EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OSEGONIA, PENDLET02?, OREGON, - TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY if, 19T2. PAGE SEVEJf SSIFED For jtent, . Euv' Classified for: Easy Reference, J Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found 1 TT.'T A TF 1.1 1 "T '! LA x A I A I" ; 4 J1 1 1 t CLASSIFIED ADVERT1SIXQ RATES. t IB l-polnt Counting six erdl- Ij nary words to the Use. Tint Insertioa. pr t' , tit Each additional consecutive ia- Insertion, per Una - .ft no month, rrrry laaue. rack -insertion, per line .1 .It fix months contract every is- sua, each insertion, per line. .44 Twelve months' contract, ef- rj ' vue, each insertion, . per line , ; (I Ads Dot run consecutively, each insertion, par line .10 e Nu a da taken foe less than I 1 -lines. .Minimum chars . .15 IFR RENT Two room furnished ' Apt.--lnquire Til Lilleth St. FOR SALE Furniture for two room apartment. E. O. Building, Apt. 10. WANTED Position on ranch by man and wife. Address E. P. Bowman, Echo, Oregon. i t CFpR RENT pleasant room on North skk- ciose in gentleman , oniy. Phone 75T-W. WANTED Experienced middle aged Woman wishes cooklntr : An- ranch I fo- bachelor. Address "Si" thlH Offlce -' Announcement Df. A.' R. Tamlesie nnnouncwi the oprtln of offices, Medical' Building;, Portland, Oreson. Suites 30.1-4-5-6. Practice limited to Xeuro-Esychiatry. FtR HALR S ' room' residence and fiHr.'ilft. naved atrpet. 14.000. ns fol lows $1000 cash and 2i and Interest a Ihlonlh, also 7 room house, paved 1 .1 1 1 i ' L, ,,,nwv M 1 1 ' 1 1 w .. y,vuu ....... kuul $:!0.0O a month includlnff Interest, Bee C. B. Roosevelt or phone. STRAYED' from my plaoe, 4 head of horses. One brown horse, 1 white horse "with brown head, branded on left shoulder; 1 gray horse, branded 2N1 on left Bhoulder and 1 bay mare with' colt, mare branded 2X on lelt shoulder. Finder notify Chas. . Mc- Ktnly, Cayuse, Oregon. . ? .1 ' NOTICES .Attpntlon XoUtliborj)f Woodomft on Tucsaayeveninaj-'""''. :-"., ' an nVlnek will be held a kitchen ihiWer for Mrs. Una Shaw. -All mem- jejfs urjed to be ptresenW ' . v :- ' Aiinoimeenient ' Notice Is hereby given that the Irtnership firm doing business under ie name-bf - Benson & Wlckland Is V .nitiMv.A hv mutual consent. I bills, due them will be paid to V. Hi loltlaiid, , A1 claims against the Irtnership will be paid by L. ,.M. ickland. Li. M. 'WleklarrU win con ,it m atuainesR in -the same loca- rt.nnbiA mir mnnr friends for ;heli liberal patroiVafca,, trf renlaini ., ;,, ,i,rir.tourstruii?r-,.'. . ; '; ;ifi; A. F. BENBON. i IX n VXKKCPTCY Ini'tlw jfstriCtl Court of the "tTnitcd "" ' Stdlteti for Hie Dlsti'lrt of Oregon. l in the matter of Clifford. B, Stone. I A mnktupt. " - To the Creditors ot umwu , n. ? etone"ol Adhms lit the County of Uma tilla! and' .District aforesaid j 'Bankrupt.; Notice is hereby given that on the l7tii . day of' February,, A. D. 1922 the saltt ' -cmtortl K. Stone ; was duly adjudicated Bankrupt and that the first moetins? ot his- creoitors wm held' tft 'the office of the rfderslgned - Referee ':'in feihkruptcy at .Pendleton t'rtiatllla County, Oregon on March