East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 01, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    PAGr rivi
People Here and There
Sim Culley. of Weston, nd Arthur
Coppock. of Athena, are among prom- j
tnent wheat growers who are here to- j
uay ior me rarm uumuu uitcuus.
Letcher N'orvall returned to his
home at Holix this morning after
having spent several weeks at the fed
eral hospital at Fpokane. He received
treatment of an old wound suffered
while he was In Franea. wMM&
(Continual from page 1.)
the treaty, "the plan which America
proposed has been preserved as has
the spirit which prompted the propo
sals," The galleries bunjt Into ap
MANHATTAN. Kan, Feb. 1.1.
IX. 8.) Agriculturalists are alarmed
over tho fact that another pest hns
put in an appearance In Kansas and
lis threatening the 1922 wheat crop.
It Is the star thistle and has a pen
chant for spreading through wheat
The sample of the weed, which was
sent to the Kansas Wate Agricultur
al College here, was forwarded to
the Agricultural Department at
Washington. Authorities identified It
as the star thistle, and declared
that it wub a foreign invader. This
flowering thistle has made Its ap
pearance in a number of widely sep
aralcd states throughout, the coun
try, according to agricultural ex
Genevieve Reid to J. Howard Reld,
12000, fractional part of XW 1-4 Sfi
1-4 Sec. 5, Tp. 4, N. R.. 29.
B. F. Hatfield to Dan Leo $1.00, W
1-2 SV 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 2, Tp. 4, X.
R. 28 and farm unit "H" of NV 1-4
Sec 2, Tp. 4, N. R. 28.
W. H. Bayer to tilllle Sayer, $1.00.
Lot 10. block 10", original town of
tCbert M. Thoroughman to Vita. A.
Leathers, $2000, NW 1-4 SB 1-4 Sec.
6, Tp. 4, N. R. 29.
Robt. N. Stanfield to Ralph Holte,
11.00, portion of E 1-2 NW 1-4, Sec.
t, Tp. 3, and portion of S 1-2 SW 1-4
Section 32, Tp. 4, X. R. 29.
. J. D. Cornell to U. P. Long, $600.
mete and bound tract in Section! 12,
TP. 6, N. R. 35.
. Wlm. Laey to Chas. B. Hensley, $1.
N 1-2 W 1-2 SE 1-4 Bee. 22. Tp. 5.
K. R. 28. ; j
Booth .Houaer to mAu JiiiCarlsit,i
a7,30,lots T and 8, block 106, nti.
Add to Pendleton.
RALEIGH, X. C. Feb. 1. (U. P.)
Miss Maude R. Satterthwaite, mayor
of stonewall, X. C, Is cleaning up that
town in two respects. Its streets are
becoming more attractive under her
administration and its morals are Im
proving. Stonewall is a small place,
but It has the largest Sunday Bchool
in proportion to population in the
state. . Ninety-seven per cent of the
residents nre members of this com
munity Sabbath school. Miss Satter
walthe is the superintendent. Stone
wall pnys its mayor no largo salary.
Therefore Mayor Satterthwaite keeps
books for a living. Her board of al
dermen is a board of alderwomen. All
three of tho council members wear
dresses. '
WARHtXOTON. Feb. 1. (U. P.I
William Miller of Dallas. Texas, told
the senate investigating committee he
tiftfl'fien ah artery mob of off'cers and
hi-lviiVs shoot down two white AhleH-
JennjlHridh-rs lux if IstRurTyia, franca.
for attacking two aged fronts wom
en. , JflfiPla
What are you doing to develop the love
of music to youf child? to not leave this
duty to a philanthropist. Fill your homo
with music and you will fill it with sun
shine. Your children Will absorb it as they
do air and sunshine and your ovrn heart
will be glad. Buy a Piano, a Player Piano
or a Phonograph today. Do not delay.
Your children are growing tip and you are
growing old.
6f Pendleton is a safe place to buy. Piano
repairing and tuning.
East Oregonian Special.)
KERMISTOX, Feb. 1. Th Ameri
can Legion basket ball team played
the Purple Giants, representing the
Stanfield Commercial team- last Satur
day night, in the- auditorium In Her
miston. Both teams played fast ball
but the superior team work of the Le
gion team won the game with a score
of 31 to 12
A lot of Individual speed was shown
A both sides but chief among It all
was the work of Voyne at center and
Waterman at guard. The line-up was
as follows:
Hermlston Longhorn and H. Todd,
forwards; Voyne, center; Waterman
;.na Hiatt, guards.
Stanfield Markhnm and F. Hos-
kins, forwards; C. Hoskins, center
Attebury and W. Hoskins, guards.
