TEN PACES DAILY EAST OMOONIAIT. PENDLETON, OSEG05. SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1922. PAGE SIX Social and Club News ji JIUS. STAXFIKLO HONolCKD. Mm I -avid II. entertained with Mm. Itobert StanfkM. formerly of11 Informal Ira at her residence In Pendleton, wax honored at two nociul lthc Matlock apartments yesterday i.... - . . ' . i lie eve or her affairs yesterday, on departure for I'ortlund. where idle will remain for a few weeks before returning to Washington, 1. C. Saturday Only $14.95 ONE SPECIAL RACK Containing the follow ing garments 9 SUITS Formerly up to $49.50 6 COATS New. Fall Styles 8 SILK DRESSES Up to $35.00 5 WOOL DRESSES , Up to $39.50 SATURDAY While Any Remain $14.95 afternoon, Min. ritunfirM Leing the Kucstof honor. The cuest list was inuilc up principally of the younger matroim of 1'enilleton. Uoses of un exquisite shade of pink centered the tea table, where Mm. Aler Fee nnd Aim. Charles Hamilton presided. AHHisting in serving were Mrs. I.eMer llamley, Mrs. I. M. SpaldinK. Mr. Frank Kineuld. Mrs. Harry Iltnxon and .Mrs. Rudolph M. Tunnler. ljist evening Mrs. Henry W. 'ol lins and .Mrs. Jtichard Mayberry were hostesses at a bridge party at the home of Mrs. Muyberry. 6uJ Wa ter street. Painty spring flowers were most effectively used In deco rating. Six tables were in play dur ing the evening. Mm. Murk Moor house winning the high score trophy. MRS. GRESSMAN HONORED. Mrs. W. A. Gressmun, who will leave early next week for Albion, Michigan, to visit relatives, was honored by the members of her Sunday school class, tho "Live Wires" of tho Christian church Sunday school, last evening when the forty members of tho class called at l:er home as a surprise. Mrs. H. H. Del tart and Mrs. Lester Boyd assisted members of the class in mak- ing the plans. Mrs. Greiwmnn was pre sented with a gift from the class. KI.PRKN CU'IJ MEETS. Members of tho Khlecn Club were entertained yesterday at the home of Mis. J. E. Allen, at her homo on I Lincoln street. The afternoon was spent in sewing. Guests were Mrs. Kenneth McRnc, Mrs. Joseph Boyd, j.Mrs. Ivan Dimlck, Mis. Joseph Knr- ! nick, Mrs. 1). I,. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Fitzpatrick and Mrs. C. A. U'lubtrcc. Ul KSTS IN PENDLETON. . Mr. nnd Mrs. John Qulgley and chil dren, 'Mildred and Lucy, arrived yes terday morning from Portland mid are quests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac. Mr. yululey Is connected with the Colum bia, llusin Wool Co., of 1'urtlund, R ETC HNS FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ulllanders have returned ufter a three weeks' trip to San Francisco, Los Angeles, I'asadcna, Long ltcuch and Old Mexico, return ing hero via Suit Lake. J1KRF. FOR WEEK-END. j Miss ('onutanco Hall, of Tort land, ! Is here to spend tho week-end with her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Vurplllat. WILL SPEND WBICK-END. Mrs. Iiessm Rcesu and children ar rived here today from Helix to spend tho week-end. HERE FROM HELIX. Mr. and Mrs. li. Kendall and Mrs. Letcher Norvcll arc visitors from He lix today. LEAVES FOR PORTLAND. Mrs. Nancy E. Dcspuin left today for an extended visit In Portland, LADIES When Irregular or suppressed , use Triumph Pills. Safe and dcpendVols in all proper cases. Not sold at Drni Stores. Do not- experiment with others; save disappointment. Wrltp tor "Relief" and particulars, It's frea. Address: National Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis, CLU; MEMBERS ENTERTAINED A program thoroughly Japanese in inception proved most Interesting at a meet In- of the Current Literature Club yesterday w hen Mrs. It. Alexan der and Mrs. I. P. Temple were hos tesses at the library club room. I Mrs. George Hartman. who recently; returned from a trip to the Orient, discued the Japanese arts, giving de tails of the manufacture of Japanese lacquer and ottcry. Some of the at tractive things Willi h Mrs, Hartman brought from Japan were shown, and included brasses, lacquer, cloisonne, 'he silk "old's" worn by the women of Japan, and a bride's kimona. Mr'. J. R. Robinson, in discussing Japanese drama, gave an excellent description of a visit to a theatre In lapau. Mrs. Norborne Berkeley gave i very complete review of "Seed of the Hun," Wallace Irwin's novel which deals with the Japanese. question In California. Japanese, numbers were a pert of 'he musical 'program, which was es pecially pleasing. Mrs. H. H. Forshaw mug "i Saw Thee First When Cherries Hloomed."' (Cadmun), Miss llarhara f.dmomls playing the piano accom paniment. Miss Mildred Ilerkeley sang "The ow and "On liended Apple Hough,' with Miss Pauline Rice at the piano. Piano numbers were by- Mrs. Roy Alexander, who