East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News Notes of Pendleton
ri.KMr: ii- i: kts
January Mwit:s of
Oiesjuii State lice Keeper- Aso-
eiatUni in annual convention.
her. I-
Ween mu-le.
arc crardclii'o'.ri n li
Ulieral ariar.irt meats l'a 1
County Court in We-ton.
Members i.f the county court were
in Weston today where they were
making inspections in regard to load
Two Drunk- Art- l .uiil.
Sum Luton and Mathew
were lioth fined $!'! this nioniins
s.r; leoiiaty will take a
tut Nothing f .irtlu r is e
(done iu:t 1 the ml. us
jof ai;rKtiH'He is leceiiec
. ins which was held at
Shushui's ' November.
in ,
similar ait cii.1 J
;!.iitr,l to
of-tl secret I
knw.ktovs i.r.AniNt; stokk
on the he
.oliie eourt w hen lliey pleaded (jnilty
to a eharve of t-eins drunk. They
were ai rested hy the police last n'ght.
lVUt oner lu llniikrupu v.
Finil Heck. 1'en Melon merchant
tailor, has tiled a petition in volun
tary bankruptcy through his attor
neys. Ualey. Haley and Siewer and H.
J. Warner. In th ietition. the assets
of the petitioner are shell at $l.l'4o.3,"i
uuj. the liabilities at $3.3:'l.u.
Sues On Account.
Huleite March is defendant in a
suit which has 1 een brought by the
Milton liox Co. Judgment to the
umoon; of $4:M.6S is asked for wares
and merchandise which is claimed to
have been furnished by the pluimiff
to the defendant. S. 1). l'etersor. rep
resents the plaintiff.
l'ioinvr I'lisses Away.
The Infirmities due to old age and
diuhctis were responsible for the
deuth last night of Mrs. Kniily .lane
Comegys. St. who passed away at the
hojne of her (laughter. Mrs. Kanny
Carney. ,in Tustin street. She laid
resided in J'endlcton for 40 years and
was u pioneer of Oregon. Horn in
Virginia in 1S:S7, she came to -Ron
In ISMi with her larents. The
wagon train passed through Pendle
ton, and the family went to the Wil
lamette Valley where they establish
ed a home. She married Abraham
S. Coniesys in 1, sr.fi, and he died in
1.7J. She ciinie to Oiiitilla eountv
lo reside in 1SS1 and liad made her
1 ome here almost continuously since
that time until her death. She 's
survived by three daughters and
noil. They are Mrs. M. J. Cainev
Sirs. Catherine Kugit of l'endl
oud.Mrs. Kva Kngel of iak
'alif and KdVln (. VomeKys
llermiston. There are 111 jrri
children living- and .several . gi
grandchildren. I toss Carney
Woman Seeks Mil-hand.
A ipieiy from the police at Salem
has been received here by Chief W. P..
Taylor in which the whereabouts of
Janus F. Hill are sought by his wife.
May Hill. He is usually empU yed
around Hotels or restaurants, accoul
ing to the information received here.
Sues On Notes.
Two suits hav been Instituted in
circuit court by Kileii J. Wylde against
u. P. Harris and others and against
it. p. Harris and others nod Leonard
L. Honney and others. The sum of
J4.-.I1 is sought in each suit, wlijeii is
claimed to be past due on notes. Fore
closures on real estate is sough', as
part of the suits. Haley. Haley and
Steiwer and H. J. Warner represent
the plaintiff.
Iji (iiiinde Hivi-s Prase.
l.a (i ran tie cit'zens voiced their
i praise for their own legislators and
the "faithful 14" senators who block
ed the demands of the Multnomah
county delegation that the stale fi
nance the HiL'.'i exposition in a ban
quet there recently. More than Hill
men were ill attendance at the ban
' ipiet. A resolution embodying- the
'commendation of La (Imiule for the
' Eastern Oregon groups in the house
i and senate was passed unanimously at
the meeting.
Fugit, Kmily Carney and Mrs. Lenla
Wart l aw I'nforcctl.
