PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMEER 5, 1921. EIGHT PAGES i v v v-s s iri 7: s?.. C unui iFtt-j rvjiiikuu.i s s 8 rE C-fs A f4p Gilt s w Lure a (Continued from paga 1.) ft Ii.uv.s, he estimated the actual ex nditun s from c;i h department dur the n-xt ti.-cal year and then pre wnivil th- a.pi iiri:itiins asked. These diffi-r I'.ia'sc .,f COIUillliiil; api'lO- I". h:ch inerea.-e the amount tii" TituMuy j;;i s out each year above the appropriations. This year, this increase w;in nearly tiiiM.ioitt, hut fr ltJj Pawes has cut the continuing appropriations down lo aiin it - 1 .'"".""". Th estimated actual expenditures for the various branches of the gov ernment in the fi.-e..! years i'.'M an.l ress) Pre-Chri?tnias Shopping Sp ecials for Men's Gifts 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 s i 5 SWEATERS that carry the air of distinction, those of which vou can he proud. Triced $5.00 to $15.00 SCARFS of the hotter qualities scarfs that carry with . them the spirit of the giver. Priced $1.50 to $5.00 KERCHIEFS are always acceptable gifts, es pecially those of the higher grades offered this year. Priced 35c to $1.50 DRESS SHIRTS the finest that the markets offer, made of reliable materials and of beautiful designs. Priced $1.50 to $10.00 I SAIN TA CLAUS A ppcars Wed nenlay Mothers bring the kiddies, for on Wednesday Santa is coming down from the North Pole with his great pack of toys to' make presents to the kiddies. He will appear first in the front display windows showing off some of the tovs. books, games, etc., then he will go round the big store and . slicfinl-mfo tl-io Fvpn fJiftc fnr a few minutes and then be hurried ly on his way, for Santa is a busy man these days. Bi : rr: the Kiddies for Their Presents. Mat Tie; Wis: I 'an Nay s'.a'.iyc lC" 'e ll.,a-e e H' partnient . . . . isury llc'iurllileut Ilepartmont una Canal lit partnii-nt . . . . Interior Department hollar. S nice Pensions i' st iff ice Postal lieficit , Aurioolturc Department Hood Roads Department tif Commerce ... I.: lior I i"partriient .Instil e and Judiciary Shippins Hoard "i't'-rai,s H'lrau Kaiiroai Act Vofatiniial Hoard fX MisVM Maueo'is offices i liwli-ir r i.f i .1 1 1 in hi. Xct reduction in pnl.lic delit .rust tuiid liiccstniciits .... I'ulilic di lit interest l:n'3 as shown raw-s follows: 16.Ji.213 . n4. 1", !!;. lin at i.'o.i; hit ;.srti.M39 4ni.".4.iiii'i 41,T!t9.'22 C l.v3.tiilil 2r,;,3:,n."iifl 3.3r.7.i2 I'LJinLBC'ii 47.4:it.:3 .. 1 2"). Tn", "Oil 1S,:i3!I.97H 6,301.103 lS.41j.fol Till, 4:1a. 733 . . 4 r,."i,2.i2.70L' In th IT,- i-nt and i:2 2 i:.,4.41, 227. "4ri 11.4'i.432 :.v71.Ki;" s . a 1 . 4 -'6 7.21t'4 WciIICKSTRlI. Ic-. 3. tl. X. g.) A liahy was the ticket of admission here ncently to i-n unusual swrvice coiiduct'-tl li- Jesuit priests at the Church of the liiessed Sacrament. The s'-r ue was a l rotcst against birth con trol. it will he the most powerful ser mon that could le preached asra'nst race suicide w hen the mothers hold their ha'oes to he Messed hy Al mighty Cod," Father fharles Mclntyre said in discussing the unusual service. 4 7S. S3H,0"I I "-:w. ion. " . the many haoy carriages in me ennren i yard. :3.iin 1:1.133 S.4Ui no.) .unit ' ,4 34 i 4.17J 4S.i37 17 i, 329. 244 .034. 313 23.i7n.S77 3H9.33M.M10 3l.3ii2.HOO 973,iiiiii.0im) noxoi.i i.v s r.vsixivss. Hi Ndl.ri-l', T. H.. Dec. n. (I. N". , S.) Fhtsiness conditions in Honolulu JIT, nun nun !-'s ftpartls reiau iraue are tn.t nr.m. "ii lSlmt Ir.onnal, auemliers of the retail board 4 7ti tilil "f the ironolulu chamher of commerce liis23.3S 'state. The volume of retail business 73 Vl l.i'M I for 1'-'21 is reported as greater th;... 43s.l22.'4nn that of any previous year. 337.)7!t,233 4.73i.344 i lii.9s3.liir, Ovi r five thotisaml miles of nets are et iiishtly dorins the herring season A . . S3 .01. 