1- -f7 'I t rh iw t: - tl ' '1 -tl id it- ! 4 m is. 3 :ar1 Social and Club News PAIITY IS GIVKX. One of the most charming rarties of the winter HcaMon was u masque rade fur which meCiU-r of the Jewel Club were hoU last evening at Eagle-Woodman Hal!. Kversreens formed an effective sitlinir and the lights about the room were shaded by masked faces, j county library. One hundred fifty guests, attired sion the social in costumes- both bizarre and beau tiful and representing characters ranging from yueen Victoria In her royal robes to dmperate hoM-up men with cartridge belt and Km, danced during ' the evening. The grand ' ert Brown, march Was led by Mrs. Sam Wright 'ere Mrs. fin. Mr. and Mrs. ( V. Nelson. Mr. and Mm. Kd Dul'uis, Mr. and Mrs. It. I). Ward. Mr. and Mrs. ltobert liudd and Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Drown. CUT! HAS MF.ET1.NY The Lavender club met yesterday afternoon In the club rooms of the After a business ses hour was spent with needlework. (Jnests other than club memlerswere Mrs. Miles Arnold. Mrs. George Dalrymple, Mrs. Cecil Hamp ton. Mrs. J. W. Yandle. Mrs. E. A. Shall, Mrs. Lv Overturf and Mrs. Kob- Hnstess for the afternoon Sarah Catching and Mn and C. H. Smith. Helena Burton. An hour before midnight the danc-' era unmasked before going to the Sri'PER IS EN'JOYED. banquet rooms. At this time many- J One hundred, fifty guests enjoyed colored serpentine streamers were the union pot-lock supper last even thrown from the balcony, adding to ing at the Methodist Episcopal the decorative effect. Tiny masks church. After the supper. Mrs. Cald- PAItTT TO I!K OIVEX Honoring JlisH Thrrese Slider, bride-elect, Mrs. Ali,'er Fee will enter tain with a bridge party, followed b !a niiscelhineous shuwir and a tea. at , the Fee home, 314 lewis street, or. Saturday afternoon. Guests Invited include int. mate friends of Miss i'ny-IUc. DANCE IS EVJOYED ' Memlers of the Social Sixty club enjoyed an evening of dimini; las) night ut the Elks Club. The affail was the second given by the club and ; is one of a series which will tike i IllnCf thin upuiuin Si'iKrn I ilium. pteceded the dance. hung on threads, and streamers from the celling Were used In decorating the banquet room. A large dog mads tt unique figure for the center of the supper table. Mrs. M. I Akers. In a charming Oriental costume in which the pre dominating color was blue, received he prize for her representation of a Persian dancing girl. Kam Wright, in the costume of the historic Jiggs, won the men's prize. Dancing continued until two o'clock this morning. Hosts were Dr. and Mrs. H. A, Newton, Jr. and Mrs. if. NT SfdsKeJ'."M. arid Mrs. '. n. Mar- well sang two pleasing solos, and W. A. Goodwin, visiting evangelist, gave a short talk. HOME DEMONSTRATION IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVEi MHS. HA8LKTT HE HE. 1 .tiro, r.iiiuui iiusieu arnveu lotiay j rrom Chlcugo, and is a guest at the home of Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones. Mrs. 1 la-deft resided here before sro- Ini to the lllinnia eltv find hnr imniv 1 friends we welcoming her return. 01" EFT I.N CITY Mrs. J. H. Kceney of La Grande is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. SV. E. Fergus. a O P F 8 t p S X A I II S SUOP Another Busy Week Of Garment Selling EXTRA! SPECIAL! One Rack of . ; Dresses Vi Price Silk Dresses, Georgette Dresses, Canton Crepe Dresses, Wool Dress es all Half Price. BACK TO THE LD PRICE (, Eaton's Highland Box Stationery -.'.