EIGHT PAGES "DAILY EAST HiGONlAli. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 9. 1922. H it I People Here and There jamn King and Frank Greer are timers near Weston. They were In, Ctdleton today. i his corncob pipe which is a pioneer oft Charles Stlch, roadmasier for the Echo. j Northern 1 acific, is in the city loJuy ' from Pasct. Hoy Ritner is expected back from ; la,, rhristoDhar. a farmer In tne rortiana tomorrow wnere ne wascan-i -i-m YaiRran n.;s three sU?ht!v in- dims district, was a business visitor ed yesterday on political business. j Jjml finders r.s a result of being A in Pendleton. I i nuckea from a plajf.,1 hr.uk -s;,r- I rroiu instant' ranrn r.e.ir iuru:ir. P i:.ir? Kiho merchant, an-i, i rcmi nii uu.es me irura winter i" :-p. lph Stanfield. banner, were in i m leton today to attend the meeting of Umbers of board of education. Mr. Wnfielo was preceded, as usual, by s.rinv. At least the a.iow la heavy enough at Gurdane to make one think it winter. J. D. French says. He was here today. r Eskimo Pie THE HIT OF THE CENTURY. ' Chocolate Coated Ice Cream Confection in Bar Form. , We Have the Patent Right to Manufacture This Dainty. Original BUY AND SPECIFY "ESKIMO PIE ; Look for the Sign 9 Si! V n .Mi day. Mr. Vatuhau, in tin- iliwi nt. Ml on hut hand and ilie iniiiry rviiilli-d He united ti.il.,y (rum IM: and b- here on business. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON ! : To Qu et Title. A su.t to quiet title to rral estate I has been filed in circuit court by At torney S. D. Peterson in behalf of t I H. Spencer against Charles S. Eoyei i and others. ' I La Grande Couple Arrested. j This thins of love without benefit ,of clergy may be interesting if one merely reads about if as Rudyard Kipling knows how to write of It. but to put it into practice is likely to lead one into many difficulties. At least that is the belief of a La Grande couple Held here in the city jail. Joe Flatten. 23, and Ella lirill. IS, were arrested yesterday by the police and are being held. The girl will be sent back home, but the man will have to stand trial here. The young people said they had the per mission of the girl's mother to marry, but they neglected to conform to the usual rites before they started to live together. That caused them grief. SKITIC TASK PLAN'S (Continued from page 1.) ing on Thompson street. The city at torney was Instructed to take the mat ter up again with the railroad com pany. H. J. Warner gave It as his opinion that the city may bunch funds In the various Improvement funds to pay off bonds. inn nr LiTa Ur 1LHM LWI ROADS VfilL BE'MADE MOTHERS! CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP SPCKAXE. March . (A. P.) All Inland Empire roads ieaduiK ftvm main highways to various points of in terest will be marked this year ami road logs prepared by the Inland Au tomobile association, according to aiinoim.etnen! if frank V. UuUbert. wmjij n" ;sMcat on. Card maps for h g'W:s between Spokane and Tellows-one National rark also wll be irfr rcd. "We are planning to get our high way service maps in order early as possible, be : use the west is KiiC to m its best y ar for tourist trad" dur ing the com .ig summer." Mr. Uullbert expla lied In telling of his plana. "A heavy deman I for Information regard ing the row Is to Yellowstone his caused us t prepare cards for that route. "Since the state highway depart ment and the counties murk the main line highwav , we will mark only side roads that It- id to points of Interest In the Inland 1'mpire. These will be well marked lliis summer." ven a sick child loves the -fruity" j tate of "California Ki Syrup. it t j Hie '-lite Uiitfu is ttxittj. or u yor I I child is listless, cross, feverjsh. fall tl j I coid, or has colic, give a teaspoonfjl to leans 'he liver and bowels, in a TITi T. MOVES FAST LONDON, March 9. tU. P y the death of a baronet the title chang es for the se -ond time since its