Mlddlesdorf and Hall were subs for
Hermistct! while S&gen and Smith sat
on the sidelines for Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. William Shaar left
Saturday for Colfax Wn. te visit with
E. J. Klngsley had the misfortune
to cut his hand badly the first of the
week. Three stitches had to be taken.
A. W. Adamson returned from a
business trip to Portland the last of
the week.
Mrs. E. i. Klngsley was hostess for
a delightful luheheon last Tuesday.
Minn Lila McMillan entertained a
number of friends at her home Tues
day night. After a pleasant evening
at cards a dainty luncheon wot served
by the hostess; f: '''.
PORTLAND, Feb. .-( A. P.) The
livestock market la steady. Eggs tire
quiet and butter Is steady '
(Continued front bags 1.)
1 Renato Zanelli
' t u miMTDcriTAi with CM AC WAGNER.
441 41 Vlll A lbVl a - -
Keyjor Grand: Theatre
Walla Walla, February 6
I Lower floor, $2.50 ; first 3 rows In Balcony, $2 .50 j nex ,6
X . Mail orders filled only when accompanied by check I
1 and eelf-addrefised Btamped envelope to f .
X MALEN BURNETT, 220 Marcus .ff" .ffn.
444Mf f f f v"' t t v w w w www v
Pay Cash Receive More
209 E. Court
Pay Lc3s
, Phone 880
We Are Different
Just to demonstrate to you how much different we are
in our methods of doing business, and why our cash selling
'is so popular, we show you here the difference in our do
ing business. 1
Long Credit Credit Losses Unnecessary Help
: Slow Turning Stock
No Credit No Credit Losses Quick Turning Stock
I See the difference for yourself '
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 E. Court Phone 880
'-'t - i '.I T'ii.i",1 sJ; -.;
Badgett case) the Lew Eddy , case; the
Turner case and all other matters in
which he has been charged with the
dereliction of public duty. Th's In
vestigation has been made exhaustive-'
ly and the Grand Jury reports to this
Court that not only aro each and all
of the charges unproven but that there
Is no evidence whatsoever to support
any of the allegations.
We have Investigated tho'. chaTges
against the District Attorney for the
alleged failure to prosecute a writer
of certain anonymous letters and we
find nothing in that matter that
should subject oo.'d official to criticism
Investigation of Charges Against
. . C. Z. KnndaU.
The Grand Jury has likewise Inves
tigated the Charges ' of alleged mis
conduct OA the .part of Deputy Ms-
trict wMtdfney C. Z. Randall and find
the charges are unsupported by any
evidence whatsoever. '
lnvi'Hw;H(ion' of Chorgos Agaliist the
i v County Court. '
We have lnvestigalcd the charges
against the County Court. We find
that the Report of the Grand Jury
of - January 6, has not been
sent to the Governor by the County
Court.. We find that the misconduct
in reference : to the - Tax Itolls wa
caused, at least in part, by letters
received from the State Tax Commis
sion and under sach conditions that
the mistake is an excusable One on
the part of the County Court and
that the . expense of : rectifying the
mistake will., amount approximately
to , 169.00. -The 'Tax- Commission.
itself, admits that the errors', arme
from an erroneous Instruction to the
County Court, . . v . .
In reference to the controversy be
tween the. Sheriff and the County
Court with reference to the payment
of the Sheriffs expense for .enforc
ing tho Prohibition Low; we find that
tho County Court, .acting Under le
gal. opinion which It bene&Uy be'
lieves it should follow, conbiders it
self Without legal authority to pay
the expenses In controversy and the
matter Is now at Issue before the
Supreme Court of the State of Ore
gon, und after a decision in the case
pending ,1s rendered on tho merits It
will Instruct the County Court and
the Sheriff in the premises.. The
County. Court is .willing to pay the
expenses and bills Of the. Sheriff In
the cases In controversy, if It finds
It has legal authority to do so.
In reference to the purchase of the
Chalrners ear at W'alla Walla, We
find that the Courtly Court acted In
good faith and saved some money
to tho tax payers. , We find nothing
improper In the selection of the par
ticular car as there are many ' cars
to select front and the queMIOn of
which car should be selected Is left
to their judgment and on this, ques
tion the judgment of reasontble. men
may differs ' ; " v
. We find nothing improper irf the
employment of the son ef the Coun-
ty Judge as a chainman as the boy
accepted the place at the request' of
another and has performed the work
required of him properly.
