East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
Spenca Benlley accompanied Carl
Cooley an a trip to lioie Snmluy.
(Continued tram ptga 1.)
A. C. Bristol. special agent of the
Pacific states l-'ire Insurance Co.. is
here from Portland.
Buying grain is the l.upiness of A.
It. "Sandy"' ltobinou. lie was here
today from Comlon looking after
iness affairs.
Hubert Hatton and Mike Brew were
. i arrested yesterday by Glenn Jtnshee
Just how to prune fruit trees so they just after they crawled off of a train
will produce to the best advantage is ; in the Pendleton yards. Hatton, ac
one of the things that Clayton 1. hums 1 cordinit to the ofl'ieinLs, has complete
of O. A. C. has devoted a lifetime of i equipment and records with him for
study to learn. His business is to passi organizing locals in the I. W. W. la
this Information along, a.vl he came to i formation that the man has been In
Pendleton today. He nnd Fred Fen-1 jails in Washington and South Dako
nion went to Milton-Freewater, this .to is claimed by the authorities. Both
morning where during the first part . men are being held pending a furtner
of the week they will conduct a prim-; investigation.
itig school.
LONDON, Dec. . (C. 1M The
British press today slighted the An-Klo-J.apanes?
alliance, and cnmmend
ed the new Pacific quadruple alliance.
Ifjindon newspapers were unanimous
in their approval.
Sculpture by a special photographic
apparatus is a recent British invention.
the result being a portrait in has relief
deeper than that of the king which ap
pears on the coins.
Says Husband Nagged,
j That her husband nagged her con
stantly and found fault with her is
the claim made by Kffie Male Gris
wold in her suit for a divorce from
John T. Griswold, The plaintiff, who
is represented by Peterson, Bishop
and Clark, claims that she has earn
ed practically all of her own living by
working since her marriage. The
couple married in January, 19!!0, ac
cording to the chmpluint.
A bee can carry three times Its own
'e.rhi ill honey when flying.
Why Not Trade That
Silent Piano for a
"The Phonograph With a Soul."
"His Master's Voice"
All t)f the latest Edison and Victor
records, Q. R. S. Player Rolls and Sheet
Warren Music House
any work which will lighten and
brighten the wibor of home-making on
the farma or in the towns is well worth
while. 1
Would Invalidate Contract.
A report read by Miss Sabra Xason.
county librarian, and a discussion
which followed gave the information
that If the recommendation of th
Taxpayers' League to cut the budget
asked for by ihe county library board
is followed, the contract between the
library board, the Pendleton Com
mercial Association and the city of
Pendleton would be invalidated, and
the benefits of the Sturgis fund would
be placed in Jeopardy. The library re
port indued a statement that such a
contract can not be rescinded except
toy a vote of the governing body of the
contracting parties nt two consecutive
annual meetings.
"Well, lawyers brought in this rec
ommendation, didn't they, and
shouldn't they hnve known that this
recommendation would cause the li
brary to lose the benefits of the Sturgis
The question was put point-blank to
Judse Schannep, but he refused to
Reports On Market Ttnads.
Judge Schannep made a report of
the number of miles of market roads
constructed during the year with
market road funds. This report came
after the merits of the road program
had ibeen entered Into. Thirty-two
mile's of Such roads have been built
during 1921, the Judge declared.
, Following this report, it resident ot
ithe east end of the county declared
that he knew of men there who would
j contribute as much as Jl (100 In ensh
I In addition to their taxes In order to
,get more good roads. A. II. Cox
j spoke in the Interest of keeping tip the
.road program. 1 " '
limits Miller declared that the roads
P now are not as good as they were 40
years ago, and he went on record as
5 I favoring a return to the old System of
road building whereby supervisors
"Every Thing in Music"
would have charge of the work
Some ihy-play was indulged in when
the statement was tviade ' by one
speaker to the effect that the Tax
payers' League is composed three
fourths of democrats. ,
"Well, I think It is 'Just the other
way," another man retorted. 'I was
Just thinking that all of the leaders
are republicans. I don't know a
man of much prominence In the
Meagud who is A. democrat."
E. P. Dodd, of Hermiston, spoke
.briefly on ,the stand taken by Ihe Her
'mlston Commercial Club In favor nf
the budget. J. T. Hlnkle was the only
one present to oppose the adoption of
!the 'budget by the club, Air. Dodd said.
Phone 524
820 Main St
The fastest trains in the world are
'said to be two on the Great Westerri
railway, iwhlch at certain stages of
their Journeys travel at a speed of 78.6
miles per hour.
