f ' ; v .. : . : 1 DAILY IAST CRI30ITCA5, PE5BLET0N, OREGON, ' TS3 PAGES SATUXDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1922. FAGS KIZZ For Rent, Etc, Classified . for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found WANT ADS CLAS CLASSIFIED ADTKHTIsna 4 '. BATES. , Set la i-potat Counting- tlx eral- ' nary words to the tin. 4 First insertion. pr Use 8.lt Sack additloaal consecutive im- 4 . insertion, per Ua . . 4 Ob month, every Issue. ec inartIou &tT IIB : .... .11 tr months contract IWf II- 4 sue. eaes. Insertion. sr ine .I 4 Twelve month' eostrsct. ry issue, each Insertion. 4 per line - M 4 4 Ada not tw connrciunnj, w 4 each insertion, per line, .It 4 Mo tda Uken for - leaa than t line.' Minimum charge . .It FOR B.ENT Furnished rooms. Phone I 285-J. FOR RENT Furnished Bleeping . room. Phone 435-M, 1006 W. Alta. FOR- RENT Modern apartment, ' close In. Phone S81-R, evenings 6r Sunday. " FOR RENT Apartment, steam heat, hot' and cold water, 1bath ind laun-dry.'--sphone 8(2. WANTED lady to share my' apart '", i irient with .me. Phone 388-W or 1 fall 307 E. Court, Apt. 1 FOR TtENT Modern J room apt.' to ," parties buying furniture. Terms if desired. 315 SO, Main, Apt. 4. HEMSTITCHING and Picotlng attach ment, -works on all sewing machines? ' price 2.00 checks 10c extra. Lights Mali Order House; Box 127, Birming hamAla. ' GALLSTONES Free book tells of im- - proved method treating Inflam mation of gallbladder and bile duett. Writ today. Dr. Paddock, Box 20lA, Kansas City, Mo. ' " ' MAN" OR WOMAN wanted, salary HO .weekly full time, 1.00 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery j to wearer. Experience unnecessary. j international unming onus, Norristowa, Pa. ' ; ' FOR SALE Holt 48 Caterpillar trec - lot With belt attachment and two three-bottom gang John Deere power, lift plows. Outfit hi tone year old an has plowed about 700 acres. Will sacrifice at $2500. Address David I. Stoddard, to Grande, Oregon , or in quire of J. JacWMoh at Pendleton AutO Company, Pendleton, Oregon. ' t LOST AND FOUND M(RTTIxsteeh Pilot Rock and Petf. dletoA eamera Reward If returned to First National Bahk.i' 4 ' , , POUNDOn grey hors 1 years old, uofndd One terey mure tears old. branded J. P.ritht stifle. Owner may have -same by paying for ad and ' Pasture.i-Ge. it Sherman. J " " NOTICES' ' TKEASURX DEPARTMraiT.' " OWce of Comptroller of, the Currency, r Washihgtoti- D. ., . fi-t; 2 ' jyarjr;M."-MM. - v WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to Ihe Undersigned, it has been mad to appear1 that "The First National Bank of Pendleton," located In the city of Pendleton in the County cf Unwvtilla and State of Oregon, has complied with all the provisions of the Act of Congress "to- enatre txauonai JSanklnjr Associatioha to extehd their corporate existence and for other pur poses."! approved July 12, 182. amended by the Act, 'approved April 12 1902a" ; ' koWi THEIfEFOKB, I, D. R. Crls-. Comfltroller of the Currency,, do hereW' certify ' that -the First Sitibnai Bank ot Pendleton," located: In the City of, Pendleton, in the County . of Umatilla an State of Orekofi, Is authoriied to have succession' for the ftertod specified. In., its amended at ,lcle of i; association: namely, ontll lot of business oh January IB, 1942. In. testimony' whereof wlthess tty i'ah and Seal of office this fourteenth iyiof January, I922. i . , D. R. CRISSIN&ER, Comptroller of the Currency. ;3hartero, M.itH Extenslbn No. 143B. No owe VAS THt suow-resT doobTi ThXtnne know wvm? v. . . ' i' .'