TEN PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1922. i- " "" "" "" "" "" ' " T!1 : i Social and Club News I . r-rrrrr : teste at the library clul room. Homer lnvenp'rt anil Mrs. Klla Higpinsou were discwsed by Airs. J. T. I:ich,ir!s'.n. Fur a round-table iliseussion. M rs. John Montgomery pupils of Mrs. I.llioian gave the poem, "Columbus,'- bv Miller. CU'8 HAS .MF.KTIXG (rowing interest in the Pendleton Women' Club was evidenced at yes terday's meetinjr, the attendance being ' the greatest in the history of the . club's activity. Although the club has ' never carried on a membership cam- ' piiisrn, the personnel is constantly' growing and yesterday twelve new- names were submitted. "Noted Writers of Oregon" was the theme for the meet'ng. for which Mrs. E. F. Averill. Mrs. Charles Vurpillat, .Mrs. R. si. Tann.er, .urs. Douglas , while the closing discussion was on . evening at the home of Mrs. EJgar Relts, Mrs. Claudia ltenson. Mrs. J. A. ; Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Siei Thompson, 4u West Alta street. The Ileal, and Mrs. I). C. Ilrown were hos- i ras, by Mis. L, D. Idlemau. Eight I evening was spent in need'ework. .Musical numlM-rs included a com m unity sing led by Mrs. Maude L. Woodyaid. a piano solo by Airs. S. W. ! I'helps and vis-al solos bv Mrs. S. H. took up the subject of Eva Kmery Korsha.v, with .Mrs. Alger Kee at the! lye and Dr. Lewis Hanks: Mrs. Will i piano. During the oc:al hour Mrs.! Wyrick discussed Frederick Homer j Alice Munro and Mrs. Alice Hayes i J'alch, author of "The Hridgi- of the! presided at a tea table centered with i Clods," anil Kamuel Simpson, author oi , tarnation., j "llenutiful Willamette"; Mrs. Fred: I.leunllen spoke on Edwin Mark hum , Ji I.I.y NINE MEET 1 and his "The Man With the Hoe." Members of the Jolly Nine met last HOPF'8 Ul'STAlKS SHOP Another Busy Week Of Garment Selling EXTRA! SPECIAL! One Rack of . Dresses V2 Price Silk Dresses, Georgette Dresses, Canton Crepe Dresses, Wool Press es all Half Price. t Plans were made for a social evening I to be held once each month, at which 1 1 time members of the club will enter-, ''tain their husbands, the first affair i j being scheduled for January 23, at the I I home of Mrs. Thomas Robertson, j .Members of the club are Mrs. Rob ! erlson, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Orover I Traylor, Mrs. Fred Fruiter. Mrs. An- Igust Norecn, Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Ida Hsen, Mrs. Tillie Walters and Mrs. J. (i. McConneli. I nFFICI'ISS INSTALLED officers of the American Yoeman were installed last evening us fol lows: Foreman, V. C. Nelson; trea surer, D. Iiwrence; overseer. J. Thini; master of ceremonies, . Montague; chaplain, Mrs. C. Ferguson; speciul entertainer, Mrs. C. Ealey; ltebeeea, Mrs. William Ilingold; watchman, C. Saunders, and sentinel, William Ealey. Following the installation, a ban quet was served at ti table where pink OF INTEREST TO THE HOUSEWIVES OF PENDLETON TWO DAY SPECIAL Demonstration of Diamond W. High Grade Coffee. Diamond W. Jelly Powder. Coffee in special class lined containers al 35c ixmiikI. Jelly Powder ill Strawberry. Lemon. Vanilla. Poach. Pineapple, Kapberry, CluH-olate. Cherry. Orarftp. llaiiniiii. Mint, ".osaii berry ami Apricot fhnor, sM-cial 10 pkgs. tl.OU We cxtciul a suet-ial invitntkm to every womau in J'en rilctoii mul outside of Pendleton to nunc to the store and have Mrs. llrastcd. an expert ilcnMnt inter from Portland, explain the inimy tlirfcreut ways to prepare those high iiiule made in Oregon products. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 Oalj 1 Quality th Bml afternoon ry motor for Walla Walln, where they will attend the Shrine daocus party this ever.