PACS'ESTElf - . zxcnr pages fFor Rent, Etc., Qassified for Easy Reference.! A QQIPf i Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found 1 V l jVi JkJll 1 I A J DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, " OREGON, MONDAY EVENING,-JANTJARY 30,1022. WANT-ADS - . - W ;! nunnrn a nvERTISIXQ ' 4 RATKS. 4 Set In $-polnt Counting tlx ordl- nary words to th line, 4 First insertion. pr Un -..$.19 Each additional eonseeutir in- insertion. per line - . ) Ono month, every Issue, each : Insertion, per line .-- .0 Six months contract eery Is- sue, each Insertion, per Mne. Twelve months contract, ev- . ; ery Issue, each Insertion, pes line : - - Ads not run consecutively. 4 each Insertion, per line..... ,1 No ads taken for 1ms than lines. Minimum chart . .t I 4 " "I 1 NEW TODAY L I 'J rOR RENT 2 room' cottage. Phone S67.-W. ,' . ' - For RENT Furnished J children. 61 J Post St. Apts. no "I NrOR RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms. VlUlIeth St. : j fOR RENT Sleeping room, steam ! , heat, hot and cold water close In "( Phono 862 I HOUSES FOR RENT, one at $20.00. the other $35.00 not palaces. j Phone 404, Bentley-Graham. i . , j WANTED by lady Position as cook., en ranch, $ 50.00... per month and j . kard.--Addresa Ml9",t)W pifico. '. HOUSE AT 301 Thompson street for! : rent at $35.00 month. Look at house xrrsiinen see us. nunwr x.miuuj roent Company, 115 E, Webb Street. f. - Vat l(W H Artisans will meet tomorrow even ing Jan. SI. in Eagle Woodman hall. Come and help Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Al ien In the campaign (or new mem hers. ' - ., ' WANTED Young men, women, over !V 17, desiring government positions $130.00 monthly, write for free list of positions now open, J, Leonard, (for-' toer Civil Service examiner) 949 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. - A'l I I 1 " ' ' WANTED Information as to address I of William N. Wade, Elmore U. O.. Wlsdon, William - .Batemnn, Robert Fits, Frank Wildman, or heirs If dead. : Address E. W. BpaUldlng, .-sallonnj Metropolitan t6n, Df C. Bank Bldg., Washing- w . Missouri Tractors r I have several head or gooa, d.k mules, coming four and five years oldi' If vnu will need one or more for vririno.wnrk' let me hear from you. . t ! may arrange to show you a first class animal. " Write to C. H. Zurcher, En terprise, Oregon. '' .' ' '' t " LOST AND FOUND - LOST between. Pilot' Rock and Peri , dletpn. camera Reward If returned to First National Bank. . ' . FfTJKD-Orie grey horse 2 years old. , j-. Juhhranded; Onerey mare years : ' m. hmrtfled J. p.; right stifle. ; Owner ; , maylive same by .paying' for ad and l)08turS',ii-Qeo. E. Sherman.' - V' i:' WANTED a- v ... . . - v .' ' -.i' - - f Let1 the WANT AD Be Your Salesman ai An East Qregoniari Want Ad makes a highly efficient and desirable salesman It tella your story simply and ' contintinjly, and it reaches the greatest number of peo pie in the quickest time. It conveys your message quickly, and briefly and approach es' your prospect when he is in the most re- ceptive mood. ' ' ' ! : s ' Sell your goods or seryices through the East Oregonian Want; Ada,; You'll find the results highly satisfactory. V : ' ;V ' ' v . I 'i V . FOR RENT; . . FOR RENT Apnrtmnts pnone. 1 1 , AND ROOMS,- ALTA-' APT8. 