East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Irene's Latest Dance Gown
Reuben and Miller to Wrestle
Soon and Winner Will be'
in Line for Championship. I
l'l'UTLAXn, Or., lH-r. 1 2. f. T.
The sport fail who i-an r-iu!er ;i de
cision as to who is middleweight
.'stlitii; chamiiinn will l'e av:inl' tl I
the eaetns-lined world's chaiiipioii."hii
faii-weisiit hell.
Several hahitoes of the mat claim
the middleweight wrestling champion
ship, hut nohody seems to Know to
whom it rightfully belong:.
Ted Thye, wrestlinn itisiructor at j
Multnomah Athletic club has Inns I
claimed the belt. He has thrown the i
best men in his class. j
lint lately Walter Miller Los Angeles
Athletic Club instructor, has pinned
Thye's shoulders tu the mat in nifty
Then there is Mike Yokel, of Salt
I,ake. who ranks so near the tub that
he mh;ht easily be champion. Iliiiny ,
Iteuhen. of Chicago, is another likely j
youiiRster in line for the belt. j
Henny will add more weinht to his :
claims if he throws Walter .Miller i
when the two pet together here on lie-
ccmber II. Iteuben is here now, train
int; for the match, and he's a likely I
looking youngster.
f Miller throws him, .Millet's claims I
will awim ko skyward. I live has re
fused to meet lietiben, classing him as
un "unknown."
Should Keubeu throw Miller, he will
certainly no longer be unknown, and
it will be up to Thye to take him on
and make another attempt to clear up
his title to the throne. Tliye, however.
has itot been showing his old-time
class lately. He has been lotting a
number of (food men beside Miller
show him the mattress of late.
If Jr I 1 ' ' 'ii
1 1 I n 1 1 n i niTirn mm
ALAbAIViA biiJtio rLftfX '
I'VlUHs dih; ll s IMIMMITWT
itoi.r. iv iu;ooi i ii. i
Places Which Were Crimped
When Armistice Was Signed
Expect to Grow Quickly.
v ,hTh w."5 ,hc cm shln,Iie them-
V th.s newest dance eown of Irene Castle's
fnnt-iy of chiffon ni ?n.
TM, . i ..ii. ...
it SnUSlv enoueh f 1 ., "'. """co 01 M'lO cloft 13
h "u1. rxf t si l...,,u
chifen fcivc
Uclow a Hints of
"Stinctive cl&int
letn mn
and without unple.i
t be ilc is, d in the fut ure
K-inies are nlanned nronnitlv.
ant birkerinu".
Particularly have the financial liick-
j eriiiKs, started by California's $t-i,eln)
i demand, left the unpleasant odor of
' l-lll.f.U.. ill tl... w1.,ll,w. ......1,1
of course, the real truth is that vet y
few teams in the east were anxious to
come west for the purpose of tnkinn a I
P.KItKKl.KY, Cal., Dec. 1 :! . (V. V.
Sporting writers and football fans
are both highly disgusted Willi the
post-season (b'Veloinnents. Some sys-
j acipiired i
( "ticket do:
j California
w.ia-h she bad been atlenipiinj to sell
only in connection with iter stadium,
after she 1i:m1 assured Stanford that
ii larye, swelled cranium
y the California business
Coniiii on top of t lu
ll" at the His liame, when
turned lack a t hi
Fl,i iliKNCi:. Ala.. l.-e. ii.-il'iri-i
d I'o-s i Li int: tlie in si t tunan'ie
in .biatrial tin: ma in Anna-ran history,
Florence. Sheffield ami T;:semn''ia.
Ala., stand today rcail to fulfill their
It is these three cities, with an a
jsroKato population of approximately
.L'a, etui 'who are in the midst of Henry
ji'i. id's proposal to develop on a
Hantie scale, the government n irate
plant and Wilson dam, the greatest
in ,ii o-elec:i ic reserv oir (ill the Xorttl
American continenr.
It is these three little cities and their
reeeiu residents vbo w II beref t
iim-ko.;t and most I'rcun the accept
ance of the Ford bid. (lenKiaphieally
I he situation is rather unieue TI...