. ; ,' '"-'' If jotfre lookine; for a pinmhw . trWa an exfvrrt In fcfi One, Just Veep our phone number and WiaoTfftJBBs jWf - nUnd . cauiq noby in (bit town baa jtbe; slightest doubt about ability. Wo know a lot about 'plumMnc and we're at your aer vice, it-yM please. n-El' rli5 W. FlsznMnx, Heating ted fghtct j' Mftai Work. i'At FOR AN fiE- '..:.r'. i ff 't . ' . . " 4 Be YoiiK Safesmaii' : An East Oregnian' Want.Ad rtakwa . highly Efficient aria desirable salesman' It tells your story simply and conVincinglyy '. iM, ft rejacBes the grit a'tesf number ot peo ple Jrt the (Juickest time.: It cohvieys" your messagre quickly and brietly and approach. ca your prospect when tcpuvc 1I1UUU, v ih": " Sell your ..goodV'or7 serVices throWgrV the Cast Oregbnian Want Ads. Youir find the resultt highly satisfactory. i.-:'.jpd!4 "' 'V:: ' i."- FOR RENT t Olft' : Apartments, Phone 6M. APTS. ANb feobMS, ' ALTA APTS. FOR BPT Garage-r-Phone 250-5J--.'844' Cosble St. ; - , , - ' 1 FCRNISHBB apartment for. ' Phone 101. V v rent. FQR RENT Furnished Phone 657-W. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Hamilton Court. , J... HOUSB FOR REiNT or will sell furnl ture cheap. Phone 688-J. . $ ' 1 FOR RENT Furnished apartments . i Phone JS-W, 807 Aura St.! , v FOR RENT Room and board I or board 809 W. Court, Phone 363 -R. FOR- RENT Modern room house, 314 Lincoln St., Phone S78-J or 407. FOR RENT Office Rooms over Tall- man Drug Stars, Gee Penland Bros. FOR RENT- kewly f uVnished rooms. furnace ; heat and ' bath. Phone m-w.r" FOR RENT S Toom house to parties 'buying furntture.-Tijqulre 4 17 Ilt- lethSt. . FOR . RESNT - Furnished -sleeping rootni irtso-Wrd.-i-Phone 1 278-R, 211 W. Webb. . FOR RENT-Newly famtehed, apart ment, also room ana board. 777 Thompson Street. ., if. w FOR RENT Steam heated, sleeping room with or without board. Pfcont 150, Park View Apts. '. FOR RENT One I room furnished apt., down stairs front, 210 stone- waU Jackson, Phone T85-W - - t'' , -r"" : "' , 1 " : : - ,l RINGING UP. FATHER 1 ;r;vt?vj'.y'''J - ;:9rti '. - J!:.;;;,':..-!:...-,.:".,, i By )Geors3 , IVIcManui ' 'v P I HICKEX'S WIFE I' '"T I II tl HI HOO?E H I 1 I L j '-" wii vJJtp I ' I I LiL 1 T I AVwVf. I WdNOER IF' I - ' FROM HERE-JOIXV- L . ' C 3e-i '-S.' X 2r?t&.. JJJ- ' ' . HE l HCW-IbS" 1 CHIMIN H.S Z- TT i j 3P , vA ' p EAC(i lrfi t v y ; L v-.f Jl iLiz the he ia jn the m6nt reV FOR RENTWell furnished apt. , 401 Aura St, Phone 248-M.. FOR kteVT Furnished AptCWl 14 Cosble or Phone 1027-J. - .FOR SAU FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay at the - Aita Barni ' . , V r id ,.n.i-i t FOR SALE-rTwo BleweU.Ilarvater .:. Phone 14F11. FOR HALiE r . ton truck, See Penland Broe.'- : 1800.08- FOR SALB---A11 kinds of hay, feara work done.-PhOTio j7S-ff. also FOR BALE cheap Oood young horses and mules. Sturgls St Gtorie. i '.. WOOD FOR SALE 18,00 cord, de-llvered.a-Phone S39. -Ben Marlln. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Phone 23F4. Address Box 30, llieth. Ore. FOR SALE All kinds ot msarance. 