as expressing the views of the general commercial classes in Brazil. Tho attitude of this paper may be ta ken us tho general one throughout Brazil. The Japanese question has been brought to the foreground In Brazlt by recent dispatches from the United States stating that Japan . Intends to Intensify tho flow of her emigration to South America. "O Estado" placed llttel fuith In this statement, saying that the resolutions of Japan In this respect will alwayp bo conditional upon the action taken by the various Iatln American na tions, it being doubtful if these coun tiles would ever consent to tha pro posed intensification of Japanese Im migration, which would inevltablv bring social and national problems far more serious than the shortage . of workers which, they would desiro to remedy by this means. "O Estado" stated that Dr. Wash ington Louis, the governor of Sao Paulo, in a recent visit to the Jap col onics of that state, was impressed by tne enerby of tho Japanese, by their discipline, their Intelligence, and their Industry, but Dr. Luis was also afford ed a strong practical demonstration of some of the inconveniences of Jap anese colonization, from a Brazilian point of view. in ine urst .place, continues "O Estado," teh coming of vast numbers or Jap colonists to Brazil would un doubtedly prejudice Immigration from Europe, Italy, France. Germany, Por tugal and other countries which is In tensely desirable to Brazil. Zemo, the' Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need Don't worry about Eczema or other kin troubles. Vou can have a clear,' healthy skin by usinfr Zemo obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra larce bottle at $1.00. . Zemo generally removes rimples,' Blackheads, Blotches, Eczema and King worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zerao is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is easily appheu and costs a mere trifle for each applica tion. It is always dependable.. IT3THE BASIS OF A GOOD MEAL Use our bread as a foun d a t ion upon which to build the perfect meal. Thia bread never disap points in its quality. It is made with the kind of care and of the same excellent mate rials that the particu lar housewife reveres. Pendleton Baking Co. m New m nnmuM Too nd. that nlprloan frtllnc that oma with dear, pur, rndd com pltxion BREAKDOWN SEEN IN WASHINGTON", April 25. A k rlous breakdown In the government's barriers against the smuggling of Im migrants into this country is threat ening, according to Senator Lodge, republican leader of the Benate. Lodge warned - that between 400 and 700 members of the federal Im migration service would bo suspend ed between now and July 1 due to lack of funds to .pay their, salaries.. This lay-off of trained sleuth's," who have spent years in ferreting down Immigrant smugglers, will be due to the refusal of Congress to pass a de ficiency appropriation for the ser vice Lodge said. "I thing the crippling of the Immi gration service through failure to pass a deficiency appropriation Is n very serious matter," Lodge suld, "It will undoubtedly lead to a great deal of smuggling. Clean Up ! as; I! t i twi I 8 L. J. McATEE Contracting 513 HOUSE CLEANING TIME Time to replace an old piece of furniture or refurnish a room. ; . , In buying furniture, remember that you are buying for the years to come as well as for today. Make your pur chases here and you will be absolutely sure of those sterling qualities in construction and finish that add so -much to the life and beauty of your furniture. ' The assistance of our interior decorator is yours for the asking. v :. Crawford Furniture Co, Your Credit is Good, ; - ' : Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New -: WX F. Court Street Pbone Pendleton. Oram Suits You will be pleased with the new, plain ' tailored smartness' of these unusual looking ' skirts, some with fringe hem, some pleated; others plain,, plaid ;and stripes. A very attractive snowing at the present time in most every desired color , or combination. : t . -3. - 250 Pimples, 736 BlacUieadi nd3Boil! No reward Is offered, beestune thy ere lost forever! No Question wllr h askel, except one question. "How - did you lose them?" There is but one 1'iiRwor, "I cut out new fad" treat- '. mcnts and guesswork; 1 used on of the most powerful bluod-clesnsers. ; blood-purltlera and flesh-builders ', Known, anu inai is a. H. B.I Now my face is pinkish, my skin clear ss -rone, my cheeks are filled out nd my ' rheumatism, too, la gone!" This will : be your experience, too. If you try & ,' H. 8. U is guaranteed . to be purely . vegetable In all Its remarkably effeo- . live medicinal Ingredients. B. 8. 8. means a new history for you from now ou! S. B. H. Is sold at all drug store f In two sizes. The larger slM la -the more economical "It will mean thoi finloughlng of from 400 to 700 men, because there will bo no money to pay their saltt- riei until July 1, when the approprl- ; atlpns. for the next, fiscal ' year be come available." . Lodge estimated that "10,0OOvllUctt and unlawful Immigrants" will be ad mitted before the immigration ser vice can ro.-tore Its barriers to nor-' mat condition. . , .' ' "Jt .seems to mo to bo, extrava, ganco of the worst kind to, break up a .service which at tlia best Is under-manned." ' ;-ard of Thanks . 4 We desire to extend to the many ' kind friends and members of Pendle- ton .AerLe .Xo. 2, our heartfelt thio and hppreclatton for' the : beantlful -floral offerings and kindness during"" our sad bereavement lit th$ death pf our beloved son and brother, Trafton Doan. " - ... V v ' II Ft. AXD MRS. JOSEPH DO AN . MRS. LIZZIE AVOODCRAFT THOMAS DQAX " - ' - ' HKXRY DOAX JAMES DOAX. , PLRASAXT DOAX ' f -. HAWOMB DOAN- for Spring Real estate men know that well kept property . $ more valuable for sales, or rent- ' als,' or a loan. They al&o ; . know .that a paint-ndedy '. : house drags down the value . of all other property in the ' neighborhood. v We sell Lowe Bros.: Painty and Varnish. ; ,'" ' Main St. Job Work 4