East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 12, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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The net press run of yesterday's Daily
ThU paper 1 a member of and audited
by lha Audit Bureau of Circulations.
The. East Oreonln U Eastern Pre-
goo's greatest newrixiper and aa a sell
inir force gives to th advertiser over
tic tlid guaranteed paid circulation
in IVndletos and Umatilla county of
any other newspaper.
VOL. 33
NO. 10030
; ? .
OREGON NARC0T1Cuncle samwants u
mum to
'after weathering storm;
: . i
Association Urges State Colon
ization of Drug Addicts and
Amendment to Section 19.
nw?jL mmm as
lt k. MM R
This is Second Grant of Am- L7Ln'lhL,'lrke Tal!!."B p"ri Trouble
St. .Mlhiel is accompanying the vessel.
Need for That Number Exists
in County; Artillery Branch
to Have Headquarters Here.
nestv Given Prisoners Since i
w.mtAti nv me i.nuca nuues ki'-i
jernmcnt about 17 officers In fmntjlla j . . rjSh peaCe Treaty lS Signed1
i omi ni I irt uorvn in th reserve. UIII- J
cers In the late war, or soldiers who j
we ro recommended for commissions,
or men who served without ever hav- j
ine been recommended are desired, .
NKW YOR1C, Jan. 12. (1". '.)
After weathering the hurricane last
nigh', the transport Ornoke is slowly
approaching the port under her own
steam. . I
I Wireless messages this morning say
that after riding out the heavy storm
Pacific and Mountain State
Governors Will be Asked to
Aaid in General Campaign.
PORTLAND, Jan. 12. (U. P.)
The Oregon. Narcotic Control Associa
tion was formed here yesterday at a
meeting called by Governor Olcott.
The International court or congress
proposed to place a world-wide curb
on the drug menace. The association
urges the state colonization of drug
addicts and an amendment to section
19 of the federal Immigration laws
tallv able, he won't have a great deal
j of trouble breaking into the commis
stoned usi.
That in effect is the news that has j
been brought back to Pendleton by
Captain Lyman G. nice, now In com
mand of the seeonU battalion of the
361st Field Artillery, whose headquar
ters will be here. A total of 19 offi
cers are, called for in the" skeleton or
ganization, according to Captain ltice,
and as far as his information goes,
there are only two reserve artillery of
ficers In the county. The first step in
the organization work from present
indications will be to fill the quota, of
commissioned officers.
Battalion headquarters and the
headquarters' battery i Battery D, and
the battnli'on combat train will be cen-
in Oil Fields Makes
it Necessary for Governor
to Call Out State Troops.
Four hundred registered targets will
First Grant Covered
I lift phnt hv thft t'findtntnn nnd!
Minor 'c'un ciub. sorting on Sunday with j'Cleanup' Campaign Against
i the shooting of BO targets at Collins i
Offenses; Number Released rr?hnLclTT,hlvTsrnIvl Alleged Saloons and Gambl
ing Resorts is Inaugurated.
AUSTIN', Jan. 12. (A. P.) Mar-
tial law at Mexia,. Texas, and the sur
Governor Olcott will call an lmme-
dlate conference of the Pacific and
mountain states governors tq extend
the organization nnd draw up plans
for a campaign.
PUT OUT $1 1
Ireland prior to the operation of the
truce last July." The release of pris
oners will begin immediately.
tere,i in Pendleton. Milton will be the
provicing tor aeponauu.. . home of Battery- r, ana uauery r. ... . n , s 4 rJ11M.dntely. .
alien drug peddlers after completion at The r)nlleg. The 361st will be .... . ..
' " .. CiiMJ.tll I""' " Rnnron .nnlud o in n out i- "in nuM
! 1 1. r...l...,A. I7uirlm.lll I I ' " - '
win oe nu.so u'i'"- , I to the political offenses committed in
Reserve officers can not be com
pelled to take more than two weeks
training for any one year, and active
service Is required only when an emor
niuv la declared bv congress. Cap-
fDAKIIl Ikl PflMDAluV Til tain Rice declared today that he will
KAImLlli uUIYIr HI 1 1 III be Bind ,o ulk to any mcn who nte
M"'I,KM .VVM.l'-U .M v .- Aiio-tble for commissions in the . re
. Aftor the commissioned personnel
lli filled certain non-commissioned of
ficers .who will have special duties
will be selected.