the r,4. P9il attlO-o-clock A. M of said day, at which time and place the Creditors1 may attend .prove their cUlms, appomt a Trustee, examine the Jtankrupt and tiansact silch other jfbuslness as may-properly come befoie .Ihe-sal meetlhg. . . V -n,mVand dated at Pendleton Ore gon this- lth day of February 1322, A'?';'V THOS. FITZ GERALD, :i ItP- '--. Referee in Bankruptcy. TREASntY DEPAHTMBNT., Ktlce of Comptroller orthr Currency .Washington, D, C.n . . i.,.inrv 14i 1922. ' wHEHBAS. by satisfactory evidence resented to the J" een- mad to appear that "The. First onal Bank of Pendleton," located m-r.ivi&NATAOl To TKE HtwveS.TV.ROr 3 After disgruntled- wirit- u . i-ji. .na in. f Via v. er nas :iw :ua- doorstep of.: a . hope-. ful spring .time , our ' health is rejuvenated " and our ambitions reviv ed TKis is quite the . proper time to attend to the plumbing1 needed in your home and we are quite the proper plumb : or tn attend to it m-mif PiiiK a Flatnblng. Heattng and Bbees . - Metal Work, -PDoaie 443 B- Omtt 8t ,'S . """ . 1 11111 i im alsatiflrSSSS?5 Woman on Stretcher Marries ' 8 H V i 'H Mrs. May ut'cf wetluell. Sft.wd to be carried to tii ivgistcr s dfl.-e .n s; rer-ntly bcoainc tbs Bride f CilJtaln Louis I. Nuwalila' Lit.duH. 6R ra Uyurcd In a riding - Quitting Dublin .Castle Ml r1 1 f. This i the first picture reef vefliirt America) of Vtscour.t FUuUa. Viceroy of Ireland, and his wife aincfe thEy turned oviff Dvbila Cattle to Michael Collins of the pew Irish Free'State. Collins wllLstabllsh head : qusuters of the new republic In the Wifltle. The former viceroy auj hia iH ore now in London) . . - . h ; t -. ,.- : V .f ... ,- v.-. .r,; .-. . .; - : " r n the city b'f Pendleton In tfio County f. Umatilla and State of Oregon, has om plied with all the provisions of the ,ct of Congress "to enable i National (anking. Associations to extend their orporate existence, a'hd for other pur poses:''; approved July -1J, : 18S2, as mended by the Act, approved April 2, ,1902.,-- . ;-J .'.'..'.'.'' NOW, THEREFORE, I.. D..R. Crls Inger, Comptroller of - the Currency, o hereby certify that ' "The First lational Bank, of Pendleton," located n the City of Pendleton, In the County V Umatilla and State, ot QregonJ, Is uthorizfcd to liave succession tor tHe eriod specified In its' J amended ,ar tcles of iso(jlation: J namely,, ' until jlose of business on Januar 15, 1.S43. It te'hioi'v whereof witness my and and Seal of office this fourteenth ay of January, 1923. , D. R. CRISS1NGBR, ' ' Comptrollef of the :Currency. 3iarter No. l2630 Extension; No. X438. I I . . ' ' 'i I 1 ;f ; , I " USED CAR EXCHANGE T fl'ASSENTlfR BUJCK to trade for cows, work stock $r rorason praetor V U Roberts, Bd 228, ftleth, Oyi 'WANTED WANTED Sewing to do at home. Phone 1028-Ji 120 Lee St. .. r WANTED to trade good tfscd cir for team of horses. Phone 1)63. , , i WANTED good reliable girl forouso nork. Address "2ir this office. GIRL WANTED work. Phone Raley street: for generlil house-664-J or call 1000 EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position, will tcrne temporary or juu ork.-o-Phone 62-J ' WANTED TO '.BUY Good ; young ;enm lead mules. Phone 673 or ad-. 