' After 2 jyears
vve have ;grown
larger. The rea
son is price and
assortment. '
Save your money
We will show
you the largest
stock of furniture
Don't Wait
Come Today
Cruikshank & Hampton
-Quality County"
124-28 E. Webb Phone 548
Voiir Oh! Furniture Taken in F.vhange as Part Payment on New.
Inshc AiohI.h in Pendleton for .MrDouguII Kiulien Cabinets.
. k AI -.(
Great Bloodless Surgeon Says
Science Has Been Revolu
' tionized Since Operation.
t Written for International News
NEW YORK, Dec. 12. Rates of ex
change may wipe out the wealth 01
one country and inflate the currency
of another in comparison.
Rut human service is a coin which
never falls below the par value of shin
ing gold.
To the crippled children of America
Professor Adolf Lorenz, master of
bloodless surgery and specialst In
joint diseases, is offering aid. It Is
such aid as was brought to the crip
pled daughter of a millionaire packer
eighteen years ago, when Dr. Loreni
was brought from Vienna to Chicago
by J. Ogden Armour to enable his Ut
ile daughter, Lolite, to gain use of her
limbs. i
And it Is even more than that since
Dr. Loren declares his methods in
bloodless, harmless surgery have been
much utilized since those da.vs.
The noted surgeon is sixty eight
years old now. He looks as Santa
Claus might if he were able to add
distinction to Denevoience white
beard, rosy, clear skin, light blue
keen eyes. .
Great Changes in Kverythlnc
"Those eighteen years have brought
great changes yes. Indeed," Dr. Lo
roim began. "Uut what a change in
New York City!
"This Is truly the 'City of Light.'
Paris used to lie called that, but In
that respect It cannot compare with
modem New York.
"Life here is all in n tumult; it is
terrible and bewildering to me. The
rush, the bustle and the noise. It Is
undoubtedly had for Ihe nerves rnr
New Yorkers, but they seem to sur
vive." Dr. Loreim will continue for some
time the clinlu begun by him n'. the
Hospital for Joint Diseases,
Scores of crippled children come to
the great surgeon there, and It is esti
mated that nearly seven hundred let
ters a day have been received at the
hotel Where ho is staying.
"Technique has been revolutionized
since my first visit here," the special
ist continued, "hut harmlessness Is
characteristic of It all. Other people
may say. 'Do you want to take a
chance and have nn operation ?' Well,
there is no risk attendant here.
"Hut your poor New York children
so many of them thrown all in n
heap by Infantile paralysis. 1 am tisin!
some now methods and experiments to
assist them.
"Limbs canie straightend by 'man
ual traction' and mechanical memm.
Eventually 'transplantation' cun take
plnce. Healthy muscles can be as
easily removed from ft healthy limb
and placed In a sickly one ns rosebuds
cun -he grafted and replanted, lllp
Jolnts that are deformed can he set
straight that has always been rov
Great Suffering in Vienna
"Hut there Is also suffering in my
home Vienna. The dearth of supplies
continues. The decreased value of th
kronen prevents buying even sucl)
supplies are are offered In the shops. I
"War profiteers, of course, live In fj
shameless, splendor. The brain work
crs nre badly off. I
"The former prosperous class, t
which I was supposed to belong (will
a laugh) has lost everything." t
At this point Dr. 8. Weymiut, whom
Dr. Lorenz has appointed ns his (tut
sistant, told me that the great stir
goon was not worth even one thoiw
sand dollars today. j
'My fortune is reduced to onei
thousandth of what It was formerly,"
he said. 'It cost me two and a hull
billion kronen to come over to Am
erica. i
"Austria has ubout enough supplies
to last out a month. ltfls not a fertllfl
land, but mountainous what fertili!
provinces we had we have lost.
"We must Import three-fourths o(
all our needs, and these three-fourths
in ur-t be bought In the world murkyts
with our worthless kronen, six thou
sand of which would barely buy one
"We owe much to your fine Amer
ican Relief administration, to the Jew
ish Relief and the lied Cross.
Afraid of New York Subway
"Would I like to live In New York."
Dr. Lorenz smiled, i "Well 1 like
America, but the hustle of this city
terrifies me. As for that subway that
runs tinder the grond, I would never
trust myself to go down with Its
crowds, I know I should never, never
come out alive."
Dr. Ijirenz spends four nnd a half
hours a day at the clinic at the hospi
tal for Joint diseases, where un entire
floor has been placed ut his disposal.
After his work here Is finished he
will go to Chicago, tin his way h
will stop off nt Mnffnlo, Cleveland and
Detroit, where clinics will lie iirraiiK
ed. "Iii Chicago I am going t(f see Mrs.
