s i &4 DAILY EA1T OMCOSIAN, PI f -- - TDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2 1. 1321. TUT PACES lTXr-T-M7: PV i I i I rJ! ' T.rsis7.s.. Easferegon aril r'sr " S Wf AN lXDEl'KNDKXT XKWSPAPER. - i T ' PubllnhMl PIIt ami Seml-Wpokly. at PUIISCKHTION RATES 'J " L v I V '-- - A- l'p.dl-t..n. Oregon, hy tha 4 - A 3 ' BACT OUKOOXIAN ri'lll.ISHlN'G CO. (IV ADVANCE) , -JJrf " V " 4 1 ' ' "- ; - ; Entered at the r..t i.rfi.-.. at IVmlle- n-nlv. ntt, y.nr. hy mull $ a., I fy "7 ? k V: j ? . i'J", aJ Ion. Oregon, a nciai clana mail n.at- I hi :t. . nmi.tha. hv mail 3 ", ! ' . . 14 ('' Wv Y-A I ft! l.-.ily. t.r- .....n.ha.'hy mail .S ; " V ;T ti O.V BALE IN OTHER CITIKS ;,'!::; tlyZrZIIZ: T.M j f ' - J 5 Imperial IIt.. N.v Sihk1. 1'orMar.d. Itily. ix n'.otiMt hy earner S.7:. v 4 n '.; A"rv'K. ' ' W - 1 r II I.'. I I.' ST leolv H i .- lt In- ,-.n-ir 1CI Y i. . -i. ,... ,'.. I.A . i,.. . ("htpaen Itiirtnt 'ili'i M(...irilv- l-,,:M:v i,;v it- nth hv- rim. r "" Kr.i I S- i- - ..v - Tt.i ,t ? . I w' Wahmitoin. I). O.. i:.ir.-,u Kour- tinii-WV-l-:!.-. 1 y.-r by mail 2.ini i ' V . s f " - A f . - LT fev, tci-nth .'trppt. N.-r Vf.ru. !. ini-Wi-.-kly, six month hv mail l.im . ;-' jT ' v '" ? -1 ' i N n ?s J - ;"i4 i 't'--l ZiSs JJ.TitN? Mi-ail.rr f ll, r A. iiiipil I'rni, S-mi-W. 1 1, ly, tl.ne monthi br mail ,;i "v,if- -ti v V ' -"-4 I.V 0 V p 1 Tl Aaoociatpd fr m .-x.-liiaivr-ly '. 5 ' '4 A t VJ i 1 4 V "ef ntiili'd to tlie uae fur rppulilicatinai of i"" " "k. V ail n-wa riispnt. r,,.a rr.-.:i..i to it i.r VrC5;-n ' " A" X rot othpri- rr.-.l,t.-.t in hi- in r and I ftp t ' ? ' J-V ftIF I tao the lo'l ut-wa mWi.sli.il h-nin. .T'lrnhoar 1 7 N? :t Jo i -T -'A iYi fc3r - : blanche 7 .. . . jg ; v;teM , .rn 'pi I BlAlRp K S- i U S , J u, ,.,,. Wil)W11 u, lhj!i iK.llll(. , -p. . Till-: lil) I X MI';: I.HH.. liiaM.-h.. Illi.ir. ..f I'ri.vHl.-i,.-,.. : . J V ' i.i, K.-iiii.-ii in i.iiiinil.s- I: ... 1 . i ' - j II- li.-.ini Hi,. v.,inr;-li r s.v,;,iiii- -n.r, .M l'.il,,, .a ,U, , ' f K I, Anil .iu,i-l...l him .-.vain j s, , ;,.. ;,.,, ,;, :in,s'. m . f II.mI h:.v.- p., M.y ...s ihu-i,,-, ji:,. l: h:d .,,,,v, .1,., , l-liihiu.-li.lii.. ,' - IK As In mi.. i- ui.i.l i f-.i... h ,. ,,. . . .. . I fcK i-l (hi. yuiinvsi. i- .-..i.lil I,:. v.- I..1.I him, ,: t li.-alt!,. Tht- Mal.-t. ..t, i-,-,i- ' I " I'.h.i- i....-i1M..I lilll- flf. "..V ti.-ir pan.-HH .nv a r.1.,-s- ( ' ' ' 'i'liat is if i iiK il iinfaii' to s,..i!, liim .Mr. ,. M. lilair, rp.si.Iiim al "n At- V a Wh.-ii li.- ..fii-n t-.ir:-,l, hini...-!f. I IV.....I sni-i i. IT,.vi,l,.K.,., K. I., sai,i: , i J V& I "w- iir- just so liaiinv ..v.-'i- Hi.. ! Jf i l lii iluii; -Mi in m. u, is s,.l,-n,i:.l i.i-. ri.-lii,,- .-liaiu;.. Tai.iar has ,. h. (1,lr Utlc $ jsssasw j g$ g -Ml our .a!i is .Aati...,! I,a..,i,!r( tosli.nv .(..-...-iatl...l. 'sh- I.a.l 1 RlGmA M P If - .1.. m.1 l.-a.l Hi,, uny. lost ,,,, ! ,,. . s in w.-iehl au.l V :'"l ' ! 7 McCABt k I I U,.-,: r..vi,w; I so r.il a,l w,aU that 1,,-r 5 'M . AM Mm sfiiM.ms ,. I h.- sh.-IVM, I-...I1..-I- and v..-i-.. b.nh almost tvor- tt, I K P K-.-: Mi- y.i-iii-.. hamlH fi-..m il.iini; i ' Hi'-! '.-r her cuinliiioii. Sim-u ttRjCHAR-X) ' ' "A What we ..ft. -a do "Ui..alM,s. 