Tennessee river here flows almost due
west. At the foot of Muscle Shoals,
land liy shoals is meant merely a rocky :
jiipihrust in Hie bed of the river where
lllie stream ruts its way down l'ia feet
ill 111 miles, is tin. city of Florence, ll
s eu the norlli batik.
oiiitiui; ou Hoivneo city limits is1
north end of the Wilson ,1am anj
oveinment reservation, which is
of t he Ford proposal.
one-half miles west of
on the south haul, i t' Hie .
Sheffield. Mot ween:
partly in bol h, ;
tin- cent
Four and
1- l.u cnee and
s'ream stand
Sheffield and Florence
is Nitrate plant x. 2
Two miles southwest of SholTiol.l
jaud one mile off the river is Tuseum
bia. Opposite Tusel cnbia on tl.,.
njis Nitrate plant No. 1. The three
tickets (lowiis nr.. ei nneeled by railroads, one
nee nrnlKe and an eleclrie interurban
Kood beatlnir from California.
i asiet'ners aren't as anxious for a joy
ride to the coast as they were a few
years a. 140.
California, too, has without doubt
1 it- imiiImi TWr A i'liu
ndy on foot to
under a a.iiiile
e t be Inrorpur
," sipiare miles,
hi, 1,1
A movement Is aire
linerse the three towns
she was "sold oat,' the, further finane- j .government and enUiru
ial ilielierini s of tin- I'luc and Hold i-'"'1' area, now about 1
businessmen are lieyinniu.r to smack i1" or LT,.
more of Hold than of nine. 1 Problems ion liimt i tin' the people
neie on ine eve ot the expansion that
is expelled o Ver it inllt with the formal
announcement of accotam f tb,.
''"in net, tialuially tall into th
iik.- s,
ilatnc i
Nov. 25
ruril'.r Const (vml'eionce shintli
':s to nit! this m:iiu-r I y laying;
;i lew niit'S. II' the Kiisl-Vi st
y to in1 't( ;it I '.-isailfii itu- linos
U't H be I'luy.Mi tliT". :i ml ht ' n.
iH-.c i' a tixi-tl un(NrsU;ndiii alumt
tlinindiil :i rni nj'.cnu-His u ml' no hit
miiiittf dirkoriiiKM. ll' llic nuuiv is tu
1 h -Id clscwhcii', tht cnnlVrt'iiri'
.-hniild mnkc a decision tn tills matici-.
A whii'h caimt't niulTs;a 11.!
tlnulish ami atisuri s to the lretu h
laivrnaui only va- used in niakimv ini
I'otian! s. -iiunt-ts in "Klwr of thr
XMl)," Un' Vuaiaph sKH'i;;l .rotiiu'
t inn tasrtl in tlir la mous no v
.laiiu's niivcr iirwomi whit h will 1
shown a! Tht' liioli 'lliratti' today.
I'or that i.-is.-n Henry Ii. Walthall
ami ranline Starke, aiul otlnr iiieiu
' lei's oj" the etiinpany hi nshe.l no on
iht-ir liministie ahtlitifs. and eumniene
tt to sft-ak Fteneh while on loratttm.
In fact tlirouuh the urea:er I'.irt of tin
t nie Kit-m h w is the 1aim'iai;e used h
' the i nt re t-.iipan .
The rloir, a beautiful, Ib-luian Shrp
lielii, was soe ned front a I'nited Static
a iator, w bile in Kran' t'. Mn btoks and
ele I'vnoss til's is all that 'the most
exaetinn direetei eoubl vis!i for, Ihn ;
the animal enuld not understand a
Word of Kuullsh, and wlien it win -
noet'ssary for one of the niombrrs in
the play to speak to it, her owiht told
the nnn-Krench Npeakinq; pariy bow to
pronounce the phrase, and presto,
Marie, her .ureal, eyes beaming with
ii.lellUeuce, jumped and hurried to the
The i to-.; was seen red in Sou Lie.
Ktanee, vhe41 slie was three years i hl.
She is t hree-ipiarters Alsatian Shep
herd and one-fourth Wolf. Sht is own
ed be I. K. Stockton, a l,os Angeles
busims man. who in .speaking of the
remarkable inlelltKeuce of the breed,
recounts what happened many time!"
wlien he tuok Marie with hhn in scotit
iiiLr trips tiver the tiernmn lines, Jb
"I was amazed to find that Marit
knew tin difference between the
smoke from the French and (ienuaii
anti-ahvraft yuns. White smoke came
from the Kreiu-I). The ilermans used a
used a I dack powder. Whenever a
stream of white passed 11s in the air
Marie lay nuiet. but when the black
went by, she growled and showed hoi
teeth. She sensed when we were In
dami"r, because she knew that the
machine she was in veered away when
t he black smoke came.''