NEW TO Rid Jan. 12. A $1000 car
is to do put on the market by the
Franklin Automobile Company, Syra
cuse. It was announced today by H. H.
Franklin at a meeting of eastern
Franklin dealers. A chassis of the
new car Was exhibited privately on
this occasion.
The far has a four-cylinder, air-
cooled" engine, weighs 1,800 pounds
arid is of five-passenger size.
; Production w1l- commence early in
1923, the actual date depending upon
completion of patterns, tools and the
roc'.'-'m',' of machinery. Quantity de
llNcni's aro In prospect by April 1923,
at, which time output will be ncaring
the 100 car oer day mark.
The new car was developed in 1918
and 1919 and was to have been pr6
duced In 1920 but was postponed when
business depression hit the country.
Fntnkin officials anticipate that the
new car will come on the market at a
time" when general conditions will be
most favorable for volumesale.
'The outstanding features of the car",
aside from its low price, will be its
eaV riding and handling, road-ability,
gasoline and tire economy and the air
cooling system. It will be a "world
wide utility car." Mr.-Franklin states.
.'Besides the $1000 touring car, a Be
dan Is also to be produced, price of
which, although not yet fixed, will be
tfnually low.
' . Merchandising of the 1000 car will
vinnii tn world markets and will
mean considerable expansion of 'deal
srshios In this country, the meeting
disclosed. !
.be shot on each of the seven Sundays
Today Totaled Exactly 1000r
The registered targets will be shot
j In conjunction "With the Spokesman
" Review Telegraphic Shoot which will
UOXDON, Jan. 12. (I. N. S.) 'open at the same time. The first 25
Kimr Oeorce issued a rova'l nroclamu- ! targets shot at will count in the tele-
tion gran'ing amnesty to all Irish po- ;Sraphlc score and tho total of each rounding oil fields was proclaimed to.
litical prisoners. This was the second :nooter on tne nil registered inigetsday by Governor Neff. The Texas
grant of amnesty since the Irish peace be mailed each week to the Am- rangers have been on duty there
treaty was signed. The first ono cov- jerlcan Trap Shooting Association, un-8ince Saturday, when they Imiugurat
ercd minor offenses and released about whose auspices the registered ed a "cleanup" campaign nguinst the
RnOfl Sinn Feiners from Jail. The num- . shoots nre being held. ' alleged saloons and gambling resorts,
her released today totaled exactly I Shooting registered targets entitles I Troops Ordered to Mcxjo.
1000. jthe snooier witn nign scoro to win a MEXIA, Jan. 12. (IT. P.) Na
liopny eacn ween, in naumon, irere
will be a trophy for the, winner of the
average score on the total 400 regis
tered targets. Each shooter will he
entered in the American Trapshootlng
Association's year book where the of
ficial averages will be printed.
Because tho targets nre registered,
officers of the Pendleton Hod and
Gun Club believe this feature will add
nn Incentive to shooting at the Pen
dleton park.
Senator Watson of Georgia is
Only Democrat Favoring the
Senator From Michigan.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. (IT. P.)
Possibly the Newberry vote in the sen
ute will be tied. A canvas this morn
ing indicated that A3 were, for 40
ugalnst and four doubtful. Senator
Watson of Georgia Is the only demo
crat for Newberry. If the vote Is close
Watson, who Is reported to be waver
ing, is likely to vote against Newberry
The democrats abandoned the Idea of
recommitting the case to the commit
tee, virtually assuring a vote today.
