CJtlGOIflAN, ?SSDLETO!T. CEIGOS, THTJSSDAY EVENED, KAECH 9, 1922. EIGHT PAGES 1 I'll 1 V 5 , ti.i Social and Club News SIRS. TOWNFEXD HONORED. Mrs. It. M. Townsend. of Portland, who U guest at the home of her sinter, Mrs. Wiftartl llond, was hon ored, at a luncheon today for which Mrs. Aivah HtiiNher and Mrs. ul fclunher were hoxteitsex at the home of the former, 121 Lewis street. In timate frienda of lrs. Townsend were truest, and following the luncheon three tublea of bridge were la play. Mm. TownFend will be compliment ed again tomorrow afternoon when Mm. Will H. liennett will entertain With a bridge party at her home. 903 Jacknon street. Guests suffi cient to make up four tables have been Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend arrived liere yesterday for a visit at the Bond home. J ANCE 18 THIS EVENING Members of the Triple Link Club, of the I. O. O. F., will entertain this ening with a dunce at Eale Woodman hall. In honor of Oddfel lows, Hebekahs and their friends. The committee In charge contexts of Mm. W. H. Pltsser, Mrs. Hrady Howdyshell, Mrs. Fred Fraser and Mrs. C. A. Crabtree. TO ENTERTAIN. Officers, teachers and . friends of the Progressive Hible Class of the Huptint church will be entertained this evening at an Informal party In the reception rooms of the church. There will be a program and re froshmenta will be served. ' MAKKIAGE SOLEMNIZED. The marriage of Miss Therese Sny der and Ernest Linn Crorkatt, both I of 1'enill. ton, was solemnized yes , tenluy afternoon at three o'clock in I Portland, at Trinity church. The : wedding was a simple one, only the 'bride's mother, Mrs. J. M. P. Sny der, being present. Mr. and Mrs. iCrookatt will after April 1 make their home at 20 Vincent street. In the Fred Stelwer residence. TO HEAR OPERA. The season ui grand opera, which opens In Portland March 22, Is at tracting the attention of Pendleton music lovers. Mrs. G. V. Phelps, who went to Portland recently, will remain in Portland for the opera sea son. Other local people who are plan ning to attend are Mm. Not borne Pcrkeley, Miss Mildred Berkeley and Mm. Lawrence G. Frazicr. Ll'NCHKO.V IS GIVEN. Mrs. it. I Oliver and daughter, Mrs. Chauncey Smith, entertained with an enjoyable luncheon yester day at the home of Mrs. Oliver, 511 Perkins Avenue. St. Patrick's deco- utions were used most effectively. Covers were laid for Mrs. D. Ii. Waffle, Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs. Lewis King, Mrs. Henry Struve and the hostesses. LEAVES FOR PORTLAND. Mrs. Charles Bond left last evening for Portland, where she will Join Mr. Bond, who departed for the city on Tuesday evening. nopi' UPSTAIRS SHOF "S . KXCM SIVR HIT' NOT EXPBNSIV f spondence cards in pink and blue colors at 50c per box 8 Phone 520 V, , y i Eaton's Highland Linen Box Stationery and Correspondence Cards BACK TO PRE-WAR PRICE 50c Per Box t We are offering; a special value in gold edge corre- WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS THOMPSON 'S DIG 1 E "Try the drug tora first" Pendleton, Oregon FLOUR THE STAFF OF LIFE. If you are figuring on guarding yourself against the rise in flour we will be in a position to take care of your wants very shortly. We have a car load of flour. The quality guaran teed at a price that, will be a great saving to you. Remember The Table Supply stands ready always to guard its customers on the price of quality merchandise. Hundreds of cash customers denend on us and we will not fall down on the job. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH WHERE CASH PAYS THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors. An Irresistable Display of Captivating Advance ' ' Spring Fashions. Suits, Wraps) Dresses, Blouses Your Inspection Invited. ! 