John J. Mitchell, who was Miss ).(
litu Armour when I knew her," de
clared Dr. Lorenz. "I was Invited lo
her) wedding but couldn't come on lit
that time."
At the time Dr. Lorenz performed
an operation on Lollta Armour anil ef.
fected a cure he became internation
ally famous.
Seekers ufter uniiiue nnd useful gifts
w".l r:nd Just, what tliejr t looking for
nt this store. Su'vtol!e'n is Just now a
vast bazaar of distinctive Holiday merchandise.
are nmcng the prettiest of appropriate
gifts for the feminine portion of your list.
Approved by young and old. Special
values in Indestructible pearls
One nf the, most popular sellers in our
whole line Is the Wrist Watch. We
have stocked a beautiful line of depend
able manufacture to sell from
$5.00, $7.50, $13.50 $18.00 to $150.00
Jewelery never was so beautiful, snappy and attractive. Tho smartest designs of Ibis
season are reflected in our Immense showing of new Roods. Kindred lines Silverware,
leather (lends. Novelties, Clocks all these lines arc examples of careful and judi
cious buying which has taken our time for the past six mouths. You will surely not
lie disappointed here.
Open F.vcniiiKs
I'nlll dir. stums
I'piHI Deposit
Articles Held
- Articles Held I I
1'n" l-argcst Diamond Dealers In I'jislcrn Oregon , .
MANClt'RSf Ell, Kng., Dec. 1).-I.
N. S.) A picture oC modern ;socal
conditions which surpasspseven thJ
revelations of n restricted set which
has come into prominence In Los An
geles was painted by the Hlshop of
(Inildford, In an address before the
Church Congress here.
The wheat market is lower today
December grain closing at $1.09 'Ai4
I May at $1.13 3-8 and July at $l.li
1-X. (ill Saturday the closing iiot
tions were December $t.ll .1-4, Ma)
$I.H 3D and July $1.03 1-4.
, Following are the quotations re
'reived by Overbeck & Cooke, local
Open High Iw Close
Dec. $1,101,4 $1.11 y, $1.09 $1.09
May 1.14 Ti 1.14 Ti 1.1 3 '4 I.m,
July l.oj l.nsi 1.01 1.02H
Dec. .t7K .47 .47
"The crumbling of public morals,
unless arrested, means the denll'.-k.nell
of the nation," he declared.
"Husbands nnd wifes have acquired
the habit of Infidelity, and promiscuity
is rile aiming the unmarried of all
"The standard ot practical morality
among women has steadily deteriorat
ed, since the Malthusin.n campaign
started forty-five years ago and the
only sin was that of being found out.
"Tho 'emancipation of women'
movement has also to he considered in
this matter. What can the 'right to
motherhood'. mean, but the right to In
dulge in extra-matrimonial social te
Unions without reprobation.".
Tim president of the congress, I ha
llishnp of Hirmlntshum, disagreed with
Ihe thesis, declaring that "our great
cities are In the whole purer and bel
ter places than when I was young."
HATS Aiti: M Mi:uors "
DF.FIAXCK, Ohio, Deo. lg. Tliisl
noss men report that rats have become
n greater pest here than at. any time
for several years. Druggists stated
they made record snies of rodent pois
on during the last few weeka.
res tBffm
Christmas Week For The Children !
What wftuW Christmas Uis without the children and what would the children do with
otit Christmas toyst For many weeks, the J. C. Penney Company has been devoting ita
time and thought to assembling just the right things for Christmas giving, for thi WM
baby, for the bigger babies, for school boys and girls, and for all the family,
v Christmas Toys!
Dolls of .All SieiTrToy's of A1 Kinds
Beautiful dolls to fill with joy the hearts of little girls and little dolls witn cut
bonnet and socks! Methanieal toys for boys; ABC cars the children all love; picture
books to chanii the sleepy hours; aero toys that fly and spin; dainty stationery; novelty
painting books and a large variety of tree garnitures and Holiday ornaments. , . .
For Girls and Boys, 19c to 59c
Popular Fiction for Grown-ups, 89c
Practical Gifts
For the Baby and Older Children
In addition to toys, there lire the practical gifts of warm clothing for1 the children
dresses, caps, coats, mittens, gloves and hosiery, every article a fine value and low,
priced. For the tiny baby there ore many novelties, combination toilet sets, ivory' teeth
ing rings, rattles, blankets for the crib, carriage robes, straps and many prettily boxed gifts.
y n f i
Low Prices at Every
J. C. Penney Co. Store
Increase the Purchasing
Power of Every
Christmas Dollar!
..... i 1