East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
1-aN.r lay Jan. 29.
January 2 has been desi;mated
throughout the United States as Child
Labor lay. It trill be olwerved in
churches, and on January S will be
observed in schools and colleges.
lVinrv Team to Visit
The 1'enill.ton team of the Knights
of Columbus will go to Walla Walla
Sunday' where It will confer the sec
ond degree in Initiatory v.ork on a
class of 3H candidates. The Walla
Walla. Spokane and PendMon teams jtion in building on
.. . .. .... ' ! .- - I. - ' ti'
will UO tno 'worK Ol pulling uu tut:
three degrees.
as the o.st for cr..ssin- on the ferry fc ., , m.,h srjd,
ts for small cars and $1 for larger' ln the port fewest
nracnir.er. deak-r.
(H-t UiiiUling Permit:
TiMlay 1 Villa y. Tlw ISth.
Today is Friday, the
13th and the
The following building permits have
U-en minted at the office of the city
reorder with the endorsement of the
city council: David A. Peebles, J,1
Main street, new front and repairs.
Jl,''0rt; Hamley and Co. rnpide!in:r
second floor of their building, $l,:tti:
Robert J. Jones, administrator, parti-
Johnson street.
horses ever Knight
from a northwest
The (lick of the lot is sai.i
to be "Armament," half thorough
bred and half standard bred, golden
sorrel in color. li hands high and
four yiari old.
1 1 uu I Icy ;ives Atlvkv
Every married person, living with
husband or wife, in order to claim the
Mr. Fulfill Convahx'iiia.
Mra. IVriy Kolsom is convalescing
after a recent illness. She is at St.
Anthony's hospital.
1 January
date upon which Lady Luck keeps I exemption of $2,500 and t0 for each
... L.n.l hn. l!iMtit font tl.f .1 1 . ! , : . - ..
close ut hand her rabbits foot, her
horseshoe and her lucky penny. The
coniciilence of Friday known as the
unlucky day of the week, and IS, sup
posed to bp an unlucky number, will
be repeated again during the year, on
. October 13.
dependent minor allowed in the 1921
income tax law, must make a return
although his actual net income for
1921 miy have been only 12,000, ac
cording to Clyde O. Huntley, collector
of intirnu! revenue. These returns
must be filed not later than March 13,
1922, or the delinquent taxpayer will
be liable to heavy penalties provide!
in the law for failure to do so.
(.'oiifcrciMf CloMH
A very s'iccess;;l conference closed
yesterday at the Church of the Re
deemer, the conference lcing that of
the Province of the Pacific. Seven
ministers, representing the hoard of
religious education, were present.
In our Rrailv-to-Vear Department. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES, LARGE ASSORT
MENTS PRICES VERY LOW. On display on Rarjiain Counters, ready for your
Drives From Portland
One of the first Pendleton men to
motor from Portland to Pendleton
since the storm which blocked the C o-, Saddle Horses ltoimht
l'iimhia. Highway is Dr. II. I!. Lrmert I Kight new horses, nil suitable for
wlfi arrived hero yesterday by auto. I the hunt and declared to be of show
Ilk went from "Portland to Vancouver. , ring class, have been purchased by
Washington, thence to Stevenson and j members of the Portland Hunt club
crossed on the ferry to a, spot about j from the stables of Matt O. Knnis of
seven miles below Hood lliver. mak- Walla Walla, who is well known in
ms tne rcmainucr ol tne trip via mo ; Pendleton. The horses are either
highway. Ho reports the roads pass- thoroughbred or standard bred or
able. There is one drawback to the crosses between the two lines, the deal
new route, however, Dr. Ltmert states constituting the first sizeable consign-
Coimnandcr to Kettim. .
Adjutant and Mrs. C. A. Peterson,
of the local post of the Salvation
Army, and their three children will
return tomorrow from San Francisco,
where they attided tlio congress
over which Commander i-vangeline
Hooth presided.
To Moot Saturday
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the American National
Hank will be held nt the hank Satur
day night. A report of the business
of the past year and election of di
rectors and officers will be part of the
work of the meeting.
101 101 ioi i oiioi; 01
i01 101 lol 3
Meats and Groceries
Of a
nil Quality
Phone Your Saturday
Wants to "101"
There is But ONE "101" Quality and
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 E. Court Street Phones 101
(-1 1
--ioi 101-
-IGl 101 T0I TOT 101 T0II0T
Officers Are Elected.