'i,ki" ''f"'l''- "h-.-ady fiaiai d I'paJua. 1EARY ! K m y - .Isar A. (iui'St.) i"""i'"s, iur . oior is i.i-it..- than it ry jr. 50 -r int.. his t-h.'st t.nlil his hi-art pulii-' f$ inil.il so I IhoiiKht siut- in- ( !iln't? I'l . iiili" I, nt a r.-w more Rasis. lint I A? '1'i'iilac- ,ivi- him lia.-k to us shorn; ' -f. SU r. 7 V -Ut A-4 r& r et -71 r. S " t Day c Three More Till Christmas THEN IT'S TOO LATE TO SHOP Do your Christmas buying tomorrow an d do it here, where all stocks arc new and crkp for the Holidays. Then, too, our price s are lower. -, -,sv-pv i in- ivnii m-iI li's I o,- lor ivi'i And Irs . h.-.-i s wi-i-" n.iiitin;' ri-, And of roars,- tltcrc's no il.-iiiiu-; There was irniii in what In- ssiii That u liar's alwa.vs lmlrd. lint tin- lif t,, r. III. w Ku,-v That his failo r olii-n stat, ,l Jlany thiims that .wi n. untnie. 1 1 l-auvillt Mic .volinr-st.!' i Anil h.i si nt him up to And it's us.-Ii-ss now i",, :.tii:j All the I.Ht.-r thm-.-s In- sm:.!;" IK' ti.lk.'.l of honor lu'i.lly As a l. -ou to In- loarno'l, And finuot ho'd lioaitr.l iloll,lly Of the tuiiuim,' ti'ii lis In '.l lnnu .1. 'I'.vri.;lil, WRONG IN PRINCIPLE IT is necdloss to suy that 1 lie proposi'd oxtra tax on jrasok'no with which to finance the l'orllaiid fair is just as wrong in principle as M ould be a property tax or an income tax. The day is past when the auto may be considered as a luxury. It is a necessity and motor cars are so generally used that a tax on gasolene would amount to a tax upon almost every man and woman in the stato. People who have no possible chance t' benefit by the fair would be taxed in the .same ratio as those who do stand to make money out of the exposition. In Eastern Ore gon the farmer is the heaviest user of gasolene and would therefore be subjected to the heaviest penalty should the gaso lene proposal bo adopted. Such an arrangement would be un fair in the extreme. ( Furthermore, all the money that can be raised by the gasolene tax is needed for our road building pro-1 gram. Portland's fundamental mistake is in seeking a state tax of any sort for the exposition. Our metropolis will be the im mediate beneficiary from the fair and so should finance it. It would be logical to expect the slate to provide a good Oregon building and an Oregon exhibit. P,ut it is not proper to ask the state as a whole to share heavily in bearing the administrative expenses. If the exposition will accomplish anything like what its pro moters believe it will do then the benefits to Portland will be so great that Poitlanders may safely assume the cost of the enter prise. If they do not have sufficient confidence in the fair to do this how can they expect up-state people to do it? On the fair subject as w ell as on certain ot her subjects Port land has had some very poor advice. Men have taken the wheel who don't seem to know east from west or north from south. They don't know the difference between a mountain and a plain.- They don't know people or conditions outsidv of their own city and refuse to learn anything. As long as Portland re lies upon such pilots there will be trouble. a wond. i-ful l" "hii.lr, ii is y Mi" l .111 n i.al .oniil,si..,i ill I in- cas. s of Mi. i' (- -1 1 i i . I : . 