played "A Japanese Sunset" and "One Fine Day," from Madame Butterfly. Narcissus, violets and cyclamen were used for the tea table where Mrs. Forshaw and Mrs. Hartman presided during the social hour. Mrs. Henry Collins, Mrs. Ernest Temple and Mrs. William R. Wyrlck assisted the hos tesses In serving. PARTY IS GIVEN. Tho eighth birthday anniversary of I'ttlo Miss Eleanor Fletcher was cele brated today at an afternoon party at which Mrs. Robert Fletcher enter. tuined In honor of her daughter. Guests included pupils of the second grade of the Lincoln school, their teacher, Miss Maude Maxwell, and a few additional friends of the honoree, The afternoon wns spent most pleas antly In games, a fish pond with scores of (marvelous "fish" being a feature Refreshments were served from a ta bio decorated with streamers of pink and blue, and centered by a birthday cake lighted by pink and white can dles. Mrs. Fletelicr was assisted by her daughter. Miss Marie Fletcher, and Miss 'Maxwell. Guests for tho after noon were Dorothy iWyrick, Wllma. Peterson, Eva Kidder, Paulino Tray- lor, Elizabeth Crommelin, Mary How land, Iiarbara 'Winer, Juunita Holt, Delia Carson, Flora McDonald, Vcr nlta Molstrom, Virginia Ayers, Joseph ine Schanncp, Alethu Clemmens, Lnllu Embysk, Marlon Fordyco, Sue Winter, Dorothy Jack, Amy Aldrlch, Eleanor Aldrlch, Mary Williams, Florence Fletcher, Maurice Hell, Donald Reese, Carl Hester, Ralph Kleners, llyrton Wynn, Robert Rochlk, William Ma borl, TJcttlo Cresswell, Froddle Wlther- ul I, Kcndell Hunter, Frederick Lleual- len, Ronald Rue, Allen Planting, Frank Miles, Austin Imus, John Isaac, Unveil Onult, Emll Gelss, Jtonald Al berts Fnyo Kllgore, Uobble Burroughs, Junior Itlco, Maxwell Morse, John Wjlllams and Illllio Fletcher. WatchYourHcalth improve with its use m 01 OLIVE OIL The Highest Sl&nct&rd of Quality Made and Bottled in NICE , FRANCE FOR PEOPLE WHO GJSG5iMI!iATE Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 23 Oaly 1 Quality th Bel MRS. JERARD CONVALESCING. Friends of Mrs. C. S. Jerard will be pleased to learn that she is convalesc ing after a recent illness. Mrs. Jer ard has left St. Anthony's hospital and Is at her home, 201 Lincoln. ' LITTLE DAUGHTER NAMED. Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herald White of Eugene, lias been named Abbie June. Mm. White Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith of this city. OTHER NEWS OF THIS I DEPARTMENT ON PACE B' H 0 M IDEAS E DEMONSTRATION FOR HOUSEWIVES CANDY ALWAYS FRESH One half pound choeolatfca, soft center 27c One half pound chewing; chocolates 33c Fancy Box Candies Tan Jar $1.50 Vogans Oregon Cherries $1.50 Vogans Brown and White $1.85 Vogans Fruits and Nuts $1.50 Vogans Brazil Nuts $1.50 Vogans Milk Chocolates !..$1.00 'Try the Drug Store First" THOMPSON 'S DRUG Phone 520 "Try the Drugstore First" Pendleton, Oregon Fruits canned with honey have a briglfter color than when all sugar is used, they also keep very well, Honey is easier to digest than sugar because It has undergone ii chimin' In the' process of being transferred from flower to comb. Honey has n mild laxative et- feet uud persons suffering from digestive disturbances can often cut honey without suffering from the same discomfort that sugar causes. While It is a very expensive substitute for sugar, because of its flavor it is a very valuable food to use in order to introduce variety with the diet. Honey Baked Apples K medium sized apples. 1-2 cup water. 2-3 cup honey. Cinnamon. 2 tablespoons of butter. Arrange halved, cored apples in pan. l'our water and honey over them, dot with butter (rnd dust with cinnamon. Bake until done. V. D. K TO ATTEND BANQUET. A number of out-of-town guests arrived hero today to attend Hie 'Itobby Burns bumiuet uud dance to night nt Eugle-Woodman hnll. Among tho visitors who will join In tho Cal edonian festival are Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Mclntyre uud daughters, Miss Evelyn Mclntyre and Miss Knthcrlne Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy I'on land and children, and Mr. and Mrs. 1'otts. PARTY' TO RE GIVEN Members of the Sunday school class, es of which Mrs. U L. Mann, Mrs. (1. W. Rugg and Mrs. F. 13. King and teachers will he honored this evening ut a party for which the Cumpflrc nirls will lie hostesses at the Metho dist church. ! ATTEND SllRINKRS DANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fitzpatrlck were guests last evening at the Shriners' dance In Walla Walla. They motored to the neighboring city. DANCE The last before Lent. We want you there for an evening of en joyment. Elks Temple 9 p. m. MONDAY, JAN. 30 CHICHESTER S PILLS rtilltfil Auk jour VruggUl for a t'M-olxMt-ter