At a meeting held last night the fol
lowing officers were elected by the di
rectors of the Inland Empire Bank:
President, J. W. Maloney; 1st vice
president. Will It. Bennett; vice-presi
dent. L. h. Rogers, cashier, It. M,
May berry. The only change in the
status of the officers is that It. M.
Mayberry is cashier instead of assist
ant cashier.
Judgment Is Sought.
Monroe and Crisell have brought
suit against Nick Johnson ln which
judgment for (IS 1 is sought on a note.
Peterson, Bishop and Clark represent
tlio plaintiffs. A note it) also the ba
sis of a suit brought by It, W. Car
gill against Arnold Bushman In which
Haley, 'Haley tind Sleiwer and II. J.
Warner represent the plaintiff.
Says Frost Bulges Sidewalks
That the action of the frost has re- j
suited in "bulges" in the sidewalks iu
Parts of the city is a statement made
today by C. A. Crabtree, street com
missioner. He expressed the opinion
that the damage probably would not
be permanent, but temporarily, the
frost has caused some trouble. The
weather ut no ttme has been very
cold, but the frost has remained for
several weeks 'with slight variation In
COMBINATIONS in nainsook and long cloth, lace
and ribbon trimmed, January White Sale.. $1.98
CREPE GOWNS, white with blue flowers, Janu
ary White Sale $1.75
CREPE GOWNS in pink with blue f lowers, Janu
ary White Sale $1.98
Outing Sleepers for Children
In white or colored outing with or without feet
These garments were regular $1.50 to $2.05. Jan
uary White Sale i'nee 79c
Flannel Gowns
and Sleeping Garments
Women's outing gowns
white in sizes from 31 to 4C.
High necks, round necks, or low
necks, long or short sleeves.
Full cut gowns
2.48 and 2.98
Knit Skirts in white with blue
and pink border $1.9S
in Li H
Tr Z
Lot 1 $2.50
Corsets in all styles,
low, medium or high
bust, elastic top, all
Lot 2 $3.50
Corsets in brocade, sat
ins and coutels in all
models and sizes.
Specials for Saturday
Leg Mutton 18c
Mutton Chops 20c
Mutton Steak 15c
Pig Hearts, pound 15c
Short Ribs Beef, pound 12c
Sauer Kraut, quart 15c
Link Sausage, pound 25c
Lard, No. 5s 70c
Lard, No. 10s $1.33
;! PHONE 18
The Empire
Where Quality Goes Clean Through
Nt'xt GniiH' in 1'Vltrimry.
The first game of the season to be
played ut home by tho Pendleton
high school busketball team now will
be February 3 and 4. according to
a statement today by Coach Itiehard
Hanley. The schedule as originally
made out called for two Karnes here
tonight anil Saturday night with Ha-
ker, but . the recent action of the
Buker schools in suddenly withdraw
ing from intcrscholastic athiotlcs left
a hole In the schedule which It was
too late to fill. One more double
header remains to bo played during
January when tho Uuckaroos go to
La Grande to play.
The production was
SOUTH 13 END, Ind., Jan. 13. (A.
P.) Whether college athletics really
develop physical perfection or merely
produce men with some few hishly d
- i- . .i ..r .ill viit-luru' Mtt-lke In ilnrine Mnv.
nuii vi ciuue iicu-oicum. m-coiiiing unuunv vi " - - - ;....
to estimates prepared by It. K. Collom, .tho San Joa.p.ln Valley fields during io.4hO.im w, '"rum " '"';'
Htnto 1)11 and Gas Supervisor, CulHor- Ithe part of tho month ut September two wells la the I.Ik Hills I'ducod
... . .. ... ., . .. ' ...i ..i i..... uM..i. i-i.i.'iri nil l ? u.trii! barrels of oil. that is, less
am pruuiictinn lor tne year nut will aim an m " - - . , ,u- n .ii
be close to 1 u.n.m n.ia w-..l i.rod.ieing open.tious to tho extent of than 1:3 of 1 J.or cent of the oil wells
lirnilllKlliin nvr....,.lu I r moil 1... I linvlllIT I1VIT 7.000,000 barrels of
imw inn nnn ti i- In Hi irrounil which, miller normal
est quantity of oil yet produced In activity would have been produced
slnglo year in California. California's r,m ll,to "borage. The San Joa
produetion record for 1921 will exceed quln .Valley oil fields produced u 3 per
iniii.r ui,,t.. cent of their ucu nial output during the
t th. rrt ti, ,,....,., ,i.,' slr'ke. The Klk Hills oil field
early in 19:1 was ira"nus
is much
' v 'linn I.. IUA u..4..u U I ul ...... 1 1. ..II
veloped muscles is a question which j''"' " , ..:.. ti,n c-omblned production of Coal-
iu'c. 111 lamoriiia na ri'iiuiini'ii laui. , . ,.n
steady, although the local over-pro-
luc.tlon, general Induslrlal depression
athletic authorities of the lTnlverslty
of Xotre Dame will attempt to an
swer.. Ht least in nart.
