DAILY EAST 02E3DmJf, PEXDLETC5, OREGON, ' TUESDAY EVEJiINO, APRIL 25, 1022. TEN PAGES r T'.ZZ iz;? . .r,,. immT rntn Dr.PAirrKEM OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE "STORE OftGAStfATlOX IX TUL WORLD DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Pricei and Associated Preu Beporti "Mm Trctkn Show . - , . . btreugih On Exchange. . NEW TORK, April Sa. Tlnnri hrttl rplativlv firm in the fact of further exieiiKve reall- Ir.g sales, which Included the liberty erlea and several of the ramntly strong rails. ' : . .The outstanding feature of the Ma rion was the strength of tractions, these being chiefly represented -h local group, notably New York, West chester Boston, Interborough re funding 5c, Third Avenue adjustments, Brooklyn Transit refunding and Hud son ft Manhattan Incomes. . Several of the. foreign government offerings continued to show strength, particularly United Kingdam of 79:3, which attained a new record, French governments and municipals, and Queensland Ts, Mexicans were uneven, tile Cs making a substantial -gain, While the 4s weakened. 1 The broad list of higher . mil cm- uracea many or tns unueriying or Mortgage issues of such systems as New Haven, . which rcflseted the strength of the stock; Erie. Et. Paul convertibles, Northern Pacific 3s and THE OLD HOME TOWN IT JF'iLP UEJhOLD- E 1 - -r . ji HATS-Ntcxrifc, ATTSMES WlSiTBS! WCYr II 7A m?l WEATHER IU. ! ferr-l ,111 ? MftSML CTTIY WALKER GklB. TWO REASONS WHY ' ' , - . ' Ht DlbNrrWC TH'TRAMPA HARD RUN - FIRST, OrPY STILL HAS Hft ?6P rXAHN6lfioN-SECOND,HE HAP LOST THE KEY TO THE JAIL. ; .. . ... . ..... . ,.. .. .. .,. , ... ... ,,. TAKES GRIT and It requires backbone to say NO". to luxuries, to curtail expenses and to save Ten Pit Cent of tlio earnings, but It is easy after getting "The Habit." TRY IT. Ytmra mmmmmmmmmwmmmmi SPRING , fi ABRIVAtS I OF BABY CARRIAGES, GO-CARTS, SULKIES. . I The newest patterns' in Vehicles for babies, direct from the factory. The prices are within your reach. They are displayed in our show room and we will be pleased to show you these new patterns if you will call. , Get the baby out in the sunshine. Plain White Cups and Saucers, Set of 6 each, special $1.00. CHUIICSHINK& HAMPTON KMiiTyonut; i 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 lour Old Fumliuro Token bi Exchange u Part Paymeni on Vew . exclusive Agcu in Pendleton for McDougull XUtcucu CaltUieti . 4, Southern It ail way 4s, eSahonrd Air In which alleged extravagant specula I Line (s and St. Louis ft San Francisco , tion on the stock exchange was depre. (A. p.) incomes. New IlaVen ts rose J 1-S 'cated on the ground that it might yesterday Pts. the 3 1-Is of IS 17 .and 1S54 'cause a diversion of funds from pro i Sa'ncd and 1. rwpecUvely. and the Us of is: and gained 11-! and 2 1-4 points. , . Among industrials and utilities. Ar mour 4 I-Is, Invincible OH ts, Kldvale .-teel Ss, American Telephone It were In especial demand. t Total sales, par value, were $21. 741.000. Various Issues cf a , miscellaneous character were Included among the new high records made In the stock market today, .although ten session's operations were characterled by much irregularity, due largely to profession' al pressure. Quoted values tended mainly . up ward at the outsot; but the rise met with1 extensive offerings of steels, pop ular oils, .motors and allied special ties, utilities and several' of the dlvi dend paying rails, effacing much of the initial advance. Short selling was Invited toy . last Saturday's address of the controller of the currency before banking Interests. By Stanley The AmcricanNational Bank 1 Pcndleion, Oregon. Of: Continuous J3nking, mmmimmmmmm ductive enterprises. Local financiers were" not in accord J with the views of the controller, at- firming their belief that- the- recent rise of market values was 'predicated ' on signs of general business and in dustrial revival. It was also declared that moneys now employed in Wall street In no way restricted or curtailed offerings for commercial purposes. New Haven was one of the day's consistently strong features, retaining nearly all of Its extreme rise of four points, but other, rails ot the same class eased.' Among the few other substantial gains were Federal MlniiR; ft Smelting,, preferred, Columbia Graphophone, preferred, California Packing, Postum and the rubber tire group. ' Nearly all the steels,. -Midvale -excepted, oils and motors suffered loss es extending from fractions to about two points, Mexican Petroleum being under constant pressure. Sales amounted to $1. 