-.ng. PARTY IS OIVEN. Members of the Catholic Ladies land white carnations 'were used most i Guild were hostesses on Wednesday j effectively In decorating. Dancing 'evening for a benefit card party, was enjoyed later in the evening. twenty tables of whist and "500" bo- ling in play. High score honors fell To ATTEND DANCE to Miss Elizabeth Roden and John Mr. and Mrs. A. Fitzpntrick and i Luck, while Mrs. Guy O'Melvcny and r i 8 SPECIAL SALE OF STATIONERY The truly economical way to buy stationery is by the pound provided you get a full sixteen ounces of writing paper. All our pourid papers are full weight sixteen ounces of writing paper to the package. Cascade Linen Pound Paper is an exceptionally good quality of white writing paper, put up in an attractive manner, for which we regularly ask 60 cents per package. We want more people to get acquainted with this sta tionery and make the following proposition : This week only, regular 60c package Cascade Pound Paper, special, ',i-lv, J'r. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott left this STERLING E. BROOKS II PENDLETON DRUG CO The REXALL Store 3 Si ft j ! A i P5 i i r Si I 5 81 s V ( Ft YOUR KIDNEYS OR BACK BOTHER YOU? READ WHAT MR. BROOKS SAYS Dlnuba, Cal. "Two years ago the flu left my kidneys In a very bud shape. 1 went to my physician but he didn't do ma any good. I got thin, my back hurt all the time, and I was not able to work. I got very despondent and finally, after almost giving up hope of getting well, I heard of Dr. Pierce's Anuria Tablets and began using them to gether with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and after a few months' treatment 1 found myself practically well. 1 cap recommend those 'Amnio Tablets' for weak kidneys; and for torpid liver, 'im pure blood and poor digestion, there Is nothing that ecjuals the (iolden Medical Discovery." Sterling h. Brooks, 24li Academy Way. You can quickly put yourself in A l condition by going to your drug gist and obtaining Dr. Pierce's Family Remedies, tablets or liquid, or write Dr. Pierce, President In valids' Hotel in lluffalo, N. Y tor free medical advice. Send 10c if you desiio a trial pkg. of tablets. Anthony Lane won the consolation trophies. Greens and poinsettlas were most effectively used In decorating. WIIX II B nCKSTS Members of the Pendleton lodge of KIkh decided yesterday to extend an invitation to their ladles to be guests of the club each Tuesday afternoon eral H. K. Bethell, military attache to the British Embassy here, and Col onel Bartholomew. Lord Cavan and Colonel Bartholomew are members of the British delegation to the arms conference. General von Below Is in America on business! Ills wife is an American. The former German com mander may stay here Indefinitely and Is courting the idea of establish ing himself in business here. The luncheon had all the character istics of a group of college football players meeting after a hltterly fought gridiron duel, discussing good naturedly the technical features of the battle. There was friendly rival ry, hut no bitterness. I'nder the spell of coffee and the luro of long cigars the conversation; between the generals drew out tales of daring and doing, deeds that were from two to five o'clock. The Indies; "one wun a M-ngeani-e, ..u .... ..) . will be granted the use of the readlnd sometimes humorous, that had block-j and card rooms and will be granted! ed the mighty drive of the Prussians , or maynap weaKeneu. ine noma i the Allies. The luncheon table be- camo as a council table and in their mind's eye they must have seen each other garbed In war-time cloth. The Incense of cigars took on the appear ance of battle smoke and tho knives and forks were formed Into battle Hues and regimental arrays In the ex planation of maneuvers. "U'e talked of battles, of successes and defeats, and their cause and ef fect," General von Below said after ward. "Being all good soldiers and sportsmen, we 'were able to forget our former feelings and discuss the war li an unconstrained and dispas- I slonnto way." ' General von Below is a tall, straight, well-built anM soldierly flg I ure. Though Prussian In physical I appearance, the general's eyes belie his appearance, for they are large nnd I kind and ertsed with myriad crow's I feet. He smiles with cavalier grace. He Is the brother of General Otto von I Below, 'Who was In command of the I Austrian troops on the Italian front I and whose name figured dally in war lime dispatches from the Piave. It was Lord Cavan who stopped the Ans all privileges of the club during these t hours. WILL VISIT OALlKOItNIA. Mrs. Frank Neaglo left last even ing tor l'oitiami. .Mr. ieamc uoo Miss Nell Noagle will leave tonight for Portland and the party will pro ceed to California for a two months stay. They Intend to visit many points of interest in California. TO DKPART TOMOKltOW". Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoyal Sawtelle and children who have been unending a few days In Pendleton, will depart tomorrow. Mrs. Sawtelle anil chil dren will visit Mrs. Sawtelle's moth er, while Mr. Sawtelle will go to Los Angeles on business. MKKT1NG TO UK HELD. A meeting oT the ltlversldo Girls Club will be held on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Clara Porter Smith The mooting will be a part of "New Membership Day" and new member:, will be admitted ut the meeting. PA 1ST Y TO HIS GIVEN Saturday Specials Money talks at the Table Supply Cash Store. If you have the change in your pock et it is up to you to make it go its full length in the purchase of food supplies. Take advantage of the bargains we offer you and save from 5 to 20 per cent on every dollar you spend. A dollar saved is a dollar made. On a little bill of 12 we saved a custom er $2.45, enough to buy a pair of shoes for the baby. We can do as much for you. Try the cash system and convince yourself. .Mcmners o. tne renmeion omen s ,,.,., slnash on thP riave. Hans von Club will be hostesses at a benefd card ' ()iUiw was vUh , bl.othl,r m the party next Wednesday evening In the" HtnlB(fIo In friendlv manner library club mom. The party will bej an(, V()n ,,el(iw ,ilscllssed the second In a scries given this win ter by the club. MIlS. HATTKItY BKTI'liNS Mrs. II. II. Mattery returned yester day from Chicago. She was accom panied by her sister who will remain for an extended visit at the llattery home. GIRLS FRIENDLY TO MEET Conroy's Gash Grocery Co. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Butter, a Roll SOc 15 Pounds Cane Sugar $1.00 10 Van Camp's Tomato Soup . $1.00 14 Rolls Best Crepe Toilet Paper $k00 10 Corn Flakes $1.00 10 Lbs. Armour's Lard $1.83 20 Bars Luna White Laundry Soap $1.00 Wesson Oil 35c, 65c, 1-2 gal. $1.20 Armour's Veribest Syrup, No. 10 tin 50c Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 tins, 3 for $1.00 Carnation Milk, 8 cans $1.00 Oranges, dozen 40c American. My being here has no of ficial significance. I am a soldier and never have been connected with politics. I have no connection with the present German Government, ami, what is more, I do not wish to have." The General's wife was formerly Miss Brice. of South Carolina. . During the war General von Below on the Rhine until after the revolu tion, when his command was demobil ized. He then discarded his uniform and, as he says, "never to put it ffn again." "I was fcMirful lest Americans might make my visit uncomfortable for me," the General said. "But I am astounded with the degree of rports- commanded troops in both the East- manship, chivalry, tact nnd courtesy ern and Western theatres. After the armistice he was a lieutenant-general in command of the Fifty-first Army Corps and remained with his forces less. t with which I have been received everywhere. .My admiration and re spect for Americans is now bound- Quality- that's the Reason GROCERY DEPARTMENT 4 pnekngres Olympic P. C. Flour 95c 20 bars Swift's White Laundry Soap 93c 10 lb. sack Kerr's Rolled Oats 63c 9 lb. sack eastern Corn Meal 33c 10 lb. sack Farina 49c Large package Olympic Oats 25c 7 cans of good cut Beans or Standard corn $1.00 5 cans of solid Tack Tomatoes $1.00 20 bars Crystal White Laundry Soap $1.00 15 pounds granulated Sugar $1.00 9 large cans Carnation Milk 99c Extra Special for Saturday Only 1 pound Golden Redd Creamery Butter, quality guaranteed, per pound ;$,h' 4 4 tho Piave combat and told each other how it had been done. Kach explain ed to the other how mistakes had been made, and each had words of praise for thu other for some particularly brilliant stroke recalled. At the con elusion of the luncheon Oeneral von Below snokc of the excellent sports manship of his new British friends! I nnd said that the luncheon was one of ! .,i,M'nMn r,f his ejirenr.. The