5 i 7 TOSTI MK PAKTT GIVEN" A delightful costume party was (riven last evening when Miss I llano he Isaac and Miss Murjorie McMonies entertained at the Isaac home. A St. Patrick's met if was used in decorating, the use of shamrocks !e- inir most effective. In one of the Raines, Miss Kilna Murphy won the first prize and Miss Kvelvn Snvder the consolation prize. Uttle Kather- ine Simpson danced an Irish Jig. The Juclires. Mrs. C. Isaac. Mrs. F. J. McMosiea and Mrs. Hirrv Nnlimn awarded the prize for the best sus tained character to Miss Frances Rogers, who was dressed as "Sis" Hopkins. For the supper hour, the ffuests found Dartners hv niimhon on dainty preen roses. Guests were the Misses Ednn Mnr. Phy, Ituth Minnis, Isabel Hoss. Mari an Hoss, Muiie Temple, May Vur- pinai. Freda puhi, Marie Pahl, Marie Fletcher, Garnet Jack. Mer! jArk Tlielma llloom, Lottie liennett, Heu- lati McAtee. Frances ItoKers, Seville fli arty, Ruth Hnow, Evelyn Snyder, Rebecca llarthcl. Hose Mathi VH. 1.11- cile Pearson. Katherlne MkV.,v Marguerite Humnhrev. nirhur v.. monls. Iris Little. Marfruorite Akey. KUtn hoiil'Ios. Mildred WvrlcV vn Neugle and Vera Hampton. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED. Officers of the Presbyterian Tviflie.- Aid were chosen for the ensuing year at a gathering of the Aid yesterday afternoon In the reception rooms of the church. Mrs. Thomas Hamilton was chosen president, Mrs. S. A. New berry secretary nnd Mrs. Alfred Smith treasurer. The members decided to hold a bazaar buforo Eastor and will sell Easter Eggs, aprons and cakes. DIX.VER IS GIVE.V. The first birthday anniversary of little David Nelson. Jr., was observed on Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Isaac entertained with a blrthdny din. ner. The honoree is a sun of Mr mirt Mrs. Hurry Nelson and David H. Nelson of this city. LUNCHEON IS TOMOKKOW. Ono of a series of no hostess lun. cheons will be given tomorrow at tho Elks club. Six tables of hrldKO will be In play during the later hours. Mrs. John Vuuirhan and M rs. .lames IHill are in charge of arrangements. CU'U TO MEET. The Current I.itcruture Club will meet tomorrow nfternoon in th cinii room of the library. Mrs. J. F. Robinson and Mrs. Mary Dlsosway will bo hostesses. RETURN FROM TRIP. Rev. and Mrs. A. Iil.-isberir return. cd today after an enjoyable three moniiis' visit at thoir old homo In Minnesota. RETURN FROM CONDON. Mr. and Mrs. Jnli tl 1-1. Slmrntfin i turned yesterday from Condon. Mr. bhorman left tislay lor Wulla Walla. J TO HOLD SALE. The Oirls' INulty Protective Patri otic Asseinl)ly will hold tt cooked food salo on Saturday ut Alexander's. LEA VIES FOR LA CHAXDE. Mrs. Dora II. Hchllke left today for l lirnndi! alter a visit with her uuugmer, Mis. Edna s. Morrison. LEAVES FOR HELIX. Mrs. John Loedlng left today for ner nome in Helix. Club. Mrs. McEwun, Mrs. Tlsher and Mrs. Uasler are on the program for a vocal trio, with Mrs. Stephens us accompanist Mrs. ISasler is tak ing Mrs. David Stone's place as Mrs. Stone Is 111. The visitors are members of the Athena Civic . Club, and Mrs. Mc Ewan Is vice-president of thut or ganization. The club had expected to send many members to the meeting here but because of illness, this was Impossible. QUESTS FROM ATHENA. All's. Klllllh MrKtviiii r Fisher, Mrs. Loren rasler. Mrs. omer Stephons, Mrs. Robert Proud fit and Mrs. .1. v. irmn, a. ,.,.. niairons, are In Pendleton today u gucnts of the Pendleton Women'; T So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing habit No-To-Bnc has helped thousands to break the costly, nrrve-shuttorlng to- U.UIM1 immi. whenever you have a "iKiiiK ior a smoKC or chew, Just place a harmless No-To-Bnc tablet In your mouth instead. All desire stops. cnuuiy ine nn nit la completely broken and you are better nff mnmiiu k.. f'vany, iiiiaiK-lally. it's so easy, so ulniple. Get a box of No-To-Hac nnd If it dosen't release, you from all crav. uig ior tonncco In any form, your druggist will rotund your money with ' uoijsaub jno Don't Miss This High Quality Cocoa in bulk, pound.... 