EI3HT PAGES iSod Club News rttLY CJSJ5T OTCOKIAK, ?E!iDLXTCS, CS.SGON, MOOTA7 EVENING, AFEIL 10, 1022. EASTER SEASON' APPROACHES Yesterday maj-krd the opening of Holy Week, with Kuatrr Piindav Just rel( away. The -week, as the Uint in Lent, is usually a quiet one In JVodleton society. A number of affairs have been planned for the seaaon after Kastnr. The members of the Parish House Guild, Church of the Redeemer, will entertain with an Informal benefit dance nt the State Hospital, at some date soon After Easter. The Oiuld is matron plans also for a kermis, to be be? A after Easter. Invitations have been Issued for1 a aeries of parties at which Mrs. J. C. Bnow, Mrs. S. H. Forxhaw and Mrs. J. H. MrCook will entertain March IS and It at the home of Mrs. Snow. The various clubs of the city are making plans for rluh annals, which trill be held this sprinK. . A promin ent place In the calendar of Oregon eluus Is given to the dates for the an nOPF'S tJPSTAIItS 8BOF EXCLUSIVE BTJT ITS GOOD FOR YOUR HAIR Enough for several weeks' treatment of either Hair Tonic or Shampoo Paste in each package. Rexall "93" HaU- Tonic .... ... 50e and $1.00 Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste 5c SPECIAL DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL , ) . $1.00 Bottle Rexall 93 Hair Tonic , 25c Bottle Rexall 93 Shampoo Paste Both for ONE DOLLAR , The question is often asked : "Why is Rexall '93' Hair Tonic so successful in keep ing the hair in proper health and condition?" v. The answer is that it is successful because it is a sci entific treatment, designed to destroy the harmful mi crobes,' restore the blood circulation among the hair roots, and make the scalp healthy and the hair grow. REXALL "93" HAIR TONIC adds to the luxuriance and soft, silky glossiness of the hair and makes If easier to dress. H also helps to preserve Its natural color. It Is the only successful treutnteut, we guarantee It to be suci)rsful with you, or your money hack. ! I The scalp should be cleansed with ltexaU "93" Shampoo Pasto about once a week. '.!.''" . , '-- i I THE PENDLETON DRUG GO. 5 Phone Main 20 f Might Fhone 8lJ0-J SPECIAL ATTENTION Save Time, Labor and Money by Using GENUINE Fuller Brushes and Brooms. Look for this The Fuller Brush Company, Hartford Local Address, Box 641, Pendleton Prices Talk Every article in our store is marked closely. We have one price to all and that price is bring ing us business every day. Our merchandise is First Quality Merchandise, and every article that goes out of our store is guaranteed to you with a money back guarantee. Our name, our standard of doing business and our service, , stand unquestioned by hundreds of customers. Some merchants .would try to lead you to be lieve we carry inferior merchandise. When We undersell 30c a sack on flour we give you the same quality guaranteed as White Satin and if it does not prove so we will refund your money. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH WHERE CASH PAYS THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE f 39 Main Street Phono 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors., V-vk.' nual convention of Federated Wom en's Clubs, to be held in Tillamook. Oregon, May 11, June 1. 2 and I In clusive. Besides delesates, it Is prob able that a number of members ot lo cal clubs will attend the convention. MRS. LETSO.V HONORED Mrs. Minnie Ltsoq, worthy grand matron of the Eastern Star, was com plimented at a meeting of the local chapter when she visited here Satur day evening, en route to Ontario after a visit to the various chapters of the state. Following the initiatory work, Mrs. Lctson was presented with a Pendle ton Indian robe She was honor guest for the social hour, when covers were lalit for seventy-five at supper tables win re an Easter motif was used in Jecorating. At