1 FOR SEAL, REAL ESTATE HAHDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of PHlDLETOll i IGiiTY . ... i. r v-v fr ft., AiitAf.lnn rmArp tin mftv want tha . jireciory u wwj - - - - - ---- nam and addresa on rtsnonslble busihessmea who represent .tha following Unas. .Afl are reliable, responjlbla bualnesa concarna wjxft staadj readj; ,to gjva you prompt Berylce, i .1 i FOR SALE A pirtmenjf house) Ad dress "6" this office. ' ; ', AUSTI0NEER AUTO SPRINGS DRAYMEN FOR SALK-MJood 'wiea t land at prices that are aurprlaingly low terms Call or write W. H. Morrison. COL. W. F. TOHNK.A uctloneer. I - Call at Sturcls A Stone liopllment Co., for sale dates. . .. ! FOR SALE Some good buys In resi dence property at reaucea pricee terms. Call or write W. H. Morrison. y $3500.00 WILL .BIT'S room modern house with both; toUet, hot and cold water, half basement; lot 50x100;. will give terms.r-Pioner . F.mploymenl Company, 115 Enst Webb Street. . , For Sale .... - . House In all parts of the dty. Come and see our list. , Wheat and alfalfa ranch.-' ' ' - M; GEO. W. ELDER SON . 81$ Main 6t Phone 99S FOR SALE OB, EXCHANaRv-440, ucres; $10 acres undejr cultivation, more can be cultivated; 200 pasture timber; 10 roomed plastered house, electric tight, hot and cold water. bath furnace, 2 barna, garage, grainary. Ho, other outbuildings, 1 1-J miles from town, grada and high school, T miles from Bugen; University of Oregon. Price $52,500 wUl trade for Income property wheat or stock ranch, worth $10,000. -Owner, Peter Estergrad, Eu gene, Oregon, Motor Route B. v 1 AUTO TRANSFER Phone) $2 .HANAVAN TRANSFER, v Be $?-ItikConntry tripe, - C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at GrigW - Cigar Store, Phone 1074. ."V ATTORNEYS OEOROE" W.- COOTTS; Atiurner t ' taw,' Itooro .IT, Bond Bldg. l - ,-J;! M. a m . . Spring Wortte. Phoao 41, 110 WtW;1 Kampe. ftione , - WHO MOVES TOU W Just as Import ant at where you move. We also pack or store goods. Wt'do country hauling Call K Penland Bros. Trarwfox, iu W. AWa, AUTO TOPS ksasaMsM OADWA'S AUTO TpPS. Plat 01as Back. . side . curt Court St. ! AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS ,WE REPAIR anything electrical o an automobile. W; K. Chaw Co. L M. 8CHANXEP, Attorney at Law . Orrice In Court Hou.: . AUTO TIRES KEATOR A RANDALL Attorney at Law.v Koom 24, Smith-Crawford nutlding. ' y .. : . PEXtET0N CTCLB CO.-AJax' and Revef Tir Vulcanising. 88 E. Court St,. Phone 144. CARTER' A SMJTHE. Attorney at , Law, i'H E. Court St, , . . . L. 9. BENTLKT CO-r-Qoodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, ous fcnd accesserie. Altai anu Garden Bts. in i FEE A FEE. Attorneys at Law. , ticca In bef paltt Building. Of- a A. LOWELL, Attorney- and Coun selor at1 Law Office in Despalu Bldg. USED CAR EXCHANGE nsnaauikualaJ ft NEWBERRY,. Attornay at Iw Federal Bulg, . . .. -)., , FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law r-Room 84, Smltb-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law, Office, over Tayta Uardware Com- FOR aALEBuick llghjl,. goodj jhapePhonSi.ty-fr, j ; NIfW .Ppti' tdbnVib; less than 4 itnontnt ota ax a mg reaucuon. jm llshll)(!Phonet jf? 1 NOTICES RALET. RALBT STEIWKR, Wtor nevV ai Law. Office in AnwHcan National Bank BuUdlnK. .' PBTERSOX Blahbp -ft' ark, 'Al t' torneya at Law. Room S Md gmllh -Crawford Bldg. - I FOR ICEJT-i-en furnished pt t. ai.m, G THnn 24ftM.v ' ' Vntlo tn .the .members of Woman nonoFtt Aaonplntlnn of .Maocabees. Call meeting hejd . Tuesday at the home of O.