East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 17, 1922, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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tJ) l Millions.of Housewives
by more Chefs
by more Railroads
by more Restaurants
and by more Hotels
than any other Brand
n kmc rr it
Maw rtl !
It's moderate
in price and
never fails
A pound can of Calumet
contains full 16 02. Some
baking powders com in 12
oz. cans instead of 16 02.
cans. Be sure you get a
pound when you want it
WASHINGTON'. Fcb.lt (f.'X. S.)
Vnlquc are the mimes and titles l
many Hinull kIioph fining business In
the less important business sections
of the national capital, but the prize
(jim'h to a two-by- four holc-ln-the-wall
ol' a shuck on 1 'ourteetith street
ill the northwest section of the city.
"The IC-9 Hunch Hot Dor!" is the
peculiarly upproprlute name stenciled
In black, startling letters on ii de
crepit signboard above the entrance
mill the venders of the old-reliable
hot-dinr sandwiches do a thriving
business In their Jittle "runch."
How Yeast Vitamon
Tablets Put On
Firm Flesh
Strengthen The Nsrvss and In
vigorata The Body Easy And
Economical To Take Results
Surprisingly Quick.
ir nr
U l IlKncAar
Jw. 1JL,
Wl WICmAt .fjWra VEA.5T
RU1T -
s7n.A If you vaut to cut some firm!
healthy tieiih on your bonea, increase
... 1 1 n.nra f . n . . .1 . .
t; wi. our gul Bna complexion and look
I and feel 100 per cent, batter, simply
iry noun two oi MullOl tiny
VITAMON Taljeta with each meal
and watch result. Maatio'a VITA
MON Tablets contain highly con
centrated yeaat-vitununoa aa well aa
the two other still more important
vltaniiues (Fat Soluble A and Water
D..1..I.I.. il I .
.... duiudiu K'j uua ure now neing U!eu
cl. iu ii,.,t...j. xt. vitiii.i
1 ablets never cause gas or upset tho
Dvwu.u.ii uu,, uu mu i-uuirury, impruvu
diKvation. He sure to remember the
name Mastin'a VI-TA-MON tho
original and genuine yeast-vitamino
. u,u n'l,aM ; ,.!.: 1. i:i.
l JAiujuii ' no' accept imitations or -:
c- vi" nitutea. You can get Mastin'a VITA-
n" lUiiM rr.t.l... ... ..II i J
Ativ.i iiunumiiu guuu uruggisis.
Are Positively Guaranteed
to Put On Firm Flesh,
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back
iE.ist Orreonian Special)
VKUM. Feb. IT. About fifty pen-1
pie, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tialey. met
at the Daley home Saturday night to,
welcome them home and they were,
treated to an excellent lunch, served
by Mr. and Mre. Daley. i
Mrs. McFarland of Athena, mother
of Mm. Guy Arbogast of Ritter, who;
has been visiting her daughter, passed
through Cklah Friday on her return,
home uftcr a ten days' visit in Gran'.,
Henrv I.nxinka. Jr. of IVndleton vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger
Thursday night nf last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monre returned
to I'khih Thursday evening after
ninking n trip to Portlund to consult
with physicians concerning Mr.
Moore's health, which remains unim.
proved. Mr. Moore la suffering with
a cancer on hia face.
A strong wind blew Inst Friday and
Saturday night which drifted the loose
snow very bad and travel aince has
Iiaaii ifflrnlt hut tliA mail, ni-a .witir '
broken through most of the worst!
J. H. Wagner, of Pendleton caane up
Inst week and visited with friends, re
turning to Pendleton lust Friday.
Sherman Long of Ritter, was a
guest ut the t'klah hotel Tuesday
night. He was here to meet Mrs.
Long, who was returning home from
Mr. und Mrs. Mnrimi M irlin lift for
Pendleton Thursday wiie'e Vr .Mar
tin will visit with lift- uibii'lt'il mix ln-r,
Mrs. iKvu Hi'thm, lor u while.
- Robert liond icliuiuil from I'cmlle
ton Wwlncsday.
Mr. Reed was culled to Portland a
few days ago on account of the serious
illness of his wife.
Perry Simpson returned last Wed
nesday from lnrfield, Washington,
where he had been visiting his aged
father and other relatives for two or
three weeks.
Thclma Xash entered school last
After un absence of more than a
year, Mr. and Mm. Lester Bolin have
eturned to Ukiali to remain.
The dance given nt the Caldwell hall
Saturduy night wns well attended und
was enjoyed by (ill.