Hitchcock's Resolution Modified
The republicans ugreed to modify
Hitchcock's resolution yesterday to In
clude censure of extravagant use of
money in elections. It appears now
the senate will begin a vote shortly
after three o'clock. i
Ohio Senator For wberrj '
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. (f. P)
Speaking immediately before the vot
ing began senator Wilson, of Ohio, a
daubtful announced he would vote for
Newberry. , Poindexler is still doubt
ful, Jones Is against and Stnnflold and
McNary are for tho Michigan senator.
Evacuation of Troops .Starts.
DUBLIN, Jan. 12. (U. P.) The
evacuation of British troops began to
day. Tho regular forces nre packing
their storfe and,-quipmcnt und the
hated Blacks and Tans are already en
training for England. The king's
amnesty to all political prisoners is ef
fective immediately, it was announced
Mothers of Eighth Grade Man
ual Training Students Asked
to Submit Work for Class.
iieaxtu cavses resignation
MALI LA, Ja: 12. (U. P.) I"
health caused the resignation of Fres.
idejit Quezon! the Philippine senate
- '- .,f '
BERLIN, Jan. 12. (I'. P.) A re
port from Budapest states that many
were killed in a chemical factory ex
plosion there.
GALVESTON, Texas, Jan. 12. Any
move on the part of Boston, or any
other Atlantic port, to disturb grain
rate arrangements will be resisted by
Galveston shipping interests. An ef
fort on the part of Boston to bring
about a diversion of grain traffic to
give tho Massachusetts port a larger
share of the country's export trade,
will start a big fight.
tional guardsmen were ordered at
noon by Brigadier General AVollers to
proceed to Mexia to enforce the mar
tial law declared by Governor Neff.
The secret of how to get Jimmv ,
Pendleton, a school boy In the eighth j
irr,i,i to heln In doing odd job re-1
pairs about the house and at the same I "Three Finger Jack" Goodwin will
time to help educate and train himself j begin a union meeting tonight at the
while he Is heluine mother keep tne; First Methodist Kplscopal cntircn,
house looking right has been solved. ! East Webh and Johnson streets. The. )V Rupt. v. W. Green who mudo a
At least Lynn C. Btichncr in charge oi meetings are for everybody, so comic, i Pa for the county unit plan.
the manual training work oi eignin iThey begin at 7:30 o'clock ann every
grade boys thinks he has a solution to : minute will be packed with life and
High School Costs Range From
$92 to $600 Pupil; Green
Favors Adoption Unit Plan.
Members of the Pendleton Com
mercial Association perked up their
ears today at the forum luncheon
when Supt. Raymond Orth of the
Htnnfield schools declared that the
cost per pupil per year of high
school education in rmntllln county
ranges from about 92 to more than
$1100. This wide margin of differ
ence in education costs wus received
with interest by the members nt the
luncheon because the statement of
the Stnnfield man roiiowea speccn
LONDON. (By Mail to United
Press.) Only the substitution of n
bnhy-carrlnge for a hearse marred the
effort bf nn unemployed couple here
to have a "regular funeral" for their
first-born child.
By a desperiite,idrueBlc, the parents,
one of the hundreds of thousands of
work less purents, managed to obtain
a eemetiiry plot. .They could hot af
ford henrse or carriages, so they laid
their baby in a little elm coffin, with
enamelled fittlnRs, and trundled It to
d minister
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. (IT. P.)
Major General William M. Wright,
commander of the ninth corps area
nt San Francisco, was relieved today
and assigned to command the Phil
ippine department, leaving early in
the cemetery, mourners nnd
accdmpanyini;. ''
NEW VOHIC, Jan. 12. (U. P.)
Seven large independent steel plants
urn being arralsed preparatory to a
great merger to create a rival to the
I'nlted States Steel Company.
'Reported by Major Lee Moorhouse,
local weather observer.
Maximum, 28.
BinJmum, 15.
Barometer, 30:32. j
Continued cold weather.
the problem. It is being tried out
The solution lies in having tho boys
In the course of manual training In the
eighth grade do the repair work that
may. be found In about every house
hold. One restriction put on by the
department, however, Is that the class
will do work of this kind only for the
mothers who have boys In the class. .