At a joint meeting or pram Brunei.,
from several counties ill Washington
uvl five men from I'matiHa comity
i which was held yesterday at WaMa
Waila a resolution was adopted in 1
directed to (iov. T.ouis F. Hurt ile
! niandlng that the state Foeure the en
i forcement of the grain discount law
' in that state. A meeting is exp'vtul
I to be called here within the neai i"
! tare when the grain
growers of this
ioi ioi loii 01101; oi
101 101-lUi- s
Hens Don't
Than Our
Try a Dozen
"Waste Less Buy the Best" .
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 E. Court Street
Phone 101 Private Exchange Connect?
Both l)t'iurunenu
I0I 101"
-TGI 101 101 101 101 101-
-ioi I
Sf Who -
' Fire Twice as long as any
other range on ths market
with one-half the wood.
The Lanj "ALASKA" Kitchen Range is the most econom
kal cook stoe on the market. Occupying small space, it fit.'
in exactly v":h the smaller kitchen. Constructed of Armco
polished Iron, with nickled plated trimmings, large oven ami
fire-box, the "ALASKA" meets every kitchen requirement.
Although the "ALASKA" is a wood burning stove with an
ffitra large fire box, coal can be burned by raising the grate.
Hot -;r coils can easily and cheaply be installed.
A visit to our store will prove to you that the Lang v.;i!
be your next stove. .Write or call today.
62:t Main Si reel
Tor fifty ye3" there was no change"
Til LANG did build the Hot Blast Range."
Has TotisiU Kciuoctl
.uc Winter, daughter of Mr. an
.Mis. r.dwm Winers, wa operated on
! tus morning at St. Anthony's hospital
for the removal of her tonsils ami ade
neiils. Her many friemls will be glad
lo know that she is resting conifin't-
a"iy mis atternooii.
Hold higalts serviiv
Funeral servicis for liohert Ingalls.
foinu r soMier who met his death in
France as a lnemher of the Lost Init
iation, were heM yes;eruay atternooii
at the I'resbitet-iaii church with llev.
I. I Clark in charge. The American
Lesioii assisted in the services. A fir
ing siiad. commanded by Tom Searcy,
fired a volley for him at the cemetery.
Tom Murphy carried the colors, and
the pall bearers consisted of Vv. C. K.
I.assi n. lr. 0. (. Wainscott, .User
Fee, Charles Vinier. Charles DeHpain
and I toy Alexander.
Sent MesMijto to Wilson.
"I'lease accept congratulations upon
your hirt Inlay from friends in limatill.i
county, haiincr county of Eastern Ore
son which resinu twice save you over
whelming majorities. You are hld
in Krowins esteem by ln-iny who lp.pt
your days will be filled with suuslii'i
and that you will live Ions tmd pus
per.' The forefjoiiiK messaKe wuh wir
ed to Woodrow Wilson yesterday by K.
li. Aldrich, J. W. -Maloney and A II.
Cox representing- the county organ
ization in connection with the WiiS'..;.
Take Lively ('nunc Uiilc
A more seilentary existence than
ridiiis a canoe on the Cmatilla river
from Stanficld to Herinision when the
river is hiMh miKlit be found. Fred
Mnes and Louis Scliarpf take that vie.v
of the matter, at least. . They were
hunliuK ducks ilurins the early part
of the week in the wist end of the
county, and Just for fun, they decided
to take thtj Ill-mile ride on the river
between the two towns. There are
some rather swift currents, when tlie
river is hish, and the ride was not de
void of thrills.'
Down To I'rni-M Tacks
The convenor)! of the conference of
cities of the Pacific Northwest to coll
sider the iiiestion of takinK care of
tourist camp accommodations have
sent out questionnaires to dolomites
who will attend the conference. In
these iiiestloniiaircs an effort is belli (j
made to secure first-hand Information
as to the ideas, of mayors and other
municipal officials on the proper
course to tnke to develop tourist ac
commodations without levins "sonie
thiii? for nothinii." Mayor (1. A. Hart
man has received one of the lists and
he will fill the list before lie goes l
the meet ins t Spokane .lannaiy T.