Mr. an Mrs. Jinks llownr nn son
Llle of Alba, attended the dance in
Uklah Saturday night. I
Hhermun Long of Ritter, passed
through town Tuesday with a cnrlourt
of fine beef cattle for the market.
George Ness returned from Kehn
Friday, nfter disposing of his horses
and imules and is bark in I'klnh buy
ing more horses.
G. W. Ness was In town Sunday
with some fine beef which he soon
disposed of .
Mr. und Mrs. 3. 1). Kirk wero in
town Sunday calling nn friends.
School Notes.
Ruby Case received her reading cer
tificate Monday.
Those neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the month tire Grace Peterson, Ly
man l'elcrsiin, Clarence Tlnston,
Clarence Powell, 'Regno. Johnson.
Kd.vtho La Grande, Muxwell l.cnz,
Krsel Gibhs, I.cona Gibbs, Ruby Case.
John Powell, Letn Peterson, Camas
Lens;, RaeCase, Addle Johnson, Frank
Hiluert, Lillns Hynd, Kwing Hynd,
Miles Langdon.
The sixth and eighth grades nhve
memorized the Gettysburg nddress.
The highest grades in the tests this
month nro as follows: Lorena Ness,
Grueo Peterson and Edythe La Grange
received 96 ill Krniiitnni', Grace Pe
terson nnd Lorena Ness received 99 In
arithmetic and Kdytho La Grande. 96.
Maxwell Lenz led tho history class
with a grade of 94, and Grace Peter
son highest In tho civics class. Lyman
Peterson leads in the Curtis tests.
The eighth grade Is now conjugat
ing verbs. Clarence 'Huston received
100 in English, arithmetic and spell
lug. Ruby Case received 100 in spell
ing and 9!) In airitlinictlc. Regna
Johnson received 9S In spelling and 94
in arithmetic. Lyman Peterson re
ceived 93 In physiology und Krsel
Gibbs 90.
All of the upper grades have mem
orialed tho American's creed.
Is this the Thirjd
Influenza Wave?
Is the type of heavy cold now prevalent true
influenza? Doctors disagree.
It will be remembered that after the terrible
epidemka of 1918 and 1919. it was predicted
that "waves'" of influenza would recur, miiuer
each time, until humanity should have acquired
immunity against the disease.
Science hat not yet found the germ, nor mdi
cine the cure. But we have learned better how
to avuid influenza, grip and pneumonia.
The value of Vicks as an aid in preventing
these disease is explained below.
I.HI I. II 1 lil y '.I.y A1 . f
I 11 " ' - x i 1 -M III I BW 7 J
;r; of Pendleton
i , PawMSltM Ml
Offers an unexcelled banking service to in
dividuals and corporations; transacts a
general bankin? business and maintains
special departments with facilities of the
ayatjiKiaiirflnHnlipMI Nj isayii.tiajaBaa,. a,
Avoid Influenza Grip Pneumonia
Apply Vicks to help avoid infection.
Use Vicks at the first sign of an oncoming cold.
MOST medical authorities now
agree that Colds, Grip, Influenza
and Pneumonia are all germ diseases
most commonly spread by breathing
in the germs. If the system is in good
shape the membrane of the air pass
ages in a healthy condition these
germs do not breed.
In fact the germs of all of these dis
eases are frequently found in perfectly
healthy persons. It is only when the
bodily resistance is lowered as by a
cold for instance that they are able
to harm us.
Avoid Sneezers and Coujhen
It is best to keep away from the sneezers and
coughers in the street cars and public places, or
U you must meet them, insert some Vicks in the
nostrils before you start out. On returning
borne, melt a little Vicks in a tin cup or a spoon
and inliale the vapors.
Opposed to Bacteria
The ingredients of Vicks are not only anti
septic, but rubefacient that is, they summon
tlit blood to the tissues where applied and this
free blood circulation is nature's best method of
repelling grm infection. Also Vicks spreads a
protective film over the membrane and further
more is opposed to the growth of bacteria. In
short, we believe you have a much better chance
to avoid infection by these numerous germs if
you have Vicks in your nose.
Attack a Cold Immediately
When you feel a cold coming on, go right
home. Take a laxative. Make some hot lem
onade, then take a hot bath as hot as you can
stand. Stay in the tub 30 minutes, sipping
slowly several glasses of the lemonade. Get into
bed, with a hot water bottle at your feet, and pile
on blarikets. After an hour's sweat, dry thor
oughly with a rough towel, apply Vicks over
throat and chest, rub in well until the skin is
red, and then spread on thickly and cover with
one or two thicknesses of hot flannel cloth. Get
into bed again between dry sheets. Leave the
beddothing loose about the neck, like a funnel,
so that the rising vapors may be freely inhaled.