250,000 shares. For the first time In a week, the money parket deviated from its easy tone. Call loans held at 3 1-2 per cent until the final hour, when a 4 per cent rate was posted. Time money rates were unchanged, but supplies for the longer dates were less plentiful Despite - -the coercive measures threatened In connexion with Gcr many'a reparations payments, all for. elgn exchanges displayed marked strength. Demand sterling approach ed 4.43, Its best quotation since early In March last. Allied bills were firm and the German mark rose to .043, against the recent low of .034. Primary Ilecvlpts Of All Grains - CHICAGO. April 25. Primary re ceipts Wheat, 1,262,000 bushels, vcr sus 714,000 bushels. Corn, 960,000 bushels, versus 727,000 bushels. Oats 483,000 bushels versus 465,000 bush els. ' . Shipments Wheat, 406,000 bushels. versus 489.000 bushels. Corn, 1.295,- 000 bushels versus 060,000 bushels. Car lots Minneapolis Wheat 207, corn 1, oats 8, Winnipeg Wheat 166, oats 62. Duluth Wheat 06, corn 21, oats 3. Kansas City Wheat 215, corn 100, oats 3. St. LouIh Wheat 97, corn 36, outs 25. Omaha Wheat 162, corn 161, oats 29.. Minneapolis Wheat Futures Minneapolis, April 24. Wheat May, 31.B6W: July, 31.44. . firain at Kan Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, April 25 Wheat Milling, I2.302.85: feed, $2.25 to 12.35. I i Barley, feed, 11.37 to ". $1.42 shipping, 31.45 to 61.55. . , ' Oats, red, feed, 61,65 to 31.75. Corn, white Egyptian, $2.00 to .10; red mllo, $1.17 to $1.82'i. Hay Wheat, $17,00 to $19.00: fair. $14.00 to $17.00; tume oat, $15.00 to $19.00; Wild bat, $11.00 to $13.00; al falfa, $15.00 to $18.00; stock, $9.00 to $11.0.0; straw, nominal, Seattle Oraln Market 8KATTLE, April 25. Wheat, hard white, hard red winter, northern spring, $1,30; soft white, whlto club, soft red winter, $1.29; eastern red Walla, $!.26;blg bend bluestem, $1.50. City delivery; Hay Timothy, $27; I. C, $28; alfalfa, $24; barley whole, $36; ground and rolled, $38; clipped $43; chirk starter, $60; chop, all grain, $41;. epeoanut meal, $33; corn, -$35; corn cracked and feed menl, $37; cot tonseed meal, $52; Unseed meal,$61; ncrntch food, $474B; soy bean, $62; wheat, $60; Puset sound, $47. dilcago livestock Market. CHICAGO, April 25. (U S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts 24.. U00 head; beef steers opening, 15c to 25c lower; top early, $7.80; bulk and quality to sell at $7.35; she stock weak to 15c lower; 'bulls steady to weak; calves. Mockers and feeders steady; veal calves to packers mostly around $7; best to packors, $7.50; light weights, . $6.50; shippers paid $8.60 7T 9. Hogs Rccolpts 43,600 lioad; mar DOINGS OF THE DUFFS I THAT '5 MIME. ' 'HAD MV HAHD ON IT FIRST? JL WrP I I READ AM AO IMTUe ')rks::SSS' '' ' iyl PAPER LAST NIGHT ' vT7 TfffllllW P ! W ' 7 ABOUT A SAIE. ON " I n?7T-ii 1 W 'I 1 ' SPRING PRESSES AMD ft J ' : ' , . I WANT TO GET DOWN rQUIT ) QT-' I I : i? H-n EARLV! r t SHOVINiSi sale IOm X 7f I Pi AO TiirSIUAT I T ft t iO." ...::'"i,i.m ii',.iniiiiinn itHiiiww'i THAMES ,Th, DON'T CAR.t5 TO R&4''3 ket active; lights mostly 10c lower; others If to 20c lower than Satur day's average; top, $10.65; bulk, JS.tiO 10.60; packing sows weak to - 15c lower, pigs steady, $9.25 10. Sheep Receipts, 17,000 head; Kill ing classes 25c higher; spots up more; medium to good strong weight wooled lambs, $15.50; best not sold; good to choice, 93-pound shorn lambs, $14: shorn yearlings and twos, $12.25; few wooled ewes 09 down; shorn, 38.75 down; few native spring lambs tb city butchers, $17.. A storage'! radio "IV battery has been recently announced by the Wll lurd Storage: Battery Company ot Cleveland, dhlo. ' Instructions to Us service stations state that production will begin u't onco and the first de-' liveries nvill .bo made during this month, i A n.uilt "11" battery will be rccolvod by the million and more radio fans of the country with open arms. Too many of thorn have overhauled their receiving setB on the quest for the cause of the. "noise" and finally found It in, the slowly polarizing dry cclld they were using on the plate circuit. The woll. Informed know the difficul ties caused by the Internal action tnat Is constantly t;rking place In the "B" batteries generally used at present. A. big market is assured this new rochargable "B" battery as soon as it reaches the dealers salesrooms. In dividual cells aro enclosed In covered glass Jars, each