.TWENTY PAGES DAILY EAST O&GGOXIAKPESDLETOX, OEEGON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, '1922. PAGE THUS 'If! 5 6. 9 I 1 8 , S. . J I f . News Notes of Pendleton decrease the fart that much Ausira- CALENDAR OP EVENTS May t County Oratorical ontest.. . May ( County Track meet. Commencement at Pendleton High School, i - -.. June IS. 1 and 17 Annual (tat convention of Spanish Am erican War Veterans. Women's Auxiliary and Military Order of Serpent. t- jlian butter has been shipped -into' San Francisco, and that milk production lis heavy at the present time. litter Price is Down., rrhe price of butter dropped today ie retail nniA nnw twlnv fit .-snt u Ktead of $0 cents for a two pound The wholesale price is now 36 Ints a pound, instead of 3 cents. lealers give as the reason for their Fred Reunion in Vmapine. Fred Bennton. county agent, is in Vmapine today to attend a dairy meeting. It is being conducted by C. 1. Jamison, extension specialist from Oregon Agricultural College. Sxint Elect Leaders Leaders and assistant leaders of .the four patrols of Troop No. I, Pendle ton Boy Scouts were elected recently' by the boys themselves at their anni versary meeting. H. J. Kirby is scoutmaster of Troop No. I. The pa trols were named Bob White, Wolf. Panther and Eagle. Following art the names of the boyi present in the various patrols at the meeting. The first boy named in each patrol is the newly elected leader and the second is the assistant leader: Eaxle Patrol. Willie Lalng, Gerald Englehart. Harry Folsom. Leonard Kearney, Raymond Struthers, Edward Hale. Warren Os borne, Howard Pomerville; Panther Patrol. Charles NYwton. Hubert Allen. Elbert Belts, Wayne McAfee, Dean Irwin. John Walters. Ralph Loveland. Willis Lecklider; Wolf Patrol. Gilbest e j A. Porard, Claire Smith, Melvtn Lov- - Ml, Cecil Duptiis, Amos Newton, Olf' ford Clemens: Bob White Patrol. Tru man' A Oadwa. Nicholas Blydensteln, I Elmer'VR. Warren. Roland Frost. Stan ley Richardson and Carl Lewis. C5 ioi 101-401 j oi-ioi; oi iOl 101 101 - "Where do you get your CREAM? It's the finest cream we ever had from any place.' have The above is a comment re cently made in our market. ,.: OUR CREAM and MILK both come from the J. M. Harrison Jersey herd on Birch creek. Red Rock Cottage Cheese Seasoned with sweet, rich cream, 25c per lb.'z "Waste less Buy thest" Pendleton Casfi Market, Inc . 301 East Court Street; ' - 3 Main lipe phones Private exchange con-: nects you with either Dept Rain Halts Plowing Jim Hill, who Is plowing Si0 acres at the Shutrum place at Fulton Bta" lion, states that yesterday's rain halt ed plowing operations last night. He is plowing day and night, using a trac tor. Operations were resumed today. r-" J. -10M01 I0T10I 101 I0T-I0I I0T TOt AND CHI BHD Ham, Bacon and Lard An Eastern Oregon - product equal to any manufactured in the U.S. A. , - ft. mm U Tell your dealer you want Ore-: gon Pride or Camp fire Brand Hams and Bacon. In case Jie ' doesn't have them, please write us and we will see that he is supplied at once. OUR PRODUCTS ARE OUR GUARANTEE Pendleton Padung Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78-79 QUALITY SERVICE PENDLETON'S LE.T)tXQ STORK Use the Phones Grocery, 1 Phones 525 Other Depts. 78-79 i WE'RE READY TO SHOW YOU THE NEW FOR EASTER AND THE SPRING SEASON. Two Are Granted Decrees. . Two divorce decrees were granted yesterday by Judge G,'W, Phelps In circuit court. Harley Laure Hayn ard has secure a decree from Anna Elizabeth Maynard and the custody of a minor child. Thelma L. Grace baa also been granted legal separa tion from Elwood G. Grace, The plaintiff was awarded the custody of a minor child. ' ' Idaho Man Arrested. f Deputy Sheriff Jake Marin yester day arrested Sid White! alias Goodwin, wanted at Caldwell,- Idaho, for having taken French leave of a road gang on ! which he was working as a county prisoner. He was serving a sentence for moonshlnlng. A Caldwell officer is en route to Pendelto nto get the prisoner who will be returned to t county Jail at Caldwell., Convention June S to 9 Dates for the International Conven tion of Rotary Clubs, to be held in Los Angeles, have been announced as July s to 9. Local Rotarlans are in terested in the convention and repre sentatives from this club will probably attend. Plans for the convention were made recently in .Portland when the international board of directors met afte attending the Vancouver confer ence:., ; ,-. ,. . , , Have Hospital Plans. , ,1 A sketch of the plans of the new Protestant hospital which t will be constructed this summer,' according to an announcement made recently. were on display today at The Peo Jles' Warehouse. The blue prints show drawings for' three floors of the building. 