We find nothing Improper in the
action of the' County Judge In refer-
ZemoHealtSkin Troubles
Without Staining Clothes
No matter how often you have
tried and failed, you can stop burn
ing, itching Eczema with coding
Zemo. Zemo it s clean, antiseptic
liquid treatment tor alt tfcin
; irritations. Clears up rasbes and
Tetter, does away with pimplei
end blackhead. All Drugg-itsV '
EG Eft
rqn r,!ri irjnjTATicNS
ence to the claims of desiring to have
bis daughter employed in the Treas
urer's office, nor anything Improper
ia the action of the County Judge
or County Court in reference to a
printing job for which the Oregon
Printing Company competed and we
find that the County Court is u.ting
good judgment in the employment
of a firm ef Auditors to expert
County, records In tbe manner now-
ImesligatJon of Charges Again K
V. B .RUtrwey.
This Grand Jury has investigated
the eharges made against E. K. It.
Kidgway. These charges, in sub
stance, are that certain persons gave
money as bribes to Rtdgway for pro
tection while he was an officer of
the law. In examining this matter
the Grand Jury has eompcllud a
number of witnesses to testify under
the provisions of said Section :::t-0,
Oregon Ua. The charges of brib
ery ef . Ridgway are of such a na
ture and have come from such i a
source that no Court er jnry would
convict him of such churges and it
is the judgment Of the Grand Jury
that he would be adjudged "not
guilty" if brought to trial and the
Grand Jury finds no evidence suffi
cient to warrant an Indictment
Furthermore the testimony ia con
flicting. It tomes from witnesses
who have been convicted of crimes;
who have made inconsistent state
ments and whose testimony is other
wise thoroughly impeached. We find
that an indebtedness owing by Ridg
way to Certain witnesses has given
currency to the rumor of briber)'
and we feel that Ridgway should be
cleared In tho people's minds from
the onus of. this charge.
The Grand Jury has been unable to
establish, the charge that Hidgeway
has ever been drunk or that he has
sold liquor. There la no evidence t
any Improper conduct by Kidgway
in the Smith case. The fact ia con
clusively proven to the Grand Jury
that Ridgway never stole 122.00 or an;
portion thereof, from any boys in the
KauCnian larceny matter and there in
no evidence to substantiate the charge
of his associating with any immoral
woman, 4 . , . .
The' Grand Jury finds that Com
plaints upon which Search Warrants
were Issued by a Justice of the Peace
have been filed by Ridgway upon
hearsay evidence add Without suffi
cient basis for the legal issuance of
such warrants. Otoe place Was search
ed by Itidgeway and others without a
Search Warrant Under. Conditions
where the evidence is conflicting an.
Uncertain as to .whether the consen
of the party whose place wtis searched
was obtained or not. .
In three instances the Grand Jury
finds that E. f . B. Ridgway has taken
a drink or drinks, of Intoxicating li
quor while In the performaboe of his
official duties and the grand ury finds
that there was no good . excuse for
such conduct at such times and at one
of said times the Hiuor WIUj produced
by a party who was riding In the
tame atitomoullo upon the public high
wuyi of tho Hlato of Oregon and ut
such time it was the duty of the said
Uiilgewuy to urrcst the party glvlni
him the drink.
Except oa above stated, the Grand
Jury does, hot find that any of the
charges against Hldgeway With re
ference te the manner of executing the
.search .'Warrants ore sustained by evi
dence; ' ..' '' - ' "
Investigation bf Charge Against W.
V K. Taylor and ltobcrt Wuotalr
, The- Grand Jury has investigated
tho charges made In the Pendleton
Tribune against Wk R, Taylor and
Robert Sinclair and have called all
witnesses-requested by Interested par-
tics and investigated the charges in
dependently as the evidence disclos
ed. . ' .'.
We find no evidence that either . of
said officers are crooked or that they
stood in with,' or protected violators
of: law or accepted brtbS' or ."split"
intoxicating liquors with ' bootleggers
or any other person;
The Grand Jury finds that neither
said Wi R. Taylor or said Robert Sin
clair arte subject to criticism for any
thing done by either of them In con
nection with tho ride when tho car of
one McKinney was wrecked.