'drkss jrti'.)DH,Pndieton,' Ore. , ' FAAM. MACHINERY, wagoruf, har ness,, saddles, household goodsj gas engines;- etc. ..-We have tails fbe the kbnva articles: May we . hear from at . once. The ' rTancis i;nain Brokerage Store, utr St, BRINGING: UP f ATHER rt ' " :'"'..' ' - 1 ' 1 - ' 1 ' 1 i ,' I 1 ' 111 r- ,",,.7rr. . , r ' KUJI I 'I'LL LAY'. THis'JSLAKf ' III S ' (" i'm , , r TO EE ' I II 'W-Uf-" ' ' " j . j l I 4 -f," t " ' frK to that poor. L ..- . lh-A Vvrrr - c.w : , I m wowTT ' 'NiT- 'OUT WHENMAie OF TINC, TO . J t RlHT WHESE 'I W 1 1 ' f !' . .TTT1: ajg fPAy-yl ' C t por. jjQv- ..r; : wT ji - LjU .HE-OW! .KaXI . . , :0m mMmr , .::-,' 1 ... "J.. a .. ... . .... ' , '".''" . ... : . ." '." , " .. , . . ' .. .. .' i.""" " :' " . 111 . " " 11 mi a S i. iihjIii.l i I , - , . iS ' Of accidenti a year ' t FOR SALE OR' SALE Two Biewsft Harvesten "J. Phons 14FH. ..d-." V.V" " FOR SALE 2 tori truck',, 1800.00' ; See Penland Bros, --j .' 4 WOOD FOR SALB--8i00 cord, de ' Uered. Phone 939. iBen Marlln, FOR SALEr-"ew Ollyer r'sr lype ; writer. Address Box fK Pendleton. FOR : SALE Alfalfa I fiay'-f Fhohe , 2 S F4i Address' Box' S0r: pjethjore.' - , - , .i i (-. l'-r ,. I TOR SALE rAl) , Wndsiot insurance. J. Hi Bates; 6 14. Malii $t Phone 604 FOR SALJ-Altalfa..hayVdeHver4 In , town $12.00. per" ., (on.-MJrltman FOR BALE 110 egg Old. TrUsty In vAibntor. 2105 'W. .' Webb' Phone 1020-M. "i '', Cans FCR SALE RhoSe island Red for settig.-r-Bo Adanis, Oregon; Phone 3F13. Wi VV. ; ' '''' FOR SAI.Ev 160 bead oft stock, cattle r-will lease or sell the rancllJ--Ad" dress "24" this office, r ''?- ':. FOR SALE' Five' Vulcan thre base. lb. ncti chflled sahg plows at $100 earh. Sturgls A StoVie. , f : ., ', ? . - FOR SALE Remington Junior Type : writer in leather carrying .case. Call 019 Johnson or Phone 237-W. : FOR SALE at a bargain, several sets ; glass jar fsrm lighting batteries rr,i'iire Wlllard Hervlce , Station. WANTED--Competent .and respona Iblo: parly to plow 4S00 Acres new ground Inquire Koom lS, Bond Bldg. tf-nrt SAl.ic lir exchangef-rGood . White sewing machine, .'forVcow,.' pigs: or ohlckens.--Mrs. E, t.-nnlngs, Rlelh Oregon, j ONE HOLT 75 "Cat" wttli new track, i drive chains and Babbit throuchout, 12500 cash will take good' horses or mules In part trade Glenn B.. Scoit, Hellx,0re. -. f J "' " - FOR 8ALE-I, slsc 2 Xl sprlnrwag oh, 1 saddle, t-set heavy , harness t Jersey cow, I gentle- grayi saddle hnraa r venrs' nld. 1 areiitle " Spotted , v .y:i j i saddle horse yearn ohj, 1 black tnulo GALLSTONBS-t-FrSe book WHs of lr ivmii nld. inoft lbs.:' l'bhf mul. SI . troved'method of treatlbg Inflnm- vea r old. 800 lbs., and' i sheep Clip ping machine,, hand powef.-f-lnqulre 314 Cosble 8t.. or Those' 213 W. FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE 5 FOR PALE Apartment house. Ad dress this office, . FOR SALEr-Restaurant In gobd town. Doing good business. Address "JO"' this office.'