crea tion in 1918 believed to be a record. The first "baronet, Sir Thomas Watson, was killed by a motor-car last May. His son. Sir Wilfred, has Just died of the 'flu. The title passes to a brother, Geoffrey. , few' hours you can see for yourself j how thoroughly it works all the con- -: i.t on po son, sour bile and wts: out of the bowels, and you have a l. playful uhild asam. Millions of Mother keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-, spoonful today saves a sick iliild to-j morrow. Ask your druggist for a,enu-1 ine "California Fig Syrup" which has d rections for babies and children of; all aces printed on bottle. llo'herlf Vou must Siiy "California" or you may J rer an ireitstnm file svnin t I ill- actual acti.wi as well as the raphy waa difficult to get. photo-; Are You Thrifty? : IF YOU SO ARE BUYING . YOUR NEW SPRING HAT FRAMES AND TRIMMINGS ' At The BEE HIVE Pendleton, Ore. BUFFALO, March 9. (U. P.) After setting the airbrakes on a New York Central train as it entered the yards at Forks, eight miles from here bandits today robbed the cars and train crew. Three men were later ar rested by the New York Central po lice. The loot was reported recovered, MT. JEFFFJtSON ACTIVE MADRAS, Ore., March 9. (A. P.J A column of black smolto was re ported Issuing from, the southwest s'de of Mount Jefferson crater. It Is reported the heat Is melting the snow on that side of the Mountain. RIVOM TODAY Direct from its triumphs' at the Manhnttan Opera House, New York, and the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, and Immediately endors ed by a finicky and expectant public, announcement Is made of the latest sensational triumph, "Bringing L'p "ather In Wall Street." This unusual play, which Is, of course, based on the ever-green cartoons mndn famous by helr creator, Oeorgre MeM.mus, is in two acts and five scenes and will be the attraction at the lllvoll Theatre tonight. Jiggs Mahoney, whose ex ploits and adventures are known from one end of the world to the other, this time plunges into Wall Street. . There, after various vicissitudes, trials and tribulations, he becomes a millionaire ind Maggie, his Irrepressible but dot ing wife, plans once more to conquer the unbidden field of high society. The "omedy, which also boasts of a cham pion beauty chorus, has been acclaim ed a riot of screems, laughters, bliss ml Joy from start to finiBh. Reserved :ots now selling at box office. TflovieS) AKCARK TODAY NF.W MAYO FILM HAS MANY THIllI-USi A huge liner burning to the water'-! edge In mld-occan. and then swallow-1 ed by the waves: a tropic hurricane i vhieh lashes a schooner and threatens 'ts destruction; a mutiny at sea: a errifie fight between the master .of a -hip und a score of fear-crazed Las ers and Kanakas; a tiny babe tossed on the waves supported by a bit of wreckage: a leap from a high cliff nto the shark infested waters of tho Eolith Pacific these are but a few of he outstanding features of "The Shark Master," the romance of the South Seas, In which Frank Mayo (s to e seen nt the Arcade theatre today. Frank Mayo has established n repu- atlon for such speedy and vigorous V III The Gruen watch has the requisites of the ideal watch of the day so, by all means Bee the beautiful Gvuens we have to offer. It performs its duty of keeping accurate time. It has the best apeparance of any watch we know. It is quality in movement, case and dial. -yewelety (i FfentfHon The Largest DUnKind Dealers In Eastern Oregon Peels of him. "The Shark Master" was written oy red I.eRoy Granville and is based on a personal experience during his sojourn In tho South Sea Is lands. Granville, known us a globe Irnm.i that Fniversal Is compelled to j trotter and director as well as author, have stories written especially for this I personally prouueeu me pnoiouruma, tnr stories that are worthy of his land the result, judging 'from the re fill as nn actor and yet provided with views, Is