15c Gun Powder Tea in bulk, pound 25c Bulk Cocoanut, pound 30c High Quality Fruits and Vegetables i Winesap Apples, box $1.50, $2.25, $3.25 Florida Grape Fruit, extra large size, each 15c Sunkist Oranges, from 60c up Cape Cod Cranberries, pound 30c Lemons and Bananas I$ru!r1 Sprouts, Green OnHin". Gren lVppmnJ, Cnni. bent, It'pe Tomatoes, ltxl and Whin- Cahtiago. Cauliflower, Buwh TurniMi ai d (larrotl Spinach, ItcuJ Lctl''e, Sweet lutatot and rt'k-ry. i We carry I lie (newt complete liie of II'rIi Grade I-Yalt Slid Vcgclabk-s. lrices always right, yi .VLlTY ttuis di-rcd. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Qualitythe Best eh ulltmuas bo I 1 lY V TWEED Fashions the Smart Spring Suit In pleasing variation are such clever, new fabrics as : Kelly Cloth Scotch W H 0 M IDEAS E DEMOI!STRAT!0 FOR HOUSEWIVES OoiI'dcM. 3-4 cup shortening. 2 cups sugar. 4 1-4 cup milk 2 CKKS. 1-4 teaspoon Kra'ed nutmeg. 1 teaspoon vanilla or grated ring of 1 lemon. 4 4 cups flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 4 Cream shortening and siiKar together; add milk to beaten eggs and beat again, add slowly 4 to creamed shortening nml n- gar; add flavoring; add 2 cups . flour sifted with bnkinir nowder and nutmeg; add enough more flour to roll easily. Roll out very thin on floured board; cut wllh cookie cutter; sprinkle with sugar; put a rulsln or a piece of walnut In the center of each. Hake about, 12 minutes In hot oven, Chocolate rill.iiff. 3 bailees nuHed chocolate. 3 tablespoons crei'.m. 1 egg. 3-4 cup powdered sugar. 1 tablespoon corn sturi'h, 1-8 teaspoon suit. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Add melted chocolate and cream to beaten egg; mix In powdered sugar gradually; add corn starch which has been mixed with a little cold water; cook In top of double boiler, stir ring constantly until smooth nnd thick; add salt and vanilla. Spread between layers Of cake. V, U. 10 LEAVE CONGRESS EAST ST. LOl'KS, III., March 9. (L. P.) News of the proposed retire ment from congress of Representative William A. Itodenberg at the expira tion or his present term, Mureh 1:3, struck like u bomb shell in 11! nols pnlltliul circles. Kodenliergs will have served as representative for 2U years from the twenty-second congressional district when he steps out of national politics. in is.'u, llodenberg wuj re-elected lu ll plurality of 23, OOt). The only members of the Illinois delegation, who are older In point of service than Itodenberg, are Repre sentatives "ihicle Joe" Cunnon and James It. Mann. Edward IS. .Miller, state treasurer. hiiH announced he would be a camli date to fill the shoes of Roili';iberg. "lll'SKLliK" StWUCK. ."EDMONTON, Alta., March 9. (f. P.) Malumule dogs, tlie half-wolf, half canine animals known as huski,. are selling In the North at $lo apiece Boy Millionaire JSE SLOAN'S TO ' WARD OFF PAIN LITTLE tches grow Into big pains unless warded oS by an applica tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism, wtiralgia, stiff joints, lame back won't ight long against Sloan's Liniment. For mora than forty years Sloan's .iniment had helped thousands, tha .