US f .il TO PAGE! DAILY EAST OEZGOIOAN, PEIfDLETON, OREGON, rfclDAY'EVENDfQ, mRTTAHY 17, 1922: PAGE SIX sijc uJlfomas Shnu 1 Social and Club News i. j CLTB HAS JJEETINa lovely numbers, Paderwskie's "llin- Three countries of South America. I "eV" and T"-" fr0m. .b Ecuador Onlomhin ..nri,ri, I il". 1 nomas t. .MUrpm formed the theme for an interesting meeting of the Thursday Afternoon club yesterday, when Mrs. G. V. Phelps and Mrs. Aider Fee entertain- ' ed the member at the library room. Mrs. Mary Lane read a paper on Venezuela, Mrs. Minnie Stillman one on, Colombia and Mrs. Stephen Lowell one on Ecuader. Bach paper was most comprehensive and gave accurate description. For the musical pro-1 sang charmingly a French folk song and "Good Morning, Hrother Sun Rhine," with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Fee. Mini Hope Inlow cloned the club i ''rurJtm wiin a pleasing piano soio. io ine fusing mjh, d- aorjeson. Roses and carnations were used In decorating. During the tea hour, Mrs. Lowell and Mrs. A. L. Schaefer presid ed. The hostesses were assisted In serving by Mrs. Murphy, Miss Elsie Fitxmaurice and Miss Elisabeth gram, the McElroy trio played two Whitehouse. IIOPF'S UPSTAIRS SHOP THE NEW COATS AND WRAPS FOR SPRING Not in recent years have as good Coats been offered for so little money. The utmost extremes of price and quality seem to be reached. Your Inspection Invited "EXCLCSrVF." WJT NOT "EXPENSIVE" I KODAK Enlarg ' Now is the time to look over your Kodak nega tives and pick out the good ones for enlarging. 1 For the remainder of the month we are offering you a 7x11 enlargement, regular price $1.00, at a special price of 50 cents. See our window for prize for best enlargement during this month. ' ! THE III DRUG CO. The REXALL Store THIS IS PAY UP WEEK 8 5 w. DAN'CE IS EX JOT ED The eternal fitness of things was conspicuous by absence last evening when members of the Kill Kare Klub were guests at an "Inappropriate Dance" at Eagle Woodman hall. Garlands of clothesline, dangling "wet-wash," and flags of all nations, were used In decorating. Costumes, grotesque, pictu res'iue, beautiful or bizarre, appeared in a maze of kaleld- lscopio colors. Western cowboys andj cowgirls, Indians, vamps, auues, runes, gypsies, pirates, Chinese these and scores of others danced to the strains of "Inappropriate'' music, which In cluded u fox trot, "Mendelsshon's Wedding March," and the one-steps, Brahms "Hungarian Dance;" waltz from "Faust" and waits from "Tales of Hoffman," played by MeElroy's or chestra, as feature dances. Placards on the walls were evidently culled from books on etiquette and from other sources. They Included "Don't thank your partner for a dance, pay her;" "Don't hide out for ladle' choice; get In the front row." "Ladies if you have rats in your at tic. Fted Ronnion will pizen them." Supper was served cafeteria style. f halrmen of the committees in charge of the dance were Fred Bcnnlon, J. K. Thr mpson, John Vuughnn, Jim Hill, E. F. Averlll and L, L. Rogers. Several dinners preceded the dance, Mr. and Mrs. U C. Scharpf and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lteuallen entertained at the Scharpf home, the guests in cliidlnar Mr. and Mrs. William Glass and C. W. Paulus, of Pilot Rock. The "Inappropriate" motif was carried out with oilcloth doilies, corsage bouquets of cranberries and parsley, and deco rations of vegetables. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monro wore hosts to ten guests for an informal dinner, at their home on Perkins Avenue, preceding the dance. PARTY GIVEN. Mrs. Kenenth McRae entertained yesterday afternoon with a "BOO" par ty at her home. Mrs. Charles Hamil ton won first honors and Mrs. J. F. Robinson second, while the consola tion prize was won by Mrs. Ehrl Oil landers, Hyacinths and greenery were used in decorating1. A Washington birthday motif was used, the favors being toy hatchets. Guests for the afternoon were Airs. Charles Hamilton, Mrs. J. TP. Robin son. Mrs. G. W. Coutts, Mrs. Alice Munro, Mrs. E. J. Birchell, Mrs. Charles Brownlow, Mrs. James Dun ham, Mrs. C. A. Crabtree, Mrs. C. S. Torpcnlng, Mrs. Claire Edwards, "Mrs. TrestraU, Mrs. Alfred Smith, Mrs. Karl Gillnnders, Mrs. J. J. Hamley nnc Mrs. It. Raymond. MISS WOMACK DEPARTS. ' Miss Ida Boyd Womack, who since last summer has made her home with her aunt, departed today for her home In Virginia, where she was cnlled by her mother's Illness, Miss .TVomnek. haB made many friends during: her stny In Pendleton. Saturday Specials S gallon Jacket Amber Syrup $3.00 Siring Beans, 7 tins . $1.00 Werk's Red Oil Soap, 10 bars $1.00 Toilet Soap, best quality, 12 bars 60c Wyandotte Cleanser Sack 65c Pork and Beans, Libby's large tins, 7 for $1.00 Ivory Soap Flakes, 10 packages $1.00 Excello Cake Flour, 4 packages ..