1 TWENTY PAGES DAILY EAST 0SEG0N1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 8. 192. PAGE ELEVEN i : t i I'' . ; .! . .... . .. byOttoA-Engel " , Standardltation of style, simplicity of modelling and a nearer approach to the line (hat marked Men's Clothing of several- years ago will feature the . Spring and Summer displays this year. Conditions in the Clothing Industry are more settled than they have been since 1914, Factories are running at top speed, wherever there are orders for merchandise and, there hasn't been the hurry-worry of other years. As a result Clothes have been made much better: fabrics have Improved and more attention has been 0a id to style. Like hundreds of other Industries the Clothing game Is gradually get ting back to normalcy.. The last two years have been hard ones for almost every one concerned and the showing financially has been decidedly poor - compared with the figures of tlfe pre vious four years when good Clothes were hard to obtain," i ., W ' Better Clothes Madc'Todny Millie there 'has, been a, trend to1 simplification, there has been some . style modifications, all tending to give men better ready-for-service Clothes. ( Never before In the history of the business have such Clothes approach ed the custom-tailored variety so closely. ' And as a result more men than ever are wearing "bought" Cloth es just because the makers have re moved all restrictions as to fit, etc. Fanciful ideas of recent years are almost entirely discarded. Of course some makers will continue to make freak models, but they are so far In the minority as to be almost negligi ble in their effect on present day style.. There is. the more conven tional note in Spring Clothes both suits and topcoats a note that Is more In harmony with the exacting tastes of good dressers. Trend to Conservatism As In other years young men will wear something that la not on the regular btll-of-fare, but such Clothes will be only a passing vogue. - Even the "radicals" are coming down to' earth and predictions are being made; that in a few years the wild Ideas in Clothes making will be entirely dis carded. About the only thing that , wilt be out of the ordinary Is the four-button sack or seml-f Itted coat. The lapel of this model Is narrower than last sea son and the top button is made use ful Instead of being an ornament. The front on this coat Is soft, with very little padding, so that when the top Is buttoned the coat Bhapes Itself to the movements of the wearer. Another extreme idea which really had Its inception last Fall, but prob ably will be the vogue among a cer tain class of the dressers this Spring, Is the fulltrousers. By that we mean trousers thot are shaped in equal full ness at the knees and bottom. Nor mally there is a three-Inch discrep ancy at the bottom. This style fol lows the English Idea to a large ex tent. Doublc-Brcafftcd Popular The single and double-breasted styles will continue in popular de mand, with the former dom-natlng the field. The double-breasted styles, however, have Increased with each year, because the makers have put more stylo into them and have dis-' carded the idea of making a man's clothes look like a sack bb In seasons past. -, . . '. As a rule the coats for young men will continue to show'the full-chested effocts, but not quite as pronounced Bs In other years. While the sktrts of the coats -will be fairly long the flare has been discarded almost alto-1 gether at least It would be as per ceptible as In other years. Belted styles will be ' In popular favor with the wearer of sport clothes. Half and three-quarter heltB will win the greatest vote, whtle the spring pleats, much like those worn in golf suits, wlll have the call. There are various styles to these.. Such Clothes will be worn a great deal more In the summer than in the Spring. Patch Pockets Win Favor Patch and' plain pockets are to be favored, while the crescent-Shape pockets are taking a back scat In the call again and It will be single breasted. They will be very little In the style parade. The colorless vest will have the way of trimmings except In the sport or novelty suits. Among the best patterns are those with stripes, but for business and gen eral wear fancy silk worsted herring bones In gray, brown and blue mix tures will, be the vogue ns;' last year. Prominent among the newer stylus are the so-called Mayflower stripes In 1 shades of gray, oxford, blue and brown. They are made of pure worsted yarns, serviceable because of their all year round weight. . , Check which came in several ycara ago with a rush will be bought by wearers of sport models largely, but there will be suoh patterns shown In many ,ot