-O.' iilwlne-415 Lewis St. at 2: 30 o'clock for -the purpose fit discussing whetheror net a. meeting ihnli h held one eveninir each month. also If they shall rent the K. of p. hall. . '''''' ' r- ' -i I BV ORDER OF COMMANDER." ' r- ' WANTED Girl tor' general honse 'wofk. Phone 389-W. -. ;v j-AKTEQ to trade piano for Ford '; if;-Uphf)he 710-M.f : V ",.v ...I 111 ! APTS FOR RET- '- 28.6-J.-T.V -Fttrnlshed rboma, Phone FORlRJBXTOarage -Phone 250-J 30$ Cosote-Bt.'. - ' - m TmnRtniV tVRPARTMEJIT. Office of Comptroller of the Currency. . ,. Washlngtoo, D. C. , . January 1. 1922, . WHFjRKAfL v satisfactory evidence presented to the Undersigned, It ha Wn maAi La aDDear that "The First iSBa ;rW thVJo Ba,K r lted juis uwi). a i - l tt tin., .nH Rtat nf Aivarnn: has uiiiawiio n FOR RENT Furnished Apt. Call 4)14 'Cosble or Phone ioi-j. . , 'i 5rMAf ."'-Vauto- houselieeplnft .' for .'buchelor on, Vanch. Addres !' this office.- i. . .: . .: Jt.:: WANTED- to rent furnished, or partly . fUrttehed, arrtmot. AQareeB.,. , tre'thi oi ne- ' WANTEltM-Lady to sHare my apart . ,ment with me. Phone, a$6-W,:r' call.SOf E. Courts Ant 1. .-. , ,. i r-i i' ." ' W T-A OLT BOT . wants home he can work for dobm ana roonV 'andigo to' school, . Call fJohn FURSnSHKIlr ; abartraent ' for reaty ' Phoae 1041. v;;.".'1 FOR REJfT Fjirnished apurtment.- X; FOR RENT"2 room furnished apart mentVhone J78-W. " ' Fi)rt SALE Two Blewett Harveoter compiled with all the provisions of the Plume 14F1L , ,.. ' . I Act of Congress "to enable , -National Banking Associations to .to xt corporate extatence, and lor other pur1 .h,mwiI :Tulv:12. .l,l$g.2, - ae ajgo, amended by the Act, approved April 12. 1802. : -.. ... : NOW, THEREFORE, L a R. Crl HOUSE FOR RENT or wjll sell furnl lure cheap,. Phone $S3-J... j xj i rv Rfwim hnd hoard or board--J03 W. Court, rnone-a3-ri sTARii MACHINERY, wngpna, barn ' i' ness,'addleii, household gooda gas engine, etc., '.We have call tor the above articles, May we har frm you a( ; once. The Francl Chain Brokerage Store, JO $ Main St. :.- .Ahti-Hooch Seruix? FOIl "RENT Modern ( i room house, $14.lJilcoln Bt., Phone 37tJ i or wi vnti r-J-l"lfflr Rnnma aver Tall man Drug Store, nee reniano r. FOR tEJJT Newly furnished room. rorns-ce - neat ana Bainura FOR TiTftXT Modern apartment close ln.r-Phone 381-u, evening w Sunday. -,f. . irtS 1 4 j i fV ttW - 5 mmam FOR SALE ' TIMS! CARD ' : 4 Pilot Rock. St V " "' ''Evan Cameron, Prop. '. Leave. Pilot Rook 8:00 A. "s leave Pendleton '11:60 A. iuiia Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. ' Leave i'endleton 4:00 P. M. Leave ' Hotel . Pendleton an J French Restaurant,, J; , v .''' (OERTSON. 4 MARTY Gates Buper Tred' t'.res-eso Cottonword.--Vul canising' ad repairing. PEN'bLETON RtlBBER 8UPPLT i CO.--Barney Oldfield, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pennsylyanl Vacu um CUPjt-SOS K. Court bt.; r t. T T CAR FOR HIRE CAR FOR. HIRbJ Country trip po i olalty Stand at Orlgg ft Tryon.- Phone 23, Bert LoveU. , CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BANFIELb, Designers. ' . i I n..lHiMtn. 