$1.00 Bulk Coffee, 4 pounds . $1.00 Sauer Kraut, Libby's, quart : 15c Apples, good quality, box $1.75 Pigs Feet,Sinclairs 3 pounds ;...50c Quaker Corn Puffs, 10 packages $1.00 Country Bacon and Shoulders, pound 30c Actions speak louder than words. Let us prove that we can sell you groceries as cheap, quality considered, as any store In Eastern Oregon. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Only 1 Quality the Best Spring Fashions Every day brings forth words of praise from those who view our dis play of beautiful coats, suits and dresses. We have been assured that our garments are not only ahead in style but that they excel in qual ity of fabric, beauty and alue of any shown in the city at their prices. m m O TIIvVI.TH TIIIO KWRIT OF ATTRACTION Women of today depend a good deal upon the modern modiste and a knowledge of the cosmetic art to make them attractive. Too often there exists beneath It all n suffering woman whoso nervous laugh or forced smilo covers a pang of agony caused by somo feminine 111. Too such a woman L.vdla E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com pound will bring health and a happy relief from her Buffering, that will make her far more attractive than ooHtly gowns and cosmetics. For nearly fifty years American women have relied upon this root nnd herb medicine to relieve their ail ments. ' Saturday Special Bargains SATURDAY WILL BE A REAL BARGAIN DAY AT THE .TABLE SUPPLY. 2 frozen Strictly Fresh Eggs 75c Big Firm Rusty Florida Grape Fruit, each 15c Oranges, Good Size, per dozen ,' 37c 49 lb. Sack of Flour, each (just about wholesale) ...... $1.95 2 Sacks of Yellow or White Corn Meal 65c $1.25 Box of Crackers ..... 37c 10 Bars Cream Oil, Wild Rose Glycerine or Bath Tablet soap 78c MAKE YOUR DOLLARS COUNT A single visit to our store will convince you that there is but one way to get ahead of this H. C. L game, and that is to spend your money at the Table Supply and with every dollar pound down the price. You can do it and it will work. IN OUR MEAT DEPT. An abundance of Fresh Side Meat, Tork Steak, Roasts and Chops; Milk Fed Veal, Big Fat Hens and Young Spring Roosters, Salmon Halibut, Clams. Remember our prices are based on a strictly cash basis, and you will find them the lowest in the city. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH WHERE CASH PAYS. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE f. 739 MAIN STREET CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR, Proprietor. PHONE 187 "8 I a1 s HOSTESS FOR PARTY. An enjoyable Valentine party was given at the home of Mrs. A. H. Cox, 909 Haley street, the hostesses belt'.? Mrs. Cox and Mrs. F. J. McMonies. Three tables of "60y" were In play during the early part of the even Inp, and later u guessing contest was held. The prize for "500" was won by Mrs. James Laing, and fo.- the 'guessing contest, by Mrs. J. 15. Mo .Master. The house was deorutel with valentine decorations. Those present were Mrs. George (.oults, Mrs. Alex MacKcnzIo, Mrs. W. I. Humphrey, Mrs. E. A. Schiffler, Mrs. Alico Munro, Mrs. Jessie Trestrnil. Mrs. J. n. McMaster, Mrs. Klla Ter pening, Mrs. Elmer Cox, Mrs. James Lalng and Mrs. J. J. Ham Icy. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED The thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mark was celebrated last evening at a surprise dinner, held at their home on Post street nt six o'clock. Covers were laid for sixteen. Mr. and Mrs. Mark re ceived many lovely gifts. Besides the honorees, those present were Rev. J. M. Van Hoomissen, Rev. M. O'Malley, Miss Esther Mark, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. O'Danlel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Veyy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FitaGerald, Mrs. Mary Pedro, Mrs M. Joerger, Miss Reta Vey, Miss Clare Mark and Miss Mamie Mark, PARTY IS GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Kim Morton were "surprised" by a group of friends last evening, the occasion being thctr twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Cards were enjoyed during tho even ing. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Frledly, Dr. and Mrs. H. M, Massey. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brace, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Baer, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Iilsslnger, Mrs. Hopper, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gertson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bluhm. CLT.TJ HAS MEETING Members of the Lavender Club were guests yesterday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Kmma Wilkinson. The rooms were beautifully decorated with cut flowers. For an enjoyable pro gram Mrs, Louise Lampkln sang two solos, Mrs. J. M. Cook, Mrs. L. Ovqt turf and Mrs. James Hall each gave readings. GuestH for the afternoon were Mrs. Glenn Walters and Mrs. Carl Walters. O. A. R. LADIES MEET The Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic will hold a social meeting Saturday afternoon nt 2:30 In the club rooms of the library. Tho auxiliary of the Spanish War Veterans will be guests of honor. Hostesses are Mrs. Winnie Lincoln, Mrs. Edith Carroll, j Mrs. Luclnda Cook, Mrs. Esther I Bloomer and Mrs. Jennie. Drake. CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. W. D. Humphrey was hostess yesterday for a meotlng of the Thurs, day Afternoon Brldgo Club. During the afternoon's play, MrB. Joseph N. Scow and Mrs. Roger Kay won high score. Mrs. Humphrey was assisted In serving by Mrs. J. E. Allen, WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND SEE THEM TODAY ALL SET FOR FAST T! IT Stevens and Crooks Headliners in 10 Bounds of Milling:; Other Goods Fights Promise The. appetites of local followers of the boxing sport have been whetted to a keen point in anticipation of see ing a fnst bill tonight at the Alta theater when 30 rounds of scrapping will be staged under the promotion of Ray McCarroll. Buddy Stevens and Battling Crooks will meet In the main event of ths evening for a mill of 10 rounds. The scrap promises to be a lively one. Stevens always gives the fans their money's worth whether he wins or loses. The other events on the enrd are as follows: Plug Ugly against Fatty Ar buckle in which comedy is foresha dowed. Eddie Williams and another local boy will mix in the second event. Young Brooks and Kid McAllister of Walla Walla are on for six rounds of milling, nnd their event is expected to provide real fighting. Brooks has been meeting nil comers in his class here In preliminaries this winter, and ho hns always given a good account of himself. The Walla Walla boy Is touted as being fast and vicious. Sailor pwens and, Samuel Newton will go six rounds. The third man In the ring will be Dick 'Hanley. The high school coach served as referee once before this -win ter, nnd his presence In the ring is considered a guarantee that there will be no stalling. McCarroll Is taking his first fling In tho purely boxing program tonight. The program will move along with speed and precision, McCarroll declares. consul In New York City. They are in destitute circumstances, the con sul's office learned. So the state has agreed to refund the estate to the window and children. Zs That Cold and Cough Hanging On? YOU will be convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery does just what it is meant to do soothes cough raw throats, congestion-tormented chests, loosens the phlegm pack and breaks the obstinate cold and grippe attack, relieves the congestion in the bead. No harmful drugs, therefore good for children as well as grownups. .Right away you will notice the change for the better. Has a con vincing, healing taste that you will appreciate. Buy a bottle at any drug, guts on the way home to-night, 60c, .Kind's New Discovery ForColds and Cou&Ks Lary People, Lazy Bowels. Don't