East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 20, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I ? I
News Notes of Pendleton 1 1
1, - v. TO SHOP
55 "'S "55
December 15, IS, 17. Oregon
8un IrrtsatloD Congress.
ins. Mrs. Ingalls. widow of the vet
eran, resides in 1'endleton.
Stores to bo Open
Pendleton stores will be open in the
evening until 8:30 p. m. beginning to-i and is bring used in addition to the
To Aid In Mailing
As an aid to those who are mailinc
Christmas packages, a table at whieh
parrels may be weighed was installed
today at the I'endleton post-office.
morrow and continuing during the re
nminder of the Christmas week. The
innovation is for the convenience of
the Christmas shoppers.
Miss lbs me to lViart
; Miss Katliryn Uoone, of the I'-eautv
Ph"P, will leave on Friday for Seattle
where she will visit relatives, return
ing here the Wednesday after Christ
mas. During her absence the ship will
be under the direction of Miss Uoone's
assistant, Miss Marie Houser.
window where parcels are weighed. A
flood of Christinas packages is going
through the local office daily, say employes.
appeared before the federal grind
jury yesterday. That I'ortl.ind seems
just twice as cold as I'endleton is a
statement of Mr. Cronin who dtcl.ncf.
that the cold wind which sweeps dewn
across 'he river fmm Mt. Hood or
some other en'ially elevated place
seems to have been acquainted with
the Arctic region.
Tax To Bo Iteniovcil
The tax on toilet articles now in ef
fect is to be removed January 1, ac
cording to word received from the de
partment of internal revenue by local
dealers. The tax is four per cent of
the retail price and in the past has
been represented by stamps placed
upon the articles purchased.
Arthur Itudd To Visit
Arthur Itudd. who Is a student at
University of Oregon, will arrive. -here
tomorrow to spend the holidays as the
' Berkeley, who is a student at "Whit
man College. In Walla Walla, is here
for the holidays and is at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norborne
Berkeley. jjf
Weather lino for Change.
The weather is due fur a change.
according to the barometer. which
registers L'st.52 and which is falling
The maximum today is 1 1 above jtcro
and the minimum was 1J. Flurr.es of
snow fell today.
Ilody Arrives
The body of the late Robert Iugalls,
Pendleton man who lost his life in the
Argonno fight, arrived today in
Portland from Washington, 1). C. The
i. body will he shipped here for burial
J and the services will take place De
; cember 2S, from the Presbyterian
I church with ltev. O. L. Clark officiat-
Funcral to be Held
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Howard Sheehan will be held tomor
row at 2 p. in, from the Folsom
chapel with Rev. George L. Clark, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church, offi
ciating. Mr. Sheehan is a member
of the Rotary club and pall-bearers
will be chosen from among local Ro
tarians. Interment will be at the
I'endleton mausoleum.
Will Filed for Probate.
The will .of i'.enjamin 1". New comer
has been filed in court for probate.
According to its terms the entire es
tate, both personal and real, is given
to the widow, Mary A. Newcomer.
who is named as executii without
bond. 1
n J. . t.' ' ' , ff ',t s t.h rn r-n-k so
nJf(e!f SHOP EAHLY 1
" : rrn r ; ji
ltefore Grand Jury
Charley Ream, Mrs. Josephine Wil
son, Postmaster I, R. Cronin and Pos
tal Inspector A. A. Imus returned this
morning from Portland where they
1011011011 01101; oi - ioiioi-
Coiil Men Are. Happy
The cold weather has made the coal
dealers of I'endleton happy. The rea
son? well, there is a big healthy de
mand right now for 'coal and lots of it
and 'wood. Business has been Very
lively during the past three days, deal
ers report. The plumbers are also able
to purchase a few Christmas presents
as a result of the extra jobs they have I
been called on to do since the mercury
got scared and refused to show itself
very far up the tube.
"Light as a Feather"?
It is all the matter of choosing the right
kind of Flour, for Flour is the foundation
of all cake. And it's as easy to make a de
licious, delicately grained cake as one not
in the prize-winning class if you use
Order a Package for the Christmas
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
301 E. Court Street
Phones 101 Private Exchange Connecte
Both Department!
-101 101 TCI I0T 101 101 TOT 101-
nuffalo to Be Sold
A 506 pound buffalo, encased in its
skin of heavy, shaggy brown fur,
hangs In the meat department of the
Pendleton Trading Co., awaiting the
butcher's cleaver on Thursday. The
buffalo, shipped here from Fort Pier
re, South Dakota, is a half-grown ani
mal, being two years old. The meat,
which resembles beef, sells at from 60
cents to tl a pound, according to the
cut. Mb loin and round steak are
considered the best portions of the bi
son. After the meat is sold the head
is to be mounted and the skin will bo
used for a lap-robe or rug. The store
is receiving many orders for the meat.
