East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 21, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
lrti':rrtin to be t.iun ing forfeited bail of lltt.
A sechtl program mill be given to-.charged with being drunk.
rt-miig m craiaiiun Army
i i --
hall, by the young people. The pro- Il,.iw
grain will be open to the public.
Mb Dunn Employed
Jiiss Ariel I '(inn, formerly of Pen
dleton. has taken a position in the ad-i
vertising department of
'.Volfe & Co, of Portland.
.To Observe Hailitlay
Washington's birthday anniversary
will be observed in Pendleton tomor
row. The banks will be closed for the
day. end the postoftlce will also be
closed to permit employes a vacation.
Other linen" of business will be con
ducted as usual.
That Earl S. Howe, cashier of a re-l row ht.
cently organized bank at Freewater,
has disappeared is the report that has; To lnm-i Feb,
een brought to Pendleton by Free-I
water residents. Howe left a week
Lipman,.! a?o today. His car was Jound between
Walla Walla and Wallula recently.
Howe watf at one time secretary of the
Spokane Cattle Loan Co. The Free
water financial institution with which
he was connected was backed largely
by fruit men. t
She waslmichjvl divorce ease and may hear
some other cases of local importance
during his stay in Pendleton. Judge
Phelps will leave for Portland tumor-I
The desree team of the, Woodmen of J
the World is jUrnnuig a final dance of X
the present season which will lie given
at the K-'icle-Woodman hall a week I f
from tonight, Tuesday, February IS
Half Holiday for Rcliools.
Pendleton schools will observe the
anniversary of the birth of Geprge
Washington tomorrow morning wheni
lKrr Slayers' rlnert
Fines of f 100 each were assessed
aeainst Carl, Dan and Leonard Culan
der in the court of Justice Joe H.
Pnrkes yesterday when the men were
brought into court by Deputy (Jame
Warden W. H. Albee and Special
Asent Glenn Bushee on charges of
The veni.
Power Plants l ower
At least one item that is used ruth
j er wutely on Pntatillu county farms is
lower in price niif than it was. A re
Eduction has been made In the price
or the Lally light and power plant.
Previously, the outfits cost 383, and
they recently were reduced to. cost
$330, f. q. b. Pendleton.
siclal programs will be given In all! killing deer out of season.
of the buildings. In the afternoon the I son and green hides were foud by th
schools will have a half holiday in ac
cordance wilh Oregon laws, which so
llorcli In Trouble Again.
Jack Horch, former stage driver
who occupied the limelight here re
cently, is in trouble again. He was ar-
. rested last nigth by the city police on
complaint of Mrs. Horch who has
charged her husband' with being
drank and with threatening to assault
her. Horch was taken before the
court this morning' and. his case was
set for trial this afternoon. He li
held In jail. Maud Johnson this morn.
gem? warden nt the home ol the men
on North Fork near Meacham station.
Deer were seen feeding In the brakes
near the hillsides yesterday II r. Albee
lud'ie ltclts to Sit Here
)Vhile, i Judge G. W. Pheliis occupies
the bench at Portland for a .ortniaht
in order to assist in clearing the over
crowded docket there, the bench in
the'L'matilla circuit court will be oc
cupied by Judge II. II. Belt of Dallas
who arrived in Pendleton yesterday.
Judgo Pelt is an experienced jurist.
He is expected to sit on the Car-
liiKtiromx' t'omriitiy Sues
r. The lesiho state Life Insurance Co.
has brought suit in ctrcHlt court
through Peterson, P.ishop and Clark
against Henry C. Hudson and other.!
seeking judgment add foreclosure of a
mortgage. A note for $12,000 said to
be past due ami unpaid is the basis of
the action.
ioi ioi ioi j oiioi ; oi - loi loi iui g
Portland, Oregon, February 14, 1922.
Pendleton Cash Market, ' .
Pendleton, Oregon
We have some-of the prettiest Porto Rico "sweet po
tatoes you've ever seen. We can't resist the temptation
to send you three crates by freight tomorrow. If you
don't like them, or they uie not satisfactory, we Will
protest you.
