r a. u ii"t i f ii mied 1 IliSI People Here and There i Hoy Hounds has arrived from Fort-. M. A. McLouchlin is school clerk ui the slate comr.ii.ion. according to j r -i . r-. i t land and will- visit with hi mother nl lunnn ll i !. i liit,.it Lii.r .iv,j iv i- K-CSiacni Oi wall LiKe l,ily Ajuj Mrs. Fraak P. Hounds, over the hull- of some prominence. Ho spent the K. T. Hrvwn. is $t4i.i:t.5;. Yh'l day r M. Fitrmaurive, of Condon, was in) Pendleton this morning en route to La Grande on business connected with the federal land board. ! Col J. M. 1'entley is leaving today tor Portland where he will visit for a time after which he will go on to Cali fornia for a visit with relatives. day here on business. compares with $4,:iH."s i...t; l,ich was the stale tax last tar. The official! levy will soon be suit, according to li e letter received by Air. liiowu. Ten Pounds While Wife Gains 28 Pound; I.i Weight. j . i I jitcrtaintiM'tit to be l'.ccllent. ;l Kntcrtainim r.t in ilentv i-. bciii illlamud for the i.-itoi. wh - will come1 1! !-n J. IVr- Ui V t: i n rei'o: -tit both ;.h. Iumtu-s.-..-.C .uis in li s ite. to l'emlUton at the distii.t n.n. tion of KniBbts of I'ytl.ia of Vn.al.t-I ' Aiy I "o'tr. Peru1"! v"" ,TUIl.lrh.l,n ,a!,t PVPnin for Appraisers Name.1. lwh M 1 Krma- " J"in MrS- Tu!-: rw H. Clark. C. E. Hoof and H. rT.r '.. - ' JU '"'"K ,n ' al1- I. Keator have been named v.. ....i. nc m reiurn to rcndloton ii a month's time. pniisers for the estate of i Charles Welch. the ap-Uitc Many years sro Hev. V. L. Van! Nuys occupied the pulpit at the Pres-ic.et 3lurrlat I.lcvnse. byterian church new held by Hev. j A license to wed has been Issued at George Clark. Air. Van Xuys is now a the office of the county clerk to Pa stnte officer in churchh work and was vid K. Avison. Uxtile worker, and here last evening greeting old friends i Kva Uelle Semans, clerk, both of Pen- ana new ones. dleton. Keiiogp of the Hernnston An- Suit mi Accoiuit. to Lo., makes his living by renting j Suit lias been brought bv the Wcs cara to the public. The other day v inn Mercantile Co., against Amanda 1. Haut, a youth of tender years, Hodgson in which the concern asks for who is said to have established a rep- judgment to the amount of $59.9o ii ation for doing unlawful stunts, which is claimed to be past due on hired a car for a three-mile drive. He an account. Watts and Prestbye rep nevcr came back to Jlormiston, and resent the plaintiff. the car wnp found at Freewater by tho ' sherd s office. Air. Kellogg washere State Tax m-rcul. today to take his machine back hoane. ' The amount of state taxes appor- Juilnbolt ls tioncd to Pmatilla county this year bv 1 ii .'iH m in I "I 1 Why Not Trade That. Silent Piano for a Phonograph? EDISON "The Phonograph With a Soul." VICTROLA "His Master's Voice". All of the latest Edison and Victor records, Q. R. S. Player Rolls and Sheet Music. Warren Music House ''Every Thing in Music" 820 Main St l fc nnil . v.c- s '-. .r. e in A! etn.-irl-ii We, ' la county winch is to I e 1 1 id ! the evening of Monday. IVceiulier ' 12. Two noted guests in tV Pythian j worlrl will tie the i-rnn.l ,.1 ., tw.lt...- I Late Finseth of Pallas, and Walter t;. i Vwn hiH. st Gleeson. grand .keeper of t!e m-nri! ana seal. A bamiuet will follow the i business session, and special wort the page rank will follow ti e con-1 vent ion proper. i FACES IilQI-Olt CU ltf.F. FAX FRANCISCO. Pec. 5. Ar huckle today faced Federal Commis sioner Hayden to answer chaises nf having illegally possessed liquor in his 'ciu jollification" in the St. Francis Hotel last Labor Pay, thus violating the Volstead act. She her food and I isied three h , twenty-four. "While i;:; ser ous as hi j weather for t'te and was ! indigestion. I proved :iU i: ! for it Willi us.' gained twentv-eilu a'nrd ten pour. Is in a taking Tr.nliie. The i. Perry is all the more she had been ;oiii lily for four or fiv t no not ishnc-vt fivn: ilntl't'liiUleve sh- ai r u's s!ec; c.it of lie' roiulitiiiu was not -i I had been maU r the me time, b id no a'lit,.. 'llvri'd a good tle:tl In 'I'anlae has ceriain! i more than is claimed 1NTKOIUTFS ltOM s 1111. 