Camisoles $1.50 to $5.00
Combinations, Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Wash
Satin $3.50 to $15.00
Silk gowns, georgette, crepe do chine $3.95 to $22.50
Blouses, crepe de chine, satins, georgettes and pon
gees $3.95 to $22.50
Sassy Jane Dresses in Japanese crepe and chintz ...
$5.S5 to $11.95
Silk Sweaters pink, navy lavender und black
$6.50 to $35.00
Negligee in taffeta. Georgette and satin
$9.95 tc $25.00
Bath Robes, corduroy, Beacon blankets and Pendle
ton $6.95 to $25.00
Silk Jersey Petticoat in all shades ....$5.95 to $15.00
' Brassieres 65c to $6.50
Fur Neckpieces $15.00 to $200.00
Aprons, new models $1.25 to $3.50
Outing Gowns $2.50 to $3.5'
Tii'ket S-ile Is Lively
The sale of tickets for the wrestling
bout between Mct'arroll and Singh so
far made indicates that the house will
be filled when the sport fans of the I
city watch the'r first bill Thursday j
evening at the Alia theater. McCar- j
roll Injured his knee in his workout ,
at the theater tnst nisht. The hurt Is I
an old one whieh was Inflicted ivhcnj
tne uoughty local boy tried his prow
ess against steers here during the
Kound-l'p. The theater will be warm
ed up for two workouts this evening.
Singh will work at 6::t0 and MeCarrol!
at 7:30 and there will be no admission
charge for those who wish to witness
tho exhibitions.
a mill a a
What would be more practical and acceptable
than one of these :
Pendleton Bath Robe ...
Pendleton Indian Robe
Pendleton Cayuse Robe
Pendleton Bed Blankets
Pendleton Scfa Fillow Top
Pendleton Sofa Fillows
Pendleton Steamer Rugs ;.
Pendleton Couch Cover
$7.50 to $25.00
..$1.50 to $2.50
Don't Pass the Kiddies by
the Christmas
Our stock is still rather complete, from the pen
ny toys to the ones that cost up into the dollars, to
make the little ones happy on hat day don't mean
that you have to spend a lot of money, come and
I We have books of t.hp hptf.Pi- Vinrl -fVv
Toys that range from 5c to $15.00.
So the amount that you have to spend depends
entirely upon you, but don't forget what Christmas
means to the little ones.
You have SEVEN days left in which to do your
Christmas shopping.
Postal l'oreo I'lereiised
The force to help at the I'endleton
post office is being increased as rapld-
,ly as the volume of work makes this
necessity. Already there are two ex
tra clerks on duty and one extra car
rier In the city, and by tomorrow it i
is expected that another carrier will be !
added. An auto is being used In nddi-1 yfl
tion to the regular equipment for as- j jj
sistance in distributing Christmas ' rifl
presents whieh arrive by the parcel 5
post. Postmnster L. I?. Cronin said i Jj4
this) morning that the old tradition of M
the local office of making distribution JBJ
of all Christmas presents on Christ- tjf
mas Day will be adhered to this year.
Tho carriers on the rural routes aro
also having troubles of their own now,
but they are struggling along and are
keeping even with their delivery prob
lems. Tho local office Is filled with a
Jostling, happy Christmas crowd dur
ing the busy intervals of the day.
I To IMay lUnefit f;nme.
The first oppdrtmfity to get an idea
fg of Coach Dick Hanley's thinly clad
S basketball tossers this season will be
m offered Thursday night when the
high school will oppose a quintet of
& alumni stars. The game will be
I played for the benefit of tho Ked
Cross and will be called at the high
glschool ut 7:30 Thursday evening.
S llunley will start his five with Ca
ll! hill and Holmgren as forwards, Law
prence at center, and the Kramer
i brothers as guards. Ned Strahorn,
1 former P. II. H. star, now a student
at the University of Oregon, is round.
H ing up a team of the former I'endle-
ton players who will attempt to show
1 the present students that they have
not learned all they should about the
E hoop game. Couch JIunley has had
I; his squad going for u couple of
3 weeks, and they ure not yet hitting
B their real Htride.
You Can't Get Away From It!
Castle Gate
It's Better and Lasts Longer Than
Other Coals.
B. L. Burroughs, Inc.
C'urmJcliaoI Case In Court
The Carmichael divorce rase is
occupying the attention of court today.
To Cure a Cold
in One Dav
Take PF;
I laxative JU
Be sure you get
The genuine bears thU lignararo
Look our assortment over before buying.
B B I B B 9
Sweaters in white wool $2.95 to $3.50
Carriage Shoes in pink and blue crepe de chine $1.25
Bunny shoes made of eiderdown trimmed with pink or
blue silk $1.75
Japanese silk quilt in pink and blue $4.50 to $6.95
Sweater suits consisting of cap, leggins and sweater
$4.50 to $9.00
Babies' and Children's bath robes , $1.95 to $4.95
Little girls' and boys' crepe suits in pretty bright shades
$2.50 to $4.50
Celluloid rattles unci toys 25c to $1.25
Babies' long or short coats in crepe de chine, cashmere,
Girls' red and blue flannel middy.
