People Here and There ! Brought vast distance. ' Ingredients for V'icks VapoRub are gathered in wild, rtmoteand ofVn savage 1-ncs. W. Schwartienberg is miiustT of the Spokane Flour Mills. He was in Pmdlcton today on a business mission. Harry Hupple. division roadmaster. and Charley Selch. assistant roadnias: er on ke Northern Pacific, were here todaj "rom Pasco. Sterling F. Patterson, who has been k-ng.tge.1 n nignway o.-k m Souther" I'lcccn. is spending th holidays lis inii.hcr, Mrs. Thorn is Ford. Arthur Rudd. who has been spend -ng the holidays with friends in Pen- illeton. will return to Kugene this venlng to resume his studies at the L'niversity of Oregon. Several years ago M.iriin Ve' I was a star track man for the I"n.vcr sity of Oregon. After he left the uni versity he was in business with dual Kamnton. local man. He is h jjihysical director of Uio Astorin hi-h kchool. He is spending the Christmas holidays with Claude Hampton. ASSVlUAX CHTT.TOtKX NTAKVK NKW TORK, Pec. (I. X. S.) Five hundred Assyrian children out- fide the three hundred inside the Near WOIXD YOr enjoy a World-wide Re vival? East Relief Orphanage at Hamadan, Persia, are starving, the national head quarters of the relief organization was informed by a cable received from representatives of the Persian city. These workers also reported nine hundred widows in dire want in the same city, with no funds available to care for them. Four dollars a month will be requir ed to keep each of the children alive during the remaining winter months, according to the cable. NO LEGAL ACTION YET TAKEN AS TO EXPOSITION BILLS IL'Jii PEKING. A.1 The American legation has protested for mally to the Peklur povermnoM against a return to the capital ot General Chang CMng-Yao. tor .ier military governor of the Hunan pro vince, whose troops killed liev. V. A. Reimert. an American mtssion ary at Yo-Show, in June, - !;. ir an attack on the reformed char, b mission while they w-re retiring be fore the pressure of .southern forces. PORTLAND, Dec. 29 (A. P.) Chairman Julius Meier an- nouneed tcday that the exposi- tion committee will take no legal action to force President Ritner or Speaker Bean to sign the fair bills but a court action may later be taken to test the measures. He declared the exposition will not be held without a portion of the funds being raised outside of Portland. The GOLDEN WEST Label Protects Your Table. Always Buy and Specify Golden West utter Standardized. PHONE 178 in) IS A NeW Year's Resolution Tin) Table Supply Is going to make nil Iron Clad Resolution on New Year's that in the future our business will be run on a strictly C'asli Ilosis. livery article in the store will sustain a .sharp anil cflWlive int. Our prhcs will be shaved to a strict, ly cash' basis. We will close our books for credit to all alike, both good and bad, and In the future our every effort will bo to co-operate with the conscientious housewife who knows Uio value of the dollar, and convince her that there, is but oiio Mine way to live and that is to pay as we go along, making every dollar buy as near its true value In as we possibly can, and to prevent spending tlieni where an apreciahle percentage of their value will go to pay up the. bad debts of others, tHe curse of a credit business. THE TABLE SUPPLY 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor Pay Cash Receive More Pay Lest Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Watch Our AD Tomorrow Despain & Lee Cash Grocery no yov p.h.ii:vk this? PKTROIT. Pec. 29. America doesn't need prohibition. In a coun try that has a climate as stimulating is that of the Initial States stivhg I'rink is never needed to keep up flagging spirits, and the drv a,v is unnecessary," declared Prof. Itol n M. Weuley. of the Pnlversitv of Mi chigan. "In Ireland. Scotland and England people find themselves de pending on the use of dri.