'Provisions for many up-to-date features are made In the plans which were drawn by. the H. Li Copeland and Co., architects. Gets Mno Finn Joe Schneider, who lives In Pendle ton; was arrested yesterday at Weston and brought here where he entered a pla of guilty In the court of , Justice Joe If. Parkes to a charge of driving a car while intoxicated,1 He was fined SI 00 and costs and has elected to serve the'.tlme. , Two other charges, speed ing and having Intoxicants In his pos session illegally were preferred against him. These twb charges have not been disposed of yet. Baby Foxes Arrive. , Marlta, silver black fox which won the prize at Muskegon and which was recently purchased by Dr. I). C. JifciN'abb for his fox farm, Is . the mother of three baby foxes. Dr. Mc- Nabb considers Marlta the best fox he has on the farm. The foxes now number 85, this total being grown foxes. There are many baby foxes In addition. v Business, Dr. McNabb states, is good and he has had diffi culty in filling' all orders. ; Itlfle Club to Shoot. , v The first regular shoot of the Pendleton National Rifle Club will be held tomorrow at the club's range neap the county farm. Club mem bers have been working on the pits and target carriers for several weeks and the range is In readiness for the shoot tomorrow. For those members who do not' stave cars, transportation to, the range will be furnished at nine-thirty If the mem- " ct muiiu ItllU XMUIIUJieil s machine works, Cottonwood and Wa ter .streets. ', , , ' Flnley Is Appointed , j '' William I Flnley, well known to sportsmen ail over the state, has been employe by the National Association of Audubon Societies as special repre sentative In an active campaign now Underway' to preserve the wild .bird life of the national parks and forests. The Umatilla forest is in Mr. Finlev's district and he will visit this section) on a tour of the forests. He will take motion pictures of wild birds, animals and, other outdoor subjects and through these magazine articles and other agencies It is hoped to preserve and popularize these outdoor resour ces of the West. Plans for Hatchery Made Plans for enlarging and Improving tipon the fish hatchery which was es tablished lost year at Bingham Springs are being made by the State Game Commission and work will begin when weather conditions permit. The pond Is to be cleaned out and a concrete dam and gate constructed. Last year me tnousands of baby Kfcinbow trout which were raised in the pond and .which were to have been placed In cans and planted in various streams of the county, grew so large because of Plentiful food that it was Impossible to catch them In the nets. They were for this reason, liberated in the Uma tilla by the simple' means of opening the gate, instead of transporting them In cans. , ..) UEAD COLDS II Melt m spoon; inhale porr, . apply freely up nostrils. V V AioFlun . Over 17 MiUkm Jxn W Kecfc nev One must be fashionably attired on Easter of course but more than that, one's apparel must be . The Easter costume will give the greatest degree of pleasure if it is worn for the first time on Eater'morning. In our large stock you will now find last minute fashion that have been received during the past two weeks. " ' ' , ; , . V jfii. . , 1 i " 1 rS; i. . . "luff rrr t -n y - -3 1 mm w& 1 I 1 W ' xrH -TfH' It A Diversified Assort ment of New Models in Dress Representing the latest ideas as decreed by the foremost de signers for Spring and Sum mer. Dresses which fulfill a multitude of