DAILY EAST OEEG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 12, 1022. PACE SEVEf s classified! r 3 i For Tlent, Etc, Classified for Easy Reference, j! Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found EIGHT PAGES WANT ADS rfc . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATI.". 4 Set In f-polnt Counting alx ordl. S - nary word to the line. . Firet Insertion, per line ...810 ' Each additional consecutive in- . A lnrfinn. Br line " ' One month. every lu. each a inMMiAn nr lino Sis month contract every ! '- sue. each insertion, per nn . a mnnthi1 contract. ev- ery laaue. ach naertlon. per Una r -. - Ada not run consecutively. each insertion, per line. .10 JJo ada taken for lea than 4 ' tinea, iltnimum charge . .! a, FOR SALE R. C. White Leghorn icockerels. PMiff SFH. u FOR RENT ! or 3 room apartment 1515 Port St. no children. WANTED furnished 5 or ( room hourfe. Inquire "IS"' this office. - . EXPERIENCED woman wants -work x by, hour. Phone 350, Parkview Apts. WANTED-A competent housekeeper must appear In person. Arling ton Rooms. : ' " ' WANTED A competent and reliable .. Woman to do washing at the house 'yono TUtt-Ai. DO, TOl KNOW that McAtee's big . JVall Paper Sale is for this week only 2 o' per .cent reduction: nothing rcvrved all goods marked In plain figures. ' RGED TO AID EURflSs .,t, -.' 'fcOBLENZ, Jap. 12. The American Forces In Germany are' usslstlng ' in every possible way In bringing about the ultimate stabilisation of Europe generally,, according to .' recent an nouncement here. The American de tachments on the Rhine are now vir tually on a pe,ice time footing, the policy "of Major Oeneral .Henry T. Al- I'ub. ip'.cdjtimand, now as always, being Ito'? treat the. olyUian population with ' consideration but at the same time ; maintaining, of course, ,the dignity and prestige of an Army of occupation and j of Hhe Inter-Allied Rhlneland High : Cilpmlnalon. ..... . -. . Outlining the policy , of. the Amarii '' can Forces to some 400 officers, Col onsl.W. F. Hay, chief of staff, made It t clear that a part of the duties of the tarrny under the present circumstances : was io'Jielp whenever the opportunity : presented Itself to create a friendly spirit among the countries of Europe Uand iri -.this way .carry out the peace- v; ful missions so desired by the majority U of the Actions of the' world. The: "policy of General Allen, said Colonel Hay; had always been to deal 'with the Germans considerately, and at the same time firmly, and he em phasised the 'Importance of each ?TOmber'ot the army so conducting 3 himself as to always reflect only -; credit upon his uniform and his coun ;"try. The V!nited States as a whole he ".said, would be judged by Europeans . for years to come, long after the Am erican army, had gone home, by the officers and enlisted men composing .the Rhlneland forces at the , present time. " '-. ':. ; " . Colonel Hay pointed out that his remarks with reference f.o intercourse between the Americans and Germans had no bearing on the question of so . clal relations, as this, he thought, i would probably continue to conduct th.emselVes ns heretofore, the relations '.If .officers and the Germans having been- Confined chiefly tb association only in official capacities. , American officers generally have never osHOciated with the Germans In the three . years .of occupation, an-'l there has been no attempt on either side to establish social relations. There htn'e been exceptions both ways, but at the present time there ts no tendency- on the part of American of ficers -nor the better class of Germans to Inaugurate ordinary sociul rela tions, and each goes his separate way trying to make the best of circum stances unavoidable in an occupied area. . Many German families of the upper-class have left Cobleni since thp occupation began father than put up with the Inconveniences brought about In the. matter of billeting, all of the occupied cities being short-of housing and office space and consequently overcrowded. ' V - , Colonel David L. Stone, represents- ' tlve of General Allen on the Inter- Allied Rhlneland High Commission also addressed the officers, describing - the organisation and duties- of the : Commission and the general effect of American participation in the Rhine land occupation. Colonel Stone said many Americans and Europeans who t had visited the area were of the opin- ion that, because of America's I in