East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 09, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Iloyt r b OptimMk'. vas a business visitor in I'endleton
"There isn't anything wrong with esten'.ay. Mr. lloyh-n is not direct
this country. The main job we have ly intvrtted in the sheep business
right now hi to try as hard to ' now as he used to le, but lie knows
vays of savins money as wo wer iirartirally all of the operators in
t iving not long agj to tind wa io,his tvt-tlon if the country. He rc
tpend it. That is ;ni- In-lief of Her- ports that practically all hay has
bert Boylen. rilot Hock man whj lccn fed in the IMot Kock district
ih - 101 101 101 j 01 101 i oi - joi ioi loi e
Whole Wheat Granules,
2 lb. pkg. 25c
White and Yellow Fresh Com
Meal, 2 lb. pkg 25e
A" straight stone buhr meal containing
all the heart and germ of the corn.
Natural Rice, unbleached,
2 lb. pkg. 25c
Whole Wheat Flour, 9 lb. sacks.
-You will find these cereals different
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
3 Phones 101 Private Exchange connects
you with both Meat and Grocery Depts.
101 I0I-ICl-t0l 101 TOT tOI-IOI 101
IPood and Coal
Patented Hot Blast Smoke
Burning Range is the most
economical cook stove on the market.
The famous Lan& Hot Blast principle
enables these ranges to utilize every
heat unit, taking advantage of every
particle of fuel consumed. Manufac
tured in twenty-five different sizes
and models, our line offers you the
widest of choice in the selection of
your ran&e.
Demonstrations at Our Store
523 Main Street
"Why not Buy the Best When It's Made in the West"
and shipments from the west end
of the county are lin? made regu
larly, lie is predicting that wheat
will go to a ilolla rand one-half a
hushel for the l2i crop.
SjvkM Jiulmm-iu On Xote.
Judgment to the extent of $.". , is
sought by J. D. Whitman in a sii't in
circuit court against C. H. rhilAtM anJ
William K. O'Hourke. The amount in
volved is claimed to be due on a note.
S. D. Peterson represents the plaintiff
To tiring Itack Car.
W. A. Case of the Hnynos Service
and Sales Co. left last night for Port
land where he will pet a Haynes 55
car which he expects to brine back to
j Pendleton. ' Delivery. of the machine
will be made to J. T. Licuallen tf Ad
ams, who recently purchased one of
I the &5 models.
Sees George Ilnckatlioru
Mrs. Rose Hamilton, who has re
turned afte a five weeks visit in Cali
fornia, enjoyed a visit with her former
school pupil, George Hackathorn. na
tive Pendletonian who has won fame
for his acting in "The Little Minister."
Mrs. Hamilton says that "Human
Hearts," in which Hnckathorne is tof
play, is now being filmed.
: L
Use the Phones ;
Grocery, 2 Thones 526
Other Depts.:
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 525
Other Depts.
Our Showing of New Spring
Suits and Overcoats
And FURNISHINGS will be a revelation to you. You'll like the smartness of
the styles and colorings, with a background of quality that endures, are the
features of the store's Spring showing.
$5Mto $10.00
Uattcry Station Moved.
The William E. Chase Co.," service
representative and parts distributor of
the Chase batteries, has moved to 728
Thompson street from its old location.
320 East Court street. The new place
of business gives the company more
room for carrying on' its work, and
service which in the past has heen
done outside can now be carried on
under cover.
llig Hctul Prospects Good.
Present prospects for good crops of
wheat in the Big Bend country nnd
other territory adjacent to Spokane
could hardly be improved upon, ac
cording to Conner Mallott. vice presi
dent of the Spokane and Eastern Trust
Cp., who was a Pendleton visitor yes
terday. That country has had a heavy
snowfall this winter, he declares, and
moisture is plentiful.
He's Scmling Ha n.
March is bound to he characteris
tically March, according to Major Lee
Moorhouse, local weather observer.
Tn order that the variety of weather
may be maintained, the major is
predicting 'winds and rain for tonight
and tomorrow. The barometer today
stood at 29.65 and is falling. Maxi
mum was 62 and minimum 30. There
was a trace bf precipitation last night,
Returns From School.
