DAILY EAST OP.EGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23. 1921. TWELVE PAGES its b B a FOR INVESTiGAlOH TV" LArl Damaging Regard Facts Alked in to Market Efforts of Men Controlling Harket. PAGE TWO 'GRAINGROWERS ASK fasted v Avoid the Ms r i . J V- r ' By' Doing Your Shopping u- Early in the Day! NOBODY likes a wild jam nobody cares to diseonifort himself or herself wlien it's not necessary. 7 SK Never r M Never Betl(T Selection Than KIGITTJNW! last Year after year hundreds of persons will wait until the minute to do their Christinas shopping. In this urgent plea we request our customers to do their buying early the earlier the better. We've made special pre pa rat ions for the Holiday business from six months to a year ago and elaborate enough preparations to take care of the great crowds even up to the last minute. The reasons are obvious, for comfort, ease and certaintv attend those who follow this injunction. OUU STOKE IS STILL PREPARED FOB A BOUNTE OUS YULETIDF, It is,replele with the finest things to 1m; had for Holiday giving and our helpful service of suggestion4 and counsel is at the command of all shoppers. Use All Our Tree Services, Tarlicu larly the Tree Package Wrapping Service. lister e5 wciiiEST uepataew incas 2 - - - - MMMMMMMH VWXmm wMrnr nwnun r 1 nr - 1 Make the Best Use of the Jiranch U. S. Post Office. IT PAYS TO TRADE . vs., . ; B : a . ill e n a .a k :b a b h fa VKI.UI. I !.(. Th,. w.uiiifi I). is Im i'm cxli cnii'ly mill (nr wtrrul iln vji. .. HiiTninnii'ti'r "riiiinliiK iliiwn in z-it. The onltl unnp Ih felt yi'Vcrcly n. the wciilhci' has hccn line mil II iIk i nlil nai' hi i hi k licrc. MuhsIc hinih i rs plnwcil all lasi week. Mih. I., o. (.'use who has lii'cii In Plliil Itock liir the hi.il thice weckn leiiirne.l heme wllh her (laiinhliT last .atiu day. Ilinl lllppcy of Casper, WyuntiuK. 'ttliM has been vi.Miilnn relativeH In I'Kiah f.ir the laHt week, left for thn imme nr his sisler. .Mis. V. heal' l'llut Hock lt Tuesday, where ClirlMmaM ti'co liy Ilic tcacliors f Hangc to spehil the hnlidays T lt h her I u ml the K'licst of honor Wayne Terry he will remain until the first, of the and a. procrain by tlm children was ! hushiind and .son. jwho received many pretty little uifts. year nii iih t" alti lid hi.s kIhIit'h Hilver ! Klven at the school house last Tlmrs-1 Albert l'cti-rsun mid Francis flilli- Uliootuitc fur m esc last Sunday prm wedilinif annlvcrsHiy, I)yc 31 urtyr ; day and was Kicatly enjoyed by ull, ' l.'ilirt inaile it trip to I'ilot Itock last d to he considerable sport to both which he will leave for V oniinK. 1 tile visitors were .Mrs. Karl .Marlin,! week after a load of l'ivi;ht. Francis those looking on rind those participat .Miss Kdylh Cove, primary teacher left last Friday for 1 'net la nil to spend the holidays with her paien's. A number of the Atbee ladies met last Wednesday at the Albcc Motel and the day was spent In making dress forms. Kutherlne Mathers who has been ill Is now able to be out atain. Mr. and .Mrs. F.mil .Miller of Hitler, passed through I'kiah last Monday 011 their way home, from l'eudleton. .Mr. and Mrs. Marion Martin were In town last Thursday trailing'. Jim and Felix. Johnson passe 1 throuuh town the first of last week on their way to lliiltcr Creek with U'T bead of rattle which they will winter I... W'righl, there. Mrs. Felix Johnson, Mrs. J. T. Huston,: will continue to drive the freight team ! Mr. mid Airs. Louis I', .Mettle enter. Mrs. Charley Mynil, Mrs. Alice Turner. Mrs. LanKdon, Mrs. Frank Hilbert, .Mrs, Jesse Hilberl, Mrs. Mary I'ctcr son. Mrs. Albert I'eterson, Mrs. Fred 1'eterson, Mrs. (ieot'Ke Ness, Mrs. 11. Heed, Mrs. Clyde Hvlmlrk, Mrs. Frank Cliainberlln, Mr. and Mrs. Will llinton. (leorge llinton and Virgil I'eterson. After the prog-ram, school was dis tained with 11 dinner last Thursday the following' friends and relaties: JIr. and Airs. ,T. H. .Mettie, Mr. and Mrs. Karl .Mettle and children, .Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Alettie and son, Air. and Mrs. James Mossio. Miss .enu .Mettle, C.ordon Mellie, Kobby Hums, Ivan Sturdivant, Leonard Simpson, Alelvin 111 if. claim highest honors. Supper will lie given at the I'kiah hotellur tin- Xruas dance Jcc -H. und the New y ear's dance lec. 3 1. Airs. Ind and children left Friday for the llnyd ranch to spend her vacation. CliriWH TO HAXfS CIIlCAtill, Die. ( I. K. S.) Harvey Church, the youth who lured Jieinard HaiiKherty and Carl Atlsmus, niitoinobile salesmen, into the base The president of the I'niU.l States I Grain Growers. Inc., i :.ia ins an j appeal to (he Krain srowen. t the - country to insist on. early investiwx " tion of the export grain trade by the federal trade commission in order that the "leal reasons for present P ruinous prices may he determined.' It is suggest! d that every grain grow. er w rite to his congressman and urRe y ! eurly action on senate resolution -No. l:i;t which provides for investigation j of the real factors that have smash- ed wheat prices, despite wheat ex P. ports that break all previous records. ' "At the same time wheat prices are being: hammered down to the dollar " mark and (train growers are being led to believe that a weakened for- eign demand will not require a nor P nial exportable surplus, we find that inore wheat has actually been ex y ported than ever," says C. H. Gus . tal'sun, ire.sident of the grain grow P ers. g )!ig l.Sit Gain. - i "The average bushelage of wheat B exported during the first 10 months y of the normal, pre-war years of Hllu-14 was 6ii.oSS,44 bushels. In I 19211 all previous records were shat il tered when we exported 16S,348,S14 bushels in the first 10 months of the B year. Hut in l!i-l. when we are told g atfiihi. as in 192U, that European demand for Amerieau wheat bus " slumped, we find that in the first g in months of this year we have cx ! ported ;ro,00,737 bushels almost '.iO.iiOO.OOU bushels niore than In 11121). L' "With present prices for grain " driving farmers Into debt, and even bankruptcy, we are told that we may g expect the market to go lower than J1 for wheat. The most frequent ex B planation is that of 'no foreign de g inanil.' Hut now we learn that Swe jdlsh grain growem have askel for P an embargo against 'cheap American illwheat' because it is being; imported y at less than the Swedish cost of pro " (luction. "November 3 wheat sold at 99 'cents u bushel in the Chicago mar ket, the first time in five years that P( it fell below the dollar mark. When g Interviewed concerning the subject, James J'atten, wheat king, said that P It would go down much farther, since there ra no consumptive demand to ; bolster up the market, and that Ku P , ropean credit was so poor that 110 export demand could be depended upon to hold up the market. ; .Market is Depressed. P "This dtatenient has been repeated bluguln and again with the result that Tilt has been one of the most depress P jing fat tors in the markets. While jthut was being told and enlarged Fion, the exporters were handling an luvcrage of nine million bushels more 'g wheat each month than In 1920, and iil9L'0 was 11 reisord breaker. P "When the year was done, official jp 'government figures showed ihat a y;total of 307,394,000 bushels ot wheat and wheat flour were exported ')n p 1920, as compared to the overage e!t- port of :27,!S0,600 bushels of wlieat .ur.d wheat flour for the five yea,rs Ijof 1915-1919 exclusive. If the ratio "IHgiof 1921 exports are continued to the - .close of the year, the total exports , of wheat and wheat flour will ex- ceed 360,000,000 bushels. And then we are told that the reason why f have dollar wheat is because export trade is shot to pieces; there is flo demand. Fred i'eterson and F.arl Martin I incut of his home and killed them, j "Hut facts relative to rapid grain miiM niing. 