-orld over. You won't be an excep. ion. It certainly does produce results. It peiutratet without rubbing. Keep his old family friend always handy (or instant use. Ask your neighbor. At all droggists-Sc, 70c, 1.40. JLXA UX I. LX a. I. 1 eneim and up,, according to returned hunters und prospectors. W'hen the North is snow-bound und lakes and rivers are locked with lee. against navigation, lruvel In north Is almost exclusively by dog-sled. The lowest price ut wldch dogs on ii be obtained is IIUU apiece, according to advices. First-class ani mals, such as crack "mushers" pride themselves on keeping, are hurd to get at any price and when obtainable, cost several hundred dollars, oc as much us good horse In tho south, Scarcity of dogs, it is said, is due to the neglect of breeding stock by the Indians SUCH PAINS AS THIS WOMAN HAD Two Montis Could Not Turn in Bed. Lyrlja E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Finally Restored Health Seattle. Wxshimrtnn "T haI ging paina first and could not stand on my ieet, then 1 had They answer every call of the mode. Their ser viceability has increased with their sweager until now thpv arp tho evprvi-hmir rnshimp nf trip vprvtl smartest women. t QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION FISH Salt Salmon Bellies, lb. ...... . . y 30c Salt Mackerel, each 25c These are but two of the many varieties we offer. FRESH 'EGGS, 4 DOZ. $1.00 Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 The Sign of a Service "If It's On' the Market We Have It" DC jjfl, chills and fever and such pains in my richt side nnd a harit lump there. I could not turn mvaolf in bed and could not sleep. I was this way for over two months, trying everything any one told me, un- ui my sister Drougnt me a bottle of I.vdia P. Pinkhnm'a V. Li . y-t , , ,.. . . moie wmpouna. 1 iook it regularly un til all the hard pains had left me and I was able to be up and to do my work again, The hard lump left my side and I feel splendid in all rays. I know of many women it has helped,"-Mrs. G. Richardson, 4640 Orcas St, Seattle, Washington. This is another case where Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hroticht ranulta a ff f v.n ai,a,U; B..vuui,uuiwii bl ll IK V1C1 J UliUU any one told me" had failed. If you are suffering from pain, ner vousness and are always tired; if you are low SniriteH nnd arrvwt fni. nntkinw take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound. You may not only relieve the riresenr. ftistrasa Knf nMimni uA j V.-. ..UU, WWV V. I 1 1 1. U1Q development of more serious trouble. Wm. R Chase Co. J Announce their removal from 820 E. Court to 8 y newer and larger quarters at 728 Thompson Street Our new location gives us much more floor . space and adequate room for storage. You j will like our service. Chase Batteries Service Renresenfaffops S and Parts Distributors. LAUNDRY KIDS New Bedroom Furniture Use our bread as a foun d a t ion upon which to build the perfect meal. This bread never disap points in its quality. It is made with the kind of care and of the same excellent mate rials that the particu lar housewife reveres. , Pendleton Baking Co. rj2siJ f .. COLO WEATHtR FOR LESS. CuftTMNJ A NO BLANKETS VJ LAUNDER.. AT PRICtS THAT MAKE I Franriii frVn nr-i . ..i.... . - - ----- - ' "wunii hi nus1 by, Englond. has just Inherited as estate estimated at $9,000,000 from nla grandmother, Mrs. H. C. Bo tock, who died la the United States. Much of the astatt is in Standard .Oil stock. - Folks PowoeR. 1 1 The cold weather flag is up. Send your blankets to us. Send your curtains, too. We'll do them up to look like new. We are certain that we can please you. Our service is right and so are our prices. . i TROY Laundry 608-10 r.anlrti 0 Li Bed Room Suites From $78.23 up to $485.00 Walnuts, two-tone Mahogany, two-tone Walnut, Old Ivory, Ivory and Blue, Ivory and Gold and French Gray. We are showing the most complete line ever. , See our window if you want to save money. " Your Credit is Good. Crawford Furniture Co. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW 10S E. Court Street Hione 496 Pendleton. Oon PGR 'an qnb-t TO i : Ecot MM