- and Correspondence Cards 50c per Box. POPULAR FICTION BOOKS By all your favorite authors at 75c Per Copy. -AT- 1 m 'S hi; E "Try the Drugstore First" How to Wssli llaniK'ls. Have two receptacles ready when washing flannels. Pour into one of them water not too hot for the hands to bear com fortably. Add enough soap solution made from a neutral or mild .soap or a wool soap to make a good sads, and put them into the water to soak for ten or fifteen minutes. Prepare a second tub of water having the same temperature as that of the first or a Kllghtly h'gher tem perature. Pass the garments from the first to the second wa ter; the second water should be a suds if the first suds hns not removed all the soil, ltinse free of soap in several waters; be sure to Keep the temperature cons'nnt. When drying, shape by pulling and stretching. If flannels uro to be pressed, thoy nhould be allowed to dry first and should then be covered with a slightly dampened, piece of cheesecloth and iron with a moderately hot lion. The cheesecloth draws up the fibers ofthe flannel, giving It the fluf fy appearance of a new garment. I 'mlorwear nnd woolen stockings should be stretched into shape, not ironed. V. D, . We Buy Right We Sell Right Cocoanut in original case, fresh stock, bulk, lb 30c 20,000 Count Midget Pickles, sweet, full bbl., pint -- 45c Walnuts by the ton, genuine Oregon budded, pound 35c and 45c Stock Fish from Norway, pound 50c Sunmaid Raisins, fresh stock, gull weight pkg. 25c Cream of Wheat, package 25c Santa Clara Prunes, pound 15c Gray Eros. Special Blend Coffee, pound 25c Best White Laundry Soap, 20 bars $1X0 Big Cheese, weight 1100 pounds, the finest made, pound 50c Eastern Oysters, we ship direct, pint 75c Fresh Squash and Pumpkin, pound -...04c Kellogg Corn Flakes, 2 packages . 25c We are Umatilla county distributors for Wyan dctte Washing Powder and Detergent. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phones 28 Qalj I Quality the Bast MMMMM jjj IB -m m mm imii mm m a Liijoleum Is; i the Ideal FI091 For The j Kitchen In summer --.-nr-hpn floor should be cool. But in ,f i. flrnr wmter, naturally, you wan a r ; p these requirement so well as imoieum. - g of corkhe best non-conductor of heat known In sum-. mer it is cool ; in winter, warm. Because there .m : . cracks in a linoleum floor, it is warmer than the average d floor WOLinoleIm is sanitary and easy to clean-it savesiour hours of scrubbing. It is comfortable to tired feet, a point ; to think of if you haVe to stand at your work. It is Uur- able and inexpensive. ' CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. : Where Your Credit Is Good. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW 103 E. COURT PHONE 496 PENDLETON.ORE. :j P! INVITATION n MEET WASHIXGTOX, Jan. 12. (U. P.) H. M. L'arueh. a New York finan cier, Siimuol iCIompers, lubor leader. und lEdwiu T. Meredith, former secre tary of agriculture, today accepted Invitations to President Harding's ub ricultuiul congress January 23. C. Spcnce of Oregon City and E. E. Fuville of Spokane, uro also among those ucecplliitf Invitations, Secretary Wallace has announced. Learn to Save This little phrase means a multitude and in these days it behooves every housewife to take heeding. Save enough on your groceries and meats to buy the shoes for the family and you have accomplished something worth while. Inquire of us about our cou pon system and the extra 5 per cent saving we extend to you over and above the strictly cash price. You help to pay no bad accounts. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPA1N & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors NATIONAL WOOMiltOWiatS Rii:i:t. SALT "LA KK t'iTV, Jan. 12. (V. IM 'I'ho national woolgrowers asso ciation in their 67th annual conven tion elected Frank K. lluirenherth president for the tenth time. , Ob jectives to bo achloved this yeuy are a tariff of 33 cents a pound, for scoured wool nnd five cunts imported lambs, compensatory duties on man- uiacuireu wools and enactment American valuation applied to du ties. They will also secure iinai niu through agricultural cred its and war finance corporation. They expressed opposition to the es tubllshment of additional ' national park areas now used for grazing purposes. IS Thought Dust Method May in Time Supercede Cumber, some Liquid Treatment. (East Oregonian Special.) STANB'IKl.IJ. Jan. 12. A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dun ning motored out to their home on the project Monday evening n,nd surprised them. Dancing rnd card playing was the diversion of the even.'ng. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. liarragcr enter tained a number of their friends Mon- dav evening. Four tables of five nun- OORVAUJS. Jan. 12. The copper dred were plnved. Those present learbonate dust treatment for stink were Mr. and Mrs, frame sioan -nr. ing smui oi wueut ujjurciui.v is mn: ami Mrs. S. P. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. cessful Is announced by H; 1J. llarss, K M. Hills. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cole, plant pathologist of the O. A. C. Ex Mf. nnd .Mrs. C. W. Connor. Mr. and perlment station. Mrs. T. O. Yates Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Although definite results cannot be Stuart. Delicious refreshments were obtained until next harvest, the win sewed at the close of the evening. ter stand of grain in fields thus treat VV. H. Copclund of Portland, is ed in 17 Oregon counties shows less spending a few days on his ranch. injury than stands where seed wus James M. Kylo returned Sunday treated by either the formaldehyde or from a week's visit in Portland. tho bluestone-llme method The Neighborhood Five Hundred "It is entirely possible that this Club met Friday evening at the home method may in time supersede, the of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Connor. A six cumbersone liquid treatment," said o'clock dinner was served, after which Professor linrss. "It also seems to five hundred was played. The high promote prompt und more vigorous scores were won by Mrs. Don Prultt germination. Two ounces of copper and John F. Pagan. , carbonate In dust form are thorough Tho Merry (io Itound Club metIy .mixed with each bushel of seed In Wednesday evening at the home of ,a revolving drum. Mr. and .Mis. V. II. Martin of Qlen- "The ultimate solution of the smut denliifc' street. Cards and dancing i problem does not lie in improved 'i .' WW'. SV i 111 wrm v wamm4 RECORD OP 19,200 IBS. Istein cow uflj tho same herd, which I completed year's test th's month !w.ith a record of 16.H63 pounds of milk. The previous recornmas neia by a West Virginia University Hoi stein, with a milk production record of about 13.0JJ0 pounds. k MOIICAXTOWX. V. V., Jan. 12. West Virginia's record milch cow is Johan Potter Belle, a prize Holstein. of the herd of I V. Harner. a dairy man, of near Sabraton. which has just completed a year's registry test with a I record of more than 19,200 pounds of milk. The previous state record was held by Nellie Wayne Vilkje, a Hoi- I were the amusement. C, W. Connor was In Tuesday. Hermiston treating methods, but in the growlhg of varieties of wheat which are high ly resistant or immune to the disease. Mrs. Asa Fulford is spending some Great progress lias been ' made time on the Umatilla ranch, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V Daughwsty.- , IEX S. Severance returned ' Friday morning from a business trip to Port land. Mrs. Chester Enrney entertained the Pollyannas Wednesday afternoon ut her homo on Main street. The Study Club met nt the home of Mrs. F. 13. Stuart Thursday afternoon after the usual routine of business the literary program consisted of a paper f on Jlary 'K. Wilkins 'by Miss Jennie Mhon. Mrs. Prnnlf Slnnn cave a. rend- fiuther im gm-ai! orne Jowett, and Mrs. K. S. Severance gave a history of Alice 'Brown nnd her writings. Mr Joe Cunha of Echo, was in town Monday. ,; Mrs. Jefferies was a business visitor in Echo Monday. In Oregon under the direction of H. M. H. iWoolman, field assistant In cereal in vestigations. In trials with nearly 1000 varieties and strains of wheat, ho hns discovered 12 or more varieties which are highly resistant to smut, and which may In time be developed Into varlet.'es suitable for the dfffcrent sectons of the state. During t lie course of war 750 Kng lish and 800 French airmen saved themselves from burning balloons by moans of parachutes. IMg H eauty Unsurpassed The wonderfully rcflntd, Pwljr.whitt complexion rendernl, iwingi lucktli Clearance of youth. Rt. ultt are Instant. Highly Mtiwntlc. Exerts a loftand toothing action. Over 73 years In use.' 5emf 15 1 ht Trial Slit IJtiHT WIXMS AND IlKtU FAVOIIKI). CIIICAOO, Jan. 12. (F, l)The city council on a vote of 52 to 4 ad opted a strong resolution