11 shoivu in i his i.h-iuic l.'HV Mian.li,. Illair. of l'i ,,vul, n,", I- am-d 1::, K.-iincii in pou, i, Is; I: ... .M'l'.il,.., at riuiit, t,a,. f 'anion, I -lain,., ;, poamls; lil l:u haul l.i-.ny, Jr., of 1 'I l i l: d 1 1 . h l. . . .s Vfry li.-lk lit", is now in fin... r.""i:t health. Tin- stalem, ,.ts ni aMe ''.v l'i. ir paicn are as follows: Mi'. A. M. Illair, residiim al ;.i At Wood sir,-, i. Providence, K. said: ale just so haniie ovi-i- llo- i-liannc Tnulae has mailt; in our little Kirl lhat v.i- can't do or say enough to show ., i appreciation. sin- had lost it,., uiy .'ii p, is i weiulu and lo.,;.d so frail and weal, that her ""'Hot and 1 v., re I d; Ii almost uor- ncii sie.t .hit her condition. Since Inking Tanlae. hit" has a heady gained In pounds, Iur i olor is bettor than it eier nas Pceti and she looks anil like a dil'ierenl Kir." Mis. t'atllerinc .Mcl'ahe, 411 Hick, "lis Ale., Serauton, 'a said: "The 'flu' I' ll hy little KeKina in such a. had condition lhat I have no id, a she would lie wilh me now if ii hadn't '"en for Ta.il.i... It is :i mystery to ni" how- sin. lived on the little she Was ..'ati:i'. and was so lifeless she neier even cared to play with the dolls and toys she sot at Chrktinas. Since taking Tunlac she Is as hardy and well as any child could l,e an 1 has Kainid j pounds in w.-inlit, I will always praise Tanlae for restor ing our lilll.. girl's In all h." in. i, i i .,. ., . c imiowii to sclene. i, sain: -i ii. re is no , , . , 1 , ,.., doiilit in my mind but Mint Tanlae ! ,,.i, ;,t,. chih'r s.iieu nj- liuic hoy's jV, ,,. U, a-i-'.ir I J 4 XZM 1 isSi! -M a ." i ELOUSES of Georgette and soft, pretty silks in the latest styles ot beaded and embroidered designs, from .". $3.C0, $5.00, $8.50 to $19.50 m9 B S B KM U B O B S O D 9 M 1.813 B Could One Ask for a Better Gift Than a H FENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS M Robe at $9.00 to $20.00 . Rath Robes for Men or Women $25.00 Couch Cover at ...$20.00 " Pillow Tops at $1.50, $2.50 and $3.00 H Bed Blankets in Plaids at . .$12.50 to $25.00 Crib Blankets at $5.00 P Go-Cart Robes at $4.00 to $8.00 i A large assoument to choose from. still m fWA fi ll la ...... .-u aim wc win praise it to our i ii-' ilyitiK day.'' 1 V The cffccl ,,r Tanlae on tin. ,1,. u.acns or in,. yniitiK is one of WE REFER THIS TO THE O. W. R. & N. ACII day this newspaper confines numerous in'onae-anda sle basket. It is neces I't for news. However, -4 i n . i gj leuers io me gem ie c, sary if we are to haw the following is used tor reasons set forth I lie 1 1 -:;-, lit ImcoiumIu J'anul'ael urin we ol t lie w. any space I. M'l In that ,-i . nut liii'oiuol i In I, Ullviuy In Ihc ' 'I'lWi'cn J lllliliall. used in I 'ra7.il ; pi'iliilil -iliii in i III! ila l:.i and 1..UI n,l I he in: Iw. ill.. it nr. 'unit tr of below : . Wesiin.irhoiise Ml, c!i ic ,n f I n-a il are now' in s,t 1c il'a. These are the first e'eetric S'lll a! inn of c'ecl l ie s'n ice (here le.-l ri f leal iell of S.'llt ll Alui'l-ie.i Ii CI I,. I". "f III I U 1 1 S lis ei him .n.; 1 1 d lid represents an in railroad-;. TI'C new In- ,.,!;'. tileen as I ,', per , ,.