It is an obstinate cold, indeed, that will resist
such treatment. If it does, call a physician.
Acts Two Ways At Once
Vicks is of benefit in cold troubles in two
ways. 1st It is absorbed thru and stimulates
the skin, thus helping to relieve the soreness,
loosen the phlegm and make the breathing less
difficult. 2nd At the same time the ingredients,
released as vapors by the body heat, are taken
with each breath directly into the congested,
inflamed air passages.
A Vapor Lamp in Salve Form
Vicks is the discovery of Mr. L. Richardson,
a North Carolina druggist. He realized that
cold troubles were affections of the respiratory
organs and that the only way to get medication
direct to these parts was in the form of vapors.
Mr. Richardson finally worked out the process
for making Vicks, so made that the body heat
releases the volatile ingredients m the torm of I
vjpors. Vicks really is "a vapur lamp in tabs
The Ingredients of Vicks
Since the dawn of history mankind has been
searching ni'.'ure for remedies against cuid
troubles. The knowledge gained thru a thoLsasd
years has come down to us today. Vicks oon
tans the Ixjst known remedies for these troubk-s,
some of them of great antiquity. Menthol, fur
instance, comes from Oil of Peppermint vbich
was grown in Erypt three thousand years ago.
and whose virtues are described in the old Ice
landic books of Uie 13th century.
The highest authority on drugs and their osrs
is the U. S. Dispensatory. We give below a fr
extracts from the Dispensatory on some of the
ingredients in Vicks.
MENTHOL "It is vtinly mUi-bKimet.
I I is employ td for its antiseptic and anaestittit
influence in wy:. pharyngitis and UpryngUU."
CAMPU0R-" lias a peculiar and apetabl
effect an tlie mucous membrane relieves congestion
and inflammation ii a pouerjul stimulant to Urn
itipiialory centers."
OIL OF E CCA LYPT I'S "Germicidal,
antiseptic and slituulant4irgely used in ckronit
bronchitis and infections of the upper rtsptratary
tract its tapors ax very efficient.
OIL OF TH YME"This drug is a Jwrful '
emtKcptn uith tcvrta-.rful healing properties, ' tt-
pecially in congestion and catarrhal cotutilum .
lite nose, and tlrroat."
OIL OF TURPENTINE "Its papers art '
art excetttnt ttmtdy for; and highly beneficial in,
turious forms bronchial and lung troubles Its ""' f ',
powerful healing, antiseptic properties."
Adopt the DIRECT treatment
for all cold troubles
ABSORBED, like a liniment, and, at the same time,
INILALlsDs a vapor, Vicks reaches immediately
the congested, inflamed air passages.
Three Sizes: 35c; 75c; $1.50
A good behavior Contest was held In
the primary room last month. The
winning side was treated to a fine
lunch consisting of cakes, sandwiches
and pickles. Games were played dur
ing tho afternoon.
I!liil routers may get slightly twist
ed next fall when the grid teams of
Massachusetts Agricultural College
and Michigan Agricultural College
clash here. The twia "M. A. C.'s"
have strong alumni ties. President
Itutti'lfield of the Massachusetts Ag
gies is a Michigan Annie gradiiute,
while Curry Hicks, director of athlet
ics at the Pay State College, treasurer
F. C. Kenny and Dr. Marshall all re
ceived their degrees from Michigan.
pZ"liL fa ,f
NEW YORK, Feb. IT. More than
150(1. persons were reported "miss
ing," swallowed up by the huge city,
during the year 1921, according to the
report of Police ' Commissioner En
right. More than that number were
located, returned to their homes or
disposed of, in other ways, so they
were considered "closed cases."
These figures showed n decrease
from the "missing" list of 1920, when
16:16 persons were reported missing
and 1 HUB were located. The previous
year 1S95 were reported missing, and
234 were located.
Crime of all kinds showed a decrease
from ihe year 1920, according1 to the
report, making a continued decline In
crime from the high point of 191.
This record was mado "notwithstand
ing the increase In population, the un
settled Industrial conditions and the
increase In unemployment." ;
Traffic accidents increased, .tout
fewer arrests were made for traffic, vl- J
olntlons.. Persons killed by motor ve
hicles numbered 244, while B..622 were
that's the Reason
B n-i 1 - v&
for the ever growing
popularity of Albers
Flapjack Flour. '
Makes light, tasty hot
cakes Order a Package .
: Your Grocer -Recommends
j Flapjack Hour
Ctretulty stilti erUnirietl cm
t uintr insuttt fbsvlutt tuitatitn. 1 '