TEN. PAGES Daily east oregoniak. pendleton, Oregon, Saturday evening, January 7, 1022. page nt People Here and There H. A. Garland of Dallas. Texas, U a after h;s interests in the Uutter I'rvek business visitor in rendleton. j section. William Riwrk of Pilot Kock is a business visitor in Pendleton today. W. A. Ithodes will leave Monday for a short trip to Angeles. I'ortland and Los James H. Sturgls has returned from . Portland where he attended the meet ing of the stale Chamber of ' merce. ' minr IKAUtJIKint-' SCHEDULED FOR CH!CAG0 CHICAGO. Jan. 7. (IT. 1'.) All l-'on.- i the unions except the bricklayers have voted to reject the wage award re Icemly made by Jud:,'e Landis. Ue- Maurice Leutier tiiia rclurned from ' newal if the building trades strike has . can rTancisco, wnerc he attended i meeting of the representatives of the J. A. Folger Company. Mr. Leader represents that company in this territory. been ordered for next Tuesday. L. V. Mack, one of the owners of the Warren Music Company of this city, will return to his home in Port land today. Mr. Muck has been in Pendleton looking after business interests. CltAXD JIUOKS (Continued " pag V) PfiRRiT PflRIINP, K I .IUIUWII I VIUUUIIIU lJ :i ciippcco ht DnDn!m j:j JUUULOJ HI UUhl.l.iliihj The scene shows a rescue, wherein. Holt brinss Francis Jlclional 1 Rifely j ashore, the hitler having taken a backward dive from the sid; of the' liiiH'kx cliff, a distance of fifteen feet. I i C. P. liowman, who for thirty years iwas a resident of I'matilla county, but who . now makes his home in Santa Monica, California, is here looking KXM'SKS IXll t'OMAUTFKS PARIS, Jan. 7 (A. P.I The ex cuse "my tniin was late." for arriving at ihe office long after the usual hour than can be sulHitnnlialed in Paris.) Kvery morning when a train brings I suburban commuters late into the Hare ft. l-ar-fre, an official stands at. the end of the platform giving to all who ask for them slips of paper stat ing how many hours or minutes the train was late. These can re shown by the holders to doubting bosses. come to the pass where the nets of the grand jury may be impugned with safety that "we are approaching Rus sia's condition." New Grand Jury Judge O. W. Phelps said that a grand Jury will be drawn during the January term of couit which starts Monday. If any extraordinary action by the court on the question seems necessary, it will be taken, according to Judge Phelps. Frank Cable declared today that when he appeared as a witness before the grand Jury that he wis uucstloned by both the district attorney :yid the grand jurors. (Kast Oiesonian Special. PlAUl.AN. Jan. ;. The r.ibh. poisoning campaign Is being worked out systematically in Morrow count: during the present fax oral le weather. The main difficulty Is that it snoxvs p little every ntsht and covers up the aait necessitating daily distribution of small quantities. A series of drives KIVOM TOI.Y H iiry Carey has won h's sjurrs. The ace of the saddle has beer) made a I'niversal-Jewel star and In; 'The Fox", his initial super-feature. ' he proved to hundreds xx ho atte'ided , the i:;voli Theatre last nisM that he! is worthy of the '.loner. ' To the public, the trade name' I'nixers.il-Jcxxcl" menus that the pie-' ture is rent lo the screen with the test ! .v- i.i,. ..ek..a . l, ...... .v a J tradition of I nixersal City l-ehird it in me motion picture iiiuusnj iv means that it Is a picture of which Carl Laemmle, the trail-blazer of the Your Biggest Wishes Answered YOU WHO ARE WISHING FOR: 1. HEAT EFFICIENCY 2. COAL CLEANLINESS 3. LITTLE ASH 4. A WELL-WARMED HOME Demand Peacock Coal WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS PHONE 178 Smythe-Lonergan Co. -Quality' Quantity - Service m nn fa UUto nn JV SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7, 1922 LIBERTY HALL UNDER MANAGEMENT OF SAWYER'S ORCHESTRA EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED ADMISSION, 75c LADIES FREE EPIPHAXY TEA GIVEN. Members of the ' parish of the Church of the Redeemer enjoyed nn Epiphany tea last evening in the par ish hall. Miss Flora McDonald enter tained the guest3 wHh several Scotch dances accompanied by Jack Coleman on the violin. Later in 1he evening Jack Coleman sang several songs. The Epihpany cake was cut by Mrs. C. M. Cook and the ring fell to Mrs. Homer H. Hnllock, who. according to custom, will act as hostess for the Epiphany- tea next twelfth night. Mrs. O. W, Phelps found the button In the cake, Mrs. C. H. Marsh the nickel and Mrs. E. J. Murphy the thimble. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Helen Rob inson. Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Mrs. James Johns, Sr., and Mrs. E. J. Murphy. HAVE- GltEST FROM IDAHO. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Reglar have as their guest at the home of Mrs. A. Zeuske, 821 Perkins Avenue, Ralph Gano, president of the Chlleo Mining Company of Idaho. Mr. Beglar Is secretary and treasurer of the same company. MISS WILSON HOSTESS Miss Ruth Ann Wilson xvill enter tain the members of the high school faculty this cx'enlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams, 305 Wil son Street. A number .of tables of bridge will be In play during the even ing. HOME FKOM HOLIDAY ' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Leader have returned from a holiday trip to Port land, Seattle and San Francisco. While in Bcattle they were the guests of Mrs. Leader's motljer, Mrs. Eugene L. Moore. ECHO FOLKS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew of Krho are visitors In Pendleton today. Mr. Drew Is superintendent of schools in i Echo, and Mrs. Drew Is one of the teachers). OIRLS CLUB ORGANIZED Mrs. Edith G. Van Deusen returned today from th Columbia district where she assisted Mrs. Henry Som mer In organizing a girl's sewing club. MILS. ADDOMS RETURNS. Mrs. Rena Addoms has returned from Spokane where she has been en joying the Chrlbtmas holidays with relatives and friends. Calkins to supplement the strychnine. Miss Emma Bunse. county health muse, for Morrow county daring the J Past week has been called to. Seattle owing to lllnes in her family. Her! place has been taken by Mrs. Johnson last year public health nurse for Wal lowa county who is contimiitii; Miss Bunge's work t lrriguii and lioard man this week. The high school athletic association presented a three reel comedy -milled .V Duke for a Day" for the benefit ot Ihe treasury. The basket ball team is rounding into shape and xviil nice. Arlington tonight and Irrigoii Satur dav iiisht. S. H. Roaidman has been confined to Ihe house lor a few das owing to an attack of the grippe. Miss Wilma Gilbreth. member of the senior e.lus of the Hoardiuan high rchool has returned from a short visit to The Dalles. Mrs Claire P. Harter and the W. It. Morpin family have removed to the Kdinunds place southwest of town. Mr. Morgan has the contract for hauling milk to the cheese factory. The grades of the school that miseii their Christmas treat owing to the sudden cessation of school on account of the storm just before the holiday vacation held the same Friday. silent drama, is proud. "The Fox." stacks up. all In all. nsj one of the best dramas of the open, country ever filmi I nr. 1 it Is partic ularly pleasing to t x ho regard I Hurry Carey as the (. . t Western actor on the screen. f ll i Perf ectShaulikr and Aral wmmm Nothbt equal tlx beratiM, toft. PUrty white umeirancr Couttiul's Oriental Cim readers to the stiouklers ami anrt. Civersskin WemUhrt. Will not nib oft. tar tupctibC to wtHttrt. Send IV for Trial SU4 ttW.THOmS sua New York "Cifls That Last TIIK DIAMOND IS TIIK PKKlt OK Ala, LASTING JIFTS There can be no g ft more Joyously received, more treasured for its worth und beauty, more perfect in expression of seuiiineut Vhan the diamond. Those who hesitute about such an Investment be cause ot the importance of choosing, will find hero a large offering of carefully selected diamonds, fur which my store has become justly famous. -cJemeler 3 n Pcndletcn The Largest Diamond Dealers III Iiislcrii Oregon I till MOTION PICTURE NEWS --Mi Children 10c Adult 3Sc Loge.50c GENSEL IN CONCERT SUND AY AFTERNOON AT 2:30 P. M. JESSE L. LAS KY PRESENTS ,ltCADK SUNDAY AM) MOXDW Few screen productions have offer ed photoplav lovers the remarkable i Northland Rcenes which are the set tings for the story related in' James Oliver Cut-wood's "Isobel; or, Tho Trail's End," which is to lie presented nt the Arcade theatre for txxo days starting Sunday. ItlVOI.I SUNDAY AND MONDAY Diving twenty-five or more feet into! Icy wmor ut .Mammoth, California, fully dressed in a heavy fringed buck skin suit, was one of the feats accom plished by Jack Holt, in his first Para mount Rtur picture, "The Call of the i North," which will be file feature at the ltivoli theatre for two days beslu Ing Sunday. A SLAVE - I A A A. A A A A A A A A AAA AAA AAA AA V w Sch uman n-Heink World Famed Contralto , KEYLOR GRAND, JANUARY 20 F1HPKS lower Moor. 2.50: 1st tltiw rows' balcony, $2.50: ,nct sLt rows, $2.00; balance, $1.50, (Add 10 per cent war lax). Mall orders hUed NOW lu order of receipt, if aocompauicxl by jhcek. MALEN BURNETT 220 Marcus ' 220 Marcus Street., Walla Walla, Wn. LKAVE FOR ONTARIO Mrs. N. V. Van Patton and daughter Mrs., Grace Casper, who have been In Pendleton for tho past few days, Tcft today for Ontario. 