Oirls Friendly Society will meet. ' . ' ,. -rrHM , New Vi.ik from Kurone a month aso and I has been in Washington for a brief Ktav. CommontinR on his American ' . . , . i i.i . visit, Cencral von ihmihv sum. "My plans are a bit vhkup as yet. am here because my wile is an for the ever growing popularity of Albers Flapjack Flour. Makes light, tasty hot cakes. Order a Package Your Grocer Recommends Albers quality Albert Flapjack Flour Carelully sealed cylindrical con tainer insures absolute sanitation. tomorrow morning at Parish Hall,' with Mrs. A. L. Schaler In ehai'Ke. j MllSt. NOKVALIj HERB Mrs. Letcher Norvall of Helix is aj Pendleton business visitor today. H 0 M IDEAS E DEMONSTRATION FOR HOUSEWIVES To Itemovo (i reuse Stains Dissolve tho urease In ben- zinc, alcohol, chloroform, ether, ' carbona, or benbol. For delicate ' fabrics dissolve urease spots in ether or chloroform. Chloro form and carbona are useful be cause they are non-inflammable. Apply a paste of Fuller's earth or chalk to ahsorb urease. V. P. Mi DEMONSTRATION The Parisian Perfected 5-point needle being demonstrated at ',' the Bee Hive this week only is ! j different from any embroidery i Lnnla nn thA mlirkpt. A child ; iiv..viiv ..., I :an operate it, 1 Come in and learn this won- derful art, absolutely free. T SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14, 1922 ' LIBERTY HALI m 2 1 Meat Department GENERALS WHO DIRECTED U-d, I Lr"T f RIVAL ARMIES IN WORLD CSl ? Mg$ ! IR MET AT LUNCHEON LO. j 'A ttj . n.j i i m nc Mm i uc irpw- wfc" y x- a UNDER MANAGEMENT OF SAWYER'S ORCHESTRA EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED ADMISSION, 75c LADIES FREE mam mm MEAT DEPARTMENT The Heme or Reduced Prices Money Talks Here Choice Rolled Oats 22c Choice Hound Steak 23c Choice Loin Pork Roast 23c Shoulder Tork Roast 18c ...25c .21c ...60c Loin Pork Chops Shoulder Pork Steak Pork Tenderloins Very Rest Spare Ribs and Rack Rones 18c Eastern Bacon, 3 pounds $1.00 10 pounds full weight Lard $1.90 Fresh Salmon, Crabs, Fat Hons and Young Spring Roosters. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 MAIN STREET CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR, Proprietors PHONE 187 Under Spell of Coffee and Lure of Cigars Tales of Daring Were Related by Officers. WASHINGTON, .Tan. 1 3. "I'nder the Kiiidins; liuht of iftnr shells on that dark am! Moody iukIU I moved my men thrnuMi the mountain pass hop-1 i uuf id nans you unawarew. ' i ... t t... i..).... ' one of the most distinguished of the; Cot man leaders in the World War. wh,i snnke I ! "We aoorehended vour move that I night. I remember It well. It was the rdi-'ht one of my ahbw was killed." j It was tleaeral the Earl of CavMi, one of the Iteutenaiit-itenerals who; led the Uiitlsh to victory, who re-j pl'.-d. j The two warriors who had faced I each other in command of titan armies at critical periods dtirinir the war met under extraordinary circum stances at a luncheon party In Wash ington a few days ;iw. It was a incetiuif of "friendly enemies.1' Seated at the table were the Karl el L'avun, General von Uclow, Oen- I Know THE- Bread ' Burs s Linoleum Is the Ideal Floor For The Kitchen Mamma knows that if she buys the bread the kiddies like that it is bound to please the other members of the family. So she purchaser, our deli cious loaf the bread with the food-authority. Pendleton Baking G ). In summer your KUchen floor should be cool. But in winter, naturally, you want a warm floor. No floor meets ' these requirements so well as linoleum. It is made mainly of cork, the best non-conductor of heat known. In sum mer it is cool ; in winter, warm. Recause there are no cracks in a linoleum floor, it is warmer than the average wood floor. Linoleum is sanitary and easy to clean it saves you hours of scrubbing. It is comfortable to tired feet, a point to think of if you have to stand at your work. It is dur able and inexpensive. P r.i mi rrnnn ninnminr nn bHAnrunu. rutin UKL w M i Where Your Credit Is Good. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW . 103 E. COURT PHONE 496 PENDLETON.ORE. I I . H. B B . B - B B B . B B. B . Bi B:.B-i BLKB' B-.BwKBlBJ '