PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1921. TEN PAGES ?J"j'I ""xW1 , 1111 ! Social and Club News niRTHDAY PAUTT GIVF.X Mrs. Roiter Kay was h"stss on Sat urday afternoon at a pnnv in hmor "f the lourth birthday anniversary of Klln Hurst, the Ittt le liuiiKiiter of .Mr. and Mrs. I.fsicr Hurst. The afterii'iori was spent in game und later, lfore the serving of refreshments, Panta CInUH appeared, brinKine with him goodies for the youngsters. fluent fnr the afternoon were Clara Ma Tullls, ltosemury Tullis, Char lotte Tiillla. Oear- Tullis, Jane Mabie. DoriR Mabie, Ilnrbara nensun. Cordon Ilenson, Irene Temple, Philip Wimer, Jane Trombley, Louise Fee. James Mc Clure, Kleanor McCulley, Harvey Mat lock, John Matlock. Margaret Snyder, flulnivere Snyder, Allen Ferrin, Don ald Temple, and the honoree. Mothers of the children were addi tional guests. Mrs. Kay was assisted by Mrs. Hurst and by Mrs. Itnbert Jones. PI XX En IS OIVEX Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph M. Cromnielin were hosts last evening ut a dinner party in honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Moore, Guests were invited to the Collins home, 215 Xorth Main street. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Moore took place recently In Portland. Mrs. Moore wits formerly Miss Opal Cnlll-son. l:i:CKPTln To UK OIVEX Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murphy hne issued invitations for a reception at their home, 211 Perkins, on Wed nesday evening:, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas y. Murphy. The wed iliniT of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy W'as a recent event. Mis. Murphy before her marriaee licing .Miss Delia Hammer of Seattle. SERIES OF AFFAIRS PLANNED Mrs. William E. Iwell and Miss Tess Snyder will be hostesses this week ior a series of bridge parties. Ouests have been asked to the Lowell home. 70S Italey street, for Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday. MRS. MORRISON RETl'RXS .Mrs. Edna S. Morrison returned Inst evenintf from Ii Grande, where she spent a week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sihilke. LEAVES FOR LA GRANDE Miss Lois Given returned Saturday evening to her home In Ia Grande after a visit at the home of Mrs. Evu Wissler. RETl'RXS TO MIKKALf) Mrs. Hulda McKinney has returned to her home at Mikkalo after a visit In Pendleton. MRS. M'PHK P.SOX HONORED. j ; Mrs. J. 1.. Mt Pheison was honored j on the occasion of her birthday when' a group of the members of the Loyal ! Workers class entertained with u ! birthday party. Guests were Mrs. W. ' A. Gressiuan. Mrs. Frank Greulii h. I .Mrs. John (Ireulicli. Mrs. Mary Ilyrd. Mrs. J. liramwell. Mrs. W. 1. Gadwa. j .Mrs. William Milne, Mrs. Fergus,! I.Mrs. Wallace Cargill, Mrs. C. A. Pat-j jton, .Mrs. II. M. Warren. Mrs. T. j I'ampbell, Mrs. Margaret Hoover and i 1 Mrs. James Morton. ! HOPF'B UPDIAIRS SHOP Beautiful New Blouses For Gift Giving PARTV IS GIVEN Mrs. Margiiret Hoover was honor guest olt Satnrthiv iil'tci-nnnn party given by the tallies of the Chris- uaii cntircn at the home of Mrs. Hoover's daughter. Mrs. I.oren Hoov er. The occasion was in honor or Mrs. Hoover's birthday. Christmas decorations were used most effective, ly. During the serving of refresh ments. Mrs. Hoover rut a large birth day cake. She was presented with a charming gilt during the evening. .MARRIAGE TO HE SOI.EMXIZED The marriage of Miss Edith Tnimt. krantz of Portland nnd J. ('. Kuhns, of this city will be solemnized in Port land tomorrow. Miss Youngkrantz re sided here l'or a short time and