EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0RZG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 10, 1922. PAGS nvE People Here and There Mrs. ll May of Boring, was in Pen- C. B. McCullough of Echo was in , her Incognito to recuperate from a dleton Sunday. I Pendleton yesterday. j nervous break down as a result of I exposure during the war. J. & Mattoon of Hermiston was in, - ! Pendleton yesterday.. yR. E. English of Weston was In jfcndleton Sunday. Max Drake of Athena, waa In town during the week end. Joe Fisher, Kolln ; fnrmer, was a business visitor here today. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Martin of Athe na were in town for the week end. George Nela of Vktah waa a Pen dleton visitor during the week end. 'DEAD OFFICER'S COMRADES TO FIGHT FOR HIS HONOR OKLAHOMA CITY, April 10. (I. P.) I'nsutisfied with the coroner's veidict late Saturday, officer com rades of Colonel Paul Beck today sought additional evidence to tend to clear dead officer's name. He was A. B. Thompson and wife of Condon shot by Judge Jean Day, after an al- & O. Bloom of Echo was in Fea uletjn Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunha of Echo were in Pendleton Sunday. . , A Pilot Rock visitor In Pendleton yesterday was Walker C. Eller. 1 I I'nilltmn nf I ,-matllln -a- an I out of town visitor Saturday a'fternooivfcham wero ,n Tendleton yesterday. 8. S. Shields and wife were week end visitors in Pendleton from Milton. S. C. DSt Atley is city marshal at Ti lot Rock. He was here this morning on his way home after a visit in Wal la Walla yesterday. . - George Ness used to live on the res ervation where he was a farmer. He now lives in the Camas Frnlrie coun try. He was a Pendleton visitor yes terday. -, .-l - 8ehriff Kinney of Caldwell, Idaho, left this morning with Gilbert Good Tftn who was held here $y the sheriff. (Rod win escaped from a road gang where he was serving a sentence of six months for moonshining. . were in Pendleton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Waters of Mea Mr. and Mrs. H. M. vMoore were among the week-end visitors in Pen dleton from Echo. "In the east end of the counly the one big Issue -of the day M when wil spring arrive?"- says N. J. Vanskike, former publisher of the Milton Eagle, who is here today. When he drove through Weston this forenoon it was snowing- In spite of the delayed sea son, conditions in the east end are good. The outlook for a good truU crop is favorable at present - though there were some winter damage to the peaches. KTXG AliRERT IX FRANCE. VERSAILLES, France April 10.-' (I. P.) King Albeit of Belgium; A. New Pack Minced I Glams 22c Can LARGE CANS FANCY YELLOW PEACHES v-; 30c CAN. . ' ; 1 POUND 4 OZ. STRAWBERRY JAM ' ' ' : 40c v LARGE CAN TOMATOES ' ; . ; . 15c ;-; SARDINES 10c " LARGE CAN HOMINY 20c The Green Grocery Props. W. W. Green F. V. (Happy) Graham. .v ' '' "Dependable Market Products' Phone 550 t v 117 East Court Street leged attempted attack on Mrs. Day Further action may come despite the peace and military authorities decla ration that evidence is insufficient to take action against Day. . ' Stock Ffcding Mcrt Off. ' Due to the unusually late farming season and some other unforseed con ditions the stock feeding, meeting at the eastern Oregon branch experi ment station advertised' for t'nion, April 13 and 14, has been declared oft NEWS NOTES , OF PENDLETON Sue On Account ' A suit on account has been institute ed in circuit court by the Dean Tatom Co. against Ida Pond. The plaintiff is represented by Carter and Smythe. Hot urns to Pendleton. v Gould Cressey,, formerly employed at the Economy Drug store, has 're turned to the employ of the store. He has been iu Portland during his absence. I'jj- " - .' ' jj IJl " I'kti ROSARIES , . FOR EASTER . - We are showing the newest things in Rosar'es. The) are small enough to be worn as a locket pretty enough to be desired y alt 3 p Fensncn Tl Largre Diamond Dealers In Eastern Orcgun . n . Easter Victor Records GIVE A VICTOR RECORD FOR EASTER Peautiful Isle Chr'st Arose Holy Night Hosunna . The Holy City. Pnrt 1 The Ho'y City, Part S Our l ord Is Risen From the Dead The Strife Is O'er, the Pat tie Done...... Oh. Come. All Ye Faithful Joy to the World The Holy City . The Palms - Flee As a Flrd .