Very truly yours, .
They are here and are indeed EXTRA
FANCY. Also extra nice California sweets
and Nfcncy Hall Southern Yams.
Hi. .i A u
Peiidleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 E. Court Street Phones 101
Private- Kucliauge Connects With llollt JX'iuirtniontsi'
To Quiet Title
George E. Dixon and others arc
plaintiffs una E. P. Dixon and other3
are defentants In a suit to quiet title
to-real estate brought in circuit court.
S. D. Peterson represents the plain
tiffs, and he is also the attorney in x
case of similar nature brought by J. E.
Moseley against Joseph L. Teel and
Xew Telegraph KtUtor.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hall of Port
land, arrived this morning, Mr. Hall
coming to accept a position as tele
graph editor of the East Oregoeian,
succeeding Mi's. Edna Morrison, who
has resigned. Mr. Hall was for three
years a student in the industrial Jour- i
nalism course at O. A. C. and while I
there had newspaper experience on
college publications and ns corre
spondent for the Oregon Journal. .
Make Inspection of Properly
The mayor, nil the members of the
city council and tUi city attorney were
included in an Insiiection party which
made a trip oer the Pat Doherty
property. Just west of the ' city this
morning. The inspection was mado
by the city authorities In an effort to
acquaint themselves definitely! with
the value of the property which will
probably Ue purchased as a Bite for
the spetlc tank.
Iiist'OUo Collection Knits
Suits to collect on notes nnd fore
close mortgages given as Becurlty have
been filed in circuit court by Robert
11. Haxlott nnd his wife, Lydlnn Huz
lett( asalnst Lena C. Pprlnger and Ada
Lnveland. Notes claimed to amount
to $2,G0(fc are involved. Carter and
Smythe represent the plaintiffs. Lee
it. Caldwell is defendant In two suits
brought by Alison H. McCutcheon In
which the plaintiff seeks judgment on
notps'of a total value nt $4.7700 and
foreclosure of real estate. Kuley,
Itnley and Stelwer represent the plain
tiff. ,
w '
P5 1
t ."'1
2 lbs. 25c
Choice-Steer Pot Roast 15c
, : . .r.T" . i. - .
Publ Invltoil to Program.
A special program in observance of
the anniversary of Washington's birth
has been planned by tho Pendleton
high school and will be presented to
morrow morning at Jl o'clock nt the
TilcK .nhnnl DiiillA.liim Tha mihltn
T, ...f,.. ..lint ,
w and friends of the school have been
J extended a cordial Invitation by the
'school authorities to be present. The
A tin iYkVm.fli in fVia Mrmvrn m nm flu fill-
lows: Selection by the McElroy or
chestra; conferring of debate lettTa to
winners of honors by Miss Amanda
Zabel, address; "Wushington," by Hev.
John H. Secor.
The Old Reliable
. Phone 18 .,
Killitl Wife and Seir
Word has been received 111 Pendle
ton of the murder of Mrs. knu'iei
WrUsht who was killed by hT Ivis
band. .Samuel Wright, tit their home In
San Pablo, California, February 13.
A fi- minutes later the man is said
to have turned the gun on himself and
fired shots 'Which resulted in his own
death, within a short tlmy Wright
was u brother of tho first wife of 11. F.
l'ders of' Pendleton and was also
related by marrlaso to Fred E. Peters
of Itleth. Joe Wright, a brothel' of
the deceased man, formerly was a
well known farmer In Umatilla county.
He came here in 104, operated ex
tensively on the reservation up until
two years ago when he left for Cali
fornia. Jealousy or mental' irrespon
sibility is given as the probable cause
of the shooting.
Columbia River
- J' ' ' 'i. ".f V. , ,t ,
. -' - M V
' . '" 'm ' '' " T i ' i V
Received Daily
Trading Co.
Phone 455 ;
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 32G
..Other Depts.