1 feMn .f tungineernic, vwi v,m ,v j -experience tn concrete and brick eon struotlon 4 E. Third St., North Portland, Oregon. FARM LOANS SNOW ft DAYTON. 117 B. Court Bt, Real Estate, Fir Insnrance, Farm Loan. See us about a loan. LAUNDRY EVERT Article , Laundered Perfectly. . There' an agent' la your town. Troy 1-nimdry, fog Gnrdcn St, DOMESTIC LAUNDRY-i-40.1 E. Court St I'hone 60 We mamtaln a com plete mending department -f' : 'LIGHTING PLANTS DELCQ 'Lighting SyatenK," Ackerman ii nd Zurfliih, Golden Rule. BJotel Bldg,'-.' ' : "! . ' '. HEMSTITCHING- HEMSTITCHING Mall orSr Mn. Ralph Haesell. 417 Bush. none wpo. New and Second Hand V, 6TROBLE, dealer In new and teo ond hand good. .Cash paid 'tor necond hand goods. Cheapest plaoa m buy household good ftlO B Oeavt Phone t7I-Wi ' ( ' t CLEANERS AND DYERS 'PANATORItTM PHONE 473 '''' TIME CARD- " Weton-Penlleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at Leaves Athena for Pendleton at FOR' SALE-ij'' ton; trUck, $!00.00 ; en' Tlnnl an A tirnm. !,V ''')' i for SALE All kinds of hay, team 'work don. "Phone T$-J. ffiAA . rrt anil 'liOft b. m.Vf Leave A4am tor iPeadleton at :20 a. m, and 1:20 p. tn. 5, V-' Lave Pendleton (AlIenKnlght ' Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 , n.- an4 4,-p- nv ' r V.i. ' m iQ,UV McPHERRIN,l Prop. "- ' ''' . . i - ' . . 11 'I . 11V, I - ""-7 . ( FOR SALE cheap-tlbed youhg horses ringer, Comptroller or- the Currencyj , ' - "Pendleton," located .WOOD FOR SAM5 $$.00 cord, de- ,n tne oty otTPendleton, In the County Uvtred. Phone, 3f.-ne aiarnn. , Umatilla and State or-Oregon, is 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' .i.nin.bui m v.qvb wirceeslon for th FOR i SALilr-AltttUa -hay. Phone . It, ..mended ' ar- 23F. :, Addre BoxO, Rietn. ore. KmocMloB1; namely, until , . a ,114 lose of Busines on januar i, Tn tatimnni -whereof - Witness .tny hand and Beal t office thl fourteenth ay ot January, 1923. T" i : .ii -' p. R. CRISSINOER, I. Comptroller ef .the Currency, barter No. S 30 Extension No. 14 3. FOR BALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estes, III juain m., rnona. vi ' i I ' " 1 '" 1 i ii i ) ii i FOR ftaUBAlfalfa hay, deUvered in , town $12.00 ;. per ton. uritman Bros. .": : J'y, , ' - ,' ': '''"."'', ' FOR SALE Hullees, beardless spring barley al 2 Helper 11. Address St. Andrew School, R. F, D. I, Box $5, Pendleton, Or. '..-'- i - FOR REJfT Furnished . sleeping room, l"o hoard. Phone . flls-B, 211-W. Wftbb, v a . ,';. v. ' FOR RENT Newly furnished apart. ment, -also room and board, 777 Thompson Street r FOR KENT-On'e 2 room furnished apt, flown atalrs front, 210 stone wall Jackson. Phone 7SpW. ,(. PEN AND INK- drawing ketches frnm Ufa. ADnolntments D9 ae- rangements. P. W. Bowman, at Sloan Bonnet Shop, $01 Mam street. , MISCELLANEOUS 1 RiETTt taxi at your service-Phon 's 13F3. Mag Livingston. ' HEMSTITCHINK and Plcoting attach ment, work on all sewing machines; price $2.00. Checks 10c extra. Lights Mull Order House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala, ' -' 4 - : I , -ONE HOLT 75 "Cat" with new track, drive chains and babbit throuchout, FOR RENT Modern 3 room apt. to $2600 cash will take good horses or parties bunng furniture. -Terms a mules in part traae.--uienn a. dcoh, desired. 31B So. Main,' Apt 4. ' Helix, Ore. - " ; ," ' . A? ! uunrtri vr i.irvdtt iso at the Doughndt Khoo-r-rfome eonxing. ,t rati oojst axto wage ; farv ti.iip nn.iiiiii . ; Leave Pendleton A. M 1 M.