3. H. Estes, (14 Main 8t.r Phone 4 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, delivered lr. I town $1.9 per ton.-Orltniait Bros. '' '- ".)' i. j'; i .-. : FOR SALE Hullens, beardless spring barley at per lb.' Address St. Andrew's School, R. F. D. 1, Box J 5, Pendleton, Ore. : ' i - - ' - ' ' : t ' . n PEN AND INK drawins hetche frora lift. Appointments by, ar rangenlents. 'D. XV. Bowman, at Sloan Bonnet Shop, 602 Main street. ONE HOLT 75 "Cat with tiew track, drive chain and babbit throuchout, 82500. cash -will takt good horses or mules in part trade. Olefin E. Scott, Helix, Ore. ' - ' FOR SALE Beaut If u l 8 month old - bloodhounds, partly ' trained, fine cyote dogs at a great sacrifice. W, R. McDonald, 88 Market St, Port land, Ore. , ' ' ' '-' ,.-"- ': : FOR SEAL, REAL ESTATE ss"sasif FOR SALE Apartment house. Ad dress, this eff ice, , i H-- T ! FOR IMLE tW r.ea jk land at . prices, that are surprisingly low- terms Call r write W. H. Morrison. FQR SALE Some good buys in rest dene property at reduced prices- terms. -Call or write W. H. Morrison. 250fl.0t WILL BUY 5 room modern house with bath, toilet, hot and cold water, half basement; lot (0x100; will give terms. Pioneer Employment Company, IIS East Webb Street. , i' . For Sale , Houses in kli parts of the city. Come and see Our tlst. Wheat and alfalfa ranch. - GEO. W. ELDER & SON 813 Main St. Phone 493 . 2 FOR SALE Modern 5 room bunga. low, built In basement, and garage hot air furnace; lot 50x100; Improved nice lawn. House can't be built today for price of all fine chance for sol diers bonus on north side no agents Box 284. FOR SALE OR ' EXCHANGE 449 ncres; Sit tores under cultivation. more can be cultivated; 200 pasture timber; 10 roomed plastered house, elffctrlr light, hot and cold water, bath furnace,' i burns, garage, gralnary, silo'. Other outbuildings. 1 1-3 miles from town; grade and high School, 7 tnlies frnm Eugene; Unlverstty of Oregon. Price 8 52,500 will trade tor income property, wheat or stock ranch, worth 810,000. Owner, Peter Estergrad, Eu gene; Oregon, Motor Route B. Used Car exchange FOR SALE Buick light slx,Vgooa hap. Phone M7-R. s ' J NBW ,FBD XOIUUNO; less than 4 -. months old . at a .big reduction. Ellis-Schiller Co. Phone 963. WANTED' WANTED Girl for general house' Work. Phone S89-W WANTEp to trade piano for Ford car. Phone 710-Al. , , i, ; ;. . WOMAN- wants housekeeping for - bachelor on ranch. Address '"it" this office. WANTED to rent furnished or partlv furnished y apartment. Address "8" tare this office. , WANTED TO BUY Second hand in cubator, if ot standard make-reason-able price. Phone 742-J. 15 YEAR OLD BOY . wants . home Wher he can, work for board and room and go to school. Call John Halley Jr. , YOUNG MEN, women, over 17 desir ing government positions, , f 130 monthly, write for free list of positions now Open, J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) 949 Equitable Bldg. Washington, D. C, - ' ' " FARM .MACHINERY, wagons, har ness, saddle's, household goods, Ras engines,, etc. ;-Wft have calls for the above articles. May we hear 'front you at ' one. The Francis ' Chain Brokerage Store, 905 Main St. ' ' WANTEIV-JInformatlion as to fcd dresses of following named persons formerly of- Umatilla County: Louis Taft, William X. Whlteford, John W, touncnii, Frank Arnspiger, Harry M. Haiieyi-Ell T. MIsner, sjnne Steward, Charles H: SPttfcler.