Thtnas Thompson, ! Pendlcton'B
nexr pout master, returned this mor
ning from Portland where ho has
been for several days attending a
Hchool for postmaster appointees. In
struction in the various departments
of the post-office wero given in the
school which Mr. ' Thompson at
tended. Ho does not expect his
commission to arrive before April 1.
Kind Xo Trace of Mini.
H. George Buss, who Is being sought
by his mother at Dillon, Montana, has
not been found, according to the po
llco who have been trying to find the
lad. ' He left horn last August. The
only time he has corresponded with
his family was last Christmas when
he said ho wondered if he still had a
welcome back home. The card was
sent from Pendleton.
Cars Arrive,
A carloud of Hudson and Essex
automobiles arrived today for Clem
ens & Trombley, Inc., Included in
the shipment are the first Hudson
coach closed cars to be received in
the West. The Essex cars arc shown
In new models also, with many body
changes and refinements. The firm
of Clemens & Trombley, recently In
corporated, handles in addition to
the Hudson and Essex machines, In
ternational Harvester Co. imple
If any one thing could have
made soft Hats more becoming
than they always have been, it
would be this extra bit of width
of brim added to the new
Spring blocks. It makes just
that little difference between a
last season's and a this season
Hat. The new gray shades are
very Springish, and tremnd
ously good style. Browns, how
ever, are always good in all
shades. The Hat that best suits
you is bound to be here.
E. & W. Spring Shirts
for the Man with Pref
erences $2.50 to $10.00
Quiet stripes, small checks and
figures that are the last word in
good taste, characterize the new
Shirts for Spring. You'll find a
hint of the Sports influence
here, too, in Shirts with button
down collars for utility wear.
All in all, the new assortments
are uncommonly interesting
from the standpoint of ' both
quality and good looks.
I W. A, Godwin
i Three Fingered Jack-.
j Will speak at the
Friday and Saturday Evening
' ' at 7 :30 P.M.,
March I0th and 1 1th.
An address to men only
Sunday, March 12th, 3:75 P. M.
Sol tool Trustee Here, q
F. A, Baker is tho trustee In liquida
tion for tho Oregon Daii-ymen's Co
operative league. Ho also is a dairy
man, and a school trustee at Stanfield.
Ho came to Pendleton to attend the
meeting of trustees of county schools
which was held this afternoon at the
offices of the Commercial Association.
Incidentally, while here he talked
over with the members of the county
court the county's liability, or lack of
liability for rebuilding bridges recently
washed out over drain ditches -"over
Dcspaln Gulch near Stanfield.
Tn Discuss Motor lU'gMlution
x..tlcn from the public service com-
information of the
hnl.line of a meeting at Salem next
Tuesday have been received in Pendle
ton. According to the announcement,
"a general meeting und conference, to
cosider phases of the law, ruies am
regulations pertaining to, or involving,
the operation of motor vehicles, for
the transportation of freight and pass
engers for compensation on the public
highways,' 1 the idea ot tho commis
sion. A full attendance o those in
terested is requested in wo announce
ment. ,
r-'-$t&sv -
You'll Like the ;
Easy Swing of .
These New Top
To the man in search
of real values, there is
assurance of satisfaction
in this assortment of
Spring Overcoats. Distinctive-styles
that com
mand certain approval
and a custom-like nicety
of tailoring detail, be
speaking correct attire in
every inch of their well-set-up
look. , ,
Men Who Are Most
Skeptical as to Values
Never have to be persuaded of
the desirability of the suits they
select here, , or of -the economy
of the pricings, for the. superi
ority of the fabrics, .. the excel
lence of the workmanship a
the smartness of the style are
evident at a glance. ,
$25.00 up
A Spring Touch to the New Florsheim Shoes
and Oxfords
A bit of fancy work in the
way of perforations and stitch
ing, makes the new Shoes and
Oxfords the snappiest ever as
to. looks. Sturdy, Norwegian
grain leathers, in brogue effects
mostly black, with a dashing
style that wins instant appro
val.' Buying your Spring Shoes
is mostly a matter of calling for
your size styles will suit you as
though made to order.