an exceptional picture that the thrilling Incidents the audience ex- no thcutre-goer can afford to miss. The. blind, unreasoning love of a girl of white parentage, reared as Thft Hume Flower by the South 8ea na tives, when she rescues from the sea a man of her own color; a strong man's terrific struggle between his heart and his conscience and the re nunciation of the world In the face of duty are the high lights of this story of the far places. ' WHEAT QUOTATIONS . TORTL-AXD, March 9. Wheat$1.25 to $1.30. PORTLAND MARKET PORTLAND, March 9. (A. P.) Livestock steady. Eggs weak, butter steady. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less It ' 209 E. Court DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY Phone 880 How Many Eggs? Guess how many eggs there are in our win doy all guesses free. Contest closes Friday night. To the first person guessing or coming the closest we will give a . Sack of Sugar Drop in the store. Put your guess down. Pav Cash Receive More ' Pay Less DE 209 E. Court Phone 880 DEEDS. Tearl Wilson to Mrs.' Jennie Drake, J1.0O. 1-2 Interest In Lot 12, Block 181. Res. Add to Pendle'on. L. P. Drake to Mrs. Jennie Drake, $1. 1-2 Interest in same description as above. Grace Ingram to Mrs. Jennie Drake $1.00. 1-2 interest in samo description as above. Fred H. Drake to Mrs. Jennie Drake $1.00 1-2 interest in sarnie description as above. C. J. Desnaln to Maude L. Johnson $50. Lots 1 and 2, block J. Uklan Roland Oliver to Cordelia A. unver, $1.00. Lots 6 and 6, block 6, Llver- more's Add to Pendleton. Inland Empire Irrigation Co., inc. in Thomas O'Grady. 1B.UUU. ftri 1-1 NW 1-4 Sec. 26, Tp. 4, N. R. 29. Chas. E. Carpenter to Jemima tu Tucker, $10. East 40 feet of Block is, South of the Northern Pacitic u. a. in Res. Add. to Pendleton. I Charles D. Semplc to Loren E. Hoo ver $1.00, E 1-2 Lot 7 and S 1-2 Lot 6 in Block 183, Res. Add to Pcndloton. ALTA TODAY THE "CIRCLE OF DEATH" There are several novel and unusual ituatloiib In "While Oak,'' William S Hart'i new Paramount picture' which comes to the Alta theatre today. One of the most thrilling and splendidly portrayed scenes In the reproduction of the famous "Circle of Death." An enttre trlbo of Indians In full war re- tralla attack the biggest and richest wagon train out of Independence, Mo in the year, 1S52. Tho train has been botrayed to the Indians by four white traitors who are with the emigrants. A revengeful old chieftain swoops down in ambush with his entire fight ing strength. The bftttlo scenes nre charged with danger and thrills; as well as excitement. This is a marvel ous reproduction of the historical Cir cle of Death In al llts realism and tho I ft I . I k:, ,Fk- ' - 11 : I IS 1 ALTA Today I Arcade Children 10c " AdulU 35c NOTE On account of the road show "Bringing Up Father" being at the Rivoli tonight we are showing "White Oak" at the Alta. No. 14, COOKED FOOD SALE Cakes and Home-Made Bread a " Specialty. SATURDAY, MARCH 11 ALEXANDER'S Under auspices of Purity Protective Patriotic Assembly. (id l -V w Chief Justice Taft as ha left the ttincheoff of the Washington Ks Uonal Monument Society He didn't have to watch bis bat while he ate. He checked tt, as the tag, Ko. it show Writ XM Today Children 5c Adults 25c Comedy RESTLESS 3EX WILIIAM S. HART in WHITE OAK" When hostile Indians stalked the wagon trains, and none but the iiulckest trlgger man was wife When the roaring gam bling hall was the only club that the life of tho -Frontier knew . fame While Oak Miller riding over the plains! Riding on a quest Jour heart wilt thrill to sec! A story that sums up the whole Wild West and pictures Its best and its worst. PATHE NEWS III Written and Directed by Fred Le Roy Granville i j A blazing Drama of the f j iToplcs, where men J must im to live 1 s v and love. i " '' : . FT ' t - ? r X ( M I v74PNi .IV ism 3 (II I I i an amr i v-4 m ! V 1.'.. ' Comedy FARMERETTE ... m li-A : r i- i m f