Mrs. Ietson's table, twenty-one past matrons and patrons were seated. The past matrons are Mrs. Mary John- Frocks For Afternoon, Dinner, Shopping and Informal Wear Krepe Knit, Taffeta, Canton Crepe, Georget ta and Crepe de Chine, fashion these new spring gowns ; which bear special prices. See Our Showing of .,. Tailored Blouses. NOT EXPENSIVE 5. i Pendleton, Oregon trade mark. son. who row holds the frosttlon of erand treasurer; Mrs. Jessie Perry, Mrs. Ida B.ckers, Mrs. Lillian Parses, Mrs. Rstrlla Temrle. Mrs. Lillian Rest. Mrs. Vashii Saling, Mrs. Phils; Miller. Mrs. Leota Brown, Mrs. Pau line Kay and Miss Emily-MeBroom of ftushee chapter. Mrs. Callte Simp son of Weston and Mrs. Fitzpatrlck, of 'yOKtlne. Past patrons arc A J. Owen, Dr. I. U. Temple, Dr. J. A. Best, A. C Funk, Frank Saling, Manuel Friedly, J. C. Wood worth and C. H. Conroy. Mrs. J. C Woodworth. the present matron, and Robert A. Kudd, patron, were at the table also. The arrangements for serving the supper were under the direction of Mrs. Hattle FerguRon. , MA It IMAGE IS SOL.EMXIZRD The marriage of Miss Gladys Flana gan and Wesley Minis was solemnized on Saturday evening at the Presby terian manse, with Rev. George L. Clark officiating. The bride, who was unattended, was attired In a silk frock and wore a cor sage of sweet peas. Quests at the wedding were Mrs. Nellie Laatz, moth er of Mr. Mitns, and Mrs. Cora Pat ton, mother of the bride. Mrs. Mims Is an attractive girl and attended high school here, later be coming a graduate nurse. Mr. Mims attended University of Oregon where he was a member of Sigma Xu fr,ute tilty. He is a grandson of the lute Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MallocK, pioneers of this county. ! Mr. and Mrs. Mims will make hclr home In the Laatz apartments. . BIRTHDAY PAKTY GIVEN' Honoring the fourth birthday anni versary of her daughter Nell, Mrs. Clarence Penland was hostess on Sat urday afternoon at her home. . The afternoon iwas spent most en loyably with games. At the luncheon hour a huge pyramid birthday cake was cut by the hostess and each guest received nn Easter nest filled with ends as a favor. ' Those present were: Hetty rtembolt, Marjory Tryon, Wini fred Hatch, Pauline Edwards, Mar guerite Schafer, Jean Maloney, Bar bara Benson, Jne Mabie, Mary Eliza beth and Billie Penland of Helix, Cor wln McClean, Wlliara Edwards, Har old Reese of Helix, and Gordon Ben son. Th mothers of the children were also guests with Mrs. Gonrtre Slangier and Mrs. L. E. Penland lit addition. 1 W. C. T. U. TO MEET ; ' . The Women's Christian Tempornhro Hnlon will moot tomorrow afternoon at. 2:30 o'clock in the library, plans will be marto for welcoming . Stute President Mallett hero for a visit to the Pendleton union. She will arrive In (ho county April 17 und will visit in various sections, after which she will visit Pendleton April 21( , !, . ; Fine for Neuralgia Mustcrole insures quick relief from neuralgia. When those sharp pains go shooting through your head, just rub a little of this clean, white ointment on your temples and neck. . ,; Musterole Is made with oil of mus tard, but will not burn and blister like the old-fashioned mustard piaster. Get Murterols at your drug store. 35 k 65c in jars S tubes;hospitalsize,$3. BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER UIPUM Notice Have moved my office from the Johns Bldg. to 755 Main St., over Pendle ton Drug Co. DR. DAVID B. HILL. CHICHESTER S PILLS -G-v . TIIK IHAUONII It HA Nik, A - - .unri I'll. nf w Miiiiiu alb link m li VMNUnndH li ' " t.vo. u..i.n,niin KPI1H)M SOLO RY DRUGGISTS LVtOTHUf irSTHE BASIS OF A GOOD Use our bread as a f oun d a t ion upon which to build the perfect meal. This bread never disap points in its quality. It is made with the kind of care and of the same excellent mate rials that the particu lar