1 be Jury returned thejpi'iee decline were presented to 1'res- missed for two weeks and will begin ! '-'''"I and Francis Gilliland. again January 2. ' I'irlhdny party was given, last Sat- tleorge llinton of Kange who has' '"'day by Airs. Irl Terry, In honor of been visiling his parents. Air. and Airs 'kt son Wayne's fifth liirllnlay and a Will llinton of tlie I'kiah Hotel' re-J"'ly aflernoou was spent by the little turned home last Thursday, accom-1 '""'A A beautiful birthilay cake with iianied bv Willis Noland who will visit ' five candles was cut and enjoyed by' at the llinton rancn for a sboi-t time, i"'1' followinsf little folks: Norman Airs. Lagrange left Saturday for j ''!!''. I'-Ha Cardwell, June Johnson, i Konda llelieiek, Vinlel llinton. Ford elersim. Hobby Knapp, Canines Len. nil :is. A. A. Foss to Zona M. Smith. $3. 000. Luis 2 and 3, and strip 10 feet wide off of Lot I, Block 4. Athena. .las. II. Stui -gis to Win. Frail. $1111111. K 1-2 lots s and !', block 224, lies. Add. to Pendleton. George (.!. Stewart to Hugh Taylor, $1.00. Lot 11, Hlock 10. Ucrmiston. George tl. Stewart to Hugh Taylor, $1.00. Lots 10 and 12, Hlock 3, Hcr-miston. vcidict of guilty mint us death. and fixed the punish- ii H n n n x m 11 L a ii u dud of TbnnkkM We wish to express our slnciwe ap preciation tn .the many kind friends for their sympathy and kindness shown during our sad bereavement and loss of our beloved wile, mother and daughter. I"H' KICHF.y J'HIN AV .MIL AN1 MILS. J. Al. OILMAN. The Pure Food Shop ; Is Your Dressing Table Smart? j The Peoples Warehouse Sanitary Grocery. OFFERING ITS GOOD THINGS TO KAT. DRHSSK1) TURKKYS AND (THCKKNS FOR THAT XMAS DINNKR. WALNUTS MIXED NUTS MINCE MEAT LETTUCE CAULIFLOWER APPLES BANANAS PRKSKRVKS PLUM PUDDING FRUIT CAKE CURRANTS OLIVES, GREEN SWEET POTATOES ALMONDS CITRON RRAZIL NUTS CRANBERRIES CELERY GREEN PEPPERS ORANGES GRAPES JELLIES FIG PUDDING GLACE FRUITS RAISINS DATES OLIVES, RIPE PASTRY FLOUR p B a p You Will Find Eery Good Thing; (o Eat in This Busy Department. M Mill I0 likl VHM 1)1 HIM Mllllf V.tL. mm 11 I'VL5JLi ciiid ir iiiuiiks I desire to extend to the many kind Iriends, inembers of the Rotary Club and Sisters and Nurses of St. Anthony ; .oispnai my neartteit thanks and np- Piecialion for the beautiful floral of j terlngs and kindness durin my sad j berea ement in the death of mv belov ed wife. HOWARD RHEKHAN. ident Wilson in the fall of 1920. arid he ordered the Federal Trade com mission to investigate the tremendous decline in grain prices. r Co-operation Not Given. "The following- from the reports of the Federal Trade commission to President Wilson is significant: , "Tlie commission litis not lind till) opiHirliinily to obtain directly the? fi. ures hich would det(4illilio conclu sively nlictlier large trtiiisiictlons l)i fiilmi's of manipulation clmiKiKv have iMM'iiii-eil. It lias sought Inlt hu.s not Ihs'ii ublc to WK'iire the .. j opera! ion of the offlrers and diiTot- or.x or the Chicago Hoard of Trade dceiiKHl msi-ssiiry for the collection of pertinent infonnatioii In (his fouiiti-y." 1 "The reason why the grain ej chntine officials in Chicago did not wish to have the facts relative to Brain exchange operations for that (Continued on page 6.) P B P"" iiiiiiiiipii m:m wm:w&? - i p 10c -53c i 1 u ii m 1 asnion s cluuvpirs modes are not a!I confined to cloth,.. T,. 1 PUtebl, elect. ,c lamp to hang over the bed is another n.Vt. SAVE AT THE SANITARY WE DELIVER ANY TIME CELERY WINESAP APPLES, Box ROME BEAUTY, Box SJ ()0 P. S. & D. W. TOMATOES, Can . ' on STRING BEANS, 'can T- D. W. PINEAPPLE, Large Can "Z'l'io m ROBLES PEACHES and PEARS o for V :i.ovR,sek fko ; P Fruit Cake, Cookies, Candies, Nuts and VegeUUe : in Season. ',' ' 1 WE GO THE LIMIT TO PLEASE . ' ',vv B PHONE 871 : SanitaryGrocery lim P wlu m . i ; 1 i I 4 i