(, ''i the lerin refers ie 1 1 1,1 w,l said to l.e t wo Hit r four mil: . a., , ,,i ' i ;i in of 1." mills rriueseii's i;,ii ions wee li'iic' h. rnd"i- fi'iiuii- sleani operation such ii per cent ai,i,.. at a s .....I stealer than I., leirse 1 1 .... , r . i , i . m inal.e meh cidi'S al I tl Iplii'K Ihc eapaeiiy of lie- Hack and lv II', I M 1 1 1 sllipiuenls. Jf elei lrie locomotives can perforin such exec ..razil, why not in the northwest? We have abundant water power going to waste. Why .should the O. V. R. & X. Co. and Hie Northern Pacific use sleani locomotives when electric loco motives do three times as much work and don't have to haul anv coal along with them? klli'lllelel ., k. I nil f'l i illy lucrea ...I he per In per ll ui; I he grades m '.I'iss v. cii'hi and .M - K 1 1 -r 1 1 ni rs a ri id I" id. Tims a aiely IW;, feel in in ie, mer a I : if The WcMini;. nr. m Inch mean peed of ham II n; lent ser ice in cate the stronyest evidences of its whnlo siiuu.ness as well as iis unusual !"'Til. Althouah a powerful leeoii struelive, Tanlae en mains no hrrin I'ul iie;i cdients, minerals or opiates which al';' so often found in mher medicines, be'iiu eunip.ised of (ho I I'ieial tools a'li.l herbs ll is imrely vine t.ikcn by Hie most lilll does llol iiosel ! Ol' InllllM 111.. YC,.., l..,ol .... ........ .11! leafs I w.e.la.,., 1. ..... . , ... ........... ... in., m ticii- ..... . ... ....... .,. ,.,.,,, a mi .sin- cate slomaeh. , '""' " " i't Tanlae Is sold in "V time. He had slomaeh trouble ! Thompsons l,s S!, ''.l tunny a time the Kas pressed up illtt ,irui;..is.s 8 v. ton hv and hy lead- 1 1 PAGE MR. OTTENHEIMER 1 is sad that Portland should have so much trouble at Salem ,ust now. Portlanders are busv nbinnimr fur ,u.. hinh. apartment houses and on whnt in d.i v. iih c,.,,,,,..,! 1 .1 1 , million dollars they hope to derive from their exposition. While I our friends 111 the metropolis are so engrossed it is of course in- I considerate of the legislature to haggle over a detail like the I proposed $.1,000,000 tax, direct or indirect, the people of tlm ' h die are asked to pay tor Portland's benefit. What is a cow for B ii not to be milked Was not the legislature called into special ! h - .moii ana uie members spociiieally instructed what to do'' f, Were tllcv iw.l 1 heoolovi...! ...II U 4U i..1., ' i j 1 ,. " ', 1 ! j - -'":'-"i".i...iiii mill mi; Ki.-..v eye 11 iney reiuseil to do the bidding ot the Multnomah delegation? On what grass have these range fed legislators been grazing that lhv re Juse to walk the plank when Portland bids them step'' Where is Ottenheimer and why has he neglected affairs so shamefully? e was going to tell the highway commission where to he.nl in He openly assumed authority over the federal road department and threatened a dictatorship over the highway commiss'ci' f Washington. Surely a man of such calibre could handle our legislature before breakfast if given a chance. Whv does Por- l.'iiii uoivisl in nui,,,r .--,...,1, ..:i .1 1. ... .1 . " .. " j " 1,1 iu .