has friends In Pendleton. Mr. Kuhns is su pervisor of the I'maillla National Forest. They will make their home here. . MRS. STEPHENS IS Gl'EST. Mrs. Frank Slenhens. of I'.uLlntnn Washington, is a guest at the home of tier daughters, Mrs. Anna Furnish, and Mrs. Henry Struve. Mrs. Ste phens accompanied her son, Claude llanseom and Mrs. Hanscoin to Pen dleton by motor from Ilickleton. where Mr. and Mis. Hanscoin have been vis iting. ItETl'IlN FROM PORTLAND. Thomas Thompson and daughter, Mb Edna Thompson, returned last evening from Portland. Miss Thomp son has been sojorning in Portland lor several months and Mr. Thomii. son has been there for a short time. Women will delight in owning one of these smart new Blouses and what more practical gift could be presented? See These Blouses at $4.95, ?6.9.5 and up. PENDLETON'S POPULAR GARMKNT SHOP Christmas Gifts THAT WILL SUIT ALL TASTES AND POCKETB00KS You may buy gifts as low as 25c up to any price you wish to pay. Handsome Gift Packages in JONTEEL TOILET PREPARATIONS STATIONERY CANDY PERFUMES TOILET WATERS TOILET SETS BRUSHES RUBBER GOODS KODAKS VACUUM BOTTLES LUNCH KITS FLASHLIGHTS and many other items from which to select. If you cannot come to the store phone ami we will send I a selection lor your approval. II PENDLETON DRUG CO a r.nnn i.pah to FOLLOW. ALL ROADS LEAlIl 1921 HERE. TARNATION" MILK, .our rcKUlaf price, ,2 hi rev tins ." Fine Bulk Coffee, pound 2.V- Genuine Weston Mrumaiu Potatoes, lmi pounds S2..VI Eastern Oysteis, pint . "."' Kipoered Cod und Salmon, pound 33t Ye Rack Hay Roston Brown Dread, loaf 20r IeVoir s Health Hread, loaf 20c Giant Cheddar Cheese, the finest yet, poi.nd 50o fyrmna Figs, the finest quality, pound ! firav Pros. Special Mix Candy, pound SIX- Spanish Sweet Onions, pound 10c Pea Meal Bacon, pound Hto Corn Flakes, 2 packages 2.V Fine assortment of hieh grade goods for Christmas. If you want quality goods let us supply you. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 23 Only 1 Quality the Bed I JI Hp I: I. 1-2 PRICE All our Phono graphs dosed out at 1-2 price. See our windows. fin mi rnnn bnAnrunu F URNITURE CO . XI Its. IlltOWX TO VISIT. Xlrs. (iideon Brown will arrive the latter part of this week to spend the holidays here as the suest of .Mis. Waller McCormmaeh. Xlrs. Brown, who formerly resided here, now makes her home in Los Angeles. COXIIXO FltOM BEP.KI.EV Xliss Kathlyn XlcFaul, dutiKhter of nr. ami Mrs. ). J .McFaul will arrive Saturday jnorniiiK rrom the I'niver Nlty of California to spend the Christ mas vacation with her parents. MltS. HARTXIAX BETI RXS. Mrs, Ceorue Ihirtmim -..f ,i i evening from Portland, where she was called by the death of Allen Jnlies .Mrs. Johes Is Xlrs. llartman's sister. Isociai, to hk nivKv. A hasket social will 1 day evening at School District 41. Xliss Alvinu Huhl, one of the tciiclii'rs, Is In charge of the program. WILL BE Gl'EST. Xlrs. I.aura (iilison m-Hw.,1 iut ning from Portland for a visit with ner sister, Xlrs. C. H. Jerard. I1KSV BEES TO XIEET. The Busy Bees will nu, t ., afternoon at the home of Xlrs. Xlnrv, 101", West Alia street. . MOTOlt TO PE'MH.KTOX. Xlrs. I.eona Bust nnd m Langley motored to Pendletoii' from .union last evening. To HOI.n SAI.K The Catholic ladles guild will hold nn an (lay cooked food sale at (!ra Hros on Frldav. The highest trees have the most l'""Hi'H It'll t'N, IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATIOW The REXALL Store LB B t LANG RANGES THE RANGE FOR THE ECONOMICAL HOUSEWIFE lialsin nnd Vig c"onscrv. 3 cups dried fKK, 3 etips wn ter, 1 cup sugar. 