East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 20, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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No Christmas memoran
dum i complete without tho
mi ni ion of (il.DVKS. Cloves
that lucet tin' latest vogue
for clourncss in dress and
SpOlt wiur.
Glove Certificates
Jf you should not know
the size simply select tho
quality lit the price you wish
to pay anil buy a Jl,OVK
KHTlKIfATK. Tlio gloves
can be chosen any time nflcr
V. Penin Gloves Sold
Here Exclusively
renin Hhort (llovcs in ail
wanted shades, with plain or
fancy contrast cinhroidc y
at (i pair 2.l. $11.50, 94.00
itnil SI. 20.
Fabric Long Gloves
(laiintlets with straps at
wrlHt; have heavily em
broidered hacks tit pair
$2.25 to $2.75
Come With the Children and Have Them Meet Santa Claus!
! - Here Every Day Mornin? and Afternoon
It is so easy to select something practical and useful, that it is
not only a waste of money .but a reflection upon the good taste
and intelligence of the recipient when you give, her some unuse
Jul trinket, which is seldom used and quickly discarded.
Give as You Would
; Like... to Receive i
A waist, a petticoat, a sweater, stockings, a kimona, a handbag;
furs or a dainty piece of lingerie, which is always acceptable to
any woman. i 1
For these holiday stocks offer such collection of Practical Gifts
that your entire list can be checked off without any provoking
anticipation, as to whether each present will suit or not. They
always suit. They are always welcome, for sensible women like
practical gifts.
Not ouiy a practical gift,
hut is an oxpres.sion of warm
friendship, which the giver
holds for the recipient.
Silk Sweaters
Tuxedq style, inadu of heavy
weight Japan silk, with belt
or sash colors, black, navy
and hrown. Triced at SJ.VOO
mid IjiL'T.no.
Wool Sweaters
Taney Knitted Tuxedu Swea
ters, in all the new ami pop
ular colors of the season-
at '.. $7.50
Wool Scarfs
finished Wool anil Mohair
Scarfs in plain t'olor.4, stripes
and plaids. Triced at
$3.98 up to $9.50
Gifts in Leather
A Iit'iithci- Hariri ling makes
n Kilt that nothing cl.se could
take its place, fur usefulness.
Our stocks arc well fortified
lo withstand any demand
you tint v make upon It. Se
lect yours tomorrow no ad
vantages are to Im gained
by waiting until the last
Women's Novelty
Hand Bags
at $3.48
A apcriat assort inent repre
senting various styles and
leathers formerly priced at
f 4 . fj 0 and J I.IIS. Special
High made Spanish Tooled
Tin Seal and Morocco Lea
ther lings. Here you can
alio buy the famous "Iteed
('rail" hand niailn and band
tooled hugs - priced up to
ive Handkerchiefs
There is one thing certain, in selecting for gift giving, the
recipient never' has too niltny. This section is all aflutter with
myriads of dainty squares. There are dainty lace and hand
enibroidered Kerchiefs, some machine embroidered, some with
delicate hems, and many other equally pretty effects.
Embroidery Swiss
chiefs, parked 3
Novelty Handker
In gift box at per
Two-Tone Embroidered Novelty Hand
kerchiefs, packed 3 in box at... 75c
Emerald l.awn Handkerchiefsbeauti
ful colored embroidery handkerchiefs
Her box 500 to SI. (MI
Armenian Handkerchiefs
Armenian Handkerchiefs hand made
and sheer linen, at each 11,'x"
Appeiucll Handkerchiefs hand em
broidered on sheer Irish linen 1.25
All Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs,
packed 3 in box per box 1.15 to
.1 Handsomely Embroidered Swiss Hand
kerchiefs new colored designs in
neat ullt box at St. 25
Colored Linen, neatly embroidered,
packed in fancy gift box, each.. 50c
Silk Crepe de Chine Handker
chiefs Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs of
I'repe do Thine at 35c to lillc
Irish Hand Embroidered Handker
chiefs, white and colored designs
'it each (15c, 75i- anil f 1.25
An nssorltnent f Jleauti
ful Gift T'mbrellas, which
can be hail in all styles of
handles and In variou.s iiual
Ities of silk from the Cheap
cut nood kinds to tho very
Silk Umbrellas
at $5.00 to $18.50
Colored Itain and Shine I'm
brcllas of Rood quality piece
dyed taffeta regular $.1.(18;
priced for tills week at
$5.00 to 1,150
rnibrell.-is of best quality
havo taffeta silks, with ster
lini? silver mountings, and
novelty ivory handles with
furrels to match. Triced
SlT.r.O, $11.50, $12.50 "' $15.