- fearer My God to Thee The Palms Harold Jarv s t "i .: Hayden Quartet Harry Maedonough ......Harry MacDonough Harry yaodonough ... Harrv Macdnnoogh ,.v .Trinity Quartet ..Trinity Quartet :. .Trinity Chrir Trinity Choir , Harry Maedonough -Will am Rohyn Frederick Wheeler "Raymond Dixon ...,..RelnUd Werrenrath 75 .7S .7$ 1.04 Got Marriage IJcrnsc. - . ' Wesley M. MHms, a salesman, and Gyadya Marie Flanagan, a nurse, bo'h of Pendleton; were granted a license to wed Saturday at the office of R. H. Brown, .county clerk. Has Septic More Throat. ' Mrs. Hazel Privett is 111 in Fortland with Beptic sore throat; according to word received here yesterday. Her mother, Mrs. Wesley N. Matlock, left last evening to be at the bedside of herl daughter. . ' - , iMado It In 38. . One of the accomplishments ' of Russell Smith is to swing on little white golf bails In iust the correct manner to make them do what he wants them to. He Is ex-champlon of the Northwest and has been sev eral times the champion of Oregon. He was In Pendleton yesterday as the guest of friends, and naturally, he played the local course. . The first time around he made it In 38. The course Is 36 par. He left for Port land last night. ' ... The Bridge and the House Have you ever thought as you crossed a bridge why it was that good bridges are always well painted. And do you know what would happen to a bridge that was never painted? The friction caused by traffic would open the pours in the wood and steel so the weather could get in and cause the structure to deteriorate in a short time. ' The same applies to your house. The night wind moves the' house enough to open the pores in the wood so the sun and rain of these spring days can work their dis trustful way under the surface and rot the wood; Noth ing but good paint can stop this wearing and for good paint put on right you should see us. ', Our business is fighting the elements with good paint and we are expert because we have had thirty years ex perience. We do the best work, in the least time, the best way, for the least pay. - " ' Murphy Paint Co. 121 E. Court Street Phone 818 WALL PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PICTTRE FRAMES . Contract and Job Work -- ' ' t ?H Co;otps Caught ' . Twenty-three baby . coyotes were caught Saturday by Baxter Hutchison on the Cunningham Sheep Co. ranch. Mr. Hutchinson is here todny to col lect. $69 bounty money. The coyotes were from three dens, one containing three, another nine and a third eleven. Took Money, left Him, Charge. His wife, Idella McQulre, took $1, 500 and left him in January, 1921, according to the complaint of Charles McQulre who is seeking a divorce. The couple married September 27, 1917 at Baker, the complaint sets forth. The plaintiff is represented by George W. Coutts. , ( Members File Bonds. ' : ; L. A, Relnemann and George Root have filed their bonds of 12,600 each with the county court as members of the county fair board., The bonds have been approved by the' court. L. L. Rogers is the third member of the board. Ho has 'not yet filed his bond. appointment of the former local mun to the plat-3 as assistant prohibitum enforcement officer at Seattle. Mr. Means was graduated from the Pen dleton high school and has many friends here. Ho has recently been living in Portland. He la the llilrd brother-in-law of Oregon's junior senator, Robert N. Stanfleld, to get a good political Job. Warehouse. Wins CJnnio.7 When The Peoples Warehouse nine went loco in the seventh inning and started running circles, around the diamond yesterday , morning, at Round-l'p park, Hamley's baseball gang succumbed and yielded up the ghost The flnul score waa about 25 to 16. The department store outfit scored 14 runs during the final Bes? sion and that was what saved the team from defeat. This is the sec ond victory for the Warehouse out fit, a Victory over the Ellls-Schlller nine having been scored last Sun day.' v. f i ' '. . State leader Here. v . Mrs. Jessie D. McComb, state lead er of county agents, is here today to confer with Mrs. Edith Q. Van deu- sen, home demonstration agent for this, county. 