housewife reveres. Pendleton Baking Co. I'lll. In Kr. .n,l U.M Iwiri. stilled with Blue RIt'tx. T GUES Your chance, to get a fine ham free. . ' 1 , HOW? i1 Stop at our store and guess how many pounds in the large ham displayed in our North window. ' FREE ' ' No obligation whatever; all guessea free. Ham given away Saturday night, April 15th. - , . More than a little better merchandise at right prices. Let us supply you, ' A . " Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Three Phones 28. Only One Quality, the Best BIKTHDAY DINNER GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Anderson were hoalg for an enjoyable birthday din ner yesterday, commemorating the fort seventh birthday anniversary of Mr. Anderson. Guests were Miss Dorothy Smith, of Umatilla; A. Mc Clellun, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eggers, Mr. and Mrs. it. O'Neill of Pendleton, Mr. and, Mrs. W. U Boynton, of Helix, the Nets Anderson family, A. T. Hansen, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hawkins of Cold Spring. . , PARTY IS GIVEN. Miss Helen Schlickheiser and Miss Vera Dtardorff were hostesses on Friday evening for an enjoyable party at the home of Miss Schlick ctser. Easter decorations were used very effectively. Guests were: Ivan lUchardson, Joe Murer, Tom Sparks, Jimmy Simpson, Allen Robs, Francis Greulich, Mar guerite Lemert, L'la Osborn, May Packard and Edna Embusk. iJRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN ; Mrs. L. C. Llvermore entertained today at a birthday party for hr lit tle son, Bobby, who 1b one year old today. Ten wee guests, accompaniqd by their mothers, were present, at the Wvermure home In Douglas Court. At the luncheon hour, a birthday cake with qne twinkling candle was cut. LUNCHEON IS GIVEN Mrs. N. E. DeSpaln and Mrs. Henry Zander were Joint hostesses at a luncheon lust Thursday, acompliment in g Mrs. Norborne Berkeley and her daughter, -Mh Mildred Berkeley,' of Pendleton." Covers were placed for friends from Pendleton and Portland. Oregonian. ' I SALE IS SUCCESS. A cooked food sale held by the Auxiliary of the Spanish American War Veterans on Saturday was a suc cess, , say members. " Funds : will be used for the . entertainment of visit ors here In June at the state conven tion of the veterans. . . -;. NEW PENDLETON RESIDENTS . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sutton, formerly of Walla Walla, are new Pendleton residents. Mr. Sutton Is manager of the Pacific Fruit & produce Co, The now residents are domiciled at 16 11 West Webb street. MRS. NELSON 19 HOSTESS Mrs. Clark Nelson was hostess at a charmingly appointed dinner Wednes day evening, complimenting her house guests, Mrs. Ben Burroughs, and Mrs. George Strand of Pendleton.--t)cgon-lan. ARE IN RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hall are domi ciled at 1101 East Court street Mr. Hall recently became local agent for he O. V. R. 6 N. and he and his f'imlly came here from Huntington. ARRIVE IN SALEM' Mr.'ond Mrs. R. J. Palmer and baby are Salem visitors. They left here by motor on Tuesday morning, arriving ut Salem ut 4 o'clock in the afternoon. They report a most enjoyable trip. ; I). A. R. TO MEET. - Members of Umatilla chapter, Dau ghters of American Involution, will meet tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs. George Hurtmun, on Mon roe Niieet, M EETIN'H TO BK H ELD A meeting of the Research Club will he held on Wednesday afternoon at the library club room with Mrs. J. X,. Cox and Mrs. H G. Thompson as hostesses. ' ' HERE FROM CONDON. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Robertson, of Condon, are Pendleton visitors. Mr. Robertson Is in the grain buslnoss in the Gilliam oounty town. . HERE FROM WALI.A WALLA Mr. nnd .Mrs. William Paxton, of Walla Walla, were Pendleton guests yesterday, motoring here from, the neighboring cty, , , , r - - AUCADK TODAY ItKYIKWS l Olt TIIK FHKSS OF WAXIKV HAWLKVS PKTtRE "BOBJIED HAUf If your wife wants to cut her hair. and you object, take her to see "Bobb ed Hair.