-4 P- M. .-."'-. " ' -v' ; ' t Leave WallaWalla" i A. M,l P. M-4 P-M. 'W-W;:;:,y , u , Snnday Scttednle : " Leaves' pendletoh 1ft. A, i M.-4 P. rM. ''; " ' : i' - ' ' ,, Leava'WaUa Walla 10. A. M 'i p. n. -.""' -;'.r -. fendleton phone 4$$,. Coxy !BIUard Parlor -Wall Walla Phona 24, - ,'V,. ."''.' CLEANING AND PRESSING Painting and Paper Hansfe PAINTS; Wall Papr,, Picture Pnuw Ing. L. J. McAtee, the Practical Paint Man. Low Bros. Patats.. ' v -RADIATOR REPAIRING V ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS- 701 East Alta street AH makes of radiator repaired. Work iuarirt4 O. Blasberg, Prop, ; MODEL TAILORS ft CLEANORS Pressing and repairing (08 Main fit. Phone S21, Pendleton, Ore, DRESSMAKING ; : 'down made' to order. ' Evening gowns a specialty. Hand embroidery, braiding, ar-d beading. Phone 212-M, 310 Aura St,'....-;..; .;' ..,';'! Pearl Emmogene 6mttb ' t . u.i - . A 1 .liU?1".; ''ju 1 i'ij '' v SHOE REPAIRING i THE, DIFFERENCE between cobbHug lhoes and our system of rapalrliic them la worth knowing. Come an4 nee. Pendleton Shoe Shop, ISO yesi Court Bt ' ' Pendleton's finest shot hop. ' .v' .':'-. y- RESfAURANT V Si THE OUEIXE A good place to mt DrT pn-rtnET Funk ft'MoLeanin sure anything, iii Main St. Phone t FOR STEAM pleating; dress forms. beiidlng, and braiding, f- Phone-102R-J, 120 tee St. ;-;r,? .,;' ;.- y;ii 1 STORAGE SPACE by the day. weelt . or month. : Steam heated garage. Hours 7, a. m.. to $ p. m. Simpson Auto Co., Water ft Johnson 8t , Peodletoo-Cmatllla Anto Stage y . ;" , Leave ' ' Pendleton , :00 1J:00 4:00 Bcho - :1 t:l i Stanfleld J :$0 1:35 1:8 Hermlstrm 9:64 v . 1:66 Ar.UmatUU 10:1$ j $;15 U$ Umatilla - :oo n:ou :v HermUrtoo - :.M . Mil -M Stanfleld :4$ 13:45 4:4$ Echo i - 9:00 1:00 $:00 Ar, Pend ' :.10:15 ; $:1B t! ' .Leave Pendleton 4:00 P. M. . f . Leavo Umatilla r00 A. M. Office Motor Inn Garaga w.i.M 722 CJottottWOod St. ... - f '.-'" Phone 84M . PEXt ft DAWSON Parcels delivered If all way points. . i - t Healthful Nutritious Delicious ., CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE f A ; Tliere B nond better sold anywhere. . ;-'-''(SUdren cry'forif.;:;2 i It's good any way jbu prepare it. : ; ;:; ;; 25c PcrPbutid ' ;: If it corned from Tatom's, it must he ...good.;.,,, ; ' The Dean I atom Co. Grocertggg Meat Dcpt Q(t Phone ou ) ifi i Home of Quality BRINGING UP FATHER Ecf. V.S, Patent Office Dr. Charles B. Oral In his Mew York laboratory where he ha per fected a serum which he claim will ' cur -wood alcohol poisoning. If ' given within 24 hours. H converts the patient's ow kia4 into an aati ' toxin by mean of th electrical ap oanituf shown to the pboto, '- fVE COT 5OMET' ;. TTTi hhzi 'J SA.YXOO-- T1-' qHK ' CvLHAWB'I DON'T SToV rJO JSV OW.fOOIT YOU tOior: THERE: ' L .fi 1 A PEBOLC IN MY v 1 ; j, J APEBQLEiitT ACioo-m foot. IAU-VOM-e.ri r : ICAJH'T KT MY SLPW'ON-il'LL HAVE JO T.Ht.R& (AWHILE.! t YOU f"OOT TOO tORg TO. 1 STAND ON? ' BACK HERE! r 1 . tr ai ny foot: b' ,, i ' nwi f fvw iiajljj iii ... : i f I I , ft . 1 i if . I ii uiuK in -M r UTDe I I I . - I I Ag j i ' 5 II -' r -1UJ I V L3 jicics- YOO COM& I' By George Ms"r) MAY wurKi ' KiOTA&OOD N THI- 1U " sr Iht'L FaATiwe Seevic. Inc. jtjj x if si a I i3 :--.-'-i-J! ' :f . ',