1.. In reference to the claim of charg
ing Arthur Wilson 110.00 for a lecture,
we fin dthut this money 'was taken un
der proper circumstances, turned In to
the Police Judge of tho City of Pen
dleton an ball, was forfeited and bo
came, and Is now, the property of the
City of Pendleton. . , v "
Investittation of tho Sheriff's Office
We fiud that Intoxicating liquor
sclr.ed oil rai'l.i In the enfoivr '.vnt 1'f
the rrohlbltion Law have been stored
In the Court House Under the csre of
the Sheriff, and acting under the pro
visions of section f24"0i Oregon
Lews, we find that the Sheriff has
given to a former deputy of his office
s portion of suoh Intoxicating liquors
when such person requested the tame
far medicinal (purposes, when in fact
tt was Intended for the usfl of auch
deputy sud others fo beVerugcs pur
poses, all of which should hnve been
khowri to the Sheriff nd w find that
the Sheriff hd Bo right to dlepohe of
such liquors in euth manner And we
also find that he gave intoxicating
Ikiuors which ivere in his ;cutody ns
sUdh Sheriff' to some- persons In the
twn who requested , the , same! for
medicinal purposes.' '-'i ' ' . -l -
'Wc have disposed. of this matter un
dei1 the' provisions of said section of
the Oregon slstuts, by mentioning (he
same in this Report, as It Is a matter
of public interest affecting one of the.
publio office of the CoWnty which we
have' Investigated and which, under
the circumstances and under the pro
visions of said section, should bo dis
posed of by this Grand Jury in this
manner only. 1
We find the County Jail Inadequate
for the proper ear of the. prisoners
of the County and we recommend that
the County Court take proper- steps
to remedy this condition. We find
that the food furnished tbe prisoners
has been at times insufficient in
quantity and deficient In quality and
although it has been the practice for
many years to expend less than the
full amount permitted by law in the
feeding of prisoners we feet that un
der the present conditions and with
the present prices of commodities , that
the full amount -provided by- law
should be used for the - feeding of
prisoners If Such, amount IK required
to give them the quality and quantity
necessary. '' ' . - ' ,
: ItrrfcmmetidAltons
that a considerable porttoti tit the dif
ficulty whioh has arisen in the execu
tion. of Search Warrants is due to the
fact that the Warrants hnve been is
pued too readily-by tbe magistrates,
25 LBS.
"I Don't Hesitate to Reoom
mend It To Anyone Suf
fering From Stomach
Trouble and Kindred
Complaints," States Well
Known Seattle Woman.
"After hearing so m"-"i - 'ont Tan
lac I bought a bottle th ntuu If it did
others ro much good it mi jht help me
toe. Well, it has not only helped me.
but I have actually gained twenty
five pounds since taking It and never
felt better in my life," said Mrs. Marie
J. Howard, graduate nurse of BelleVue
Hospital,' 402 Wcstlake Ave., North,
Seattle, Wash.
"My appetite Is good now and my
stomach is in such splendid Condition
that everything I rat agrees with me.
I used to be bothered a good deal by
my kidneys and liver, but now they
both seem normal In every way.
. "My nerves are calm and steady and
t sleep like a child every night. I
have had a great deal of experience
with medicine and I don't hesitate to
recommend TanlaC to those who have
stomach' trouble and kindred com
plaints." Tanlsc Is sold In Pendleton by
Thompsons Irug Store and by land
ing druggists.
although in many instances in the
form HpectHed by Section 2224-3.
We wish to suggest to all magistrates
and persons concerned In the Issuance
of Search Warrants that more care be
exercised in the protection of ti;e csn
stitutional rights ugalnst unreasonable
searches and selsures; the magistrate
mould require a showing of urobnble
cause for the Issuance of Such war
rant or warrants by a person who has
personal knowledge of facts..
We suggest that all officers who
"iflv "elre Intoxicating liquor, make a
record in sorao manner that will be
permanent and subject to Inspection.
showing the amount and descriptions
of intoxicating liquor seized; that such
liquor be clearly marked so as to be
Identified and that extra precaution
be used In Its destruction to verify the
fact that the Identical liquor seised
and the whole thereof, which may be
ordered destroyed by the Court, has
been nctually destroyed In tho manner
provided by law. In this way a check
may be kept on the enforcement of
the law with reference to tho destruc
tion of llqUor and officers will be re
lieved of the possibility of Unjust Im
putation that they hnve been connect
ed with its Unlawful disposal.
We suggest that officers comply
with the provisions of Peetloil 1869 f
Oregon Laws with reference to the
giving of receipts for property taken
rin seaiVh Warrants and that receipt
111 general be given to nil prisoners
from whom property Is taken on ar
We feel nt this time that It is pre-k
Superiority in Diamonds is a matter of care
ful discrimination; in which the character
of the house should be taken into consider
ation. '
Very few occasional diamond buyers are
competent to judge values where minute
variations, invisible to tho naked eye, have
consideration bearing upon their worth.
We gladly show diamonds and give you tho
benefit of our knowledge and experience.
' "tr.
Tbe Largest Iiiaroond Dealers hi Eastern Orcgna -
mature to dispose of all questions
which havo arisen under the provi
sions Of Section 1930 of Oregon Laws
relating to criminal libel.