'Mrs. McComb Will ac company Mrs. Van Deusen to Btan- flold tomorrow where Mrs. Van Deu- aen will give Instruction, in millinery. Tho school will continue Wednesday niso. On Thursday and Friday Mrs. Van Deusen will give Instruction In Weston, and will be in. Holdman for the same purpose on " Saturday, April 16. , The Milton school will be held April IS and 19. Deputy Assessors Busy. ; In every section of the country new field deputy assessors are busily en gaged in securing assessments of pro perty. County Assessor R, O. Hawks declared that he will have need of no more men unless It becomes ne cessary to double up on some of the districts In order to got the work done within the prescribed time. Fol lowing Is a list of the field deputies and the districts which each is work ing: .Milton, F. A. Oaloway; Uma pine, A. A. Bixbyj Weston, T. P. Harbour; Helix and Athena,. W. T. McLeod; Pendleton, W. T. Rigby; Pilot Rock, W. L. Mathews; Uklah, Arthur McRoberts; Echo, Aleex Hud non; Hermiston, W. Prlszner; Uma tilla, Mark Griffin; and North Cold Springs, J. T. Hoops. The amount allowed by the county this year for this work Is four dollars and travel- ng expenses. Petersbn, c. . Hanley, ss. , Cary, lb. Van Pelt, rf. Kramer, If. . Alfred, cf. Williams, p S Totals i ' Summary Two,, base hits, Stone, Hinkle, Hucy, Peterson; Three base hits, Peterson; home jfunB, Huey. First on balls, Wll iamsl. King 2; Btruck out by Wil liams , King 10; passed balls, by Al brecht 1; wild pitches, by wllllams; hit bv: pitcher, Sturdtvant nd Smith by William Time of game 1 hour S5 minutes, umpires Smith and Rob erts,. ..;.. ,. ., .-, . TSIIlton-Freewatr Won The Walla Walla Bears were defeat ed by the Mllton-Freewatcr team of the, Blu mountain league at the Twin City grounds by a score of 9 to 8. The game was close throughout and was well played. It was attended by a good slipd crowd of locul fans as well a many from Walla Walla. , Batteries Mllton-Freewatcr, Duff nnl Clark; Walla Walla Boars, Pairls an1 Paris, O'Rourke. , v Umpire, Jack-Allison. Strlke-outs rarrls, 8; Duff. 8. CATARRH ; j. ' of head or throat is usually ,' " benefited by the vapors of 'MieKS ;;V VAPORUB Ooa 17 Million Jan UttJ Kcardi The Lost ChoriTv. Relnalii-Werrenrath Festival Te Deum Part 1 .... Trinity Choir Festival T Deum Part 2 i- Tr nlty Choir Hallelujah Chorus - .....Pryor's Band The Heavens Are Telling -...Conway's Band Sacred Songs No. 1 ...........Victor Mixed Chorus Sacred Songs No. 2 .Victor Mixed Chorus Oh. for the Wings of a Dove - Lucy Marsh , Mess ah I know That My Redeemer Uveth.- Lucy Marsh Whispering Hope - - - .C,luck-Homer Crucifl!t MoCormack-V.'errenrath , Adeate Fiilelea ...... McCormack r-.rivii Caruso ls Rnmeaux (The Pains) Hoaanna ' Crucifix .. Face to Face ....,...... The Lost Chord Open the Gates of the Temple. 1.2J 1.S5 ; 1.50 . 1.00 1.60 1.75 ' 1.25 1,75 1.75 2.00 1.7S 1.75 1.75 Caruso Caruso ..4 Cuniso-Journet .....:..En Williams Evan Williams :.....Evan Williams RED SEAL VICTOR RECORDS yOU, HAVE WANTED t n Tt.r h Rentlo Lark ...-.A....,-......uam--ur;i i.ia Lucia Mad Scene :. -,Galll-Curc Lawme-Bell Song ,Galll-Curcl Variations on a Moxart Air :. -. I ;.,(.alll-Curcl Vlllanelle H i .Galll-Curcl O Bolo Mlo (My Sunshine) .: - taruso A Dream f ruxo Dremns of Lon Ago - taruso Carry Me Back to Old Virginny..... Qluck-Male Chorus r Nightingale Song .0 - - oluek Oloha Oe ...Gluck-Orpheus Quartet Trovotore Home to Our Mountains Schumann-Helnk-Caruso Trovatore MlBerero' ' Caruso-Alda Elegle Massenet ...- H- ...Caruso-Elman Ave Maria (Schubert) McCormack-Kre.iler Ava. Maria (Gounod) ...McConmack-Krelsler Rigoletto Quartet ... i ; Caruno-Abbott-Homcr-Scottl Lucia Sextette ...Tetrnsxliil-Caruso-Amato. ; Journct-Jacoby-Bttda Cn Wings of Bong - Jascha Helfets Chanson Indoue (Song of India) -(. .......Krelsler Humoresquo . '' .........r...; Krelsler Caprice Viennois Krelsler Ave Murla (SchubertX ,. i- ...Powell Humorewiue - Powell Romance .-("" ' Helfets Hymn to the Sun , - Wm&n La Paloma (The Dove) ..............De Gogorsa Festival at Bagdad : Philadelphia Orchestra Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Philadelphia Orchestra 1.75 1.75 1.76 1.75 1.25 1.25. 