$10.00 to $12.50
Benny Leonard .
Keeps Working
in Business Way
over in New York for several days Joo watched for tho feint and boat
when he had a pressing engagement Lrne to it.'
elsewhere In order to' watch Charley
Fine for Neuralgia
Musterole insures quick relief from
neuralgia. When those sharp pain go
shooting through your head, just rub a
little of this clean, white ointment on
your temples and neck.
Musterole is made Awith oil of mus
tard, but will not burn and blister like
the old-fashioned mustard plaster.
Get Musterole at your drug store.
35 & 65c in jars Js tubes;hospital siie, $3.
News Service
NEW YOKK, March 9. Many are
callud but few ure listening.
That is not quite' the way the Bibli
cal quotation ran, but it serves as a
twentieth century interpretation of a
truism that has lived as long as life
Sneaking, as one sport to anotner,
we might express It this way: Many
become champions, but few can manu
Denny Ieonard is one tnai can,
largely because , not only is he a
master fighter but a business man.
Leonard, In and out of the ring, con
stantly works at his profession just
ns the lawyer takes home his brief
case at night that he may review
and often correct his work of the
day. It is the mediocrity who is sat
isfied to transact the business of box
ing only when In the ring.
Watched 'cm -Maul.
Whito and Willie Jackson maul each!
other. He did not go to the fight to
be amused. It was strictly a busi
ness proposition.
"You see a wholo lot of mistakes
looking on from tho outside that
might bo overlooked In the heat of
battle," is the way Uonny explains
it. "And It's a wonderful holp to
know these Htle faults and weak
nesses an opponent has. It's like a
checker player looking on at a game
being played by others, probably as
skillful as himself. He sees where
they make their errors.
"I remember what Joe Cans once
said before a batfle. with Frank Erno.
Joo studied Erne In action and then
told Al Hcrford, his manager, that
he would knock out Rrnc in a round
or less. That sounded like the bunk,
especially since Krne had given Joe
a terrific lacing about a year and a
half before. Nevertheless, Oans
went Into the ring, ' watched Erne
very carefully for a few seconds and
then knocked him kicking.
"frank AlWHjra Foiutod"
"Gans alfterward explained that in
studying Erne he had discovered that
Frank always feinted witn ma Knee
And there you have It. ' No gam
bling with the unknown quantity, no
uncertainty as to the proper proce
dure, Just a cut and dried business
Many have seen fit to criticise
Iconard for his reticence In taking
on hew Tendlcr In a championship
bout. They seem to believe that
Leonard feels he cannot make the
lightweight limit and b strong
enough to "take" Tendlcr. -
Perhaps a modicum of tratft can
be found In this claim, but a more
likely premise is that Ieonard real
izes Tcndler Is one of his best assets,
strange as It may seem. Lefty Lew,
a busy youth, cleans out the division
of much of Its pugilistic small fry
and thus nullifies the poslhlllty of
too many dangerous contenders ae
voloplng to annoy the champion
from time to time.
Somo time oee Leonard remained just, before ho cut Jooso wltfc a lead,
I LONDON, March 9 (U. P. Wus
tice Coleridge, at the end of a trial in
which most of London's big financiers
testified and Intimated wttnesMes on
the other side were liars, confers-d he
had lost faith In the d'gnity uf finance.
"The giants of finance on closer In
vestigations dwindle to very ordinary
proportions," h,o summed, ui "Tho
"CoW In the Head -
la an acute attack of Nsssf Cstsrm
Tnoje subject to frequent "colds In thj
head" Will nnd that the us of HALLS
bystem, cleanse the Blood and ndP
them less uabis to corns, nepes.isq 't
tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to
Chronic Catarrh. - ' .. .
taken' Internally and acts through the
Blood en the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
tem, thus reducing the Inflammation and
raatorlnc normal condition. ' -
All vruggms. ;ircuiar m.
F. J. Cheney ft Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
men transact business ra" the'most tin-,
businesslike way." .., , ;. ,
la. SMTP fcMf i"8
a. a siu am.