. The manual training class is not
confining its activities to woodwork
alone as is quite often the case, ac
cording to Supt. H. E. Inlbw. House
hold mechanics is being studied as
well. Woodwork has a place In the
work, of course, and drawing, solder
ing, plumbing, furniture repair, re
placing and glazing glass, screen fix
ing and other tasks of the same na
ture are being mastered by Jimmy.
The following letter Is now being sent
to mothers of hoys In the eighth grade
class at Lincoln school. The Wash
ington school boys of the eighth grade
have already had their worn in me
training, and the Hawthorne boys will
have the final three months period of
the school year. Following Is a text
of the letter being sent to mothers:
"Have you any furniture you would
like to have repaired? Is your door
bell working? Are all your faucets In
eoort renalr? Have yon any pots.
pans, or kettles you would like to have
soldered? Or would you line to nn
some simple household utility made?
Here Is a suggestive list: Screen, win
flow box; towel rack: knife box;
bench; Ironing board; etc.
"Tour boy is In the manual train
ing class and part of his course con
sists of doing some of the projects
enumerated above. If you care to
have something on this order done the
Instructor would be pleased tp have
DETROIT, Jan. 12. (I'. P.) Ar
rangements are practically completed
for the Ford Interests to take over the
plant of the Lincoln Motor company
commerce quantity production of high
class cars. Ford's agent will appear
February 4 at the receivers sale of the
Lincoln plant prepared to bid $11,
000.000 for It. Ford has long believed
large cars could be turned out as eas
ily as the present small type.
Stock Holders Prot-rt-d
Ford engineers have been working
several months on the problem of put
ting the Lincoln factory on a Ford
production basis and have the details
worked out.
Edscl Ford's keen Interest in the
Lincoln plant helped to persuu.de
Henrv Ford to decide nn the proposed
action. It Is contemplated that the
orlsinril purchasers of Lincoln rom
mon "A" stock will be protected.
Mi.nv thousands of dollars in ex
penditures could be saved In the
county If the plan were to lie put
Into execution, Mr. Orth declared,
nnd In support of his plan he point
ed out that. every town Is supporting
a school which costs a great deal of
money to conduct. Consolidation of
the schools in many places would
have the result of cutting costs, he
said. That this plan is tne nest one
that can be used now to realize the
ambition of everyone for lower
school taxes was one of the state
ments of Mr. Green.
Representative Frank Sloan told of
his efforts in the legislature in gel-
tine the measure through, it can he-
improved greatly, he said, nut ne
voted for it as the first step In nn
improved program.
Ralph Holte was ulso a speaker.
12. (IT. I'.) Thomas E. Wilson,
president of the Institute of American
Meat Packers told the annual conven
tion of the American National Live
stock Association that a turn has been
reached In the packing Industry. He
said 1922 would see an upward turn
from tho present low levels.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. (Fj P.)
The Evening Post, one of the oldest
newspapers tn the city has tKn sola
to n syndicate. The purchasers' name
and details nre unannounced.
Warner Asked to Bring Decisi
on to Next Meeting on Legal
Status of Present Head.
Tonight and
ridny fair.
L1S ANGELES, Jan. 12. d'. P.)
The trial of Arthur C. Burch for the.
murder of John Belton Kennedy, will
probably be concluded Saturday. By
agreement arguments conclude late
Friday. Judge Reeves' instructions
are ready and they will require two
hours. The defense counsel win con
clude their argument todny.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.dr. P.)
Senator Watson is anxious to have
General Pershing called before the
senate investigating commltliui to ex
plain the procedure tnken before
American soldiers ""jre ov.intcd in
Fiance. It Is expe'i-id that Push
ing will be. called ait-r the conm lt-l
tee has thoroughly invcstliimcd Ihel
court marital system as operitivj In
Illegal HuiigiiigH Impossible.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. (U. P.)
Colonel Samuel V. ltumm said It
was Impossible that illegal hangings
and lynchlngs could huve occurred.