Relieves Headache
A little Mu-tcrolc, rubbed on fore
head and tcrrpleLi, will usually drive
away headache. A clean, while oint
ment, made with oil of mustard,
Musterole is a natural remedy with
r.cno rf lb.-! evil cr'-r-cfT-ts so often
caused by "internal medicine."
Get Musterole r-t your drug store.
35 4 C5c, jars 3 tubes; hospital sizr.C--BETTER
See our south window tomorrow. There is money
in it.
Are you getting your part of it?
Bring in your cash register receipts dated Nov.
25, they are worth money.
One of our charge customers was entitled to
$12.35 discount or over 15 per cent of his purchases
for the month.
Trading Co.
Phone 455
"If It's On the Market We Have It."
tlu i-i' arc claims on hot'i
i-ar Ihi' tiiiinianiriit i-uni-(1
to a I he expt'iisi-s "f
I of .salis California took
I U" I'tllll-St',
I slili-K. Last j
in i; i in' re i'u s
! 1 ill' his si rin
! In 1'asailona and lt-ft tho Hears $!iHI J
j in I lie hoh' on tin- trip. Knowiim thai '
I I'asadroa wolllil h:iV to Invite tlli'lo j
atntn tliis yriii, tin- t 'a lit'ornia linsiin-ss
nia:iayors ihoii ana thoic inlonm-il tin
t-oinmittoo that th(j' woultl iay th
$J.'ini many linn-s ovri- in l','i.
(ii:i:in. .MiKicrin
I.lii i 10. Coi vallis, Hoe. 1 2.
inan with thi' ln-st ri'i (M il
anil srholai-shii
auanloil a silver
ini aci-nii-nt tinit-. I-1. I-!.' MiKiiiiiii,
ni-i iiari'i- of the t'orvallis Inaui-li of tin-
Mountain States Pmver roinl'any. is
i I he enntriliutor.
!.I, Olh--Tlic
ill atlllelics
eotnhineil will lie
lovinu cup at coin-
UMnK the taiihlen influx.
: I'teveiitini,' profitecfiii!.;.
l-.'xpan -ion of oihlic ul lilies.
J I'lliliiliK lliaofar as lioss lile spiaaila
,f which ihei-c has hecn vci-v lit-
'tie Sll fill-.
Trolia,, iy th,. mo.uest point of in
ilerest to the oiilsiiKv coining inlo th,.
.sia.c win re Foi-,1 will play Ins nnnhiy
: linliisirail dm ma is;
Vhat is (lie reaction of i)u, people
An4 the-answer Is I Hit t there is very
li'tie Visihle leartioli, all enlili; ill).
nonce of that hysteri ' those win,
see riches in their urasp.
Tli-eitles, as the three lawns are
known collectively, explain this ,
IHiilltiliK to tills anil Iho hiltei awali
cnin when Hie work .stoppoil on tin
nitraic plain. People licrc are still In
credulous. They say In one aliollier:
"It is too oi'il to he true."
The Tl-i-Cil cH had a hitter awaken
ItiK in i:H!l when the pay rolls on the
nitraic plant projects melted away
anil the in. nun workmen jnelti il awn'.
! Tri Cities had thouijlil this would l,c
In-rniancnt. Henco they are loath to
Al.l.( ll KIM) NO SIM -I'll
lI..MO IN M W I'K'I'l K
The Ford Sedan, with electric self-starting
and lighting system and demountable rims wit Ii
3-inch tires front and rear, is a family car of
class and comfort, both in summer and in winter.
For touring it is a most comfortable car. The
large plate glass windows make it an open car
when desired, while in case of rain and all inclem
ent weather, it can be made a most delightful
closed car in a few minutes. Rain-proof, dust
proof, fine upholstering, broad, roomy seats.
Simple i:i operation. Anybody can safely drive
it. While it has all the distinctive and cconcm
ical merits ct the Ford car in operation an.l
maintenance. Won't you come in and look it
Yours for Service
Phone 408
Water and Johnson Street
i I
.''.'-' ' 1
Tlif iiM'thinl fif si-lccttcn will in- lei't
In tin- f'Minimtti'e nil ;iV;M'l.s it 111 h'M-
cis iiinli't' H. ."U. Ten mi nt, resist nir.