and a sympathetic adjustment to the
Itcv. Bernard Lunge, whose numer- slump In Kastorn oil fields caused two
ous articles on physical training have drops in tho price of crude, at the
given him a standing as un authority 'well, during the year. However, the
on the subject, Is using the Notre 'oil business in California was not sub
Dame freshmen ns material In carry- ijectcd to tho violet fluctuations which
lug out his experiments which will affected tho Industry el.'iewhcre In the
form tho basis for scientific study of itTnlted States. It is nrobablo that the
burn. TN'lr dgc and 1'OSt I mis, ti-o
dueed utmost to full rapacity during
I the strike.
10.l50.llil IliiiTils In May.
Tho maximum monthly production
for California, Jn 11)21, was reached
Xo Fire Loss.
A fire' alarm signal was given this
morning shortly after 8 o'clock. It
Icaone from the house of Rudolph M.
Crommelin, Lincoln and Jackson
streets whei;e a furnace ueeame over
neuieu. Tno danger or loss was a
matter of history by tho time the de
partment had made tho run and thcro
was no firo at any time. Tho cold
weather makes the danger of flies
from this source a constant menace,
Chief Itingold declaics, and in a
statement today he urges property
owners to exercise tho greatest pos
sible precaution to see that no uiuluo
risks aro taken.
the value of athletics.
An accurate record is being made
of tho physicul condition of every
freshman this year and next June, at
the end ot the school year, measure-
Save at the Sanitary
Wadco Coffee, 3 pounds
Preferred Stock Coffee, 2 1-2 pounds ..
Tomatoes (solid pack) 5 cans
Tomatoes (Standard) 7 cans
Corn (Standard) 7 cans
String Beans (Standard) 7 cans .
Swift White- Soap, 22 bars
Lenox Soap, 25 bars
Citrus Powder, 4 packages
Wool Soap Flakes, 12 packages
Oranges, 2 dozen
Flour, 49 pound sack
Sugar (Saturday only) 100 pound tack
Strictly Freh Eggs, 2 dozen
r t i o j
t.gg tFcKeaj o aozen ') C
A trial of our goods will convince vnn nf tha n'v,r
I A glance at the prices show your saving.
S Make Every Dime Do Its Duty
$1 ,7.
Itwoipts at High Mark.
During tho year that closed Do
c.emucr si, receipts at tho office of
the county treasurer were $2,043,
001.03. according to a report which
has just been completed by Miss
Grace A. Gilliam. The disburse
ments during the same period were
$1,675,185.12, which leaves a balance
unexpended of $307,715.91. The
greater part of these funds which
uro unexpended remain In special
funds. Tho county income im 'lllilori
$21,625.14 which was received as In
terest on money which the county
has loaned from various sinking anil
special funds. During the past five
years the receipts of the office have
increased three-fold, Miss Gilliam has
lounn. She entered the .office In
1517 when tho receipts were $!!0,
000. Her bond Is for $50,000 which
was recently filed with the county
existing price of crude oil, at tho well,
Will be increased In 11)22.
Uig Monthly Outimt.
California entered the year 1921
with nvallablo stored oil reduced to n
ments will be taken to determine the!mlnlmum n,ld the " lnw I'xerting
useit to increase production io a pace
ln keeping with tho Indicated demands
for 1920. .However, there came a cur
tailment ln demands for petroleum,
and early in 1921 innrkctiin; compan
ies started running 'part of the crude
oil Into storage. For the first eight
months of 1921 production averaged
10,1000,000 barrels per imonth.