4. LA GRANDE MATRON HERE Mrs. lien llngey of La Grande Is a guest nt thn homo of Mrs. R. Ray mond, -311 Wuter slreet. HERE FROM CAYUSE. Mr. and (Mrs. J..C. McKec of Cay. use are spending the day in Pendle ton. IN FTtOM RANCH. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore are in Pendleton from their ranch today. JAPAN WOXT JOIN (Continued from paga 1.) Pay Cash , Receive More Pay Leu Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 IF YOU CHARPE IT AND I CHARGE IT SOME BODY IS GOING TO GET AN AWFUL CHARGE! There's no argument for low prices when there has to be a lot of charges. A great percent of them are never collected for months and some never at all. So again we say Pay Cash and Pay Less at This . Market Despain & Lee Cash Grocery WRjQoprt . , Phone 88Q ban on the use of poison gas In war fare, according to certain Indications today. Great Britain, it was learned is ready to record its formal appro val to the Root resolution prohibit ing the use of deadly gases. . The United States und Italy have already approved tho resolution with a simi lar action contemplated by Krance and Japan in the near future. Wont Restrict Aircraft. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. (A. P.) Poison gas as an instrument of war fare was outlawed toduy by Great Britain, France, Italy and the United States, who through their reprosenta tixes In the Washington conference, approved the American proposul to prohibit it. A discussion of aircraft limitation started und will be continu ed Monday. The aircraft subcommittee reported ithey deemed it inadvisable to restrict aircraft and suggested it be left for a future conferenpe. Electricity takes the L out of the word slave. It saves a woman's strength and it actually saves mon ey. If you are up against the servant problem an electric washer will assist you wonderfully. You have a standing invitation to come in and view our restful electrical devices. J. L VAUGHAN Electric and Gas Supplies iOt E. Court Pho-ie 1.10 LADIES When irregular or suppressed use Triumph Pills. Safe and dependaale in all proper cases. Not sold at Drug dtnres. Do not experiment with ntttnru O'lea flluil nflf lintmellt. WrlL for "Relief" and particulars, It's fro 1 1 Vddress: National Medical Institute, 1 Milxvaukee, Wis. 1 JL'VJi v a jh. !i Wfc 11 jhm MP I 111 '. l'M'.iM:A !.ffj Ami r 1 I , : . I COMEDY I I Booth Talkincton't Edirar Stories - ------ I i I IB I I 1 0 Sun.-Mon. cJACIC in iGMqP Aorta .6 r-C? gammountgic!ure-i Lonely Itiml of the ivioxvs und the howling wolf pack. Where tho will of the stioimest mull Is law. where the wu.v of defeut Is the "Trull of Death."' Into this land, und ugainst tho tyrant who rulod It, comes a "rank outsider" to coiuiucr, avenge and love. A drama that stirs tho blood like a wintry wind In the fucc. lluclng through dauntless adven ture. Amid the wild beau ty of Nature unturned. S 1 II t t f - AESOP'S FABLES LITERARY DIGEST 8 ARCAD Stin.-Mmi Children Sc Adults 25c 28 YEARS AGO "a l- .. -r- 1 9. the Daily East Oregonlap, j j January 7. 1894.) i ( From Two hundred and forty-eight youni people were made victims of Cupid's attacks during 1893. That is to say, 24 8 guve evidence of it by going to Hymen's altar and pledging to "have and to keep'1 each other so long as they should live. If It be not profane to interject the commercial element into such u matter, It may be Interest ing to note that the county clerk reap ed a nice little harvest In the shape of 400 in fees. ' Charles Dunn and 11 ins Ruble drove down from Athena Monday to Pendle ton and returned in the ex-enlng. They I found sleighing excellent. ; ;';d if . uiir: r-' 3 - iirf . , hf tiA llV ' t 9 , . h if mm K$&&tfs. i" - t 4. I ( 4ii 4VtMrfi VV A ' ' V . sJ- i'pte'fJiyb Jill i x N; INTERNATIONAL NEWS ROLIN COMEDY James Oliver Curwood's "I SOBE L" OR The Trail's End An alluring love story of the great Northwest, with House Peters and Jane Novak. An Edwin Carewe Production. One of the strongest and most virile stories of i ! the Northwest ever' screened. a