-iAddress B. W, Fpauldlng, National Metropolitan Pn Bldg., Washington, D. C. MISCELLANEOUS RIETH.TAXI at your service. Phone 231. 'juax iJivingstpn. , . DONT FORGET Funk It McLean in sure anything, 839 Main St. Phone (3 FOR STEAM pleating, dress forms. ' beading, . .aiid braiding. Phone .HMrJ, 120 Lee St. . , STORAGE SPACE by the day, week or month. . Steam heated garage. Hours 7 a- m. to 8 p. m. Simpson Auto Co., Water Johnson St. m mm i-T 1 TMt tsrectbry'ts esptdahy kandyifontht tut-oMown reader whe may want tht u. i ') name thd' addfess on responsible bnslnccsmen whe represent the following ansa. All ' A ' art reliable, responsible buatness coacerna who stand ready t give yu prompt arvtav AUSTIONEER COL. W. r. YOHXKA.' Auctioneer. - Call at Stexgls ft Storle's Impliment Co, for sale dates. . . AUtO TRANSFER Phone i 52 HANAVAN TRANSFEHl, Res. S7S-R. Country "trip. : C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store. Phone 1075, ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room IT, Bond Bldg. at I. M. SCHANNEP, Attorney at Law Office in Court noose. KEATOR ft RANDALL, Attorneys at Law. Room 84, Smith-Crawford Building, .-, -i v-. - ' - CARTER ft SMYTHE, Attorney at Law. 22 E. Court St. i.j , - FEE ft FEE, Attorneys at Law. ftres In Dcfpnln Building. Of- S. A LOWELL, Attorney and toun selor at Liw Office In Deapain Bldg., a A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at 1AW IXTertl Bnlg. . - FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney t I-aw .- Room U, Sinith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B'k PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Tnylor Hardware Com pany. AV :t ,...' . t 'i RALEY, HALEt A STEIWICR. ,ttor uy at Law. Office In American National Bank Budding. PETERSON. Bishqp ,ft: Clark,. At torneys at Law. Roocm and 4 Smith-Crawford Bld.. " :."TnrE cahi' ';;. 4 V" Pilot ItboK Stage v, F.van Cameron, Prop, Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. leaves Pendleton 11:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 1:09 P. M. 1, Leaves Pendleton 4:90 P. M. Leaves Hotel 'Pendleton and French Restaurant, 1 '' - ' 4 V "'"'' w'V'w'V ' 4 1 "'c. 'tfami CAiiD WritnA.PndlPtbn AOtO SUuTe "Leaves VeSton tor Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. And 13:48 p. nr. " Leave Athena tor Pendleton at ' 8:00 a. m. nnd im P. m. ' e Leave Adams tor Pendleton at 8:29 a. m. and 1:2 p.'m. ' Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:09 '. k. m. and 4 p. m.- : ' O. . McPHERRIN, Prop. THE COZY AUTO STAGE , PemHoton-Walla Walla Far 81.75 Including Tax Leaves Pendleton 9 A. M.- IP. M.-4''P. M. ' . ' , iavs walla Walra 9 A. m-l P. M.-4 T. M. ": 4 .: , i Sunday Schedule . r Leaves Pendleton 10 A. M.-4 P. M. " Leave Walla walla 10 A. M. 4 P. M. ' ' Pendleton Phone l3, Cosy Blllard Parlors. Walla Walla Phone 24.. v. .. '-; ' 4 44 4444 4 4 44 4 4 4 Pendicton-tJnistnia Auto Stage - Leave Pendleton , 8:00 12:00 4:00 8:15 6:35 9:55 8:15 Echo , 9:15 ' 1:15 Stanffetd 9:8 1:88 Hermlston 9:5 1:65 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 1:1S Leave ' '- - , Umatilla 8:00 13:00 1:00 Hermlston ' 1:20 13:2 4:20 Btanfleld v 8:45 12:49 4:41 Echo 9:00 1:00 6:00 Ar. Pend. 19:15 ,1:11 :15 u-: Sunday ' 'Leaves Pendleton 4:00 P. M. ' ' Leave Umatilla 1:09 A. M. offloewMotof fnn Osrage 722 Cottonwood St. , . .. Phoue Mg - , PBXTj DAWSON . Parcels delivered to all way points. i " ' j 4 4 4 4 "4 4 4 4 4 4 directory of pdidm hi vict AUTO BRINGS- GUARANTEED SPRINGS made and " repaired. . Fleucken . and Eckle Spring Works. Phone 41. 