-uinu lULueis v nen inev nave men Ottenheimer on the bench? ike This is delightful coasting weather and it is good snort to nan atoug nenniii a car, hut remember, bovs Christ m -, ime for a fellow to tret killed. iiud this is no time ft is near With President Harding and Secretary Hughes difftvin " u 0.11 1 tie new treaty means on a vital point it i "uicis siioiin; lu , iV (luandary. X as is not surprising 45 8 ii 1 sneezes m mm . l-'l-l :i. "I Pay Cash Receive Slore Pay Lcsi Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 R. Court Phone 880 Your Holiday Eats Fancy or Staple What ovtT you wish ,uiay ho you will find it hero at a .saving' to you. There's nothing finer for your table than the lii-amls we cany it's the cash prices that make them cheaper the quality is there at all times. Place jour order carlv for Xmas sweets. Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Wlli:i:l.,;, w, 'a., I . S, I W.ileh ,,ni s.-lf , Io n M1 -e I" a in, Minn picture lli-.il re.. If v '"' a!'- a h.-.v I'-icr i-tim n- if you 111 In b,. nn,lii;iill'ieil by snceziiu you '"a.i be -in of luci,. A man who "Ue, '.ed in a motion pi-ttti- ihe.itre hefe u as l in, '.I about s ;.t f.n- it. los-!'ll li. Nam l. a icsid, nt of this e't v. is the unit taken suee,:i n N.H..I', afflict,, conn , lliell health, l-'tlow , s:ie,;'it: NlU.'l I', et ;' ton If, He was an , si,..l and "I'll lice .Indue Kit;: for am ii-lllly in the th'Mlre. in a - i , r declared his client a- !;! a t' lere c.dd. but in. Icreil a tnedieal ean;ill:tli-n the Pa ily l'ast ( irenoni t n. Ii-ceniber ;r lsi::.i 'I'h. man itue of .'. .in ill,. While ae,i .hiss .inna Lie lall-n wa.. solemn i:, ,1 ciluesday cieiiin. nt the resi lience ,,f the . rule's sislef. .Mrs. II. M-Anhur. in I'euilleton. The cere niony was uuieily performed in the pie-.cn, ! of relatives and a few inti mate ftie.l.is, ;ev. ,1. ('. I bra u I., s, pis tor of III,' Ilepli-t church. olTieiaMti ,. ipl- ma, I, a fin- appeal-. a lin e t lie luluisl-i' pi onoiince the saer-d Vows ,,i' U I he i oun as til- y s; lis Io-, .1 lh.lt lie The k' .!'.:. -inn f lo'ihin mole ;-. in a pie;i;ie h, 11 asaill pent i t .timed that he c than in. I lined ami sts w inn i: lino p. n Tl'l:O.S"l'll, (lliin. He S. .'llieefs searched ll'"!-.' 'f John S.';tb,. ; Wit i'out i esult. Tu,. . Ol Ti l l'. . -1 ll. X. the i.oaldllti; '.ere st times Si en ! ll t itlle ' ! fenii.l tv 'I nta-.li in. dcr i ! s! 1 i p and :'e ant per, :.,!!. .lis of the ni-.e. S abol Mas fiiicr SI . l I'll! . . . n:is;' :. a- -.aii i. i ...... a ll. ;u so Ihc 1 1 N. S. i W. s Wrlshl men ho lived ,,:m. :n a ,. in in .1 i ll v a,., ii'-h le.:.;,,s AIM' in Tin a il l a b, l a .'h VKS, ( . :'n- - ' 'I'- I' i i. ,,!,..! sh.'i I '' J M'.'.u !',i ,;,,,.- Hi -al : ... ii;-, . , en arm ...1 1- , "' i..ubt f ..;,,( a',.,, w In ii . , ,.1,,,-a ,.,,.,. f, licet marriage, and the bllde, Ineked leri bciatilel in a siniple and pretty ces luuie of while silk. After the happy ' ' .;. !, Ai l . and Mrs. While repair. ,1 to tile cosy holne on 1'oilee street pi'oli,..,! by Hi,. i, u .,. ready for occupancy and tllei , nier, ,1 ill -nee upon hulls, keeping. Mr, White is a ..mt in in whose l:f,. has been sp. in in I'einlieion whei,. h,. has won a slau.hn.; ;.;iai'i.., bv few of lu xe us bv di lotion !., the pi ineipl, s f inde-lri', self i. ii.i:i e. nets rierau.v and ll. li. .