favoring light wines and beer. 103 DKATHS m;POHTi:i. NEW YOltK. .Tan. 12rf P. . .. ....... It VUILVU Ollll.V Utlll- paiy first for the Vnited Htates as a result of poison liquors are, 403. , i s 5 Mamma knows that if she buys the bread the kiddies like that it is bound to please the other members of the family. So she purchases our deli cious loaf the bread with the food-authority. Pendleton Baking Co. Billiard Champ Cigars are becoming incretisinglv popular among women "workers. Til So easy to drop Cigarette Cigar, or Chewing habit No-To-Bac has helped thousands ti break the costly, nerve-shattering to bacco habit. Whenever you have a longing for a smoke or chew, Just place a harmless No-To-P.ac tablet in your mouth instead. All desire stops Shortly the habit is completely broken, ind vou are better off mentally, phy sically, financially. It's so easy, so sjuiiue. Hot a box of No-To-Bac and If it doesn't release you from all crav ing for tobacco In any form, youi druggist will refund your money with iit at",'n. WATADDHA! 1F1IY is guaranteed by 30-yearl service to millions of Americans. Kondon's works wonders for your cold, sneeilng, cough, chronic catarrh, bead. ache, sore nose, etc FREE 20 Treatment Ha on el your sane and sddraM KONDON linneagolli. Mlaa. i , uruggista Hall's Catarrh Medlclae Those who are In a "run dowo" condl don will cotlce that Catarrh bother! them much more than when they are. in good health. This fact proves that whlla Catarrh Is a local dlseuse. it. is greatly influenced b- constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la Tonic and Blood Purifier, end acts through the blood upon the mueoue enrfarea of the body, thus reducing the Infl n.imatloa and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. -It Give that Bo Chance j'pij Start him off !.now NvMhU.i lUnsohcr Instrumtnit wldlo lo can Johi the band and not a start In Music whBo the oiHWuiUty Is offered. , See A. W. LUNDELL at Once. Easy payments if Ucslrvtl. 1' rr-T" a iS )iiiiTna"'iT QUALITY : SERVICE SANITATION Choice JVteats J fair Prices As a good judge of meats, you'll enjoy buy- ; ing here where there are so many delicious' "; steaks, chops and roasts. You'll appreciate i their freshness, the sanitary manner in which;, they are handled, and the tender, healthful CUtS. :" And our prices are as low as you can find anywhere and lower than most. , Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 the Sign of Servtae "Iflt's On the Market We Have It." x . . .. 4 r l M1!M' A 14 APPRECIATION the Keynote of all our Prices On recognition of your FRIENDSHIP, CONFIDENCCE, LOYALTY and GOOD WILL is our determination founded to give you full value for your, money always. best I "APPRECIATION" SAVINGS CAN BE MADE HERE High grade 7 oz Toilet Toilet Soaps, the for the price. paper, 4 rolls....2.jC bars 2oc Klenzb' Mechanics Soarj Clearance price 3 cans .,( Johnny l-ton, bt-dalla, Mo., Is ojram world champion threeus'a ion bllllordlst Ha lost the title la tournamant ply, but quickly re n-Hnoil u In cbaiiense m.-vtcb, A... , .. - - i: CONTINUANCE OF THE WONDER BARGAINS Sleds, flexible flyers 1-2 Price Dolls, all kinds -1-2 Price Boudoir Lambs, electric ............1-2 Price Baskets, all kinds -1-2 price Stationery, high grade 1-2 price Winter Underwear 1-2 price "THE BARGAIN BULLETIN" Stamped Goods, Towels, Aprons, are all going at 1-2 Price 1 SERVICE OF SINCERITY : ;r To PEKVB with tho SI'IIUT OF HKI.T'Kl'f NESS to employ every fncility for INCUKAPlVf THE rSBFI'LXKSS of this store to build irpori '" the foundation of LOVALTY, one to. another, and ' ALL to our community: '"" To bo WORTHY of fullest CONFIDENCE-".. to keep FAITH in every TKANSACTIO.Y. no rhat-J: - ter how small. to lio FIUKN'DLY, SINCiEIlE-:','f to receive I'ATtiOXS AS O PESTS to radiate COUUIAUTY and GOOD CHEER; Those things constitute the aim of THE BEE, HIVE. - ., . '- You will realize etit s;iv inss by making your purchas es of dinncrware now, for we are giving 'i.a liberal dis count of 33 1-3 on top of our already low prices. THE BEE K1VE ; I t."- i t. PENDLETON OREGON-' "More for Less? si