separated from its neighbors by partitions In the caso. The ample spnee between cells pre vents electrical leakage from too closo contact., Tho well known Wlllard Threaded Rubber Insulation Is used between. phitcN and unusual thickness ot tho plates themselves gives excep- .l.m.rth nf n..l-vtiA fwitlinilt re RADIO ; pairs. The low demand of currently chance you- met me on that road with tho phone circuit place in thu And with your smile, . "IV: battery mukes recharging seldom I You cased me of the heavy load. '-. necessary. - Uecause you sang the while. OLIVIA DOES SOME EARLY SHOPPING. DON'T FORGET VooRCALAr! Dio yoo GET WHAT VOO - WAMTED, MADAME? -jnouTVui) i . i -' J. sr- m j OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS l I , Wclormie, Ox. Oswald, looking a mite pale and emaciated after an Illness, this morn ing toddled into our private, office. seated himself in one of the over stuffed chairs, leaned on our Circas sian walnut (William and Mary per iod) desk and whispered: "I admit, Junius, that while coal may be for tho grate, the lowly and diminutive nutmeg is for the grater." We called our most courteous offis boy to show Os out. , , , , ' A machine for planting hairs hav ing been Invented, we expect that the next step "will bo the construction of a contrivance to put ' thoughts Into empty skulls.. , .' . . Our Nniiglitycal Department We've noticed that soul mates some times turn out to be skippers. You can get all you want out of life after" you learn to get along without tho tilings you can't get. ;. The lVlcnd I stumbled down a dusty lane, . . Alone and discontent, -. , Within my heart a dulling pain.- , Each step I went. By Allman I DID, BUT T TOOK ALL OFMV STRENGTH TO DO iT r 1 New Wash Materials DIPORTED JAPANESE CREPE, 39c The popular material for aprons, kimonas and children's dresses, thirty inches wide, yard. .39c ,. SUITING MATERIAL, 29c : In the season's newest colors and tints, yard. . .29c v WITCHERY CREPE, 49c A splendid crepe for mi-lady's lingerie in tints of blue, pink and yellow, printed with floral and ; bird designs; yard .49c TISSUE GINGHA3IS, 59c and 79c - 36 inches wire, pretty plaid and cheeks, . yard ........59c, 79c FRENCH VOILES, 39c, 49c in light and dark patterns, comprising plaids, stripes, checks, floral and conventional pat- terns;; yard ............ .....V.......39c, 49c DEVONSHIRE CLOTH, 33c This material needs no introduction ; 32 inches wide, large assortment of patterns, yard.'. . .33c ' EVER-FAST GINGHAM, 55c : ; - ; A fine mercerized fabric carrying the same col4 v nr rniarantee as everfastf suiting: shown in six dainty shades, 36 inches JUST RECEIVED A new shipment of Cre tonnes ; prices range from ..... 19c to 98c yard A NATON-rVIM ' proa MSSVUBtOX, OREGON ; DO IN (East Oregonian Special.) " BOARDMAN, April 25 The annual declamation contest of the Boardman schools was held Saturday night. In the high school division the winner was Wahnona Bands, second Caryl Siffns. Intermediate divisclon, first, The satisfaction in a ton of ) . Castle ' Coal v can be measured by the ever in-, creasing demand. ; " v ; f . ! A real Coal that meets your re quirements. ' ; v BJb. Bur roughs, Inc. Fone Five When Poverty Ends! POVERTY ENDS MUEN TIFE SPIRIT OP 8AV ING BEGIXS IN A MAN". THE AMOUNT MVdSD IS L-KIMPOTRTANT THE BIO. THINO IS TO MAKE THE STAJIT. v-HBNr WILI. VOO HAK15 TIUS ST.UIT? HOW MUCH LONGER WILIi YOU PUT OFF THIS IM PORTANT STEP? DECIDE BIGHT NOW THAT TOU WILL DO THIS THE 1TIIST THING TOMOIt. ROW BT OPENING A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE. VHE: you do. we will present you wjth A L1BERTT BELL HOME SAFE JO ASSIST SOU IN SAVING.' . ' .. ,J ' 4 PER CENT INTEREST PUD Ox S.WIXCS The Inland Empire Batik Member Federal Reserve System. . Pendleton Oregon J wide; yard .... vr-.'. 55c ; 312 DEPARTMENT STORES' Violet GHbrcth; second, Weldon Ayres, Primary division, first, Mahav Kui sner; Dale Alliright and Norma Gib bons tied for second place. The Judges were Miss Kilertson and Mrs. Eggles ton, teachers from the (rrlgon school, and the Kev. Dr. Benson ot Portland. ' ltcreshments were served following. the tnte.rtalnmont which included a four reel film featuring John Banyan's . l'ilgrlm's Progress.. On nest, Saturday . night the students of the high school will glvo a social and dance with a film entertainment including "Dread naughts of the Air" and one of Mack . Bennett's comedies, "Two Tough Ten dor feet.' ; . ', v. MMIM "3 For ' Fuel Gate si it 14. 1 : k JL