-' i and w ll. -.- ill'c is fell of pnnui-. For s-ielal ica-.s lie his been in ih,. einpl-i .. the rc:i.i!e; m Salinas ll.ml. as ho, ,';,. per. His K 1 ''"l"- ' has IH't tailed him in !i, --' '' i in 'll of a I ml. . Mr. and Mrs M ir.:,, iv. i" th,. i cap b ins , f a num. b-r of ha iiil-Muie and ..,v.,m ii i ,l,ii:,4 L-if:s. i b n n d ; a . s a . o a : m: n ' u Embroidered Towels, runners, cent ers, Turkish Towels, Luncheon Sets, Iluek Towels just a lot of them to make choosing easy, 59c to $3.50 HOUSE DRESSES of pretty Japanese crepe in delightful color combinations, a gift one will re member $3.00 to $5.50 BATH ROBES of soft, fleecy velours, or Pendleton Woolen Mills Woolen Robes, certainly a wonderful gift, each $6.50, $7.50, $9.50 to $25.00. Traveling Bags or Suit Cases, the right size and kinds, well made and de sirable, from $4.50 to $13.00. Bead Necklaces of black jet. amber or blue. Very pretty and worth much more 69c, 98c to $3.00 Boudoir Caps, made so dainty, of silk Georgette, ribbons and laces, hand fin ished that any one of them would be ap preciated. Each 75c to $3.00 Corsets of satin or brocade in the fa mous Warner's Rustproof Washable Cor sets, each $3.00 to $6.50 ' FURS No more acceptable gift than these Fur Scarfs, Capes and Chokers, of coney, wolf, squirrel, opposum. Our prices are reasonable $7.50 to $35.00 GLOVES Are always acceptable. Every wanted and fashionable kind are here. Mocha washable gloves at $4.50 to $6.75 Real kid two clasp gloves white, black and colors $2.25 to $3.45 Mocha Gloves $3.00 to $4.50 Strap Wrist Gloves $4.50 to $6.75 Long Gloves $4.75 to $6.75 Buy a Glove Certificate if you don't know the size. SILK HOSIERY dear to the heart of every woman, is one or more pairs of full fashioned silk hose. Black, brown, gray, or white, plain, lace or embroidered. .LV) to $.0() Others at $1.00 $1.50 to $2.00 Wool mixed with silk hose $1.59 to $2.65. Night Gowns, hand made Philippino em broidered gowns, material of sheer nain sooks, each $3.00 to $3.50 Gowns of silk crepe de chine, flesh col or, trimmed with laces, each. ...$5.65 and up Laces, hand made, real file ij, a yard or two for waist or gown would phase. Yard 33c to $1,50 NECKWEAR Of net and laces new things jus: arrived, in vestees, collars and cuffs, anion r them are Shears, finest stee! for embroidery Ssj work, gold finished handies, the pair 6Sc W to 98c. ' Silver Th'mble.i. an inexpensive gift. Sj SILKS S The newest weaves in crepes, satins and taffetas. A dress tr waist length are am- ycj ang the gifts unexcelled. The v.ml SI. 93 to $3.50. $ SKIRTS For sport or dro.s wear, of all wool 5 prunella and ror.r-js, pleated elfects io stripes, plaids ov plain weaves from $.".65 to $15.95. S SLIPPERS h For the bo.uli.T, made of felt in sever:.l styles and colors, at $2.25 and $2.50 One big sps-jial in Colt slippers on oi.r special sale table at the pair $1.00 Moccasins at low prices. jai Holly Paper, red, green and white, the roll 10c TOILET ARTICLES - M Of Ivory ; brush, comb, file, buffer, mir- Vj ror, powder jar hair receiver perfume hot- $ tie and many others at prices from 35c to Jjg ! $6.50. , if i TOWELS $ j