Tin; Gift SupreiiM:
An extra pair or two of (rood hosiery can be used by
every woman. Therefore you will make no mislake by
Includlnn; many pairs of these uift hosiery on your Christ,
mas list. Each pair put up in a Holiday Ihix.
Sultan Silk Stockings
make an excellent (tilt.
te" and square heel,
$(.75 (o $:t.75.
Made of pure thread silk, "Toin
t till fashioned. Triced at, pair
PluHMiix Stockings
N W and complete stocks of this popular hosiery. Conies
in full fashioned and seamless foot stsle; black, white
ami brown. Triced at a pair $1.00 to $1,115
Fancy Silk Stockings
All over lace embroidered or lad" clocks and fancy drop
Milch slocUiims--knitted or fvlove silk In black, brown
and while. Triced at a pair $:t.25 to S7.50
A Gift of Thought
A Kilt that shows rare
and thoiiKht and which only
can he expected from a Rood
woman friend. Therefore,
yon will find it a (vreat idea
sure to select your presents
from such an excellent as
sortment of beautiful liiitrei'ie
as you will find here.
Silk Chemise
Wash Satin anil Crepe de
Chine Envelope Chemise,
with Inserts of real and ma
chine laeo. Special values
at SI.MH
Silk Gowns
Others priced up to.. $17.50
lieorKi'tle, Wash Satin and
Crepe de Chine. Gowns; tail
ored and lace trimmed
stles. Triced at $7.50, S!I50
$11.50 iiixl $13.50.
Silk Camisoles
Exquisite c:ealio:i;: 01' Trin
Kcc Silk, Washable ;'atin and
fancy Presdiu Silks, at only
$2.18, $2.9H up to $MIS.
What a Busy Place
Is These Days
II will bo Indeed a Joyful trip for you. When you Ben
the bri4ht eyes und cheery sniiliiiK- countenances of the
kiddies as they approach the ToV OKTAUTM ENT and
meet ill. I) SANTA every day.
TOYS, oh so many, make up our showlnpr this year.
They are toys for children of every ntfo from the one
year old up there Hie
Mcthanlial Toys
MurreU Animals
i:iuthits, Autos
Hooks, IIMic.h
Educational Tn.us
Mechanical Trains
Wiiuuns anil Carls
11ill Hoix
Tinker Tos, l.u
Dolls of Ever)- Sort and Almost
Every Nationality
The assemblage of Hollies at Vhis store is larir enoupli
to make the heart of every little Kirl beat with joy. And
mothers will be phased to know that it is easy to choose
a lovable doll for almost any vrice they have in mind
to pay. From the small bisque doll at tO up to the
Isrsvst at si .3o.
If Mill I0N5 (.Rl.VIFSr Ull'VKIHlVT Ninitf
SMi'ial Tiicos tut Xmas Candies yuobxl to
Clinii'lies nod I.ikIkcx,
I se ttiir Mcii'liainlist' Certificate-; Vso the Tram h
Tost Ofl'hv.
11 vi.t j.t u 111 lir it n i & I 11 'I if )IJJ"Ji W
ill will m n
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday
I store will remaain open until 8:30 p. ni.
Fewer , Violations Fo.nd by
' Men in Federal Seryice
aj Than Formerly Prevailed.
The niaiiufacturer wl.o violates tne
P; federal Food and XJrujf law today U
Hi an artist compared with the viola
j tor of a f i w years ngu. lie does not
loffenfl so frequently or so flasrant
Uy, but he is harder to patch. The
Cross and crude violations so fre-
nuently found during the early days
B of the law's enforcement huvo given
Bj place to more subtle forms that, to
jg! be detected, require more careful in
vesication, says the chief of the Bu
jreau of Chemistry, I'nited States De
- jpartment of Agriculture, in his unnu-
al report. On the whole, violatlon
ure much less frequent. Only 'a
small portion of the- food and drucs
in interstate or foreign commerce U
cither adulterated or lnisbranded.