. - -j "OR" SALExo-Somo. food buys in resi dence property at reduced price terms Call or writs W. H. Morrison. AT BiiD ROCK New home In Pen dleton at bed rock price and upon easy terms. Cox Investment Com fony. ' -' . , ! y POR SALE Good , wJ.ea t land at prices that are surprisingly low erma Call or write- W. H. Morrison. FOR SALE by owner, modern ( room ' house on North elide, good garage, furnace beat laundry in basement, built in features; everything in best re pair. Phonif 886-W. . , , ., i, , ; . - For Bole Rouses In all paats of the city. Come nd' ne our list Wheat and alfalfa ranch. '" GEO. W. ELDER ft SON 118 Main St Phons 9S FOR feHORT TIME ONLY I will offer i my home on' South Terraces at a sacrifice, g room house, modern except gas;' 4 lots GOxlOO each all graded; deep soil, plenty , of shade. Barn, chicken house, wood' shed, outside storb room and' cellar." Possession at once, Price $4',000, eaflh" Or terms, or will sell house With two lotsi---CaIi it 617 Willow1 St. ' lOST AND FOUNDj LOST Airedale pup wearing breast harness. Finder' Phone- 813-R Reward. ' , ; FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS, ALT A APTP. FOR RENT Furnished room, Phone '28S-J.J .': . : ....' ': ' ' FOR. RENT Hoimekeciilng t rpom cheap. 515 College ' FOR RENT Two room ,' house. 408 Tustin St. . furnished .':. '' FOR V RENT1 Furnished apartment , andctbln.---PHone 1027-J. HOUSE FOR RENT, call Cox Invest 1 ment Company Phone' 1030.' FOR RENT Nice front sleeping room , close in $3.60 ;weeki lJione lOBi. FOR RENT Office Rooms oyer Tall- man Drug Storer: Bee Finland- Bros. FOR REN'T Newl( X uf nlshedi rooms. furnace Heat and , bath-Phone S66-W.V FOR RENT Well fumlshsTl1: apart ment In ,. private famHWl'ttc-ne 248-M. 1 'J , w FOR' RENT Sleeping1 room) close: In, steam heat; hot and cold water." Phone 892. - ' ' - " FOR RENT Hteaiui heated httUSe ' keeping rooms. Phone SM), Park view Apts. ' i- . ' FOR RENT-r-a or.i'room down, stairs1 umumutmca rooms. uvw. r ranKii.i t. Phone 10 10.W. - t -,t.',i MISCELLANEOUS ALL KINDS of vestment' Co. Insurance Cos In WE MAKE collections anywhere Cox Investment Company.. DONT FORGET Funk ft Mclean In sure, anything, 839 Mnln 8t: Phone 88 FOR. STEAM pleating,, dress form beading, and .. braiding., Phone 1028-J,12O'Lea St. .r":: ' IF YGCuIAVE any thin sell; list It wlth .us, If you want to buy or trade for any thing, see us. Co in vestment'Co. .., . ,v!" ; f '' ; 8TORAOE SPACE by ths day week or month. Steam heated : garage: Hours 7 iu m. to I p. m. Blmpson Auto. Co., Water ft Johrreon St. - , matlon of gallbladder arid, bile ducts. Write todftyi Dr. Paddock,.Bp'201A, . Kansas City( Moj . :'.. r. ':'. V B.D. s). Patent Office t ' , , ; , . -, ,mi weuius iunmiiL ju m mm . This Direciory'ls specially, handy for' the. out-of-town reader who may wast ths4 , M ( , ' ' Dame and address on responsible businessmen who rpr)sent the' following iinas. All a .j t 4 , are reliable, rssponiiUa business concerns who stand ready to glvo you prompt servic . . . t i ' AUCTIONEER- COLC W. F. TOHNRa. Ai.t-tlonser, v.au at Bturxuj atone s lOipumaut CO., for sale dates. AJJT0 SPRINGS' Gf'AAANf tt.D SPR1S'G3 "mads and repaired, .Fleucken and- Kckles Spring W orVa Phone 401, 110 Water. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COOTTa Attornsjr'gt Law. Room JI. Doml Bldg. r, M. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Las ' Oftlco In Court" House. ' " i KEATOR ft' RANDALL, Attorneys at . Law. Room SV Smith-Crawford Bulldinif. , ; ... c . . CARTER ft SMYTH E, Attorneys at :Law--2M E. CrtWt St.- .'- FEB, it FEE, Attorneys at LaW. Of .flee In Despaln Holldlng. .""': T a A. LOWELL, Attorney asd Coun- selor Uw Office la Despalu I Bldg.'i ' !: . S; A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal Uutg. '' V; : FtEU H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law .Room S4, Smltb-Crawford Bldg. JAME3 Br PERRY, Attorney at taw, .orfk-s over -Taylor Hsrdware Com pany. ',''..';' .'). ',f ' ,1, , I .,' I. I!' II I I RALEX, RALEY ft STEIWKR, Attor- ineys at iwv Office la American National Bunk Building. i .lB n PETERSON, BlshoB Clark.. At tornevi at Law, Rooms 1 sod 4 SmllhCrawfor Bldg. . i' r. ev ),,. ' , 4f ' TIME! CARI) ,,i f a .;,V Pilot UoVk Stage . .EVan Camerom Prop.,.', . Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. T; naves Pendleton 1T;01 Al M.. leaves Pilot Rtjok 1 :00 P. M. Lavsstendleton'4:00 P. M. ' Leaves' Hotel Peadiaton and ,'.'I!Tnelj',,Re8taurnt, -3.-l ;4. ' ' ' . '.",', TIMI. CA- "'--'. Wcstoh-Pcndleton Auto Stag i Reives Weston for1 Pendletbn at ' 7:80 a; in. and H:46' Pi nti ' teiVes A'theha tor Pendlet6tt sf '; 8:00 a; m. 'and t:00 p. tin. Leaves Adartr for Pendleton at : :20 a, m. and 1:20 p. m ' Leaves PendU.ton (Alleh-Knlght i Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 " :a. m. and 4 p. tn. "" ' . r O. H. VcPHElrtRIN, Prop. THE CtUY ACTO STAGE , . lendlnWnll Walls, v i ' Fare tl.7i Inoludlng Ta ; , . U&ves pendletbn A. M.- 1 r. ttM P. M. 1 ' .' ' Leaves Walls' Walla A. sf.-l P. M.-1 P. M. i -' ' J' Sunday Seliednle . tl . Leaves' Pendleton 10 A, M.-4 P. M. ' ' ' Leave Wttlls, Wall 10, A. M. t P, M. . pendlerbw Phone1 4S Coy Blllard Parlors. Walla Walla Phone 24. ' 4 Peudleton-Uniatllla Auto Stage ...'..-., ., Leave Pendleton ;00 Echo: :U Stanfleld - 9 30 15:00 1:16 1:35 '1:51 2:15 '! 12:00 s 12:20 W:45 i 1:00 4:00 5:15 5:35 5:66 4:16 Hermlnton 9:65 Af. UmatHlA lO:l ' fi . .Leave trmsttltav , :o Hermiston , :20 Stanfleld' , 5:45 r-... . Ann 4:00 4:20 4:45 5:00 .EiUllU r.vv j .v- . w " Ar. Penl. 10:15 : :15 l :15 i '-'.;, , Sunday : - ftVes Pendleton 400 P. M. ' Lesvos Umatilla 8:00 A. M. ' MfleMotor Inn' Oarage V ttf Cottonwood ,. . ''- Phone 868" .';; 'PBUti "ft DAAVBON ' Parcels delivered to all points,'',," ' ; , . ' i . ...':., ' ' ' , . DIMM oFPHira id man AUTO TRANSFER PHOXB I Boyden Transfer Sun days call ... , Phone 52. hanaVan transfer. . Crescent Cigar Store, Rea. 2TS-R. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Grlfgr , Clgur Store. Phone 1075. I i i' i IF YOU WANT TO MOVE call ths Service Transfer and Storage Co., Phone 683. city or country trips. lis W. Con rt Street. ' AUTO TOPS OXDWA AUTO TOPS, Plats Glass Backs, gids Curtains 201 East Court St. ' ' - AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WE REPAIR anything electrteal on, an aufomoblle.