Diamond urandV rill In KJ imi Hold nwtailfcM boxes, setled with Blue RlMwiu A Tt no other. Buy of your " j Jlrunliri. AforCIIM llfcK-TERrl IAMOM II RAM l'ILI,H,for S3 yrus k nown is Best, Safest, Always Rettar la SGlDRYDRUGGISTSEVFRYlVief AW . LAUNDRf KIDS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Send your, next i LrWJNWW OROERHERE l F A.T VOOR-BeST li Vo0V0UUD APPCftR. n I Klt RKNT 2 room furnished apart, ment. I'hone 172-W. MKRCIIAXTS LVNCH JSC at tin DoiiKlinut Shop home cookins. roit RKNT Office In Temple HldK.. HxlB, steam heat, liKht, hot and cold water. ) 1 s. Every man and wom an wants to appear at his best. You will do so if we launder your clothes. A well groom ed appearance means a well laundered appear ance. Telephone us to call. TROY Laundry 008-10 Garden J Gives Sti-enqth This bread is a food that gives strength. It is a bread that has made good by the sheer force of its su perior quality. It will continue to. make good. Will you try it? You will. Thank you. Pendleton Baking Co. Notice Notice tn the members of Woman lienclit Association of Maccabees. Call I meeting will lie held Tuesday at tile home of O. (J. Itlssinitcr, 4 1 r. Lewis St. at 2:30 o'clock for the purpose of discussing whether or not a nieetlim shall be held one evening each month, also if they shall rent the K. of P. hall. It V URDI:r Ol'TOMMANDKR. PROFIT Notice to Patrons POWER WILL BE OFF SUNDAY 9 A. M. TO 12 A. M. ON ACCOUNT OF REPAIR TO LOCAL SUB STATION. IN" R.WKKl ITt'Y In the District (iurt of the lulled Static for llie District of Ori'Kon I In the Matter of Uust Kiehncr, A j t'MIIIW'lipT To tlie Creditors of Gust Klcktier of; rilot Rock in the County of rmatilla! and District aforesaid Rankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on thei 13th day of January A. D. 1J22 thc rimiiu liiisi r.icuner was duly iuljudi-i Jjcated u Daiikrujit and that the first' Wl nteetiuir of his Creditors will hn li.a.l ptut the offirt' of the undersigned i 4 at reiidleton! Sound Tires SOUND ALL AROUND. This tire is new on the market but is coming forward by leaps and bounds. Made in Tacoma. Gertson & Marty 639 Cottonwood Street Phone 595 HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL List your Farm Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Saddles, Harness, Furniture, . Livestock, Etc., ANYTHING The Francis Chain Brokerage Store A place where the people can bring their goods to be sold, and receive full value. Every home, farm, office and store contains something that is not needed, which should be turned into cash WE GET YOU 14 MORE FOR YOUR GOODS, WHY Our commission is only 10 per cent which is not to be compared with what others make off you. Storage costs you nothing; drayage costs you nothing; advertising costs you nothing. If you leave town, you do not have to sacrifice your goods, by giving it away. Our stores are bonded, and our reliability is never questioned. May We Have Your Business Office and Show Room 905 Main St. East Oregonian Printing Department. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices- Brings a 2 El Ktifcrce In liankriiptey I'inutlllu County, T" t Y 4 inutlllu County, Oregon on Whruarv J Pacific Power & Light C5 Rih Creditors may uttend prove their R f. claims appoint a Trustee, examine the'F Co. i Bankrupt und transact such other '4 f) uusim-t us may properly comu before Jithe nuid meetlnt;. , 4 A Done and dated at IVndleton, Ore-: 5 5:m this .'Mil day of Jaiuutry A. i5 !d. IS Ei TIIOS. KITZ OERAU ft What is the significance of the word - profit? Profit is that portion of a purchase over and above the cost of a commodity, exacted by a merchant as compensation for his labors as a distributing agent. There are three ways for a merchant to secure a profit. The first is to reduce the cost of the manufac ture price. The second is to add on to the cost of a commodity any percentage of profit as the merchant sees fit. This is the method of the credit merchant. The third method is that used in the cash stores and that is to reduce the price on good quality mer chandise to the Very point and maintaining the qual ity at all times and increasing the turnover to the limit. In a few words it is to reduce the percent of profit and increase the turnover. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPA1N & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor. IlelVree In bankruptcy, j JVWWWWWWWICVQ m i rr k Si $ CRAWFORD 1 5 H 103 E. Court Street Iliouc 498 Si New Range or a new Sellers Kitchen Cabinet to your home. Balance on easy payments. This offer is good to Feh. 1st only. Your Credit is Good. FURN1TUR ECO. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW I Peliiflrton rnin i i I i 1