-ks that will h-dp them bear up und r the depressing effects of the dim " he said. "Ti-erefore thev hav: to ctt ii.k. while Americans do int." Far omers cf the c.n'.i sup ply rireJieuts Ir Vicks Ya;v Riib. the standby for a't cvhi troubles i:i a million homes. Li Vicks is Camhor from Forrrio; i, th of head hunt ers ; Mc-'hol. ftvin i'.k'turesqtie Japar.; Oil if Eucalyptus from far Australia; Oil of juniper Tar from Northern Africa: Oil of Thyme front sunny Southern 'France; Oil of Nutmeg from the Dutch East Indies and Oil of Just nib it on and breaiae in the vapors Turpcntiro fm:n tho piac ' rvr.s of the S x:th. Appiied externally, Yu absorbed by th.e shin an ! the same time its volatile : C'eJients, released as vapors i the heat, are right into the nose, threat ;. !uni;s, allaying conation a h:rla:nr.iation. Virks is just 3? good '-? eruptions, cuts, burns, l;ui and dozens cf mi.ior ills. V VAPOHUi ' MiSiMi Jan Usfd IV- ? f . 1. ft MANTEL CLOCKS 1 ." si U Hi WATSOX 1HSY A(i AIV. WASHINGTON, Dee. :'. (l P.) Senator Tom AVp.tson tcday received a telegram charging that non-commis-sieved officers killed -htee soldiers at CaJnp Merritt, X. J., during the war. VOVU (IT ARMY AMI XAVY WASHI.NGTIKN. Dee. 5 9 d' Influential representatives forming a plan to slash the army and navy appropriations some V.ree hun. dred million in the net l', -veer it was learned today. ill CITY WILL COMl'KI.L (Continued from pa 1.1 to him that I hp IVamm r ,..uir,...t;.. Co. had not rolled the gravel in the muid'e nf the street. When Pat Loner- Ban expla ned that the company fur- n'sneu a oonit lor upkeep of the street for five years after construction is finished and that the rolling could be done to greater advantage in the spring than at presold, Councilman Lawrence signed. OCR WORM) TODAY What means the great masses of peo ple, VI nations rrent and small Wp.ring to los-e and t" win. Mi. -nry and dMrcss to all? TIIK YVAfJi: or TI1K MIfillTY SIN "nered granduer of many years Pcstrovcd In a twlnkll llfr nf nn bvn Are the pictures of reality before usi today Today as we pass by. What means the long bread lines In our cities Xo work for our men to do Homes without food or fuel, High cost of living forcing crime too. What mnnna th itnrnvt nf n..r.wt- Wandering over land and sea MeeKing success in all countries Where ever they happen to bo Find the key to thy hearts and ono language So all may understand And all may know the great commaiid uod s will be done. Join in mighty voices Call Oh Brothers and Sisters have fear Lend a helping hand to one another And fill this world with cheer Rebuild the stony hearts with good deeds and kindness For Why? The great reward Our new world In the sweet bv and by. MRS. W. J. Hl'RXH, : I'crklns Romns, l'endleton. Ore. Assemblii.g Plants Responsible for Great Number Machines Turned Out by Manufacturer DETROIT, Dec. 29. (I. X. S.) iVntrary to general belief, only a frac tion of the Ford monthly output conies in' the form of finished cars from De troit plants. Ford's Detroit activity is chiefly the making of pails, which are shipped to thirty-six branches, stratgically located over the country. Twenty-two branches are normally as sembling stations. Some five or six more may be converted in rush time, "thers are essentially parts depots. The 11 shland Dark plant here as sembles cars only for this Immediate trade territory, having an output of 7,4000 in September, against 7,000 for Kearney, 6.000 for Chicago and B,MI0 for St. Louis. Production In the High land Park plant for September was 90;ooo cars; that is, parts for that many automobiles were manufactured. These parts were shipped out, assem bled and the total output completed I y ndd'ng the combined American as semblings. In addition, the Highland Park plant produces many parts for the foreign branches and thuusards of repair pieces. F,,-.;r or five are a! ,o assembled weekly at the Itivei Rouge pi,mt to test the accuracy ol par:s made there. It is only by such a rysiem t hi: Ford is enabled to reach h s output of nearly 5. ono cars daily. The assem blirg branches also made possible tre niendoiis savings on freight. Parts packed tightly in fielght cars, ; shipped over the country, but th. prrchaser in Cambridge, for instance, pays freight on the complete car from Detroit, though it was actually asem ' led in li s own city. For the grand total of Ford monthly prod'iet'on the output of. Canadian and overseas branches is added. The American nfjombling stations turned out approximately sr.,0no cars in ("to ber. The Canadian plant rnanu:'ae tured an additional 2,of0. About an e.puil number was produced at Man chester, England, largely from parts "hipped by Highland Park. Huenos A'res and Copenhagen assembled ",ioo more for a total prod'i -tlon of !:,nO'l. Pnnirtant assembling stat'ons nre located In Kearney. Chicago. St. Louis Kh'-sus Ciy. Chambrldge, Philadel phia, Pes Moines, San Francisco. OmahP, Pittsb,ir:;h, Memphis, 1 ltills and other c't!es, Atlanta. Denver. Charlotte and Washington assemble li husv times, while Jacksonville, Scran ton, "nrgo, Salt Ijike City and other.