1. WASHINGTON. Pec. 5 . Represen tative Alott of New York, introduced a resolution in the house providing for a bonus for world war veterans, staling that the country is now ready lo pa its debt to veterans, Mott urged that money be raised through a one percent sales tax. ! NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON W. C. T. F. Will -Mwt. A meeting of the W. C. T. V. will be held at the library tomorrow at 2:30. Will SM-ak at ltaiiiiiet. Jim Hill, who in former year's play ed half-back for the Whitman College football team, left this afternoon for Walla Walla to speak at a bamiuet given by the college. The bamiuel will honor Whitman college football men. Coml (ions Nearly Normal. Although the trains have been run ning a little behind schedule for the past two days, conditions on tho O. W. 1ft & X. line are getting back to nor mal, according to a report from the lo cal station. Blanch lines have resum ed service with tile eeeptlon of the Bend branch. Travel is heavy be cause of the poor road conditions which caused a decreaso in moto" travel. Phone 524 inMnra r wemmmmmsw $1.00 21 bars of White Laundry Soap for $1.00. It will pay you to take advan tage of this sale. IE TABLE SUPPLY 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHA5. D. DES1PAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors lU , o j To IMscuss Plans The directors of the Oregon Co-operative Hay Growers' Association, mudo up of T'matilla and Morrow county growers ,will at a meeting at Hermiston tomorrow night consider the question of extending Into Pes chutes county. The growers of Des chutes have asked that they bo ad mltted to membership. The asHocia tion will also consider increasing bout shipments to eastern markets. He- cently 1000 tons woro shipped to Pi ton. A bale of hay grown by Charles Wicklander, one of the members of the association, won fourth place at the Chicago International Grain and Hay Show. There wore 25 prizes of fered. Fred Ker.nion, county agent, will attend tho meeting at Hermiston. HONOI.l'l. T. H., Dec. fi.- d. N. S.) 111 the h st uric obi Kona District, on the Island !' Hawaii, scene of many an ancient I itile and legendary ex ploit of god a id demi-goil, the prosaic coffee bean n v holds sway. Many acn of that picturesque country about the lower slopts of the two great volcanoes, Hualalal and Alauna I.oa, lire now planted to c fieo. and the name Kona coffi'e carries with it remembrances of a mighty pnlatahb. beverage to tliose who have tried It. Tho 1921 crop of Kona coffee will be a large one, growers state, but low prices may Influence sortie growers to let the berries remain on the bushes labor conditions being such that pick ing at present prices can only he done ft a loss. 'n exact estimates of the 1921 crop have been made. ii,i:is. Sallie H. Mitchell to Alr.Ms. Malik Itnbbins. $1)00. . Lot S. block 7. Milton Williajn Purchase to N. 1. Swearln. gen, $ 1 (100. North 20 feet or Lot ! and South 30 feet of Lot 10, block F Hes. Add. to l'endletnn. A. L. G rover to Parker U 1'ierce $10. Lois 7 and S, block 4, Ireland's Add., Milton. Lester It. Knight, to lien Knight $10. Undivided interest in SW 1-4 NW 1-4 Mi 1-4 .Sec. 35, Tp. 6, N. II. '.'. . PayCash Receive More Pay Leu Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Swifts Swift's Pure White Soap 21 bars $1.00 Swift's Sunhrite Cleanser 10c can Per dozen 95e Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 A pleasant feeling of warmth and comfort I follows the first dose "I coughed for two years without a day's or night's rest. Was told it was chronic bron chitis and could not be cured. Foley's Koney and Tr.r helped me and I sleep all night long. I will never bo, without it in my house." Mrs. Sadie Lay, Carlyle, Ta. Puts a healing, sooth ing coating on an inflamed 3 throat. Stops W tickling throat, hoarseness, throat and chest irrita tions, hack" ing couh. Sold Everywhere TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY II (East Oregonian Special.) ECHO, Dec. 5. J. U Ilofimifln left hero Wednesday for Walla Willla. to take treatments fur his eye which wuk Injured several yenri hk. He was ac companied by his son, Gordon. Word received from Portland Frld.'O morning by Mrs. Everett Thotnpiion states that her husband, who was In jurod in the collision of trains No. IT and 12, was not seriously injured, but Is badlytbruiscd and his buck is sprained. George CoppltiKcr and Win. Nixon wem Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mis. Herman Young nf Little Butter Creek, were in town Thursday. Mr. Young Iuim leased tin W. d. Watlcnburgrr ranch on Mutter Creek for u number of years and will move there in the near future. W. I). Dennis, of Kuller Creek, u: here on business Wednesday, Mrs. Sadie Thomas and Mrs. Allen Mudge were shopping in I'l'iullilon Wednesday. A very Interesting Hireling of the Parent-Teachers Association was held at the school house Friday afternoon. A pleasing program was given by the pupils of Miss Denny's room, third and Hope tor Him KOIt KENT Sleeping roonis.