1, .1,72 3s7.942.2on 3n, 222.0"') 973, iiiim. nun $3, 9(17,022, 3 i in the F.iiKli?h channel. i l ancv lialh Towels fide to 1.75 For Pre-Holiday Shopping Fancy hath towels woven from .soft, mercerized yarns, plain and brocaded, have border's of pink, blue, orange and American beau ty. Others in fancy stripes and plaids. Priced very low GOc to $1.73 When monogramed and with crocheted edge, these make hand some and practical gifts. Men's AH WVatluT Sport Coals for Special Holiday buying We are offering a fair sized lot of all sizes of excellent sport coats for men. Sport Coats that satisfy the tastes of the practical fellow. Guaranteed all pure wool, closely knitted for greatest comfort. Col ors fast to washing. Special $5.00 j 1JASEMENT SALE OF SHOES. Pre-iloliday Sale Evewt Peginning today we offer on sale every pair of Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps and Comfort Slippers AT 1-3 OFF THE JJASEME NT PKfCE And you know what that means you know the already' low price that prevails in this Economy Shop, so now you can know what this Special Sale means. SHOES FOR MEN SHOES FOR CHILDREN ?0 1 I IandkercliielV Doubt. if in Dainty 'kerchiefs lor women, inclndim; I'Vipiisilo tiling's will) had cinhi'oiiliT.v anil litcc; nlsu in-city colored novelties, as wt.'ll as the plain every tia.v Mud. Cottons fie lo 50i' I .iiii-ii :(.-, to SJ.i:." (i loves, the Universal Christmas Gift Any 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- of stylos ami lalulcs to t-e-lect from, anil, if desired, wo will ,'iiu' tt gift ccrlificiitc, so that tlx; one for whom ou intended tin- ilt may come down and make lln- sehction licrscll'. The figures above Riven reveal only eoTiiparalively sliuht decreases in the expeuiiitiires of Rovernnient depart ments. .Mtu-h of the decrease is made up hy no estimates for railroad appro priations, which diiritiK the present i , year totalled $337,0iiii,i)iio. It is probable that Congress will cut many of the estimates sharply. If the aims conference, is a success Immed iate reductions, will be made In the i aim;.- and navy estimales. Witt. II,.. ............I...:.... n ,1.. v.w 1 " " " I'l" "I'l i.iiiou ieiu.-M, inr vW 1 I'l'i-siileiit st 1 1 mi i 1 1 an estimate nf the A i Tmisairy Department that the revised reveune liill would yield unly ?2,311, j iiini.iina in the fiscal year 1933. or less yJi than half of t ho taxes collected duriiiK Cue war. The revised tariff bill is ex Vrf ; ii eteil to yield only $330,(1011,11011. , Tile picture of the Kovortimcnt fiscal sii nation was sent to Congress under yf the name liawes. It was piefaced by a brief tuassaKo by the President. OS In his report Dawes emphasized that Sj J !ho Kovernmetit must tie rim like a 13 : bu'iiness cnrpoi ation. ax "No properly organized private cor ! poration would htin)llR its business in VVi"1'; ay," Dawes, said, referring to i ! I'ast government methods. busitiess corporjition, Pnwes said the followinj!: defects have existed in the past which sh inld be corrected hy tli-i budKet system: 1 The .president has been able to Kive virtually no attention to routine expenditures. 2 The cuhinot has been allowed to i run departmental business withnuii cent ralized control. J 3 Coordination has been lucking ammii; the departments. 4 The corporation was not operat ed on a profit basis. j 5 No real bulanco sheet was ever prepared. i No real attempt was made to keep expenditure.-: within the cash al lotted. 7 Cnwise projects were continued and no report was ever made to the president, the directors (cabinet ) as to continuinif In rue expenditures. S Conferences to effect co-ordination were avoided. 9 Administrative heads of depart ments were not selected because of business qualifications. 10 Subordinate officials were al lowed to state their needs directly to Congress and thus encouraged to op- ! MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD'S BOWELS In an emphatic manlier, Dawes nnr- 1 I'"' KctH-rai executive control. I I t ne piiiuio nas encouraKcu sonic needless appropriations and In sonic instances has placed a premium on spending rather than saving. Pnwes then outlined the functions nf ten hoards he has formed to remove these faults. el ConeresH to repeal all outstanding "eniitinuiii',' appropriations, revolving funds,'' and the like, which cause a drain on the treasury that duen not ap pear on the surface, lie cited as an example the naval supply revolving fund, in v. iiicl) the treasury ninst keep '!."i0.