?AGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. JENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31, 1921. TIN PAGE 4 Ppnrp Per, CTAMrifl n OTIinV P I ID 'iT : 1 A Happy New Year and a fond goodbye to the achievements of yesteryear. A store, like an individual, cannot live upon achievements of the -p." st. They must be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of accom plishing better work. During every minute of every business day, this store strives 01 to the goaf of doing greater things, and with the beginning o" the New Year, it pledges itself to "carry on" always with the to further endear itself into the hearts of its patrons. 0 i HELD CHRISTMAS PARH 4j mokh ttA. Tji I ' .-TA.NKIEI.n. Sl.-TIu- SiuJ ffl 4 B A it fV' I tHS! ' 'a"- I ' lll htlJ its a,,1,uul l'hristiiis los- 9 FJ M M fcVP t I 7rL "Nl I ,lk Thursday afternoon at thf D l B w Ji Zr , N. I 'home of Mrs. James F. lJine on V. jff j4&0r X, I tsirfr, V . fS. I Wood .strict. The rooms were leau- $ ?s? fA$? X : i t. i w : II STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. Be sure to shop accordingly this evening. JANUARY CLEARANCE SM,F, Save your yenterd :y's copy of tho East Orc gonian. Attend this sale this evening. Will own strong again Tuesday. 1 Nk i ii it;., Ti I .Li !' "V 'JU Jflt ' 5 XAovd George evidently considered Sir Hamar Greenwood as the ono man wno hade lono most to bring about Irish peace, for he presented the pen with which ha signed tb treat to Lady Greenwood ftmOttQ 6AIEST SEPARTAENT fX$22 SfiePeoples Warehouse -,.V IWHtRE IT PAYS TO TBADE ffiBBiF-? (KllSl OlOKOIllull Special.) ilduya, K. J. WntklnH left Friday for f'l-n-dlcton to transact buisnoss. Mm. Victor Morgan went lo Im Ctiande Friday to have dental work . done, Waldo I toga wont to Kamela Wctl ncmlny to spend u low days. Ralph Si-haefer was In from the McKay breaks Friday. lie reports MHAi'lIiU'. (Ho.. Dec. 30. Mra. , . w stock, doing flno. Ulck Hush left this morning for to ... . ,. , Mr. nnd Mrs. tjny Nurdrn spent Urando where she will spend the hoi- Xmas with V, 11. ltosa and family. Mcaoham was almost depopulated (luring Xmas week, Jiict Mu.vrnml went to t'onrr u".lcnc, Mono liawnies to lOlnin, Frank dales, Alfred iiranpi' and HiMison Ilurni'it to I.a (inind,.. Vonnlo llolnnnib to Poise, Uuhcop llrlcker nnd wlfo nnd Mrs. Roberts to Haknr. Ore. All reported having a Mood time, moniins from l'endluton, Crus Barker came up from ller miston Thursday to spend New Year's duy with his parents. H. F. Shreckhlse was a business vis itor in I'eiullt'ton this week. Mart Uooth and wife returned home Wednesday from Milton. Pick Withers has been on the sick j list the past week with a bad cold. Miss Helen Denson came over trom La Grande to spend the holidays with her parents. Mrs. J. D, Casey went to I'ortland to upend the holidays with her hus band. Mr. Casey is in St. Vincent's hospital. He was Injured In the Oe lilo wreck. His many friends here ure glad to know that he is rapidly recov ering his health and will be home in tho early part of the new year. On I'hristanas iBve the boys had n turkey and goose shoot. Jack Casey stood hifili man, winning three. For the last three days chlnook winds have been blowing. This even ing the thermometer dropped to a lower level. Tonight the snow has al ready fallen to u depth of two Inches. STAN FIELD, Dc. Jl The Study Club held its annual Christinas les tivitiis Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jame F. lJine on Wood .street. The rooms were beau tifully decorated in Ninas garb. A pleasant afternoon was spent in ex changing Christinas greetings, A buunteous feast was rerved. The hostess was assisted by Mcsdanies Canficld. Connor and Stuart. I Mrs. M. K. Severance left Monday rternoon for her home in Great 1 Fulls. Montana, after a visit of sever al months at the home of hr son E. ,i S. Severance. Mrs. K. S. Soveranm M accompanied her to Spokane where sre will visit for sevefa! days wi'h her father K. 1". Lippley. Mrs. J. IS. Kinney relumed homo, Tuesday from l'or'Uui! where she has been visiting freuls and rela itnes. I One of the most enjoyable parues of the season was given Wedneslnv levelling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. l'.agan on Main street, when , r ........ lh. ineir uauisnier ,u .sfl .ii,iis.i,vi . ... Misses Ix'one and Virginia Cole were the charming young hostesses at a rive hundred party given in honor of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lohn F. r.ngan and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cole. Those accepting the young ladies hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. liaragon, Mr. and Mrs. Don I'ruitt, Mr. and Mrs. James F. I-ane, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Con nor, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stuart. E. R. Veverance, Mrs. V. S. Noltin of I Tallies, Oregon, and the guests or j honor. Mr. and Mrs. l)agan and llr. and Mrs. Cole. At the close of thej evening delicious refreshments were served. 99 PACE Prices Reduced Effective January 1, 1S22 Model 43 Sedan $lo Model 47 Pacemaker Slo! Model 47 Coupe $2145 Model 47 Sedan . . $2295 These Prices F. 0. B. factory.' inrFnf f - II. T. Dealy and family left Wed nesday for Alilton lo visit with relatives. 11ICI)1.1 1X)1( VAIDICMLLK. S.V NFRANCTSCO, Dec. 31. (U. IM Jack Dempscy and "Aromatic" Jack Kearns his manager, are here on a vaudeville lour. They will be In the Hay region for several weeks. Following tho close of the vaudeville circuit tour, it is understood that K earns will rush his champ into the movies again, Just to keep a few punches ahead on the old meal ticket Unvls Barker and wife returned this while waiting for another fight. Mrs. James F. Uine was sboppin in Fendlecon lust Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fulton and cltil.lren are spending their Xmas va cation in Astoria, the gues'ts of rel atives. Mrs. P. S. Noltin and daughters Helen nnd Klltabeth or Haines, are the guests of Mrs. Kltabeth Con nelly and Mrs. Don I'ruitt. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Dupuis and son Joe of Nolln, spent Xmas at the home of their son Chester Dupuis. C. A. Hn7.en left Monday for Pleas- ant Va'ley, after a few days visit with his family here. The Sunday school held its regular Xmas tree Friday evening and a mot enjoyable program was rendered by the Sunday school children. Father Ttutlcr of Hermiston was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dupuis en teil.iineil the following people at n most delicious Xmas dinner. Father llntler of Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Dupuis and son Jon of No lln, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Ha.en and son Ezra. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. It. Hazon. Leo and Maria and Mr. and Mrs. F. 1!. Stuart. Mr. nnd Mrs. James V. Lane bad for their guests on Xmas rlav Mr. nnd Mrs. K. S. Severance and daughters Huth and Florence May, and James M. Kyle. Jnni"s M. Kvle will leave the bc-t of the week for a New Year's visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Peeves are spending a few days in Pendleton. Mrs. Alice Vench is spending the week in Portland. The closed car the car for every day in the year. There's no need of waiting for spring when you can purchase a car of this quality at the, above prices.' The Oldsmobile Company of Oregon Opposite Hotel Pendleton Phone 975 CAN EE CURED Free Froef To You All t want it your nama end addres to I run tend von a free trial treatment. I want you just to try tiiis treatment Uut'i all Jutt J. C. HUTIELUR. P. I v. been in th Rtil Dni BuiinfM for W yrs. I itrvtii four .IWM a mrroher of the Indiana State Board ol Pharmacy and rive ycara ! Pmident ot thf KetF.il HriitiiM Awociatmo. Nearly every, one in Port Ww knowa me and knowa ahnut my euc-ce uln! treatment. Ov or tety IhnnaanO lira Women and Children oulaide of Fort Wayne, have, accordinj lo the..