We do not consider It compatible
with the best Interests of Umatilla
County that E. P. B. Ridgway at this
time be retained or re-employed by
the County but this reeommendnlon
Is not Intended to impair his useful
ness In any other capacity or In any
otiiur piece.
This Investigation hn been made
entirely Independent, of the assistance
of the District Attorney's office of
the County of Vmntllla, except that at
the request of L. A. Lllejqvlst, an As
sittint of the Attorney General, said
U A. Lllejqvlst has been appointed a
Deputy District Attorney of this Coun
ty for the purpose of this Investiga
tion and .the Investigation has been
held pursuant to the Instructions of
the Court and the advice as to the
law given to u by ald appointee, and
we have disposed of, all matter
which wo' feel 'can' be disposed tof so-,
cording tn law and evidence to the
best of our abllltv. ' ; , (
From our Investigation we believe
that there will be a determined effort
In the future to carry en the unlawful
manufacture and sale Of Intoxicating
liquors within tho county and Te re
spectfully suggest that the County
Officers attempt to co-operate to tho
fullest extent possible In an energetic
and determined effort to stamp out
this evil and for the general enforce
ment of laws.
-"r :
11 ixm rr.MJ.m y
JLJ..... JflsW For
SX'V Bit
Tht "Food-Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch atHome,Oftfce,an4
Fountains. AtkforHOXUCK'S.
isrAvoiJ Imitations t Substitute
"Try the drug store
first," and Koeppens,
the drug store tha
1 serves best, for Pre-
2 scriptions.
wo 3)S)5)
ictdr Records
February 1922
Numbr Siu
Emilio De Goarorza 66019 10
Fonz&ley Quartet
Amelita Calli-Curci
OrvilU Harrold
Htitda Lashanska
For Ever and For Ererl
Alice, Where Art Thou , 1
Quartet in D Major Allegro Moderate
Ol' Carolina ,
Les Saltisnbanquea -Ceat l'amour
Sweet and Low Hulda Lashaiuka with Criterion Quartet
Querida . . ,. , Ttta Ruffo
Still wie die Nacht Ernestine Schumann-Heink
Taming of the Shrew Part I E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe
Taming of the Shrew Part II E. H, Sothern and Julia Marlowe
FeteBoheme ArturoToscaniniand La Scala Orchestra
Where My Dear Lady Sleeps Reginald Werrenrath
Russian Dance v, Efrem Zimbalist
Second Hand Rose . V . . . Fanny Brice
My Man (Mon Homme) Fanny Brice
Mill by the Sea Elsie Baker
Baby Dreams Elsie Baker
Mr Sweet Gal Fox Trot All Star Trio and Their Orchestra
I'm Laughing All the Thne Fox Trot and Their Orchestra
Rom of My Soul ' . .. John Steel
U 1.T5
12 1.75
10 1.25
10 1.25
10 1.25 ;
10 1.25
10 1.2
12 S.78
12 1.75
12 1.75
10 1.25
10 1.25
10 1.00
Whisper to Me in the Starlight
Georgia Rose ,; j j'
Tomorrow Land
I've Got My Habits On ,,
Happy Hottentot
Gypsy Blues Fox Trot
John Steel
Sterling Trio
Sterling Trio
Miss Patricola
Miss Patrkola
His Orchestra
45264 10 . 1.00
18835 10 ...75
. v. ';.'..' ; .' ;!.
18836 10 .75
18837 10
18838 10 .78
Paul Whiteman and
When Buddha Smiles Medley Fox Trot
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 1883? lp .75
tl ) Run. Run. Run (2) Jumping (3) Running Game '
(4) Air de Ballet Victor Orchestra
Waltzes, 1, 2 and 9 i Victor Orchestra
When Shall We Meet Again . Edna Brown-Elliptt Shaw
Mississippi Cradle ' ' t. Edna Brown-Elliott Shaw
Just a Little Love Song Fox Trot
. ; Paul Whitman and His Orchestra
Ty-fee Ifox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Granny, You're My Mammy's Mammy Fox Trot
Club Royal Orchestra
All That t Need Is You f ox Trot . , Club Royal Orchestra
18840 1X1 78
18841 10 .75
, .1 i 1 r
18842 10 ' .75
I Want Mv Mammv MandvV Me Fox Trot
, Joseph C Smith and His Orchestra
Stealing Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra
Ponular Sonfftof Yesterday Medley Waltz No, 1 . '
Popular Songs of Yesterday Medley Walta No. 2 ' - "v
Hackel-Berge, Orchestra 35713 12
Economy Briig Co.
1 '