Councilman William lninn is Pendle
ton's other deleKate.
A direct issue as to whether fu
ture submarine warfare shall be con
ducted under civilized rules was rais
ed today by the American delegates
before the arms conference naval
committee. They ni'fvc! adoption of
the Hoot resolution anil won the sup
port of Great Hi-itain, but the French
Japanese anil Italian lcleB-ates uvKod
a reference of the matter to a com-
lission of experts. The Knot reso
lutions, which would resolute mo
use ol ' suiiinai nii's nmiiusi no- io-i -
hunt craft was the sub.h 1 1 of a
spirited debate at the nioiuini; ses
sion, rnliiniied construction or air-
raft, but sharp delimitation ol li eir
use in war was reconunciiuco o mv
tibcommittce of aviation.
A New Game
; ml
is on in full blast now. Hundred of eustoiners liavi
are oilenng and iney made a saving on every jnuviiase. ion
Come in tomorrow,' lots of new things put out every day.
t -
values we
the same.
Lot Towels, January Clearance Sale 16c
Lot Towels, January Clearance Sale ,. 39c.
Lot Party Dresses. January Clearance Sale $23.00
Lot Street Dresses, January Clearance Sale $11.9)
Sheets, January Clearance Sale $1.49
Lot Neckwear, January Clearance Sale.. 1-2 Price
Lot Women's Gloves, January Clearance Sale $1.S5
Lot Women's Gloves, January Clearance Sale. . 60c
Lot Dress Goods, January Clearance Sale... $1.85
Cretonnes, January Clearance Sale..-.. 1-2 Price
Lot Purses, January Clearance Sale $3.45
Remnants, Cotton, Wool, Silk 1-2 Price
Lot Corsets, January Clearance Sale $5.9")
Lot Corsets, January Clearance Sale $2.50
Lot Corsets, January Clearance Sale $3.50
Children's Outing Sleepers, Jan. Clearing Sale 9Sc
Knit Caps, January Clearance Sale , 49c
Scarfs, January Clearance Sale 49c
With Jack Vciock
lnlcrnational Sens Sporliii; Krilm
Yiui-m (id KilliiiBcr, IVnn Stnlc Slat.
tllen Klllinuer, famous halfback of
the noted Penn Stale football team,
this year, sipned a contract recently
to play with the Yankees next season,
it was learned at the headipiarters of
the New York dull. Killitmer was the
star of I'enn Stale's Kteat eleven, lie
announced recently that he was tn be
come a professional and It was report
ed lie was to take part .'n a profession
al Kiime In Philadelphia. KillhiKer
was also a Rood baseball player with
his eolloue team. 11 Is an Infieldcr
ami will probably be placed at Ihird
hase with the Yankees.
l!eii,aiii:n Poiiils for Dmulctt.
Joe Fenjamin. n member of Hie
Kfiinis-McKettric k stable, and also if
World's '
Standard Cold
Remedy forTwo
LI ILK, the man, and
nctiun Bromide Quinine, the
product, h;ivf stood the tent fur over 20
trf . s i na-an' a VJF
yrsni. Ilfpfihl on
( Alwnya Mm
ble Ihr ''.t rrmr
iy tor Gti-A and bn
At Ontffif,-J0f
W. H Hill IV
not he sent to prison for ontertalnltiK
that notion.