French officials and people were
notified and allowed to uttend. At
the hangings directed by Hamm at
Is-Sur-Tlllc 500 American soldiers
were present from various rompa
. . . .... m I fl ... iaJbv In t.i-.lnii
you send him a Description oi yiini.nn- - w .- ... i--
wants and if the project is feasible, he '.nary vote defeated the mendnHnt or
will Instruct the bov as tn Its accom-if mil by Norrif, a iviilillcaii fnm
plishment. The only char will be Xcl rai-Ua to unseat N.-u lx-rry by a
for the material used. vHe of Rl to II. Th;s amendment
"This letter is being sent to each ias lo Hie r'iiilillcnn resolution tie
boy's home. It Is hoped thut'we will linr tig that Newberry Is entitled to
get a large variety of projects which :n seat and It paved (lie way for a fl
will be helpful to the whole class." liul vote. ,
CHICAGO, Jan. 12. (C. P.) A
civic ooera association has been
formed to take over the Chicago
grand opera company. Charles In
sull Is president of the new organi
sation which guarantees to raise half
a million dollars annually for five
years. Mary Garden remains direct
Spanish Cabinet Resigns.
MADRID. Jan. 12.--(IT. P.) The
Span'sh cabinet, headed by Senor
jMaura, has reargued.
May wheat closed at $1.10 5-8 to
day and July grain ut $0.99 3-8, as
contrasted with yesterday's closing
of $1.10 7-8 for May and $1.00 for
Following are the quotations re
ceived by Overbeck & Cooks, local
Open High I.ow Close
May $1.11 $1.124 $1.1014 $1.10;
July 1.00 1.00 .99 Vi .99
Sterling. 423.
Marks, 56 VI.
i Paris, 830, .
- - .......
Criticisms officially brought against
W. R. Taylor, city detective and nctlng
city mnrshull by Councilman R. C.
Lawrence recently because he has not
moved to Pendleton since being secur
ed by 'the municipality was brought to
a head Inst night at the weekly meet
ing of the city council by Councilman
Wllhird Bond, chairman of the police
committee. Bond stated that Taylor's
delay in moving to Pendleton was
caused by reason of the fact that his
mother ls critically III at her home at
Athena. That he is ready to move on
24 hours notice if the council demands
it .was another statement of the police
committee chairman.
The legal status of Taylor's right to
hold the office of city marshall was
discussed superficially Inst night and
the question was referred to City At
torney Harold J. Warner for a report
ut the next meeting. He gave it as
his opinion lust night that Taylor has
already established residence here, but
he told the council thnt he had not
gone into the question thoroughly.
The city charter requires that one of
the requirements of a city marshall
Is that he shall be a city elector. That
residence Is a matter of Intent largely
and not where one's household goods
may be wus the expression of the city
The expression of the council as a
Whole showed hat it would not favor
demanding that Taylor move while
h1 mother's health Is critical. Coun
cilman Lawrence declared that he
thought Taylor should he asked to
move immediately. Penlnnd andMe
Mim es said they thought he should
spend ss much time us possible here.
and replied that he thought the city is
now getting more iiours service from
the chief of police than has been given
for many years. Taylor spends the
night in Pendleton about half of the
time. Bond said, and he has maintain
ed a room here since he came on the
A report on the work done at the
municipal conference at Spokane last
Saturday -was made by Muynr Hnrt
man. Practically all of the camp
grounds In the Northwest are munici
pally owned and operated, the reports
at the conference disclosed. A chanre
of bo cents a day will be made for the
use of the .tourist camp here during
the coming senson, according to the
rules adopted at the conference. Oth
er cities will take similar action, and
by giving tourists Uniform troatment
nnd having the camps standardized
the "kicks" of the jitney tramps, as
some of the homeless wanderers have
been dubbed, will be neutralized, It is
His Action is Expected ty Af
fect Decisions Reached
and About to be Reached.