afternoon, theatre and dinner requirements achieve especial recognition through clever application of colorful trimming and in some instances artistic all over motifs woven in steel beads of contrasting colors. Tricotine and Twill Cord Suits ' , For Women and Misses' Hand embroidery and tailored inserts of materials make these suits extremely attractive and in good taste. The materials are very fine quality and the tailoring is perfect. Prices from ; $45.00 to $85.00. Women's Wraps, Coats and Capes Distinctive models that have each a new whim of .the spring season shown in some fascinat ing line or trimming, Lovely new materials such as marvella, gerona or' veldyne,', beautifully lined in plain and fancy crepe de chine, Colors are sorrento, pine cone, fallow, delphin, caravan, navy and black. ; Prices to suit all. , MODART COMFORT-DESIGNED CORSETS Comfort is the keynote of corset de signing today; but to design for com fort and hot sacrifice style or support presents certain difficulties that are only overcome by long experience in this particular field of design. Our feeling that the,broad experience possessed by the makers ,'of Modart Corset in designing for comfort would ; warrant special featuring of this line 'in our Corset Section ' was justified when our buyer inspected thcModart advance showings. . 1 These new Modart models from which we have made large selections are ex-' amples of comfort designing at its best. . MODART CORSETS . : , ')'. ' Front Lace They are ounces lighter and. far more flexible than any corset you. have ever seen. Yet they are so cleverly designed that they support the figure perfectly and bring out the wearers' graceful lines to the fullest advantage. Our expect coretieres will be glad to show you these new models. Exquisite French Models in Beaded Costume . 1 "Blouses Canton Crepe fashions these costume blouses. They are ex quisitely beaded in front and back in artistic designs. All the new spring shades are present, as well as black and navy. Claims Oruel Treatment, Edith P. Sheehy has brought for divorce from Timothy J. tiheehy. The plaintiff charges that the defend ant treated her in a cruel and Inhu man manner. The couple April 22, 1912, at Klma, Washington, according to the complaint, ; There are two children. Peterson, Bishop and Clark represent the plaintiff. . , j cording to a statement of company of- m)t flclals. I " 1 1 . . FHtz (;ornM Hiu k at Work. ..T'lty Kecorder ThornuS KHz Gerald married ,B aclt Ht of f,' lW' after an utwiMiue vi vera , uuyn uu HCiruuin of nines. ' , Irniws Auditorium. . i The new uuditorium at . The Pallia Power ta B Off. V ' I , . h ,.. Patrons of the Pacific Tower and Simpson- who rtrurneJ this morning Light Co. in Pendleton will be without fttet a. motor trip to Portland. They either power or . Igihts : tomorrow state that the building Is. a splendid morning between the hours of eight- one. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Simpson thirty in the morning and noon.' In- were in The Dalles lout night for the sulators which were shot off. near dedication, arriving in Pendleton at Athena must be replaced,' and the noon toduy, Tho highway between Portland and Pendleton Is In good shape, Ihey report. OTHER NEWS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ON PAGE 9 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Woman housework on ranch. Pilot Rock. ' for general -Phone 46 FX Foil BALK Chevrolet, good rmniiig order, price $20(.0t(. Haynes Sales ft Service. Co. .... : FOR IiENT Sleeping and housekeep ing room. 0 willow St. WAXTKD Person who took boy's wagon from In front of Penney store to return It to 11. J. Kirby, 115 Perkins Ave. , . , , L-O-O-K 100 acres all In crop, 1-3 crop goes a good Investment, jtt 134.49 per acre. , . : . 291 acres near Weston. ISO acres In crop, good buildings, crop goes, J19,. 000, t room house, now, east end, terms, $SiO,00. . ., 4 room bungalow, furnished, $1851 2 new bungalows, north side, on jir.r.OO.OO, the other $e,000.00 good terms. ' . We have a lot of others, auk us.' P. W. DAYTON riioiio 1072 Res. phono 1174-W . Si'O E. Court.