1.75 1.75 ' 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3(00 2.50 1.75 1.25 , 1.76 1.76 : 1.75 1.76 , 1.75 1.76 1.75 1.76 1.75 . Economy Drug Co. QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable PricesEast Oregonian Printing Dept. Rains Cause High Water. - Butter creek was at high water stage early this morning, according to word brought to Pendloton by Ralp) Baylor. The aldcwalls on the dam were carrying every drop of water they would hold. The Umatilla Is also ris ing slightly on account of the rains wh'ch are aiding ; in increasing the seasonal run-off. BL'CKAROOS GET RKVEXGE (Continued from page 1.) Means Lands Job. That It sometimes pays to have a brother-in-law in the senate is the inference that friends of Arthur O. Means are drawing as a result of the Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less DESPA1N & LEE CASH GROCERY: 209 E. Court;, ' j ; V: : -Vi' J; ' . ' Phone 880 Werk?s Red OilSoap : , BUY IT BY THE CASE , YOU WILL LIKE J7Y PayCash Receive More Pay Less DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209E. Court . Phone 880 Stubborn Cases of Stomach Trouble Yield ' " Promptly to TANLAC - 25,000,000 Bottles Sold (me()ecoeC)C)Wii.'' lllllffllll - 'I "Try the drug store first" and Koeppens, the -drug stort that best, for Pre- tse'n'fs scriptiohs. third out. Pilot 'Rock was unable to do any better in the eighth than In the pro Vlous inning. Van Pelt, who led off for the Buckaroos singled to center field. Alfred was safe on a fielder's choice forcing van Pelt at second. "Al fred stole second and Williams walk' ed. Huey doubled to right field ncor Ing Alfred. Wllllams scored on Ol son's single to center field and Peter (son was. put out at first ending the Inning. . -- . Pilot' Rock made a big attempt at a ninth inning rally but failed to get more than one run. Royer .walkod Hinkle Was safe on Alfred s error, McNutt filed to Cary, who nearly threw the game by tossing the ball to first base, with no one there td get it. Royer went to third on this play and Hinkle was able to get back to first. Bill- had a wonderful opportunity to make a triple play ending the game. Albright was put out at first and Roy er scored.. Smith flied out to Hanley. . Gunner Peterson, this morning de nled that he was going (o farm BUI Cary.out for the season. ' Lack of ma ferial was given as the reason.. The Buckaroos wlll play their first game in the Blue Mountain league next Sunday at Dayton. With a little more strengthening In the outfield the team should give a good account of Itself at the end of the seasoih Lack of practice due to rain leaven the team a little ragged in places. This trouble will probably be found In all the teams' In the league because Jupe Pluvious refuses to resign and spring is hav ing a hard time forcing him to abdi cate. ., The score; Pilot Rock , y. ' A.B.R t 9 ' !liU),iliiilii'l!Ji1Uil'.iMii'- Sturdlvant, cf, . Albrecht W.; cf. Smith. If. 1 1 Kins,, p.. ounert id. .... Stone, rf , Albrecht. c. Royer, ss '. Hinkle, Jb. , . ,1 McN'utf, 2b. totals ....... .2 .ii TOE NEW DEMI-SEDAN The biggest advonee in body types since tho Gctlua. Enclosed car comfort at little mora I'.iun open car cost. Permanent top. Ro movable, non-rattle glass panels. 4 doors. 0235O. . ; Why It Will 9ay You to Know the FRANKLIN SIX v tight Weight - Flexible' ' oAir-Cooled 1 LIGHT UNSPRUNG WEIGHT LIGHT WEIGHT , lessens pounding on tires , gives more miles to gallon makes car easy to steer makes for quick geaway gives ridbg comfort holds car to road decreases skidding r lengthens car life. 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline ' y . ; 12,500 miles to the set of tires ' 50fo slower yearly depreciation , : .t v. , National Arcrcga) ; .-.; . Llglit weight,' combined witK Franklin flexibility and air - cooling, gives greater comfort, readability an,d freedom , ';; from trouble than do any other principles of construction. : It will pay you to know the Franklin. And in the only way you can Jknow any car take a long ride. This is your invitation to the ...... FRANKLIN STANDARD OF DEMONSTRATION 50 to 500 Mile -Ride-'OrMoYe Touring Car S745C Touring Umouslnn $3800 . Runabout $2400 ; Sedan $3450 Demi-Coupe $2750 Coupe $3200 Droughtm $3300 ",. '':' - (All Prices f. o. b. Syracuse) '' ; FltARXKLI.V DICLEK8 IN THIS VICINITV ' v PENDLETON AUTO CO. - 300 E. Court Street lUabilohed 19ti7 Pendleton, Ore. SPOKANE Rants & HalBtead WENATCIIEIS Weoatcho . Produoe BOISK Norman Grata, Co., Inc. , ' t, COLFAX Cram Bros. LA O RAN P E -David I. Stoddard TAKIMA Henry 1L SchOtt WALLA WALLA, Franklin SJai" Co.. A.B.R II ... l : I ( Olson, 3'. Jib. ,.13 '4