the more conservative Suits. Shepherd plaids, herringbones in blue, brown and gray stripes, Glen Ur qunrdt, Tartan checks and overplalds will havt a strong following. Men's models are made, with either full or half lining, while young men's styles are constructed with French facing and silk piping. '. ' Flannels In Various Colors Flannel the always popular Sum mer fabric will get its share of the honors again. They are tor the most part of dark tones, blues, greens, pur. pies, myrtles, various shades of brown and gray, ollva greens and tans, with pin stripes, pencil stripes and two toned effects. In mid-Summer fabrics Palm Beach again will rule supreme. The mak ers have gone the absolute limit In putting the best of style and comfort in such Clothes. In . other season pieces of cloth sewn together In any sort of fashion was called a Suit. To d.ay It's a different story! 1 Among othor Summer fabrics that Continued on page IS Just 1 Week till Easter Probably, like most of us, you're not planning a new suit or dress for Blaster this year. In that case, we have a suggestion for you. Send us your last Springs Clothes We will dye your last summer's suit so it will look like new ; remodel it if nec essary and save you money. Besides,1 you will have a new Easter suit We own and operate the only complete up-to-date dyeing and pleaning plant in the city. The Model Cleans v Phone 321 I . 1 "" ' ' ' " " " ' r IWI , 1 ,1 U-.J i. ii in j.....L IL I .,11.! 1 ' I ' Es:lMiitrrritiiiifirriinuf iMiMMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiitiMtiiiM tititiimittitimitt tiiiiiitiiiiiitiiimMtiiitttitiiitiiifit unit t .,. A iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv lIIIIiltlllllM j . ' . - - .'.' V. :. J "j , : ..a , ,..' v. 1 i ..: Use the Phones Grocery, 3 Phones 526 Other Depts. ' 78-79 ; 4illlTCletT ' Phones s7 yurf Use the Phones Grocery 3 Ph M Cjnlr Gery, 3 Phones 526 i - 't. n no ns " SERVICE .t . Other Depts. 78-79 1 1 . 0 ii ll : 5.1 .., STYLE : QUALITY VALVE In These New Spring Suits Tailored at Fashion Park at $40 Here are high-grade suits , that have everything you could ask for . in your new clothes for Easter correct style; fine quality; good value. They're the best clothes, we believe; to be had at anything near this price." And the selection em-, braces every new model, fabric !, and color that well-dresed men fa ; ' vor for spring. ' , Other New Suits, $25 to $60;-.,. J Topcoats and Gabardines 'P'' 430 - -Real ; snappy warmth-without- weight coats and smart rain-or-'! shine coats for spring new boxy or belted models. Fashion Park Clothiers EASTER TIES IN END LESS VARIETY The Newest Ideas in Texture, Color, Pattern ; Strinkingly distinctive and at tractive lies that will appeal to men of discriminating taste. All ' Silk Four-in-Hands of . rich, lus trous quality Silk . Knitted Ties " that are firmly and closely woven in a wonderful variety of beau tiful solid colors, pretty, stripes ' and fancy patterns. Prices range ' from 85c to $3.50. . c A Great Selection of Fine Silk and 1 CA Knitted Ties at.. New Hats, New Shirts t ; '- New Gloves ;-; The sort of new "fixins" the well ; igroomed man will want for Easter the newer styles, the correct col ors all with the assurance of v quality and style-merit. ' Fashion Park Clothiers . f HANDSOME NEW PAT TERNS IN SHIRTS FOR EASTER Shirts that are as Good as they are Good Looking Beautiful colored stripes, satin stripes, pin stripes and rich solid colors, in variety to- please all tastes every desirable shirting, from; the )ever popular Madras to the fmest of .; Silk Brbadclothes and Crepes Shirts that are fault-. less in'' fit and tailoring. Priced all the way from $2 to $10, with a splendid selection at ? " $3.50 ; - . f , - New Ties : New Hats , i : New Gloves : Fashion Park Clothiers ' YOUR NEW EASTER HAT IS HERE! Just the Style, Color and Shape You're Looking for No matter what your particular preference may be, you'll find it ' , easily gratified in the fine assort- ments of Stylish High-grade Hat that are here for your selection real snappy, Soft Hats- hj every "good" new shade; smart, ' dressy Derbies in all the newest blocks. Prices are $3 to 10. ; A Wonderful Selection is (COO Featured at. Ties, Shirts, Gloves . for Easter It's the little things of dress that make or mar a well-dressed ap pearanceand here you'll ; find Easter toggery that is absolutely correct in style, color and pattern. Fashion Park Clothiers l - ..,..........i,,..t if i.iittiiiiit tlllfittl.tltlMlltlllll'lllltlIlitllltflllltl1ltttllMlltllMM(lll1lllll'tlllllllllttllllllttltlllllllllllltllltl)llllltlIIIIIMIltMIII it!tit!(l(i-!ti!n; A f r.v-1. s t II ii S 3 i i r 1