DAILY EAST 0REG0NIA2T, PENDLETON, OEEGON, WEDNESDAY EVESDfO. MARCH 22, 1922. TEN PAGES mipvie& , A"-ectlPrent---1 PAGE EIGHT i s si i! AIICADE TOI.Y FACT AMI 11CTIOV IJLKXDrl) IX m.M OP AFIUC.l IX 18 The word theatre mean-, to moat of u. enterr-.inment pure and simple and the added attraction of the words "motion picture aerial-' in con nection with the former word -pells to 1 tli ear of the twentieth century au dience thrills, excitement and sus pend. "With Stanley la Africa,- the Cnl eiui t ,, Maria at the Jit ) -Ve Theatr today assure! Its specta tors of an this phi a liberal educa tion lit hstoi jr. i Xever have fiction and act been so i lerfectly blended In a motion picture production tin It has In this famous . epoth. of h' ory. the them of which fairly thr.l with romance of thei days ef it; when Henry If. Stanley was on his famous expedition to find ' , it, mio Livingstone, the well-known : missionary, who, for five years wits lost to civilisatloB In th heart' of the ; Dark Continent. . tJeor-e Walsh, the featured player. ; Is supported by such canuMe and pop- ular players as Louise Lorraine, who . Plays the feminine lead; Charles Mu , son, William Welch and Gordon Suck- ville, ... ' ( '-Vis Jb Safe Milk For lufanU 1 Invalids ' , - NO COOKING - Th. Food . Drink" fo, All Ages, Quick Lunch at Home, OfScc,an4 ( Fountains. A for HORUCICS. Aroicl Irailationi & Substitutes IJ: ' i 'V"4 lHn H'i -V . -f V , ,JU Offci. v.-r r V: -X V' .. . Xhe most recent photo of Dr. Sun Yat-Seu, president of ib southern government of China, shows him with Mrs. Bun and some of his stuff ' officers. These form only a small part of the command of the a.--ui sow .engaged in a northern campaign. ItlVOM TODAY IiAt'GHS AM) lOTII()S IV . OXK (iLOIilOlS DAY" Hi i dramatic, not to my emotionl, were certain ncenestnken for tho new Paramount comedy . "One (ilorlous Duy" which comes to the Ilivoll thea tre today, that one day ull the mual ilims around the ljiky studio wen Impressed into service. While Will Itojers and Lila Ie, the featured players, held the center of the stase, three fiddlers and a banjo supplied serious music It Is typicul of the pic ture that, while It Is a real comedy, 11 TODAY Children 5c Adults 20c fueorg e IN Walsh With Stanley in Africa ' s " ' ' , v In Addition ; " i ' . ,i. v , : . i i ... , ,, '...' ; Charles Hutchinson Hurrican Hutch there is much nei'loiis not inn and some moments of reul puthw. ' After the scenes h i. Ven Vhot" Will Uoer.s tuo. tin- violin linn one of the teminlnc muskUi.ia n.m pro ceeded to extract m ire or less melo dious strains such tunes as "Turkey in the Straw" being apparently his favorites. He soon huiKthe company beating time. When he finished pluy InK, he turned over the violin to its owner, with: "Take back your fiddle, gul.' and hastened of fto make somo changes In ls atflre. . . James Cruze Is director of the pic ture which Ig nn original by Walter Wood and A. B. Bitringer. The cast is nn excellent one. - Thrills Peril Comedy TOUCHDOWN S! Hiyoli Today Children 10c Adults 35c. GENSEL AT THE GIANT WURLITZER -V .v r'AIll AXD W.VUMKH! ' iSLL ' I Followed by stonns! . . For ; Bachelor Kxra I'otts bad never hud much fun till a dure-ilevll spirit, hunting a body, spied him and entered In I Then holy outs! How the neigh- bois pimped at whut that old bird did! A liive Hloiy built on a rousing Idea 'never screened .; bufm-el Filled' with amaxtng mvchanleul (luirvels ami laughs to lust a Veekl , " . II.V Wftlur WihkIs nnil A. It. linriiiKvr. D'itcIciI by Jaim'H d lue. Kd'iiui'io by Wnlter AVoikIs. Ccmedy NOBODY'S WIFE i : PATHE NEWS (East Orcgot.Iun Bpecial.) BOAKDMAN, March 21. The school board has selected P. J. Mul kcy, principal of the Arlington schools during the past six .yours to succeed M. B. Signs, who ufter" three years as principal notified the board recently that he was not a candidate for re election. Other teachers engaged for next yeur are H. H. Crawford, Kaonil ltunncr, and Gladys Price for the high school, and Mrs. Blanche Watkins, CreHcentia Olntt, nnd Uiiy L. Lee for the grades. There is one grade posi tion nt)ll to be filled. Salaries remain the suine as last your, excejit that the