-, nre p;ots branches. The nssembpni" stat'ons pn'led the Tord Indti'-tries through last AVin'er' finne.e'al crisis. T arsre stocks of fin ihed parts were on hand. The as sembling plants were s'nrtcd, the parts converted into cars and then shipped out to dealers. I MANTEL CLOCKS M int,! ci '.ks ivake a C'stiuct a ld tii.n to any home n t only ir ilie r dstfidiuss but also tor their btuuty. We ha.e just teeeived a new shipment of tbe liower stle in li.'ks in a variety of shapes t' l ;ir:neui.M with aey shape in.iui-l. Kibt iuov our cloeU booth is p:irt cnlcrly wed stocked and our ho:ng is complete, from the elaborate chime cl-ks to the ery in pen-.'ve kit.-h. n mantel decks. Prices range from $U.t0 to $100.00. Seth Thomas Is the name and guarantee on mi st of our clocks fr five general .ons thai name has guaranteed ci.Kk buyers. n FenJUon Oro. TIh largest Diamon l IValcrs in liisteni Oregon !nnvp vniimr KMn Ol r DUIO, lU'JIVU HIVU ULU, ENJOY ROAST DUCK AT CHRISTMAS CHURCH FEED An opportunity to rub shoulders with their older brothels and to show their ability in the art of eating was itiorded a number ot the younger oys of the liible school of the Chris tian church last night when a group of the young men of the church acted as hosts. The "feed'' was unbue in that .t was prepared by men and served by men. P. consisted of roast duck, both wild and tame, with plenty of mashed potatoes and brown gravy and other rood things that are la order at a real dinner. Following the bancuet Dan How man who presided as toastmaster, In troduced a number of speakers who tallied on tile interests that affect the lives of boys, both young and old. Among the speakers, were Rev. W. A, Ciiessman, Herman Dollar!, Harvey McPhetson, Charios ilchrlng and oth-eir. TtovrsTic rowi.s ixcrHsk CALCAItY, Alta., Dec. 29. (i. X. S.) Domestic fowls in Alberta have increased from 2,000,000 to 425.000.!. Ooil in the last ten years, according to statistics of tho Department of Agri culture. This Is almost 1,300 per cent and testifies to tho rapid agricultural, development of the province. k Distress after eating is due to bad digestion. Herbine helps the digestive process, clears the system of impuri ties and testores a feeling of vigor imJ buoyancy of spirits. Price, 60o. Bold by Tho Pendleton Drug Co. A modern discovery for the rapid healing of flesh wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, sores and BCaldfl is Liquid llorozone. It Is a clear, colorless liquid possessing marvelous hcalln? power. Price, 30e, 60c and 11.20. Hold by The l'endleton Drug Co. To relieve rheumatism, sprains, lame back, lumbago or pleurisy, Bal i.ud s Snow Liniment Is a remedy Of proven merit. It Is very powerful ami penetrating. Three sizes, 30c, 60c and $1.20 tier bottle. Sold by The Peudles Inn Drug Co. : Pool Champ Lira Turner if ' '"' ' 4 , . - : 2 ir Tf i 9 1 i" """' Ralph Oreenleai (above), national lockct billiard cham.ilon, defeated Arthur Woods, challenger In the Brst two blocks of their match at Hotel Astor. New York, 305 to 219. NO PROFITEERING AT BOND BROS. WE HAVE CUT LOOSE FROM ALL PROFITS IN OUR DESPERATE AND DETERMINED EFFORT, TO SELL AND ..J .. ml n ALL FALL AND WINTER mts an ts AT A MERE FRACTION OF THEIR ACTUAL WORTH. YOUR CHOICE OF ENTIRE STOCK FOR ittmm m mt up"! ij m 'llimmil. i.i.i nmji pi.j e f m' nn.. in p i miiiiiu linn mmiii mmmwymmmmmm i i fc - - - 8.95 $19.85 $25.95 $36.65 $49.80 wim iwuM m.ji.m mi . in. jip Our Reimlar Prices From $27.50 to 875.00 EXTRA SPECIAL NOTICE! Our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats, all that's new, included in this MONSTER SALE. This b a genuine sale and not a sale of odd lots, old styles or small sizes only, and no Clothinjr is packed away or sent to the basement until after the sale. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING WE SELL GOES. UHil ta( J'Oi IjV ill 209 E. Court Phone 880 Do yor PRAY for a World-wide Revival'