-'-W. Fi IWi to. r AUTO TIRES - f PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJn and Revere Tlres-iVulcahlilne. i E Court St Phono 144. U 8. BENTLET ft CO. Goodyear and i Diamond Tlres-i-Trra Service, oils and accessories; Alta and Garden SU. GERTSON ft MARTY-MJates Stiper Tred til 3 Cottoovrord. Vul canising and repairing. '"" . . ' PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY . 1 CO. Barney' Oldfleld. Goodrich 811 vSrtown Cord and Pennsylvanls Vaou. urn Cup. 305 E. Court St, CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BANFIELD, Designers, j Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete nd brick eon structlon. 4 E. Tliird 8t North Portland. On-goti.'. , a CLEANERS AND DYERS ,. -,. r P4KATORIVM PHONE 473 CLEANING AMD PRESSING MiODEL TAILORS ft CLEANORS 'Pressing and repairing 5(18 Muin St., Phone Kill, Pendleton, Ore, DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU Is Just as Import ant as where yoa move. Ws also pack or store goods. Wi do oountry hauling Call 89. PeoJaud Bros. Twinfr. in W. Altsf. i. Cottage e- I Made with care and mixed with cream. Try it in a salad or dessert. We are the exclusive agents for Mrs. Clark's Cottage Cheese. .PER POUND 25c " V a' ' - In Our Grocery Department. ' ' ' Fresh, Sweet Cider- gallon . 60c Extra Large Florida Grape Fruit. : 20c ' Purple Top Turnips, Green Onions, Green Pejy pers, . Fresh Spinach,. Parsnips, Carrots, Head .', - Lettuce, Celery.. , ; - - v Small Winesap Apples .'. 75c t , Tafom Serves 'You Right. , THE DEAII TATOf.1 COMPANY Meat Dept. OC Phone ou -THE HOME wy II . ... - -' .-. I . ' ' It ' ,; ,, i!,' ' " '',,.'"',' ' ; .: , ' ' AT : ' !JJZ SNOW ft DATTON, 117 . Court 9t, Real Estate, Firs Insurance, ram Loans. Se: us about a loan. LAUNDRY , EVERT Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an arent In your town. Troy Urandry, t5P8 torden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 41 B. Court St., Phone 60. We ma'ritala t oons plete mending department . LIGHTING PLANTS ; ; DELCO Lighting' Bystem; Arlterniss) and Zurfluh, Golden Rule Hotel Bldg. " '' -1 ""' HAND LAUNDRY-!! WASH' EVERYTlMNQ-BIlh. wool and family .wash--all liy.hand'. 20J W. R. Ri St., .Phone S13-R. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs. Ralph HasselL.41,7 Bush.Jfbone 5. '' 1 New; and Second Hand Pealers V. 8TROBLE, deler4 nsw and tefll ond hand goods.' Cash - paid fof, second hand goods. ; cheapest plitos : tulbuy household goods. 110 B. Court Phone 7I-W. , ' j ,' Painting and fiPe tly.' PAINTS, Walt Papen Plbturr Franl. lng. , Ij. 3. McAtoe, the Prsetietl Paint Man. Lowe tirok'PsIntsV; RADIATOR' felAIRlNa' AJLTA AUTO RATlUTOR WORK. 701 East Alta street. All mrkes Of radiators repaired. Work guarantee! , O. Blasberg.'Prop.: ; v .. e SHOE REPAIRING; THE DIFFERENCE I ng . shoes and our System of rpaiiTg them Is worth knowing. Corns f.d see. Pendleton Shoe Shop, 120 V 7 Court St : Pendleton's finest at shop." . ' ,l :. ' RESTAURANT. If THE QUELLE A good plaoe to eat' EAT AT TIlE.Hora.KItcbsn. 211 W;, Webb Ht.t " Cheese1 .Grocery. Dept. CQQ; Phone OF QUALITY ''M It) !f''P 4:s , " ' i . !'.'.'' v WA .. ' --aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaMaaaaaasa aaaa-aaaaaal n i I i I