PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ID, 1921. TWELVE PAGES Stock Fish I-'reOi -Wi-g .in St jCk. or'.!i early, poeiid fl Social and Club News i I t. 1 .-p T ill!?3 SWACOAIlT ARPIVES - DANCE TOMORROW Nir.HT CVGAGEMEXT IS AXXOIX'.'KII. i Mim Lois SwagKart w ho i.s attending The second in a Keries of dances Announcement of the engagement ' Cornth Dramatic School at Seattle ar- given by the members of the Elks j of Miss Therese Snyder ahd Ernea ! ' rived today to spend the holidays with J lodge of 1'endleton will be held tomor- I., frockatt was iua" at a brdse : Mr. andMrs.CS. Wheeler. Mies j row night at the Elks club. Arrange-ilea on .Saturday afternoon, when I Swaggart is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. ments for the affair are In the hands Mrs. William Lowell and Miss Sny-i Wheeler. ( of the entertainment committee. The ' der were hostesses at the Lowell home Mrs. Roy Becker tLeonore Swag-1 dance will be informal. 'on Daley street, the a.-fair being in' . art I will arrive tomorrow night from j honor of Mrs. John Harold Kitzgib-1 her borne at Cannon IJeach to spend ! G TESTS IX PENDLETON bon. Uie holiday at the Wheeler home. MR STEPHENS HERE ' Mrs. Omar Stephens, of Athena, is In Pendleton today. Ph Is the daugh ter of Mrs. A. A. Kimball. HOFF'8 VmiAIBS SHOP Gifts for Mother SISTER, WIFE OR DAUGHTER GEORGETTE BLOUSES SILK BLOUSES SILK BLOOMERS SILK PETTICOATS l .i nr. .Mrs. Kdgar Thompson has as her j Little Therese Lowell, in frock of I guests her parents. Mr. and Mis. pink organdy, gave to each guest aj James Mlnty, of Portland. They are pink rosebud with announcement card! at .Mrs. Thompson's home, 409 West attached. Miss Sny.-er, who Is unci-' Alta street and will remain until nftraily popular and who has scores of 1 the holidays. .fei'IftfS 'friends, is the daughter of ihe late! j J. M. I'. Snyder and Mrs. Snyder, be- ' ling a member of a pioneer family of' B I Walla Walla. After attending school in Walla Walla she completed her education in the East. Mr. t'roekatt, : jwho is the son of Mrs. Cora L. ; I C'rockatt, formerly of this city, serv- i led overseas during the war. He at-1 jtended I'niversity of Oregon and Is ;a member of Alpha Tau Omega fra-; jternity. The marriage will take place ; In February and the couple will make! their home In Pendleton. i Tour tables of bridge were in play during the afternoon, Mrs. Alger Fee, winning the high score trophy. I)ur-j ilig the tea hour, a number of ad-1 jumoiiai guests called. At the tea table., on which stood a miniature bride and groom beneath a cluster of pink tulle and llowers, Mrs. W. D. I KnsliMi Hi full vi line berris. peund ... Mistletoe, pound silr Rudden Oregon Walnuts. tW genuine kind. We were the first to handle these fin," nuts in Peadh-tun. When other stores started to feature them we feel highly complimented, for we consider imitation the highest form of a compliment. We buy in large lots from one of the largest growers in the state, hence the better .Number l, pouid 4.1c: No. 2, lb., 35c; refuse to pay more Syrmna Figs, the only shipment received this year in Pendle ton, pound 60o Single tier box of fancy apples from the prize winning or chard of John B. Ross, will a fine Christmas pres ent, box M3 Large stock of quality good things for Christmas. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phonev28 Only 1 Quality th Bert I5 JEWELRY SALE IS NOW GOING ON We have dint our eyes tc ro-t. low and profit during: this sale. He oho of the merry ones to join the throng. The money you in temled to s)kii1 Tor one gift will NOW buy two, three or four nt this sale, tan you afford to overlook this opportunity. The value of each article remains the same as before we cut the price, only you pay us about one-fourth to one-half Uie regular price and the difference remains In your pocket. liansGom s Jewelry Store ,..n.ary poured. Assisting ill serv- I lit h.SSH.S were MIS- Iirrell Harvey, of ALL SPECIALLY PRICED DURING XMAS WEEK i mDLBTON'8 POPULAR GARMENT BHOP "Just What I Wanted a KODAK That's the nice thing about giving a Kodakyou know it's what they want. All the Kodaks arc simple to work as we can show you, and they make good pictures as we can show you, too. Kodaks from $S,00 up Brownies from $2.00 up THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. The Rexall Store Walla Walla, sister of Mrs. Lowell and Miss Snyder. .Mrs. Snvder. i.,rs Fee, Mrs. Frederick Lleuallen and Miss Mildred lleikeley. Resides Mm. Biiyder and .Mrs. Harvey, out-of-town guests were Mrs. Holman Fer rln, of Vancouver, who Is a guest nt the home of her parents, Judge and Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell. TARTY IS G1VKN. Mrs. it. Crltchlow was hostess on Saturday afternoon at a blrtluluy party in honor of the third birthday of her sou, Glenn K. Crltchlow and the fifth birthday of Myron Cody, son or Mr. and Mrs. Fred duly. Guests were Invited for the hours between two and five. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon. The hostess was assisted CLUB ENTERTAINED. .to compel members of the American The members of the Ride-A-Weo hardwood manufacturers association Club motored to the home of Mr. to terminate cooperative selling meth- t'.nd Mrs. C. Owens Saturday night where they were delightfully enter tained. Charades and "&00" were played during the evening. The rooms were artistically decorated in Christmas bells and holly. The host and hostess were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. F. Snyder. Ouests were Miss Vera Snyder, Miss Myrtle Hampton, Gene Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Victor John son, Mr." and Mrs. Frank llowman, Mr. and Mrs. William Purchase, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Curl, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mann, .Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lieu ullen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duff and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tachella. MISS GLOVER TO DEPART. Miss Freda Glover will depart to morrow for her homo In lloqulam. 1 The marriage of Miss Glover and jVernor Rignor will be solemnized ods and agreements alleged to have been adopted for the purpose of elim inating competition und to maintain prices. . Justice Clarke, delivering the deci sion, said It was clear from evidence that the plan was a combination to restrict production and Increase prices. Calling the organization "an open competition plan" was merely putting an told evil In a new dress, was Clarke's opinion. In servinir bv Miss i'th,.i im,,- Ouests for the affair included Airs! 1 ,1,!Xt Sutl,rt,a" nt -Miss Glover's home ! ml Cudy, Mrs. Hurry Iloyd, Miss Illltner, Miss Daphnu Johnson, Miss Clrgiula Ilrown, Miss Katharine Itrown Miss Verna Hittuer, .Myron Cady, Ruth Cudy, Ralph Cady and Virgil Iloyd. CLl.'Il TO MEET The Kill Kare Klub will meet on Thursday evening ut Eagle-Woodman hall, for one of the series of winter dunces given by the club. Hostesses will bo Mrs. A. C. Koeppen, who Is chairman of the reception conimlloe, Mrs. L, C. Cumpbell, Mrs. H. L. Simp son, Mrs. p. T. Hales, Mrs. It. II. Home, Mrs. Homer Krehbiel, Mis. Itoscoe Keator and Mrs. James Estcs. PARTY IS GIVEN A group of friends of Mr. and .Mrs. Elmer Moore motored to their country home near Pendleton on Saturday evening for an Informnl pnrty. The evening was spent In playing cards. VISITOR IN PENDLETON Mrs. John Anderson, of Hells, was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. For over 35 wan the atunrfarrf family couh medicine lor chi. dren and crown persons. No opiate "Actual experience taught tn Foley's Honey and Tar is un doubtedly the best cough rem edy. It has been worth S50.0U bottle to me." Wm. Barnes. San Antonio, Texas. EturgVm it a Friend. Sold I'.vcrv where 0 Heaters Heaters HELLO, SWEETHEART 1 am having Forshaw. florist, send you over something pretty for Ninas. The couple will make their home in I -a Grande where Mr. Slgnor is em ployed by the State Highway Depart ment. Miss Glover is a girl of much charm and has many friends here who regret her departure from Pen dleton. TO CO O.N TOUR. Mr. and Mrs. John Vert, formerly of Pendleton, now residing in Scot land, will after the holidays start on an extensive tour. They will vis t va rious parts r f Europe and will go also to Egypt. Mr. Vert, who was in Pen dleton a short time ago, returned re cently to Scotland. He owns Interests here und In Canada. HEIiE FROM WASHINGTON Mr., and Mrs. ". L. Thompson ar rived in Pendleton today en route from Washington, I. C, to their home in Portland. Mr. Thompson recently resigned his position as advisor for the War Finance Corporation. They will leave for Portland tonight. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED. Announcement has been made, of the engagement of .Miss Grace Healy and Richard Richardson. 1 tot h are well known in Pendleton. The mar riage will take place within the com ing year and the couple will make their home here, GUESTS IN PENDLETON. Airs. W. F. Snodgrass of Colfax, Washington, is here as a guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Cook and also of her son, William Snodgrass. WILL VISIT HERE. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Judd ex pect to visit In Pendleton after Christmas, arriving here December 2! for a three weeks' stay. LEAVING FOR TACOMA. Mrs. Uernlce Jonez and Miss Norma Alloway will leave tomorrow for Ta- coma. They will remain there during the holidays. MliS. LADD VISITS Mrs. W. H. I.add is a Pendleton visitor. She is nn Attalia matron and arrived here (his morning to spend the day in shopping. GOVERN MENU WIN'S SUIT. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. -(A. I'.) -The government today won a suit IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION The Beyond Six Points to be lie- mimberm In Nervliu; Table (By Request.) When a course Is to be remov- ed all large dishes containing food should first be taken, then all soiled china, glass and silver, then clean glass, silver and chl- na,- and all thoHe things pertain- Ing only to that course, and then the crumbs. Plates should be removed from the right. All other things should be removed from the side on which the waitress can reach them most easily, and with least discomfort to the guest. The waitress must never reach across a cover at table. Dishes should never be piled one on another; one may be re- moved with each hand or small dishes may be set sido by side on a trap but ,never on top of one another. When a course has been en- tircly removed the additional silver may he placed from a tray for the following courses, The waitress must sec that glasses are kept filled, butter, bread and rolls always supplied without being asked for, and other things at hand as needed. The crumbs should he re- moved before the dessert course. This should always be done quietly and neatly. A clean nap- kin and plate are the best things for the purpose. V. D. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. (U. r.) The United States is at peace with all the world. The third and last peac;; treaty, concluded with Hungary to day, with similar treaties previously signed with Germany nnd Austria, concludes our peace with the central powers. Ratifications have been ex changed with Hungary, according to Hugh Grant Fmith, the American charge d'affairs at Hudapest. HOME OF GIFTS THAT LAST HOTEL PENDLETON BLOCK PENDLETON, 01119 JON Everything's Good in Hats A consoling feature about the sea,on's crop of hats Is, tmi overj thing is good! Never has there been so extensive a scope in linel 1 you see an exaggerated shape, you are ure to glimpse a simplo straight ltoed hat near by. Those Illustrated here, all the latest models shown. Jglve an Meaj of the variety froro which madame may chooso. Don't Pass the Kiddies by the Christmas Our stock is still rather complete, from the pen ny toys to the ones that cost up into the dollars, to make the little ones happy on hat day don't mean that you have to spend a lot of money, come and see. , We have books of the better kind for 5c. Toys that range from 5c to $15.00. So the amount that you have to spend depends entirely upon you, but don t forget what Christmas means to the little ones. You have SEVEN days left in which to do your. Christmas shopping. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED 4 salesmen at 7:00 Tues-1 JJ day morning. Army & Navy Sales a The BEE HIVE PENDLETON OREGON First Word of Homt Now's the time to get that heater. We have a good assortment and our prices are always right. We also have a very close price on our line of Lang Ranges, which we believe Is the best stove sold in Pendleton, regardless of price. Let us show you these stoves. Yours for Service Riley & Kemp QuUtf Our Wftlcfawonl feUsfK-doo Our Aim -rrrrrr,. ' """""" ' f p - "if I j rrv v 0m " k I " 1 apr,S to your M ft A JMsSf jV i I wins a place in your foo.l- ; V f ,4j JJft I affeellonss. Our bakery 1 - '&fjf l I 5ods ore designed to : '"'v rff" j?V ' P I meet your fervent appro- i v . , vftf; V P: I btt,,nB- if k' M. kllUlklWU I - " t mmiMi .-- m ' B t i him m i I ! uEE s&f3 Sflf Klr&?t kj iS e! THE STORE OF A 1000 Practical Gifts . Cedar Chests, Piano Lamps, Sewing Cabinets, Smok- $Z ing btands, Pictures, Leather and Tapestiy Chairs and Rockers Pendleton Haking Co. S ALL PHONOGRAPHS ONE-HALF PRICE g- - ----- m g... 1 $56.00 EUREKA ELECTRIC CLEANER Complete With Attachemnta for $47.50 Tbls offer is good until December 24 8 r 'i i Doug and Mary couldn't watt until thev lun.ii tr, ,..n.. countless hundleds await. ns their return from Europe. So they becam, ZTlI rJi0 t"H'rt01' on ,tl S' S' f,u'1 ttni mcssae W tiatv- mil rnnn runiiminr nn Vliclianr jour idil ruiiiliiire lur new. Highest pricMI palil ff jnur " im von: xmas siiorpixr. early old funilture. IM 1'.. Court I'lioiio 496 ri:Ni)i.irroN, precox ' i 8 'IM m Mzscm:m.a w 1 r. u. m , m j. , f .. : M Li