1-s cup orange 1-2 cup orange Juice grated rind of 1 orange. i- cup I,,,,,,,, jk.,,, 3 cups choipc(l seeded raisins. 2 cups broken walnut meats. I'hop tiKs. Cover with water and soak over night. Add sugar orange juice jind rind, lemon Julie and raisins and cook slowlv until thick about 1 hour. Add nuts and conk minutes. Pour Into sterilized glasses and seal with naraffine. Thiu ..!,.... I T IlllOIlt l ll;lUU.,u ' l The easiest range to keep clean on earth, enly two lids. LET. US DO YOUR REPAIR WORK Yours for Service iley & Kemp QtialKy Our Watnhword buwrait Inn Our Aim R BEBE DANIELS HE SPEED GIRL" TvtALART FlCTURtJ & d ni as a protest against the negotia tions conducted at Washington for the settlement of the Shantung issue with Japan. i I Ten years is the average life of oyster. TOKIO, Dec. 12. (I. X. S.) That mining activities In the Japanese Em pire are at a low ebb is shown by a report recently given out by the Xiin ing Bureau of the Department of Agri culture and Commerce. Serious de creases In the output of such import ant products as iron, silver, copper and sulphur make it apparent that the depression Is widespread, although possibly In the case of coal an excep tion might he made. Even the coal has fallen from 2,017,983 tons In July last year to l,804,i13 tons this year, while for the first seven months of the respective years there was a de cline of over 1,800,11110 metric tons. SIIAXOHAT, Dec. 12. (I. X. SS.) A eiiraotie muss ntoctinir wns hiM here for the purpose of launching a movtniieni Inr ule overtnrow or tne Peking government. Demonstrations ate Increasing dally throughout Chi- I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY V A. N'T ED Furnished apartment (or house, Phone si. WAXTKD Position for school girl in family. Phone 23F2. Ol'Ii BREAD is a friendly food. It appeals to your palato and stomach nnd wins a place In your food nffeetionss. Our bakery goods are designed to meet your fervent appro bation. Pendleton Baking Go. no Yoru xmas shoppi.nt. f.abxy r.xeliaiige. 3'onr old riirnltiire for new. Highest prices paid for your (dil furniture. 10.1 V.. Court Phone 49B rF.xni.rcrov, otux.on Mr. Farmer WE WANT YOUR TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE. TOP PRICE PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE. THE TABLE SUPPLY 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor "Speaking of Women" IRVIN COBB points out that feminine shopping does not necessarily imply Inlying. It means hard work for everyone concerned but seldom results in a trans action involving inoncv. As a country minister once declaimed: '"King Solomon said, and I partially agree with him . . ' We only partially agree Avith Mr. Cobb on this subject. It is true there are still some aimless shoppers left. But they are in the minority. Today most women as well as most men are well-informed buyers, with a sound basis for comparing stores and values. Rv buying goods of recognized merit they save them selves the throes of old-time "shopping'trips" and at the same time get a better and bigger money's worth. Host women read the advertisements that appear every day in their newspapers. They make a prac tice of keeping strictly up-to-snuff on new develop ments, innovations and improvements. They know just where to go for "this" and who in town keeps "that." When they shop they generally know just what they want, where to find it, and how much to pay. Their knowledge saves them endless trotting, weari some questioning and haggling. . The advertisements have taken the "hop" out of shopping. ISN'T THAT WORTH WHILE? AllCADK TOIAV