-74!I-J. -Phone WANTED Work College Htreet. by the hour. 31' WANTED Experienced ' waitress. Apply The Delia. Gn WISHES' to care for children afternoons. Phone C 1 7-H. THE Sl.OAN HONNKT SHOP is now located at ,vi Main St. Koch IMdg. Will pay reasonable reward to the partv returning brown Chesapeake, ti months obi pup. Answers to name of Jerry. Phone Zi or 1. -II Notice lioyal Neighbor of America will hold their annual meeting for the elec tion of officers Dec. fith. at H:mi p. m., Eaale-Woodman Hall. pull attend ance is desired. P.y order or Oricb-, IDA ELDEIi. , -Wv ' ' -V I'M' iff X. V X Deputy Surgeon-General C'l-irencc 'ooiicr of England will know howl u play golf seven years from now." U's only !3 and the llrst 10U yeiu'i-lj o e the hardest. Started to .b;y In S ls',9. Here he H on tho links at" jSoutU anvood Park. EnglanU- l-l This Will Be a I Dia mond Christmas The gift of a Diamond is the truest expression of real chr'sl iius sp I-!', l'c.i'iiy, purity. Value -i ll arc everlasting qualities f the pure d amoiuL Never in our history have fire diamonds been ill greater dmiand never h.ive iliamondx been so beauti fully s.-t and so satisfying for peiroiril adornment or treasured gift. Our pres. nt stock is the most attractive over shown in this establishment. DIAMONDS AND PLATINUM JEWELRY D'a-noad and platinum jewelry, e-pecially ill ltinc.s. Par Pins, Pendants, and Wrist Watches. We have a nice showing ct all these. LADIES' RINGS i i II mm ! 1 i i 1 mm Ladies' Kings are now made along most artislic lines, the designs being wrought in white, green or yellow gold and set with beautiful :;tolin. MEN'S RINGS Men's liinjis have taken a most artistic turn, our latest design-! proving nf keen In Iciest to critical buyers. They are without doubt the finest shown. Xlic Diamond will Ik- clicilslictl anions (iil'ts tlmt lust iria -dejjeleir n Pcodliton Iiiirgest Diamond is In J.'asU-iil tlli-oll nurnn i-i-ii:i;i.i .u;ii Hz Ami in i-h hr i -id : ' " 1 1 ' i 1 iFP II n ti JMIliiiffl I'ourlli grade. A piano selection by , TJ!!!" Misa lierdelia (billouav of Hie 1 0 l. ' i I school. .Mrs. Edith Van Deimon, of I Pendleton gave a talk ' n "The Ilcabh I of the Child." A diseussion of the sail ed followed. Aitm km: ,n uy (Continued from pago 1.) 'eemed her fisls would replace wo'-i' n arguments. "Any woman is a fool o get on a jury If she can possibly get nit of serving," she said. "I'd r:Oli- r He than go thnmcli it again. The -enerat e-ttifude and language of the men it ,- -f.'cnslve to a woman. " Thomas H'lvmy is the other juror who 'oted for eni'.vloilon. At limes, how- o-er, be wa Vered, voted acquittal, but Miss HubiiJ:! never wavered. MFLUEHZA As a v-reventlve, melt and in ha.e night and corning sh Ry 0 3 feHk, sa VAnoHun Oix-t 171 li'li m J v.i ( 'i-! YciHy V "Try the drug store first," and Kocppcns, the drug store that serves best, for Prescriptions. CHICHESTER S PILLS '1 UK IH M.ONIl lin VM). A " f ,niinii AhU your in-ucaUt of i 4 lit-el'M.-tif' Mtiniond HrMndV rilUin Kid ami (...Id mrtatUAv bur, Halcit with Ulna h.bbon. I tvn Mi iVdatrNt, a tcfnr4ni. in:.Vrnri I'lAlM.NIP IIIiAII I'll.l.H, for .iti k ttiwn rts Ik'M. Salcst, Alwivn Ke1UtM SOinr,VDlGfilSlSIVFRYlVHr)f Old Style Dancing Wullz, Two-Step, Schottlsche, Tlu-ee-Hlop and othor old Btyld funcy dances given by P. J. Powers every Friday night at MIlliltTY IIAIX Public Invited Music 1j McPIwy Orchejlrn, iH m 1 Its its m Si m m iti iti ill sis I!; m ill iti m iil iti iti :iti it; iti Iti USTER ROWN a ''!piMj)'iiij:ii;";'ii'iiwHM;npiiiiiiiiiii;iiii M iti 1 iti '31 it ALE Included in this lot is Laird-Scho-ber & Co. Regu larly priced up to $15.00. Sale Price $8.00 Mm mm1 Price $1.85 to $8.00 Cuban or French heels, we have to offer brown or black kid, turn or welt soles on sale. X't iti iti ft st; sS it! iti, iti m NW&ak its 5 ft! Street wear, the sensible footwear with woolen hose. On sale, . many styles, at $3.20 to $8.00 Xmas Slippers Included in This SALE. !t! sis All Children's Shoes at a Great Saving. EVERY SHOE 20 Per Cent off; some lines marked down more; for quick disposal. Buster Brown Shoe Store 019 Main , "Watch Buster Grow" Pendleton, Ore. iti iti I" st; iti iti st; ft; m rjiii it ii ii ii h'i it i ii ii ii it I'D rii nra u s;n b it it u nrt i a'ti a u .m .j!&:m n.m.u s n t u a n .ti a m it iii aii aiiiialiiiaiiiit uit