Fancy Turkish bath towels or buck tow- ' els never too many of them. Be sure to S see them 35c to $1.00 3S Umbrellas, the famous Bans Bros. Rain jj j or Shine Silk Umbrellas in all the handles j-jjj j to match or contrast $4.98 to $16.50 I Black cot toil and silk umbrellas $1.39 S$ to $4.50. M Vanity Cases, made in dainty round, ! ! oval, or oblong box styles with puff and i mirror 59c to $1.25 sa Silk Vanity Cases 35c to $1.25 S& GIFTS DELUXE jj Silk Underwear, vests, bloomers, envoi; vjrf opes, step-ins, gowns and camisoles. Alto- VV gether a wonderful showing of these at prices so tow as to be unbelievable $J.9o to $7.50. Camisoles, a special at .-.$1.15 SHOES A practical and useful gift. Oxfords or high shoes, in brown or black, satin or kid pumps, in black or browns, from $6.00 to $9.85. BED BLANKETS A pair of these warm wool blankets would mean a lot to every housekeeper All wool at $8.95, $10.49, $12.50 Part cotton at $5.90 Japanese Lunch Cloths. Quite a dis- 8:1 it n ii li real Irish crochet, unusually attractive at nlav of these here in the various desirable t hese iirices, from $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 j sizes and qualities from 75c to $3.00 to $9.50. i Snappy Styles in Handbags fii real Negligee made of silks and profuse ly leather, brown or black, novelty styles that embroidered in darker light shades. A are appealing to eveiv one. $1.98to $9.C0 gift any woman likes to rec?;ve. Holly Ribbon, 5 vard bolts 12c to 18c l-ch $9.00 to $13.50 Just at Christmas Time PETTICOATS j A COAT OR DRESS Of real silk jersey or taOVta, novelties of! would be doubly welcome. They are all unusual beauty and durability. Priced at (new here this season and marked at prices $2-49, $3.49, $4.50 to $7.50 alwavs within reason. Select one for a gift. Petticoats of sr.Ven or heatherbloom, Coats from $15.00 to $57.50 $1.19 to $1.93. j Dresses from $9.75 to $34.50 VM-jat a i1? 3 3 r Women's Initial Linen Handkerchiefs :)('. .') f"r si .00 EFFORTS ARE MADE TO LOCATE LAST MAN WHO WAS KILLED IN WAR 'fcr f y a'AxfC. n'l- 'i'' VC 'S a'-1 Iw '.iSik 'Sei ipk PI'S, SSi p'to. '. W Eetter ' Merchandise Lower Prices PHONE H7 V.: I ! i 3 if f iris x J3 el ll'l A!'(i Wi.n ;l, lad . A:"e national h-a 1'r, it. Ii hoi , i i uin-nt tu the 'bc e.,se i'lll-l-ll Hie 1 o I II',.: 11 111.: . be n oi :'ei .-, 1 i Ai. ,;,- A !i;;ir arnti . 1. .1. ef tl l.-t i'.o las; ' s.'iu.-.t ii aspii icn 1 ft 1.1s 't-t fin i led. ,1 all take Tl: .si, -ti h. :t T. lib ,or; li N.n , i i'n . r i 1 .Ma ' !'! t l: e ri 4 r, . th; : . 'a o. to captiiii I Mas ki'l-i p, -.i. t1 e al'nil-tlce. inn at ti". K'U! ! e Was . At 1 1 o'clock s f'Ver in i-hara- o "ir of bis men to " 7 i'T'l I 11 !' lit- jtiic American ! i'ol. Wi!ii.,:i , maud of 1 1 e 1 sie -.-ant l ,. ! ported, and I coniinaiitb'd t is now statio fa !!; in the ' Nn bolson is lines. l li. 'dull' Was ill folll n tutnent to w hich the ;-. 1. .Maj..r l.ieh if-iie-ral W. .). Nicholson ae division. '.il. loin iie.1 -,th the nth ln .'aii.il 'one and lien, in Vaslijn---ton. The 11. ideatni of the sergeant and the coni pi.'k pan', to winch he In l.inncil Were n-t ll to . 1'. i' -.'! by .Alaj- r Kicli. 0 fall, is -t Us 1 lr