- starring Wanda Hawiey, which opened last night at the Arcade theatre, and let her see what hap pened to Miss Hnwlcy after she bob bod hers. If your sweetheart Is timid about cutting her locks, and you think It wonld improve her, take her to see the. ptctture, and ot her observe how Etching are all the acolytes bobbed to both hair and skirts of the ar Works Like a Clock aUV ... Govs OoldsinMHovars CTANDARD nmtf aarM xu TiMrt J lorm. IW al lit! aanenk 1 CW r u V X mm nwpnMaMi1 uriag Mr, HiSs ft liaM sad aiintara. AlDrmahuMCmn W. tt HIU. CO. DETROIT HIVOM TODAY WOltTH W'llll.E PltKSS 11KY1EWS OF "DOX'T TKLL EVKKYTHIXO' The spirit of the outdoors is evident In "'Don't Tell Everything," whtch was the attraction last night at the Rivoli Theatre. It is a Paramount Picture und produced with the usuirt excellence that characterizes these of ferings. The notable thing, of course, s the combination of Wallace Rcid, Gloria Swanson and Elliott Dexter in the picture which in itself Js a super lor attraction. But when there is a breezy story, a tangle of fabrications and a lot of good situations enlivened by real acting it becomes of added Interest, Sam Wood directed, Lorna Moon wrote and A. S. LeVino adapted the story. It has to do with two wom en who love the same man, a self sac rificing friend why loves one of the women and who holps his friend to win her even aerainst his own chances of happiness. " There Is a spirited polo game and a realistic accident during its progress. ' It Is a real picture with real people) tn it, Und It Is handsomely TODAY Children 10 Adults 35c Wallace Jici, QloriaSwarsori Elliott Dexter DontTell ; Everything 1 " A tale of a tangled love and a new commandment for mens - - '- 3 I It Is hard en both parents and I children and rmte unnecessary 1 ''Our bflhy liada bad couth, tros I ncrvotif nail !vpt us up alniost I ary nlaut. Foley'a Honey audTar I itoppJ hla couth, all ita lll-efrccti bava dlaappeared, aod thaoka tQ ou, wa au set aoma alaan." 1 ' B. Vaadigittt, Saiyraa, Ca. Sold Kwrywhere '"'). fill awwi.i msrA ' . . - i LITERARY DIGEST AESOPS FABLES ' j -'- "COMEDY. r- ypl) New.: ; I. Easter: ,m Modes i ' S Suits ' I llil Coats j r pF Dresses J - , Jw0mrpTJl Blouses - : Sweaters 'I I .io- .' '"'"l o r" i cj I , ss i : r II QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION QUALITY OF GROCERIES AND LOW PRICES. Some stores speak of quality others of low jrices. ,We use them both at all, times for we lave long "since found that they . should go iand-m-hand in order to please every one at all times. ' - So, if our prices please you, we know that the quality will and our prices are bound to do so, for they are as low, or lower, than the other places; ' Pendleton Trading Company . v Phone. 455 . "If It's On the Market We Have IV " a c Arcade Children 5c 4 . Realart Pictures presents . By Hector Ttirnbull Iiroctod by Tliomas IKffron Sconarlo Ity Hurvpy TJicw Distributed by raliious Playcrs-Lasky Corporation . '" ' ! SEWS WEEKTiY QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Dept. 1-4-11 U $zJ I 1 1 i ir.iL wL.il I: mmm m Just received a large shipment of room size rugs in new and attractive patterns. ; r , i 1 " ATsn n lnrrre slinwirnr - - " o- -"fa 1 9x12 Congolium Rug 1 I I Crawford Furniture Co, 5 i . it ; iour urecut is liood. B Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New I V . Com Street :rryr Phono PcaotoB.Ore.W 1 tWmMMMvMWWtt Tlie Sign of Service 3 a Today AdulU 25c HOLIN COMEDY Gold Seal CONGOLIUM I and Vx 1 in Armstrong ' I' LENOLIUM KUgS n-f R nnA O -ft- n a w. v cwiu u it. VVIUC VAM1- now selling at $18.00. 1 . 4 um colony, -' I