Use the. Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
" Other -Dep&
i ' "
- Tribute is the reward of greatness. To the memory of George- Wash
ingtonfirst in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his .country-'
men we pay due homage.
..... May the principles, of Government, he set down for us.andjhat we .now
enjoy, go on and. on for ever and aye. ,
; .
; , j . ' 1 'Jt;
.. , Y x ' ' ' X . j '4-, t.
Make Their Forjual Bov
And Ask You To Be present
1 -.ii iri
; because outdoor sports are given an ever-increasing importance amflng: women of' fashion-an4
one motors and lunches, dances and dines between sports, as it were the new. fashionsLtfeilect the.
fsnnvta mntif in, larrrer nroDortion than ever before. This snorts theme lends a delightful smciness to K
the mode- apparent in all things wearable, which gives to the Spring Apparel' Exposition anl&wonted. ;;
thrill,, intriguing 'one mightily with its spirited .aspect.
Any number of cle
ver things are being
dono to tho smart
Wraps und Capes, ISv
a baffling genius a biff .
Hllk collar becomes a
fleeve; silk crepe mod
els have novelty silk
llnln;? matching the
frocks underneath;
chin collars are given
long flowing ends;
simulated sleeves. tu
pear unexpectedly1 nnd
the graceful fulness of
the circular hape is
.the veil. .
Kcononilmllv I'ricttl
Buch adorable little
uffulin. ot cropu do
chine, Rtrutglit and
slim, crisp bouffant
taffetas:' such beguil
ing attractions In mod-
- els of Maroouln or Ho
main for afternoon and
Informal evening weifr,
Hueh languorous love
liness In exotlo tueatl
oinf fur evening. And
olraoHt the smartest of
allt-Krot'ks ot kasha,
, trlcjotlne! arid ; wool
rei in the dhitinrulsh
ed simplicity of their
tullorqd petfectlon.
$21.50 to ,
.4 i ':(
liaitgnnKe,' .. '
. Very new li' '.
ttie smart UN"
il Jacket. Nrtth.
Its 'flare over
the,'; ,hlpi, . Its
snuff shoulderrt
and' ; shieves"
quite Ioona
from the ' el-,
bow. To be
et o n I s ts nil
thor. must' b
a new; tilut' of
fullhess In tho
skirt, as well: .
Many' favored :
models, , "how
ever, : " show
the Jaunty
short' box coat
so, versatile. In
Its . wearable
ness. .'
. i.
Ta Cure a CoW
in One Day
' Take
Tbe Sign of a Service
g laxativm
f,T- rUit's Pi the.ilarJseUVe Haye: It1
Be sure you get '
The tentdo bean this intui
r mi
C1T1CAOO,. Feb. 21. fA. 1
The romance of Malhllde "Mq-
Cormlek, aged id, the grand-
daughter of John D, " Hockefel-
ler. Is pictured by Emll I
liurgy, a Chicago interior deco
rator, who says he Is a first
cousin of Max Oser, . the Swiss
riding master, as the love of
spring and summer. "Oser Is not
three-times Miss ' McCprmlck's
age, as the newspapers have
stated." said Burgy.' "He Is
older; he Is 67 years old, not" 47.
I inn his cousin and . I should
He said Oser. possessed noble
blood and also a reasonably
large Independent Income. He
s A Id Oser's right nam Is Max
Von Der Muehl,- and that hi
father was a German nobleman.
His widowed mother married
Sebastian er In 11(65.
One String Attached.
CHICAGO. Feb. 21. (U. P.)
Only one string Is attached to
permission by Harold McCor
mlck for the marriage of hi
daughter Mathllde,. 17 years of
ae. to Max Aser, 57, the, Swiss
riding master This provides that
riuT must come to America and
live and is believed to be a con
cession of John I). Rockefeller,
Mathllde's grandfather.'.- ,
As Possibly 50 Per Ct. of Rus
sia Population Has Had Dis
ease Danger is for Foreigner
MOSCOW, Feb. 21. (A. P.) Tho
wearing of silk undtrclotnes as a pro
tection ugalnHt lice bites, whereby ty
phus Is contracted, has been recom-sounds more like a hoajt tl)un
mended by Dr. Hnry Heeuwkes, Chief but It Is a fact,
(U.KK.N'WOOD, B. C, Feb, 21.