Briand Declared United States
Had Agreed to Participate In
Genoa Economic Conference
PARIS, Jan. 12. (A. P.) Premier
Rrland resigned today. Briand put I "
the Anglo-French pact, the- question
of postponement of the German re-
t-arutlons payments, and the French
participation In the Genoa conference
squarely -up to the chamber of depu-
ties, telling them In the bluntest Urbis
to taks them or leave them. "A far ..
as 1 am concerned I am merely mak- ;
tng these explanations to you and do .
not ask your approval . or refusal. -.
Here is France's security. Take It or
leave it. You have been complaining "
three years of not being called upon,,
to share In shaping Frsnch policies, f .'.
am bringing you what you have en
demanding, and it Is up to yea to say
whether you ynmt it or not," i . ,v '
In the .course of his speecfh 'firiand ;
said the Vnlted States agreed to pgr- ''
tlclpnte In the Genoa economic een- ' -.
ference ,u..v..v-v.h
2 ' ' Is RninlwheU to Cflnfereiic v .1' '
WASHINGTON, Jan. It.tJ-(A.-P..N-The!,
resignation of premier Briand '
wasta bombshell to the arms confer
once. This action Is expected to effect
the : decisions already reached and ' '
those about to be reached. ... 1
, Will Defend Ills Course
PARIS; Jan. 12. (f. P.) Premier
Brlilnd arrived and wUl appear before 1
the chamber at three o'clock to de-.
fend his course nt the supreme council ,"
at flannes. The cabinet has announeV
fd a complete unanimous agreement '
with the premier's policy. ... :
, Conference Is Disrupted " '!
CANNES, Jan. 12. (U. P.) Pref
mler Brland's departure to Paris temV
pnrarliy disrupts the conference. , ,The
council today discussed reparations
with the German delegation.. Rathe
nau. declnred 'Germany la unable l
pay more than two hundred million
gold marks this year. The council also
agreed to the Genoa conference affen "
Deputies Are Amazed ' ;. V1 4 '
PARIS, Jan. 12. (U. P.) The
deputies were amazed ut the move'
and were uncertain whether the resig- '
nation was due to hostility among the '
various groups In the chamber or dlsT
senslons within the, cabinet. ., In bli
speech Brinnd said ' the reparations
would not be discussed at Get. wherft
i.urucipnnis must accept Frai
guarantees, France . would not ' lose" '
one centime. Under the agreement;
he said, Britain would stand by France
with her full war strength In " the
event of German aggression,
Brland's agreement to meet 'V the
Russians at Genoa and the terms of
the Anglo-French alliance were '-'
verely criticized which caused Brland's',
downfall. V ' ,. . :
Cabinet lteBlgns Also i ''
PARIS, Jnn. 12. (U. P.) Premier
Rrland this afternoon addressed the
chamber of deputies. He said he had
come to tell the truth regarding the,
distorted reports of the Cannes con
ference. At the conclusion of his ad
dress Briand tendered the resignation
of himself and cabinet. The premier
made a long plea for support of the
rhumber and indicated his disgust at
the attitukle of his opponents. After
resigning he and his cabinet immediately-left
the chamber. . ." .
Resignation Is Accepted '
PARIS, Jan. 12. (U. P.) Presi
dent Mlllernnd accepted the resigna
tion tendered Immediately ' after
Briand left the chamber. Replying to
the request as to. what caused his
resignation Briand said, "I needed bet
ter support if I were to continue.'.' . Ha
also declared the French delegates at
Cannes would be required to return to
Paris because of his action but his
resignation will not Interfere with- the
proposed economic conference - at
Genoa, In a nexchange telefram from
Paris, a correspondent advises Lon
don that Briand has been asked to
form a new cabinet, ' : . v ; :
Polneare Tjcad Attack ' '
' PARIS, Jan. 13. IT. P.) Polneare
led the attacks which resulted .in
Brland's resignation. Mlllerand can
invite Briand to form a new ministry
or call one of his opponents, possibly
Polneare,' to ascertain if the newcom
er can gather sufficient strength to
win a vote of confidence. Leon Bour
geois, a pacifist and - Raoul Peret,
president of the chamber -of deputies
recommended to Mlllerand that Poln
eare be called.. - V'. f .