This eniiiniitl'c will cxaniin" imih 1 Ju
-vlinhistk- and alhlotii- rcrnnls f'T t'mir(
vi-;i!s ami liasc lh'i- sell (Minn mi tlv
j cnniitiiH il a Vera".'.
Th' .M'MHain Hiatus I'iiwc cimipaiiy
has al;ts slmwn an inttvest iti thtt
j ci)ili-,L-f anl its :ict tvit i m. This laMt
hnnnr is an cxjtia ssion of th'-ir support
I In a!lil"tiis and lu'lit'f in th- slantlhi'4
j of nn-n pauioipatinir tu nllih-tirs.
The mo.
cunrsi', c
nu n hen-Ml'UM-
Kurd ol'ic
tJt(lMM( p
firms jirc
and matt rial
t ion. ( 'unset'
w ii ll in six we
il news.
I aculi- pn.lilein will, if
that of housing. Husint'ss
f'slimar thai wilhin tin day.
f"t trial iiiTi -tan'( at the
tlnic will 1m- iin influx of
oplc lu re. Tin ((Ml lumber
prepared to furnish lumber
fur tinrmited consf rue
atie estiniales ar" thai
ks t'l'.m ;tiiv uiveii date,
il six l'ooin
I al tlif ral
i es enlird be
".0 nt iiioi'f a
iVOU,l MXTKM) lOIJi il.N 1N
U'.S!I.'iiTO., in-. 1 2.- ' A.
.'H't'ee merit v:is reaebetl toda.v by
the senate lltialiee eultillllttee on t He
'lill for funding the foreign debt into
obligations wliieh would tnalnre not
later than -luti" K), H'tT, and interest
on whieli would be five percent per
annum pa able w mi -annually.
wn.k .
Thi:, le-t:' largely on ihe inatt'-r nf
laiioj- supply. Th" lumber ismailabh
"ii shuit notiee; so Is ih hardware.
There is ample va'-ant )roperly witliin
shorl distane-'H of the liiisiuess renter
In litis, at th- height of war work,
people sb'pt in attics, (d!.ns, Karaes.
ten's, an,vbere lo he out of shelter.
There was nveti a standard chi'i'e of
Tat reals fur the privilege of sleeping
all niuht in an office ehair.
I' on will inher.t from (lie cuwrn
nient f.o'iltiies lor (arum for at least
ir,.MiMi per, pie. These al e p l inaiietil
and : lui-pennaneiii siiii' lures oil th"
arioi;s r sen a i Ions. They had just
been eonipieted in 1 !' I S when i he ,r-
lui.'-liee was suited and did not benefit
Wallace Keid has d t h p a I mnsl every
Mud of vehi'de in his rarainotint
sefeeit ol'I'erim's, In his recent plr
ftit'e, "Th" hove Spicial," lie aibted a
ioeomol i r to Ihe list and in the aulo
ninbile race pieture imtnrdiately fol
lowing, lot drove a fast raring car
Check That Cold
Right Away
ASUDDKN cliill snMes stuffy
feeling in the head and yon have
the Ix-Rinninjj of a hard toll. (Jet
tijdit after it, just as poon as the sniffles
tart, with Ur. King's New Discovery.
For fifty years a standard remedy
lor colds, coughs and grippe.
Hicre are no harmful drills, nothing
Vjt good, hcaCnj medicines, that get
riRht down to the trouble ad help
al ure,
Voo will soon notice a change for the
teller. Has a convincing, healing
Cute that the kiddies like. Good
(iir rroiipy coii"h. All druggists, 60c.
Di Kind's
New Discovery
for Colds and Coughs
Put "Pep" in Your Work. Many
man is a failure in litisiness, many a
woman in iwr home, because constipa
tion stores up poisons that enervate
and depress. Dr. King's Pills make
towels art natttrilly. 7.5c
r.Kinffs Pills
arouml the track at a speed of a liun-
lied and tell miles per horr.
In 'The Hell num-is," his late pic
ure written by Kron Morgan, whieb
will be shown at the I'tvoli Theatre
day ihe Mar operates one of the
lost unusual machines in the world-
the iUant tired ue whicli in used to pun
he preeioits metal f i-mn tlir earth in
Northern California. u ibis invasion,
inwever, he was unable to make more
han half a mile a day.