(I, N. 8.) 'Followlnir, high war-time
prices, horses at . fifty cents a head
a fact,
PARIS, Feb. 20. (V. P.) The
ague of Xations limitation of 'the
arms commission meeting today will
request the world powers to expose
the minimum land armaments. .The
plane were started to - discover,' the
general principles and basis of, reduc
of the Medical Division of the Ameri
can Relief Administration.
Typhus is the chief contagious di
sease now prevalent In KusKla, and
any one travelling In railway trains or
UvlngSli Russian houses or hotels Is
apt to be bitten by lice, such is the
general uncleaullness of both trains
and' dwellings and the people them
selveB( due to overcrowding, lack of
soap, and changes of clothes. '
Ah possibly 50 per cent of Russia's
population has had typhus, the danger
Is far greater to jthe foreigner. ,
'; Lice are" also fought through drugs
which offend their sense of smell.
Lump camphor worn in the pockets In
supposed to drive them off, post-haste.
Russians' use napthitU-ne mixture for
thi purpose, .but Its smell ts so nau-
seatlng to the Wearer that many pre
fer to take their chances with the. lice
The Pasteur Institute, nl Paris, de.
vised an antlllee odor which Is in gen
eral Use, as an Issue ankle, among
French troops serving in the Orient,
So great Is the danger of contract
Ing typhus that the Americans In Rus
sia are taking the above precautions,
and all other tehy can think of
It is recommended that women en
tering Russia should have an ample
urpY o? si stockings, 1 ,(
i ' ' ...-.
At a bankrupt dale of the farm of
Ji p. Stock man, near hero, one horse
sold for fifty cents, another horse
sold for $1.50,, and . a number . of.
mules and 'horses sold from $11 to
50. . .; ' I
The unheard-of low price at the
wile were 'attributed principally, to
the desperate financial condition of
farmers of- the south and' the at
tendant scarcity of money. j
We see the truth of this statement
In the Varicolored' flowers, the ylvld'
suuseM, the birds of brilliant plumage.
Hut we. never see it .exemplified' more
uttractlvely than in the person of a'
splendidly Healthy woman;' Mo does
nature puint this health? Why,, In th
rosy' cheekii, the transparent skin, the
smooth red Hp or such a woman. And
she molds It in firm flesh and rounded'
contours, Th ulllng woman Is dert-i
cfent In natural coloring, and she does
not even appear to advantage In eloth
es that' would see off her more Attinc-
tke. 'sisters. ' Many women wh Ioiijj
for glpwlng ht'olth, will find that then
too, can hav. these charms if-thev
will give. trial ta that tfemedy t,dla
K. 'Inkhuni's Vegetable Compound. '.
( A ' Til A Hi IS IOSTPOKly '
. LOS 'AN'OELKfl, Feb. -80. -t Lt, P.).
-Illness of a number of state wlrnnss
es( jurors and members of the Rrosei
cutors staff caused postponement of
the. trWl ,.oJ ,.Httduiyant.'OMvhain
charged with the murder of John Hel
ton Kennedy,, scheduled to reopen today,-;
--- ; - ... l .
For v Constipated Bowels t B"Uious Liver
The nlcert cathnrtlc-loxatlvo
physic your bowel when you Huv
Headache ' "Biliousness- .
Colds i 'Indl;etlon
Disisliiess flour Wnii'n"H
Is cundy-llko Cuncuivid, Uiiv vr iw)
to tonight will empty your bowels com
pletely by murnlng aiub you will, feed
splendid. "They work while " you
sleep." Carrarels. never, stir you.
or grips' like 8al(s, Pills, Calmmd, o
Oil and they cost only ten ronU U hot,
CliilUicn luvs Catiirtts tuo,