110 Water. AUTO TOPS ssaaivtjnssAiQssi GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass Backs. Side Curtains SOI Eaat Court St. AUTO ELECTRO WORKS Wr REPAIR anything electrical on aa automobile. W. K. Che Co. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax and Revere Tires Vulcanizing. 28 E. Court St., Phone 144. L. S. BENTLET ft CO. Goodyear fcnd Diamond Tires Ttre Service, oil and accessories. Alta and Garden St. GERTSON ft MARTY Oats Super Tred tires 939 Cottonwood. Vul canlslng and repairing. - . PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup. 301 E. Court St. 1 CAR FOR HIRE CAR FOR HIRK Country trips spe cialtyStand at Griggs ft Tryon. Phone 122, Bert LovcU. fcOlSlTRACtORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BANFIELD. Designers, t Engineering, Constricting, It year experience in concrete end brick con struction. 64 E. Third St., North Portland, Oregon. Cleaners and dyers PANATORHTM PHONE 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS ftv CLEANORS Pressing and repairing BOS Main St., Phono 821, Pendleton, Ore. V DRESSMAKING Elite Dressmaking ' Gowns made to order. Evening gowns a specialty. Hand embroidery, braiding and beading. Phone 242-M, 310 Aura St. .1 , i Pearl Emmogene Smith . A pleasant place v . i, rv -' ' l- ' to tea'de 'r',.rT:"j;'tr.j,, The Dean Meat Dept. OC PhnriA OU y. I ... . 41 i I 1 i i ft M. B. KEYS, Drayman. Stand at Riley ft Kemps. Phone 123.; WHO MOVES YOU is Just as import ant as where you move. W al4 pack or store good. W do eoontry hauling Call 39, Penland Bros, Transfer, 114 W. Alta. FARM LOANS SNOW ft DAYTON 117 19. Court St, Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans.'' See us about a loan. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agents In your town. Troy Laundry, 60S Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 E. Court St., Plione to. We maintain a com plete mending department,' Lighting 'plants DELCO Lighting System, Ackermsn and turfluh, . Golden . Rul Hotel Bldg. ' , HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mr. Ralph HasselL 4 17 Bush, Pbon 5. New and Second Hand Dcslcrs V. STROBLB, dealer In new And sec ' ond hand goods. Cash paid for' second hand goods, ' Cheapest place to buy household goods. 110 fii Cosrt Phone 271-W. v' - Painting and Paper Having PAINTS. Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. . Ij. 3. McAt, ' the practical Paint Man, Lowe Bros, Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA' AUTO RADIATOR WORKS " 7vl East .Alta street.. All makes ot radiators repaired. Work guaranteed 0, Blaaberg, Prop. SHOE REPAlRINa THE DIFFERENCE between cobbling shoes and our system of repairleg them Is worth knowing. Com and see. Pendleton Shoe Shop, 110 West Court St. Pendleton' finest ' diot shop. . , '.. "' '' ' RESTAURANT THE QUELLS A good place to taU f .f . M,r?li,,'r-.. Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. fiOO SB. 4WVHW Paeoe i$ - Sit E. Ooart M, mm