This lack of pep in the speed of tho
"Hi; niatdiine, however, is more than
coniprnsaled for by a thrilling fiht
.Vheu tlte dl"de is converted Into a
'loatioir fori ress ffntl which it is up to
tho faction headed by Mr. Keid to
storm and rapture, and by many ulher
inustial sernes and situations.
Arcade Today
IlillllVII .11'
.'nis snto vmfj
15ebc Daniels
The Speed Girl
Children 10c
Adults 35c
Ii.'. . Logos 50c
"Edgar Camps Out"
l.lli'i-ni-,1 IMtfi'it Ai'MiH I'llliles
A slx-rl hiili'i', linnili-i'il unit Iwcnly
full)- in ijihiwi'I', rii'iiiil-'lii'iil ng eoni
i'ily Willi "The (Inoil l.iitle Tail tinl"
it I lie ln'i'l. SI ci mi it !
A It At I) 'I'll A I' t Ii Ii Mil! VOI II
' Wlii'ii Hi.' il.iKliiiiK lii roini' ut "T1IK
Jri-)l-'.l) lilKL," iu'iiimIwiI lii'j- oiiiiK
n.i, y c:i 'nit that i.lii' wuitlil i'l liiin lo
IliH Mill r nil lillll', Hill' IIK'lllll cvi'iy
H ;iril of ll :
I'mki's nil': ,Slii lii'i- n l ii liiRli '
N'iiW s ,.), nil ll !
Knity nr . TIi.-ii h nm liiin; --nnlj
it i-liii'Ucn'n hi'inl.
I'Mfiy Thi-ii' K"i" ymir li.il!
Hut V.lll l iln Villi i-.i i-c -. Vnll'l-i' linv. I
itifj- it ui mil t inn-, nuil !i 1 s ili iv'nu',1
Sixty . What's Hint nil-iiiltlnK
in I III' i nai '.' j
I'U'lllV . (lllSll tllllSI' tl'll'lllllllll! i
I Miles lni'k like a iiir-ki-r Ti'iii-i'!
'Kinlily --- . Cnn'l wo Mhaki' Hint
"lllll -.lll " liark tlli'l i'-.'
,inM- - .luiiiiiln liull-froH
lie's pa -sIhk ns! J
I liiml-iiit'lil --II'." ii sn i il I'np. H'Iomk. I
Mclii-, wi-'ll hi'c on in Jail !
i i i;i! inN i. m;ss
.ilti'xl Ank jur llrnclt for a
4 hl-chr.(i-r m IMitinnnd TlmndV
I'llUln lld tntl Unltl niHiUiAV
l-ics. SMlfl with It) n Rll.lMn. S,
hrnemtmU Aik fM'H 1-1 HKN-Tf Hfl
IMA1II KKANI l'ILI.l, fitr
yrart known a Urt. Always Ke1ll l
"Try tho drug store
first," ,and Kocppcns,
the drug store that
.serves best, for Prescriptions.
From General to Governor General
F : !
; c i f " "A '
' Ml -
- m .,. .m.l.iu,, ' '
i ; ' i ' .w,. - -. ,",-.l5 'i
Fri. Dec. 11
iivoii o r
Tlie Only ,Mu-iral Comrdy ("o ming in 1 92 1-22 Season.
AT (i( )LI)STKIi Prtwnis
VICTOR IllMIJElvTS Alaslrrpirrr.
onrnt Lonard V. ood Uxut t:: oath ol otlice an govr.nor fmral
of the I'hiiivpbeo, The oath, wa feininiatered by A'.Ucff tWtf Jusiws
fTyrlff ''Yw- ; V.,rn,''ii 'v- t-i iii, mil Blum jH1""1 " iwyw .iwtii.iiMMi
Book h-j Harry B. Smith
iU&4 GtO W IfCfRf
lyrics b RQ8fRT B.VllIH
5corf by Victor HtfDtRi
IVatnrin .Mainrrilr rndrr, Nora Krlly, Nat CaiT and Be
itcliiiii! lcantir.s Who Can Sini and Danrr.
PIlICES-IORes $2.50; Lower Floor $2.00; Balcony Front $2.00; Rear $1.00,