Babies' lond or short coats in crepe de chine, cashmere,
broadcloth, chinchilla and corduroy ....$4.50 to $13.95
Babies' silk and wool caps in popcorn stitch or plain
: $2.50 to $3.95
Babies' Angora Hoods $4.50 and $5.00
Silk and Wool Bootees 35c to $2.00,
A line of footwear in which scientific study ha;- V ont
bined style and grace with the roomy comfort required by
stout women. ,
Their extra width at the ankle and ball nviko thorn a
delight to the woman who has despaired of finding foot
ease in shoes that look well.
Every stylish stout shoe contains reinforced built-in
steel arch supporting shanks, the renowned and superior
quality Ked-Line-on Linings, full leather counters and
leather box toes.
Style 2:54, outsize top, black glazed kid, 8 inches high,
perforated tip, Cuban heel $10.00
Style 23G same as above in brown glazed kid. ...$10.00
Gift Handkerchiefs, each ...5c to $1.00
Silk Underwear ................$2.75 to $10.50
Silk Hosiery ,....,,..,.$1.00 to $4.00
Silk for Dress '. ......$2.00 to $4.00
Dress Goods .....$1.25 to $4.00
Other Materials 25c to 50c
riins $4.00 to $15.00
Gloves 85c to $7.50
Jlibbons '. 50c to $5.00
Biiantry and Nouvateaux 50c to $10.50
Table Damask , 85c to $4.00
Table Cloths $1.85 to $25.00
Napkins, set :..;........i....:.;..,..$2.50 to $25.00
Towels ...I.... $25c to $1.50
Tapestry Scarfs '.L'..: $2.50 to $10.50
Mfaderia Scarfs $7.50 10 $15.00
Umbrellas $5.50 to $12.50
Toilet Goods, Reasonably priced. (
Laces . 5c to 50c
Jewelry 2Sc to 3-50
Hair Ornaments 50c to $6.50
Head Necklaces $1.00 to $4.00
Many other things too numerous to mention.
Testimony in the, original rase la be
ing presented today before J. K. UecU
wim as referee. The liroccediiiK now
)s being taken on the original suit
which was brought by (icorno li. Car
michael iiffainsl Mabel Carmichael.
Ho brought suit for divorce from hoi
originally, and u. divrrc was (.'rant
ed. Then the Hist Ills. I 'arinicliae!
came back and asked that the decree
be annuled, churn inn that duress pre
vented here from comiiiK to the trial
and contesting the chaws. .The de
cree was then annuled, and the state
supren it it upheld the circuit' I'llf. furefl In 8 l M imr .,
' ' ! DriiKiristH refund money If VAZO
eiiurl s decision in the mutter. Tho niNTMKNT fatls to cure Itchlnir, Illind,
,. .., i,,.imu. i.lk,,n ,,,., r ,, , lileedlnif or ITotrudlmj Mien, lnaunl
piou cd.m.s beinx laucii now ure on y rneve Itchln IMIea. 60a. . c
('ariulchacrs original suit. After the " ,
(it crc
was Hianted, ho married Miss
Klsie o'llara.
First Picture of Carl nnd Zita in Exile
s jAlT y-l TV
mMi 't) m w '
He now has two wive.i. j f,iMt,.osfl nftr paUn(f ls duc ,0 bad'
digestion. Ilerblno helps the dlicestlva
procinH,. clears tho system of lmpurl
I llej and'rr.itoreH a. feeling of vigor and .
buoyancy of spirits, l'rlce, 60c. Bold
I by Tho i'endleton Drug Co.
A modern discovery for the jnptd',
, heullng of flesh wounds, Cuts, burns,'
j bruises, sores und scalds Is Liquid.
I Ibiroaone, It is u clear, colorless li'Hitd
, possess! ng marvelous hculintf power.,
i l'rlce, X0c, and tt.!0. Bold by Trfa
I I'eiidleton lirug Co. '
I To relieve rheumatism, uprninil,
I lame back, lumbago or pleurisy, Hal-'
j litrd'M Hnow Liniment Is a romedy of'
j proven merit. It Is very powerful and
penetrating. Three sires, 30c, 60c aod .
JI.20 per bottle. Bold by The Pondle
ton lirntf Co. V
f'JA V V,f I .
' - F h u
I am having Foirhaw. florist, send'
you over something; pretty for Xmm.
' Kine worenip is in me dukhi oi ino jiiiropcan. Ji.re are Kx l-.inrwi or Carl of Hungaii. and his Wife,
Kiia, going into exilo on the Inland of Madeiia aci the r.ati.ta crowd about them dolling their hat nnd
bending the knee as though they h-tfli-d some ton'iuerlng lieio. This is the first and exclusive picture of
the exiles' arrival. Imagine how valuably a photograph of Napoleon going into exile would b rnwndayv
now ready for free
McCall, Riley & Co.
Mtmbm CwrirlirrVri
20 Broad SU, New York
Price 30c.