neglect constipation. It undermine the health, takes all vim out of -you. Dr. King's Pills will invigorate the system, stir up the liver, move the bowels. All druggists, 25c. f PROMPT! WON'T GRIPE Jjr.KinsPill5 If5 THE BASIS OF A GOOD Use our bread as a foun d a t ion upon which to build the perfect meal. , This bread never , disap points in its quality. It is made with the kind of care and of the same excellent mate rials that the particu lar housewife reveres. Penciletqn Balcing Cor P4M PENDLETON SHOOTERS HAVE FOURTH RANKING is the standing of the Following Mlta. BOOERS IN HOSPITAL ' Mrs. L. L. Uogers is a patient In Ft. Anthony's hospital, where she under went nn operation yesterday. He pnrts from the hospital state that Mrs. Itogers Is resting easily today. Mrs. Hogers is most popular and her many friends regret her Illness. ARE IN SEATTLE. Justice and Mrs. Iiwrence T. Har ris of Salem, who are well known In Pendleton, are visitors In Seattle. Justice Harris was invited to the Sound city to make an address be fore the Lincoln Club. TO ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Dnvld It. Nelson will be hosts this evening at an informal dinner party honoring Louis E. Beau, speaker of the House, nnd who will he a gubernatorial candidate nt the com ing election. IS IN LA GRANDE Mrs. Laura D. Nash is in Ln Orande where she was called by the Illness of Mrs. F. 8. Ivunhoe. Mrs. tvanlioe sprained her ankle recently. Mrs. Nash will return here next week. TO GIVE PARTY Miss Florence Sweet will be hostess this evening for a bridge party nt the home of Mrs. Lniira D. Nash, 311 Bush street. Throe tables will lie in play. RETl'UN HERE $ , Mr. and Mrs. D. R, Cowan has re turned to Pendleton, Mr. Cowan 'A been with the State Highway Locating party between Baker and Bridgeport. j GIRLS' FRIENDLY TO MEET The Girls Friendly Society, Junior Division, will meet tomorrow after noon at M5 In Parish Hull. various clubs In the Spokesman-Review telegraphic shoot: W. L T. Pet. Lewlston-Pomeroy ... 9 0 1 1.000 Spokane g 2 0 .800 St. John-Oarfleld ... 7 2 1 .11 Wenatchee 7 2 1 .77S Walla Walla 7 2 1 .77S Pondleton 7 3 0 .700 Odessa 4 0 .800 Wnllace-Kellogg 6 4 1 .050 Oroville 6 6 0 .501 Sprague 4 5 1 .444 Palouse-Colfax ...... 4 5 1 .44 1 Coeur d'Alene 3 7 0 .300 Coulee City .2 7 1 .222 Cheney 2 S O .200 Yakima 1 9 0 .100 j SAVE! SAVE! 'EKiainE!:i:ii SAVE! We Pay no Rent ; Our driver works fo rnothing. . We have cut out electric lights and are using candles. We wrap your purchases in newspapers and use sec ond hand string. . , Thereby eliminating overhead expense entirely, which enables us to save you at least 50 per cent on your grocery bill. That ought to hold you for bunk. But this is straight goods. We are selling , " ROME BEAUTY, ARKANSAS BLACK, AND WINESAP APPLES (Saturday only) at MONEY GOES TO BVLGAHS DENVER, Colo., Feb. 17. (U. P.) Seventy dollars In America in the year 1922 doesn't represent such a lot of money. Not that anyone would turn down such a gift, but the same amount, translated into Bul garian cash is sufficient to keep a family of three from municipal char ity for some time at least. Dimltre Nlchoff died here ln August, 1917. His estate consisted of $70 cash and $250 in notes. Because his : heirs coma not ' tie located, the estate was turned over to the state treasury. Re cently Nlchoffs dldow and two chil dren were, located In Bulgaria, ac cording to word from the Bulgarian 90c Box 1 f Sanitary Grocery j ilXSlOKVIEK.EJ PHONE I 871. ;..v 1 -f If pTWMiwiwwwwa i mm m.iimmi Corns Peel Off Like a Banana Skin when you touch them wtthlorSdrops ol "Oets-It." tbe ante, esay, quirk corn Ntnover used by million of people. Use "Gets-it" Nodanserous cutting, trtmininr or par ing, lualant relief from nil paiu mid sore ness. Costs bin a trlSe xverywliero. Money bark II It talis. E, Uwrenee Co Mir- ctilcef Bed Spring and Mattress for Only $27.25 THE Itrn Full slw-n 2 in. continued post, steel Ivory or Vernls Martin. Itol in cither THE SPIUXC. Fill! siw V. S. Miik. ' Till: MATTRESS Full size; 50 ib. pure cotton M Mattress. . AM, FOR $27.50. 1 nuurnnn PUSH CO. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW 103 E. Court Street Phone 491 Pendleton, Oregon hi M I 1