- owe tateniemt, licencurea oy , thu t'emmem unce I nr made true oner puwic. ..,,.. I If you hare Eczatna, Iteft. lt KMum, Tettor-nercr mind lirw bid my trititmeni nu enrrd the worst cases i ever saw nlva ma chanc to prof my elalni. . , fitl TO y-Hu- riairUun.1 sddr'sa en Ihe couu,t below and set the trnl treatment 1 wantto end you i KEK. The wonileriaccoiapltalied in your oa ease will ho proof. I ' riwiaaafltLTABty aaaaaavaaaaaaeaaaaaNVJ " i. C. HUTZELL, Drusglet, Ho. 4083 Wfl Main St., Fort Wayn lad. ricase tend without cost or obligatioD to me your Free Proof Treatment, Name.. . Aet- i roitCfflno.. CUte- Elree'.snJ No.- z: TtltKKV It WIIKIXH. ' -lirlstniai day It a busy on for Cook ao tlia day after la a tin time for Junior- to lend a hand and give tha head cook a vacation. Turkey namlkln ar eaay to make, temptlnr, and aulted eilhttr fir lunch eon or dinner. tica up two riipsful of turkey uilng at from part that ar not easily earved at th table wlnga, back and the Ilk. Mak t thick whit aauc ai fol low: Melt 1 tableapoonaful (at (butter or turkey fal). Stir la I tableipoonaful flour. Add 1 cupful milk Very gradually, tlrrlng all th while, unlese you u a double boiler, which la alower, but doea not ecoreh. Add k teaapoonful aalt Thla ehould ba a thick cream. Add turkey meat and mil welt. Put ln'.o ranilklnt. aprlnkle cracker crumb en th top and hake io a quick oven for ten inlnuiea. Thea ramikiua. aered with bak ing powder blaculta and a fruit anlad mak a fln meal. FLOWER FAMILY'S CHRISTMAS gave 1 1 1 ( 1 hikIi bs 8ie girl say. r L gazed nt all the beautiful things In Ihe brilliiiully lit shop win dow. It would be but a sad UuiBtniaa at home thla year: no girts or Chrlstnina tree for them, with f.inl out of work ao long. How Violet would hug that rlnlntv i.i:i.l tlvin:; ill the a. i, as she ru.-heil They walked towards Lily, loukinc around as I hey came. "Oh. please, have ou lost any thing." aekfil I.lly. shyly. "Yes, my dear." the lady said. "Ms little lrt haa lo.-l her purs-j, and al"lr ea ;er to to her wonderful doll In pink estln. and hew .B,v , unnhs site oroppe.i n nere. j would love that fat red hook with, I.lly held It out. "1 struck my foot Falry-talea written on It In ahlnlng s.tlnst It. as 1 was looking at th," gold letters. The girls st school l- pretiv things, and choosing what I1, wave laugh at their floral name. would buy for evenono. If I only ha 1 ; Lily. Violet and Palsy and called the money." . them The Klower Kantllv The lady oue.r.oned her. and lh Pear Mother, bow nl'-e he wonM whole story came out of the hard look tn that lovely coat, and lust times. Dad out of work, and no I hrlst- then ber foot etrnck something anil i niaa : looking down. ihe eaw a little red1 "N'o rhrlstmaar echoed th little, i, nr.. her fpei It wna a rerv ! girl. "h V"ther" nrett. little nurse and h"r eves arew I The In lv took out on. of the WIN big. as ahe looked Inside for the name of Ihe loaer. There wa nn nnm. Dm ihe ,,,! Inil nlrondv Peon there. I'-avni ti- i it v p.-t'-kimes of KtUMlie. and lie.t o. had l -roin i-a--l a itood osi t inn I" Ita.l .-a.iir,' the fath.M of sura ,ip Imm., si utile mil must be pro ided j for I ?n after nil the FP-wor f-nmliv ha 1 , y vorv !nvit;i :i-i,l i'rt-ipy Christmas. The HANDY BOY AT HONE BY CHARLES A. KING. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. PLYMOUTH. N.H. but Juat two neatly folded hllla eat-h with a larre 5 on It Phj wn nnlte alone in front of the shop window anil was Juat nifklni tip her mind lo run home to h-r Mother, when art automobile mopped st the curb, and a litdv and a llltle girl Rot nut "I'm auie I limit have diop;-d It "Take this, niv rt-nr " ahe ealrl. "You , hse cortainly earnod If hv reiutninvr; ihe purse, (iti and buy what you like bit1 tell tne Hrt when' in'i Ihe. and I will go anil see your Mother" l.ilv . g.l .- the ad,1"esa. g'-tt watched the rjir drlxe awav. then clut'-hinc, hoi live ilidlar bill tlshilv en'eod th siiio, ti Utl a;ntif a rerv h.iex- hour. Wh-'H t.iie rittie out aits"! ahe hat a tt'lo n tMitid'es tvi reai-h'-d to h,-r i - here. Mother." ahe heard the litile rhln. and atst-ted for tu ner pin- puzzle Comer DIAMOMi ily f! rat la In slo, kin. My second glveg heat and light. My third bringa Joy to gli la and bo My fourth la a pigpen. My fifth I In t'hrlsinia. L. Kill II I'l .y.l.r', Here If a ladder of greeting and cheer. To every food IneuU wli-'ncr far or near. 10. eeefii aaaaa eaaae 1 eeaee eaaee eeae eeeee eeaee eeeee Severity. Straight Unea from cea- ter to circuiuleieuc of a circle. 