It Is a fact, however, that most
fishier welnhinij: iiround two hundred
pounds would prefer just now to he
little fellows, boxinK ill ii smaller ilivl
sion. There doesn't seem to he much
nourish-incut for them in u battle with
Dcinpsey. In the first place, he Is a
much person with if brusipie and un
pleasant miinner while In the riiur. He
foinner sparrluK partner of Denipseys. I scms to care Hide for the finer llilntfs
thiHiKh he's only a 1 irhtwemht. Is am- of life when he is weuriin? hnxing
hitlniis to dethrone Johnny Dumb
"iuninr lluhtwelKht" champion
our mail today Is a letter from Joseph,
who Is en route to California for the
"I may possibly box Joe Weill njr In
Portland .before I come back. M)'
hninl now has healed and I will re
turn to the Kast no latter than Febru
ary." Ili'iiiatnln Is a highly Intelligent box
er and when he trains faithfully is an
excellent workman,
filial was with Pete
wave the "Hurable Dane" the worst
pasllim that hardy Norseman has ever ;
received in New York. I
A llen.lamin-Dundei- mulch would'
ho a treat attraction at the (larden.
A Iturly lliirrler. j
To the heavyweight who has dreams I
of becoming n chaniiplun in the b;K di-
vision there comes, from time lo time, j
the iillnrintf vision of Mr. Jack Demp
sey, the TiKer Mali, looking leeritm'ly
out of his lair.
Cloves, and In Hie riiiK It is hard to
net him lo discuss the art of Michael
An win or the poems or Lord Hymn.
He wants lo fit;ht with Ills fists.
.lack has a simple and direct man
ner about li I in (hat Is illscnnoertliiR- to
a contender, lie has a way of cllp
pinn a Kent on the point of the chin
with a rliilit hook, and for that renson
few of I he boys care to play with him.
A canvas floor feels soft enough be
neath one's feet, but It is hard when
Ills last local i one's head hits II w ith n ban. And tluit
Hartley, a ml he is what one's head Is likely to do If
one loses his -head lontr enoiiKh to
cluillenue Mr. liempsey.
lack is indeed a burly harrier be
tween the he Khts of Paine unil the
In aiywi-lj;ht aspirants who would
scale those heights.
Somehow all (he Ifs'hls no out
After Dcinpsey lands a clout!
Idl'M) .V K1I.I.MV (ilt.WK.
.IACKShWII.I.K, I'iu., Tiec. 2'J
(t. P.) The body of
Must anvbodv has a lit; lit to dial- '
i.n. r.ir.u Th s is a free country, i man. ttioiiKni to oe mat to iv
ami if sonic bitf fidlow lias u notion i lisi.n. ol i oiiiiiioiis,
that he can put Mr. Dcinpsey to sleep , a shallow Kiavf
in u given number of rounds be can-j of here by a it"
A. Al-
Ohio, was found In
a short distance south
less last nlKlit.
fvV'S WtWJl'I'-l M81S
4 mi e r JW w
iH ft'
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Cor. E. Court and Cottonwood Thone 40
WARNING 1 Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
n u nn
vDad. you'd better watch your
oose auto tires! The kids have a
new game. They curl up on the In
side of a tire and go looping down
a grade. Anna Johanscn, of San
Francisco, can loop 200 ttass aad
still be able to stand.
J Pevival,
k Worb'-wiile
, you are
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablet -
not cetting genuine Aspirin prescribed by r
over 22 years and proved safe by million i f r
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
, Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions..
Handy "P.ayer" boxen of 12 laMi ts AIo bottle of 24 atul 100 Drusf-fiats.
itplrla U Ut trade Dirk of Piji-r Ifauiirictarc uf ilnoi tticliVt'rr of 8illcjrllcclil
When Will the
Emergency Arise?
Sonic liny )oil will need inoiicy and ni-cil It quli-k.
ly. Wlii'ii will (lint (lujr aii'hc? 'roiiiorrow ' U
week'.' Xct month?. One in ter Iknmr wlicu ail-tt-rsli)'
will strike lint when it clmn nlrik', a Saving
Accoinii will he jour best fi-leml. Sturt now l Imihl
up a saln0) fnnil for tho iiIiiV' di'SI Jihcntl. .
labcrly Hell IWiuk will liclp y!nt da it,
! -
$1.00 Opens a Savings Account
and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank
The Inland Empire Bank
ciiil lii'serve System
l'UMHJTA , OltrtiON
HE 3 STB SUM!! I"! 1
m t,
" V
m :
i,l J
B )
a .