In the enforcement of the Food
and Drugs Act during the lust yeuiv
the llureiu of Chemistry reeommen
tt ded the seizure of 1(177 shipments
and criiniinil prosecutions . iu 60S
P. cases. The seizures and prosecutions
I leeouin.ended wore based most f re
glquently upun shipmeuls of patent
'medii'inu includiiifi: stock remedteii,.
Si stock feeds, beveraKes, tuffs, food
('colors, lisli ami shelltl.su, salad oils,
vluegur, artitlclal swesteners ana to-
i inato products, but Included a con
siderable number of other food
stuffs. ' f
The activities of the. year on pat
ent mi d leiries Included !lli(l . notions
1 1 directed mainly toward the elimlnu
a'tioii of false and fraudulent claims on
the labels revardltiK curative powers
I for a Bi eat variety of diseases. The
Bl stock feed rases, 152 in number,
jwcie based on products ib ficient In -I
protein or otherwise- fuiliiu;' to con
'fori, i to the claims 'made upon the
! Imitation fruit beverages sold un
u'der labils iiiiplyiuff the presence of
"'substantial quantities of fruit juice
! vr encountered, hut an increasing
j number of manufacturers have revis
it d their lal.els to accord with tha
Bjlrue coinposilion of their products, or
plliave actually Incorporated fruit juice"
' as an essential ingredient or the nr
'licle. m
! Viui.'nar wan the basis of 00 oc
B'tlons under the law. It was neces
jj'sary to continue the seizure ot vine
B'nur made' from dried applo products
'bearing labels which represented it
" as manufacluicd from tho' i iMCKsed
'juice of frTi--PTic-li'lii type-of'
p snosiu.ui.iou uas exvrieu a senousiy '
leuiorallzing effect upon the trade in
I genuine apple cider vinegar, says'the.
g report.
The short-weighting of tins or vc-
getable oil was one of the most per-
sistent and petty types of violation
jof the Kood and Drugs Acts encoun-
jtercd. There was found a wlde
spread practice among the smaller
"jliucKcis oi veKeiuoie oils lo .pui. wji.
(j packages showing a comparatively
Ismail hut constant shortage, from tile
quantity stated on the labels. ;. In tho
long run this shortage results in an
LjUnfair but substantial profit to the
i packers at the expense of the con-
jsumeis, says the report. These pack
!! also persisted in adulterating
. iollvi; oil with cheaper vegetable oils
P,anil in selling tiic cheaper product
U i,,wl..r lf.l..,lu liT,rl,'l. Ihi.l 4
'olive oil. Repeated actions have been'
brought in air' endeavor to control
1 1 his type ot violation.
Oysters and scallops, adulterated
H with water, the cheapest and most
'prevalent of all adulterations, ' were
the basis of numerous prosecution.
j' Actions on colors have resulted from
Lithe sale of dyes represented as ult
" able for use in food, which were elth-
er harmful In themselves or contain
ed deleterious impurities, fiueh an
arsenic, or were mixed with large
quantities of inert material havlnar no
coloring value, Tomato products re
quired much attention, owing to the
practice nf some mimuriietupera . t
using rotten and decayed stock, or of
adulterating with water or material
mane tram tomato waste,. . .. -
So-called llthla waters Mnlnlnlnir
only the merest trace qf Uttihun. hut
alleged to be of the greatest thea
peutic value because of their lithium
content, have been virtually elimi
nated from the market. Interstate
commerce in mineral waters nmt
other drugs alleged to contain radi
um wntcn were put on the market
jjiuuowing i no announcement that
i iradium effected 'wonderful Xcures,
ilhreatened to develop to large pro
m portions, but was stopped before It
Tiniiii.itt.i .....i.
uouoivk uiui ii iiiuiiieniuiu.
Kffective cnninnlFnn hnvr been
i carried on to ebmin.lt a from tnter.
state commerce shipments of milk
!and cream highly contaminated with
I bacteria. Some contaminated mlner-
al springs have been closed, while In
g'others the manner of handling the
Iproducts and of purifying it havo
'been revolutionized. Methods have
been devised for the detection, by
: means of the microscope.' of deconi
" . poed fruits and vegetables in pre-
pared food products.: Investigation!
g have ,been made to establish as tul-
Jly as posdble the character of the
M practices necessary to protect con
gj sumers from food poisoning, and the
i information has been ilisemlnjted
- Se" If Kor.h:iw. the noristrhas not
Just what would do the work for