1. Youth rut. 4. A vehicle, t leage. . A bird. 7. Angry. 5. IStnlk of grain. V. Laie. 10. Una of the V. 8. A ASSWERS VI AMOS U S OAS BANT 8 T X A LAMEi: rvrzi.h itr.Rny chkistmasa urioht XKW YEAR. Rungt. 1. ffffor. 2. Radii. I. Young. 4. Coach. 6. Ha&if. i. Huien. v.7cj. ft rf aJ 'ti. r.i vrs c.-'-.ir.-yatc.t J .1 fi vJ )4 rl- e-JL&tV til-? 4 rA.-v.fcra. - -.1- 1 n . - i : ! 1 J Ml. Tcpleu) rrcnt h'iei; j fj IbP 1 L Section Side Vieui Bird Feed Box ;l ',t a li.- () .11111 II, ' lltlll i: .1 it. il In li t I Iiin - .,!vi;-.i.!.VS Wl: ...a 1 u tuu She sc.1,-011 s joy A a! ,. ic.iv t i'i i.-aiij.. -ti v : Q M-h tn.i; pc-tc ni.. ,a!i on vu ri r..lV il.'.kcj i.-r,i liu' ) ArJ when ilie vmtet liim shall tat I hat y.'u m iv h.i,-.i n iiJ , .11 -hcfei.-.i '.iv t, ,0 liid.-.m.' i-i;. 1 1 il ia j vi.ntl. ui 'i !j- vtt-j i,i, v IL,i .! ili... ... a, J .)-;.U. ,i;in.u c'ly i r.':.i, :n1 io.e I dorr vo'.i rt , j ualolu AnJ t'l.tl ilium 'a nil 'he coining day- ! . tcl! j! u e new vcai. ' "i c.i I! u-.a r ; d. v 1 11 .n'fl lot voi V. In -in ,i chm. lb I'aucr Of lUlnd.vr- A lie t lmiit -M.rr) Al .all" liar Santa la 1 1 j'u-i p.-.-- a:Kl ti'i .ine t hi ouxh ihe season, in votir wav. C.tl.i.r. . d:. , e nu .i.ui e com lusiv e.idt'm-e of the po.vesaion of the nner I'hr.stian cirtiies and of ;indl:!'.p.- i-f distoition than the apparent ft .endlituvs of birds and oihor wild tl.ni.j whi.-h is ao chnrllv l,etowe,t and .-an be wained only by , .tdvaa.-es on th p:irt of one whu de- ; tit. 1.1 a-ii:.nl ei-.euh to so to ;hc trouble of l-.r,w:ng t.'etti that he w.-itiix of thoir innnden.e Ti. -re i no surer way ot stlmu luting Iriendiin. sa in bird thao by ; i.kim.u piuvi.-i.u tor let-dint iheo. , q .rn.i the mouth whn Im-u n.luru , I .nnd n .ii is .ofieU with enow and: ' ne. l'.ie inte wun ouil.it. and main- ' j uiii'j' a tii il leedi:,; .iei a-e at th 1 t.ii.a. wilt mae Inn Hue tu u.a tiitud at.ii i nt,-. r. mu- ta,,a i..4.yii. e al toe I 1 iiuloi at niotii.'tit , i Th; te. d buv n.av he mad of an : pa- kins bu no: lent than six inches it.-t-p .and ia.:t- euuuuti to be u..de I .liMiut nuer-n ,ltv...o on .-v-'. aide Ko! ; !.:u-.!;t, tne to and Oo.ii.nt titittiiiil' ,,e n-ti mr I t ut a: ti-e inrra t ant;le' ..;i.' uau.-.i l.a.itij ly rrti;it side tt, 11 ..-i it ,,-at tile bx l .,f the ti4,.,i ui .j:i,rt tat., laai the iar tail krvps the coiner of II. e 1 box pointed lulu h tanul so tde (ip's- .11 ni ra.n will not blow Into It, and food placed tlicie will not blow away. u make tlin" more certain the piece at a will prevent the snow frnm curling over the tcp Into the box. If the bot tom of the box le narrower than the ; tcp a. at It. The bin must be baltnced to rest j upon the top of the polo at C and neld in place by a smooth nail driven .1110 the top ot the pole, forming the pivot upon winch the box turns. The! weight ol the box rests upon an Iron ' w.. sner win. !i la auppuru'd by the j shoulder toi med by top of the pole at C The hoiv in the bottom of thej t.u at It must be larite enough only to insure that there will be no friction j i.eiwe. n tne bouoin of the box and 1 tiie pole that w.ll prevent the r- j t-pouse of tne Lov to tile Influence of ..io tan tail wlin.li holda the box Into I the w.od. The pole may b of anv! heigin an.i lo. a..d anywiiera; goi iuditmeiii tnuat lieciile what Is niost i-olive aunt. M u not necessary that the box should r.i- ore tuetital, and it ehould not be patntev.. lor wild birds eeem to object ' to pa nt and to pte:er the appearance of weather wear and the absence of Ipy&ZS i 'USuIiit ii4i.ii.e tlte i presence of their human arch tnemi The aocket which holda an out-door revolving clothes dryer form an ex cellent support for the pole of the feed box. If the box Is kept supplied with crumbs and other food for th birds ltajwllt not be long; befcr they tthuw their appreciation of your cour tesy In asking them to dine at your expense by appearing a few at a, time and gradually spreading the Invitation, among their frlenda and relative. a &&&& w ws