principal will start at $21100. Itev. L. V. Losey, who has been In charge of the work for thv Seventh Day Adventlsta for several months has removed with his family to Pendle ton. ' Several students and teachers have been out of school on account of Ill ness. At this writing Mrs. Watkins, primary teucher, Is 11 lat her home near Irrlgon, Mrs. Stewart la acting as substitute, ' This week Friday and Saturday nights will be shown the spectacular film Julius Caesar In six reels, secured through the auspices of the University of Oregon. The high Bchool ball team plays Ir rlgon Friday afternoon March 24 on the local diamond. ' A lively game is expected. . MANY STAKS WIMi .COMPETE SAN FRANCISCO, March 22. tU. P.) Many athletic stars of yester year twill compote in the field day I events at Ewing Fii'ld hero March 25 and 26 for tho 'benefit of tho Cpui nuinlty Service. , Among tho old-timers who will again "step out' ure Wulter Christie, Dad Woulton, Abutlle, Drum, Frank O'Kanc, Phil Wund, Pete Gorhardt, and others. Another novel stunt, according to present plujis, will be a race between Morris Klrksey, star sprinter, and a horse. Just what the race Is intend ed to prove Is uncertain. Perhaps It is Intended to hnve tho horse pace Klrksey, or vice versa. Most contend ers claim that Morris doesn't need ft horse, and perhaps this Is true, be cause the filmed Monrola young mun who was going to muke'his llfo work obtaining horses for such events Is not listed among the' patrons. In addition to thesa events, a crack boxing program and a three ting cir cus have been planned. "Evangelist -Jim" lw 1 "llL1 "wwvfl 1 N --Sri I i fjtj Us) I Jim Jeff ilea, former heavyweight champion fighter of the world, has j turned evangelist Hera h U on I Ml farm t Bur bank. Cal.. holdln ion of bU oUv- tatted calf, tww ... t WO ELD '3 1,'JtGEST CHATU' DEPAKTMENT STOKE OKuAKIZATIOIf incorporated ( 312 DEPARTMENT STORES rOROTJB,' 313 STORES ASSUIXS (jwparel SrQnen andcMsses 'n a i i nn. owin f We Have: Our complete displays of Pre-Easter' , Modes in Coats, Suits and Dresses for wom ' cn and aiiisscs. Your inspection Is cordially Just ; Received " ' ' - I "We feel confident that you will experience the utmost sat isfaction for the various models are truly representative of the very latest dictates of fashion as. now beiup; expressed in the fashionable circles of New York and Paris. There is a brilliant array of modish shades for sport, street and dress wear. i The models chiefly are exceedingly clever adaptatie; of (the ultra-stylish creations of Parisian "origin. The accom- panying illustrations indicate only a part of the new styles ,we aro displaying. ' x- .. Every advantage that accrues to Ihe institution that buyi to supply tne requirements ot a nation-wide clientele, was en joyed by us in selecting our present wonderfully complete and interesting displays of Spring outer-apparel for women and. misses. . ... ... . We not only made unrestricted choice of models and styles we ordered made up for our customers but buying for our 312 department stores the quantity thus demanded earned a cash price-consideration that now enables us to offer these new Spring creations at prices that are surprisingly low. . This event is still another evidence of our ability to always present the most desirable merchandise at the lowest prices. Our values are unmatchable. i , , Dresses for Women and Misses M exquisite presentation of beantiful and richly colorful Dresses for street ana afternoon wear. In Canton Crepe, SUV Titffeta, Georgette, Crepe Kntt ind Satin. The latest authentic ' loas in, sleeve, neck and trim nlngi effects an array of ex roniely handsome Dresses- at iicse popular price $14.75 $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 $39.75,.; $49.75 Suits for Women and Misses ' i Prepossessing. Sulfa of Trie, "c, Polret Twill, Twill" Cord t"d Tweed. Some are heavily mbroidcred, others embellished ilh dainty stitchea or braid Trimnilnss or piped will) on Iractbg colors. Both bell and i4e sleeves. Crepe d Chine and silk linings. KAepttonal values at v $14.75 $24.75 " $29.7 $39.75 ' f $49.75 $59.75 y THK 'LARG1ST. C'H.1 DKP.RTMEXT ;ST01!F. OKUAM7JITIOX FN THK WOULP" N