Karly In 1921 tho stale oil and gas
supervisor predicted a production of
over 120,000,000 barrels for 1921.
These figures were not met, however,
oil of California produced 17 per cent ot
Its oil. ' . I
In District No. 1, which Includes,
among others, Los Angeles and Or- (
ange counties, the production was con
siderably Increased during the year ;
by the dlscovtvy of several new fields
and the unusual development of such
fields as Huntington Heach. Shell
Company, of California contributed
the Long Itoarh oil flelif by bringing
in n w MI on Fisnnr HUln V"n Oil
jciiinpiiriy of California, greatly ex
tended ;tho productive area ut Santa
Fo Springs.
extent to which intelligent training,
can be relied upon to correct physical
weaknesses. The experiments are ex
pected to give definite .information as
to the value of corrective exercises
and also upon tho kind o; physicul
perfection produced by athletics.
Experiments conducted last year by
Rev. Lange were designed to slu.w the
value of uthleticM us a developer of the
student's mind ns well as his body. In
connection with these experiments a
contest was conducted to determine
the best built man ln tho university.
Leonard Shaw, football tackle and
western conference shot put cham
pion, won first place.
fo Wrestle Tonight
The machinery has been oiled for a
(Wick snappy program at Kagle-W'ood-man
hall tonight when Ted Thye of
Portland and liuy McCurrnll meet in
a wrestling bout. Thye has agreed to
throw lIcCarroll twice within one
hour or forfeit the match, and wheth-
HAN" FRANCISCO, Jan. 12,-Dur-
ing the year just closed California es
tablished a new record In the produc-
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some physic, thoroughly cleanse the
bowels, sweeten the stomach, tone up
the liver. For indigestion, biliousness,
bad breath, bloating, gas, or consti
pation, no remedy is more highly rec
ommended. V.'m. O. E. Bielke,
Hancock, Mich., write?: "I have given
Foley Cathartic TableU a thorouph
trial and I can honestly recommend
them z', a mild but F.ure Uxt'v. They
wck without gripinT." G'va stout
per3cnn a v ' '
Hold Kverywlicro
For Constipated Bowels Bilious Liver
The nicest cathartlc-laxntlve
physic your bowels when you have
Headache Hillousness
Colds Indigestion
Uiz.iiicKS Hour Stomach
Is candy-like CascarctB. Ono or two
to tonight will empty your bowels com
pletely by morning and you will feci
splendid. "They work while you
sleep." Carenrota never stir yon up
or grips llko Salts, Villa, Calomel, V
( HI nnd they cost only ten cents a box.
Children lovo Cascarets too. j
urn the lnoift important lu the house.
They must be absolutely air and
water tight. Tlio traps must be kept
free and clear. I'pon their condition
health and possibly life Itself may'
depend. If you have the slightest
Kiispiclon that there is the least thing
wrong with your sewer pipes, send
for us ut once. Deluy in such a
matter is doubly dangerous. I :
.11)0 Mala Html
Phono 488
: Sanitary Grocery
liEiILt. Ht' 1 - .It 1 H H H. 1 HIT ll H.
er he can do thin io whut !(, i r,,ai
i.'are Interested In seeing. Good pre-
llmlnarles have been arranged. The'
jji bill will start at g o'clock and the of-
lenngs win uo pusaed through with
tilekness, according to MoCarroll.
Af it... riu. 1...1.1 ... ... .. I
m- ah. im-t-v iii-iu iicie wncn
Singh and JleCarroll grappled, there T.
were some delays between . events p
which made the fans nervous, an d
this defeat will be remedied tonight. A
The platform In the hall has been fin-15
ished and everything is in readiness -U
for the go. The ticket sale, which B
started the first part of the week at J
the Cosy liilllard parlors, has been f.
good. w
Saturday Special
Ladies' Black Kid Dress Shoe with Cuban and military
heels, regular prices $7.50 and $3.00
Saturday Only $4.95
649 Main
Other New of This
Department on Page 5iS
For Co4n, Grip sr InflaHM I
snd as a Preventive, take Laxative IS
BUOMO QULVIXB Tablets. The genu- B
ins bear the signature of E. w. Grove,
(Bo sure you gut EEOilO.) lOe,
W r
A f-
!I. SI
-.' X: 4l1
SHINE, 10c
Pendleton, Ore.
.i Ml
it jin