par tlallly with regard to European at- " fairs, the mere fact of American forces participating in the occupation " and continuing to do so, would have a far-reschlng influence upon the pro gress of stabilization of Central Euro fipean affairs. lA ' Still greater effect would be shown, Colonel Storoe said, as the American forces here displayed In themselves the traditional reputation of the Unit V ed States for 'Justice and square deal '1 ing to all and he urged every Ameri "3 can officer to realize this and to Im i press the fact upon the enlisted men, and that each and every American . rhould do his own Individual, part In j the great work before him. Colonel . mono urged the Americans to post -.-tlHiiruiflvca upon European conditions sa that upon returning " home 'each could give his friends a clear insight to the actual conditions which con front this part of the world today. Japs Demand - j-vfPrX lwNv -Is illoi picluie Ui the Klcat Tokkl people demanded less armament.' A(Ihc-ents of all political faiths I gathered at this meeting in Hmayft. Park, Tokio, as evidence of their laith in the WaalUuKton ut-ms c4ifcrenc.- Many auch meetings wers 1 held in Japan, .'.n t - ,. " . ' ,; ;, , Gasoline Supplants Steam This big motor bus carries commuters on the New Tork, New Haven I Iartford. Three of them are .now in operation. Though they resemble' & nartford. Three ( the usual gasoline-driven bus in many brakes. sad other rail devices. As has often been said by writers and sneakers, Colonel Stone said in conclusion, the serious economic situa tion in Europe affected the . entire world and until normal conditions were restored over here there coula be no return to normalcy In the United States -vhlch depended extensively upon European trade as an outlet to many of its vast Industries and, that, on this account, .as well as for the good of humanity, the Americans gen erally at home should take air active Interest In bringing about the earliest economic- rehabilitation of Europe. . 1 , . . V Wooden ships purchased from the American Shipping Hoard are sur gestert as the basis of a bridge 6, 000 feet long across the Hudson River. ' , , ' USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Bulck-JlSht vsix, shspe.-I'bone 617-R.. - - good NOTICES CAME TO MY PLACE Oct. 1, 1920, 1-2 mile from Rieth on Birch Creek. Dark iron grey horse, brand M on shoulder. Can have same by paying for pasture bill and ad. Fred Enbysk. BRINGING UP FATHER FOR SALy i'ord.-nrSM. 'fcOleth St N'OU NErON'f BE t)ITTlNC ' H J CO AND CET -YOOeS . AROUNO VAITIN FOR ' I tl, tUPPEi ASD tE!E' y DlMNER.TME COCK. LEFT ft HllW ' TnA,T SrOU HURRY is AND I.OONT INTEND Uil U ' YVli-ji ' HOtvlF-- (- ' yjk v .-ft FN jJr W Less of Arms hush nnlinv h. ih. 1.. ways they are equipped with air - s - hl : s " ' :i FOR SEAL; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Apartment house. Ad dress "6" this offic.- . . . FOR SALE Good w:.ea t land at prices that are. surprisingly low terms Call or write W. H. Morrison. FOR SALE Some good buys In resi dence property at reduced prices terms.-!rCall qyjTte,W. H. Morrison. For Sale Houses In all parts of the city. Come and Ree our list. ' Wheat and alfalfa ranch. v . GEO. W. ELDER & SON . ' 818 Main St. . , rhone 903 WANTED WANTED TO RENT Furnished apt. or small house. Phone 94. RESPONSIBLE girl will care for chil dren day or night. Phone 248-M. WANTED to rent furnished or partlv furnished apartment. Address ,"5" care this office. , COMPETENT GIRL wlehts work promptly. Address Box 116, Wash tucna, Washington. WANTED A Pl tor choc4 girl 11 years old, to work for bourd and room No. 11 this office. EXPER1EXCED LADY wishes posi tion a cook on ranch Address Miss S. DeVore. College Place. Wn. WANTED Capable, energetic, so licitors for honey. Addreag Virgil Sires Be Farm, Route 4. Taklma, Wn. WANTED TO RKNT Four or five room modern house, furnished. Will take long lease If desired. Call Mr. Carter, Mgr. Buster Brown Shoe J Store. LOCAL electrical firm ha opening in Its sales force for three aggressive salesmen. Previous sales experience not necessary but would be helpful. Call between 1 and t o'clock or 5 and I o'clock. Milne Electrical Co., lib E. Alta St. LOST AND FOUND I.OST One bay horse mule coming three years old, branded quarter cir cle H. on right shoulder. $10 reward for return or information leading to recovery of same. Geo. C. Itlll, Pen dleton, Oregon, FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartments. I'hone (54. APTS. AND ROOMS. ALTA APTS. FOR RENT Small furnished house close In. Phone 297-R. " : FOR RENTA 3 room furnished apt. 310 Aura, Phone 242-y. FOR RENT Two 2-room apartments 307 Aura St., Phone 289-W. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. Call 14 Cosble or Phone 1027-J. POIl RENT Roam-and board. 309 W. Court St., Phone 868-R. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, 314 Lincoln phone S78-J or 407. FOR RENT Office Rooms over Tall man Drug Store. See Penland Bros. FOR RENT Store room, Main treet location, 835 a month Phone 548 Hampton. . ' FOR RENT Newly furnished apart ment, also room and board. 777 Thompson Street ' '- FOR RENT Modern S room apt to cdtple buying furniture ho chil dren. Address "IS" this 'Office. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3 room apt., also sleeping room wl,n hath privilege close In. Phone 248-M. FOR RENT1 Several hlce, newly fur nished rooms. Furnace heat and bath, also excellent meals served In private home. Gentlemeh only. 306 Perkins Ave.. Phone f(i-W FOR SALE FOR SALE Two Blewett-Harvesters Phone 14FU. FOR .SALE Canned huckleberries. ; Phone 82 after 7 p. m. FOR SALS cheap Good young horses - and mules. Sturgis & Storlo. : FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. II. Estes, 614 Main St., Phono 604 FOR SALE 200 ion alfalfa hay. GMtman Ranch, '! mile went' of Pendleton. FOR 8ALF Carono typewriter rea sonable. 'nqulre American Railway Express Co. .-..-. FOR SALE One' cor A-l Jersey and . Holnteln milch fows, Oilman Foi som JUiiph, ; Ttttullla. ' FOR SALE 3 milch cows and calves. Address Clara Smith, Box 8, R; F. D. Ko.:l. Pendleton, Ore. ' ' FOR SALE Some young . White Wyandott hens,, also some cockerels same breed. Phone 282-W; FOR SALE 8. C. White Leghorn hens and pullets, or will trade for cow. Dean Long, Wild Horse. PEN AND INK drawings sketches from life. ' Appointments by ar rangements. t. W. Bowman, at Sloan Bonnet Shop, 602 Main street. ONE HOLT 75 "Cat" with new track, drive chains and babbit throughout, 12500 cash will take good horses or mules In part trade. Glenn '. Scott, Helix, Ore. , ' . MISCELLANEOUS MRS. GEO, 711 Aura. LEAF, Piano Phone 323-R. Ixssons DONT FORGET Funk St McLean In sure anything) 839 Main St. Phone 83 FOR STEAM pleating, , dress forms, beading, . . and braiding. Phone 1028-J, 120 Lee fit. , ' Reg. U. S. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY This Directory la especially1 handy for Us out-f-trwn reader who msvK want tfcs t nam and addrese n responsible businessmen who represent the fgllpwtnc lines, r AH r i are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to rive you prompt aervic . . ' AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA. ..uctloneer. Call at Sturgis 4 Storie's lmpllinent Co., for sale dates. AUTO TRANSFER - PL, K9 HANAVAJf TRANSFER, A uvuv ; Hes. S78-R. Country trips. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Qrlgga' Cigar Store. Phone 1075. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COllTTS, Attorney atl Law. Room 17, Hond lUdg. I. M. HCHANNEP, Attorney at Low Offkw in Court House. KKATOR AWANPALL, Attorneys at Law. Room 21, Smith-Crawford BuUcUnff. . CARTER & SMTTHE, Attorneys at Law. 1124 K. Court St. FEE St FEE, Attorney at Law. ' flTS hi iwpatr. nmldlng. Of. S. A. LOWELL,-Attorney and Coun selor at Law Office In Desiwln Bldg. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law- Federal Bui. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at I-aw Room 21, SmiUi-Crawford B11. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law Offh over Taylor Hardware Com pany. RALEY, RALEY & STEIWER. Attor neys nt Law. Office In Anns-Kan National Bank Building. PETERSON, Bishop St Clark. At torneys at Law. Rooms it and 1 Smith-Crawford Hldic. TIME CAJU) : Pilot Rook Htniro Tffvun Cameron, Prop. Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 11:00 A. M., leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton 4:00 P. M. ' Leave Hotel ' Pendleton and French Restaurant.".'"' . ' 1 ' ;--' .' ft , , TIME CARD . . . Wftiton-Pendloton Auto Stago Leaves Weston for Pendleton at t ' :it a. m. and 12:45 p. va. Loaves Athena for Pendleton at v 8:00 a. ,m, ind 1:00 p. fn.. , f Leaves Adams for Pendleton at , p:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m ' . Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight ,,Co. Store) for Weston a )0:00 a,' m! and 4 p. in. 0. H. McPHERttH. Prop. t 4 THEXXMY AITXJ STAGE i Pendleton-Walla Walla - Fare 11.76 Including Tax Leaves Pendleton 9 A. M.- IP, M:-4 P. M. :' ; ; ' ' Leaves Walla Walla t A. M.-l P. M.-4 P. M. , 'Sunday Schedule Leaves Pendleton 10 A. M.-4 P. M. Leave Walla Walla 10 A. M.- '4 P. M. . Pendleton Phone 463, Cozy Blllard Parlors; Walla Walla Phono 24. ; lendlcton-l'niatUla Auto Stage , Leave . Pendleton 8:00 12:00 ' 4:00 Echo' 1:11 1:15 5:15 rttanfleld ; ,.1:30 1:36 5.35 Hermtston 9:55 1:55 E:6S AT. Umatilla 10:16 2:16 6:15 ' Leave Utnatllla " 8:00 12:00 4:00 HermlKton 8:20 , 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:46 4:45 Echo - , 0:00 1:00 . 6:00 Ar. Pend.j , 10:16 2:15 6:16 Sunday Leave Pendleton 4:00 P. M. Leave Umatilla 4:00 P. M. Office Motor Inn Garage 722 Cottonwood St. ' Phone 8418 PFXb IMWSOW " '- Parcels delivered to all way points. . '- , Patent Office AH'. TH VTEAk ARC. I OFMCtOO-TrrMOEB. A WOMA,N't HEART ; fM CftETTY WHAT It) COOO? Ft 1 i MLV ,1 I I I iMJ"tr lKtTPfct' iw.zt. Inc. "- - i AUTO SPRINGS GUARANTEED SPRINGS mads and reimired Fleucken and Eckles Spring Works Phone 491, 110 Water. A-UT0 T0PS QADWA'S AL'TO TOPS, Plate Glass Backs. Side ' Curtains 801 East Court St. j AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS ' WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. K. tliaf Co. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJiw and Revere Tires Vulcanising S8 E. Court St., Pboue 144. " L. a BENTLEY & CO. Goodywr nd Diamond Tires T'r Service, oils and accessories.-Alta and Garden 6ts. OERTSON tt MARTY Gates Super Tred tire 3 HoUonwocd. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER St SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord arid Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup. 303 K. Court St. ' .. CAR FOR HIRE CAR FOR HIRb Country trips sp. clalty Stand at Griggs & Tryon. Phono 2S, lk-rt Lovell. CONTRACTORS & BUILDCHS PARKER & BANFIELD, Designers, i Eimlneering, Constructing, 16 year experience m concrete and brick con struction. SI R ThU-d St., Nortli Portland, Oregon. .:'!'. CLEANERS AND DYERS PANATOUIVM PHONE 473 "CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANORS i Pressing and repairing 508 Main St.. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRESSMAKING . , ' ' Kllte pressmakbig . , Gowns made o ptiw.' Evening gown a speolalty. Hdna' fembroldery, braiding and beading. Phone 242-M, 810 Aura St , Peorl Emmogow) Smith .i i IB - Extra Fancy Apples Winter Banana Rome Beauty Jini hite WJnjter Pearniain 1 j Yellow Newtown , Meat Dept. Q Phnn. OU F THM"6 CAtC I'M HS.VE tAUtAC,E: r tut- DRAYMEN it. B. KEYS, Drayman. Stand at Riley Kemp. Pteone trt WHO MOVES YOU Is Just as Import . ant as where you move. W also paok or store, foods. Wt do country hauling Call S3. Penland Bros. Trajwler. 1U W. Alt'. FARM LOANS SNOW tt DAYTON. 117 E. Court St., ' Real U state. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's' an 'agent tir your lofrn.-"-Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St. DOMESTIC IAUjs'DRY 401 K. Court St., Phone 00.' We maintain a com plete mending department.' " - , LIGHTING PLANTS I DELCO Lighting System, 'AokermaB and Zurflnli, Golden Rule Hotel Bldg. I1' "";;.'"' H.EMSTITCHINQ ,1 i HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs. Ralph Hansel!. 417 Bush. Phone t3. New and Second Hand Dealers V. BTROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid fot -ond hand goods. " Cheapsst place to buy household goods. 810 E, CiurV Phono 271-W. v ' .' V Painting and Paper. Hanging PAINTS, Wall Pe per,. Picture Frntn ' Ing. U a. MoAtee. , the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bro, Paints. . v a i - , -w- n BAD1AT0R. BEPAIR1M ,5 Ui- C-X -L -i - 1. -. 1. -' - I' - ' '''f ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORS- 701 East Alta street. All make o( radiators repaired. Work, guaranteed 41." $lRsborK, Jpfop. I v ". " SHOE REPAIRING f THE DIFFERENCE between cobbling; shoes and our syst,em of reiialrlng them Is worth knowing. 1 ;Orae ant see. Pendleton Shoe Shop,' tJO West Court lit. : Pendleton's ; Jtlnest ' ahosj shop. . i. - v"-: ..'l' -t'-lv; RESTAURANT THE .QUELLE A good place to at J-l JU -ill. ,(-!.)" )- Grocery Dept. QQ ' Phone VOO RJ flnnrhn lll,lgnnii' wj vbuiyc IVIViltiailUd THE 40NNA. , :w : v,' ' ' -' 1 mm VJWI .TJB