(liui,iMHI anil 'recommended that it be cut to $ I all, 0(10. mill. Comparing the government to a big SHOES FOR WOMEN SHOES FOR BIG GIRLS COMFORT SHOES FOR EVERYBODY. This sale includes the work shoes. Remember 1-3 Off the Basement Price. t'lNMIIONS (ItlATI'ST iiipvumtvr sTonr. I fiepGoiJejsWdroKousG, I -AT. I l THAI) I JJ.Viai 'flu; Pure FoodSlioj Where Host Values Prevail. Coin, Standard can l."io. do.. Sl.To Case SiS.'J.I Tomatoes, Standard tan I .", doz. Sl.7.' use ))!.!..)() Cocoa. Hulk, 2 lbs :. Macaroni, hulk, Hi ((),. Kippered Salmon, III ",- Lard r lbs. m,.. It) ,s SI. 7.-, Apples, (.oocl Cooking, ho 1.00 Extra Special Diamond W. Coffee 1 pound 40c 3 pounds $1.10 pounds $1.)() Xmas Candies for churches and lodge organizations. HAWM GETS NEW VVi IlfiXOI.rU', T. H.. Dec. 5. (I. N. SjliS. I iMillowing receipt at Hawaiian SS' I Department Headquarters of orders ?5j ! from Washington to resume the wear j ing as a part of the uniform divisional j insignia such as was in vogue during mo war, comes word that Hawaii s in signia as a decisional department will bo a green leaf on a red field, the leaf i paraled from its background by yel low piping. The insignia will be worn as a shoulder-iiatrh on the left shoul-1 Even a s!ok child loves the "fruity taste of "California Fig Syrup." It the little tongue is coated, or if yout child is listless, cross, feverish, full i cold, or has colic, a trnsnoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In n lew hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works rill the con stipation poison, sour bile and wastn from the tender, little bowels and give! you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "Califor. nia Fig Syrup" handy. They know U leaspooul'ul today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your drug 1st for gen uine "California Fig Ryrui"Mvhich hi.i directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. MOinnr. i'liu must say "California" or you mai get an imitation fig syrup. mm "Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold " in Few Hours ' ! -iSt H-!'- tE? X i j ) k v) m. i s iter by officers and men alike. Instant Relief! Don't stay stuffed tip! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" tak en every two hours until throe doses are taken usually breaks up any cold. ' The very first dose opens clogged nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness. 'Tape's Cold Compound" acts quick, sure, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It nets without assist ance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape's! ( orvuilis. Or., Dec. 20-31, 1931 Winter Short Courses lut Scicnco Into Farm Practice Fruit and Vegetable CoursA Dec. 3-17, '2t Tractor .Mechanics Course Jan. 2-Mar. 18, '22 Oairy .Manufacture. Course Jan. 2-lur. 18, '22 Agriculture Course. ....Ian. 2-.Mar. 18, '23 Dairy Herdsmen's Courso Ian. 2-June 18, '23 Grain (iiHding Course Jan. 9-21, '22 liei .-keeping i'ourse....Jan. 30-Feb. 25, '22 Iloinem.-ikers' Conference. .Mar. 20-25, 22 OlllXiOX AtilMCl 'LTUKAIi Full Information on any Course by writing the rtTC(ii8Tn.n, O. A. C Corvallia, Oregon My closed Dec. 5. office until will be Monday, DR. DAVID B. HILL Dentist H V KF.XT WATSOX, International News Service Stuff Correspondent. FT. NDl'ISIiee. S.-- (I. WW) - John I'arleycoin cremated lias active back ers -though belated. In an effort to resuscitate Ibe erst while eminent ".I. I!." fiom ill owning wlille submerged in Yolsloudism the .Missouri biaiitli of the National Asso ciation Against llle 'Kluhlccnl h Am enduient today has beconie militant aruiinst "sinnpl nary laws that belong to a period of despotism." Among th" prominent juembcrs of the in ga niai ion which admittedly does not "seek to be an ally of booli li nod open saloons" N IVnnett C Clarii, T Cure n Colli In line liny Tnlto l.iixntivo llliuMO (JI'lNINl-: tali Iota, The genuine heura tin- signature of K. w. Crmi', (i;o sure you set mto.Mo.) :tnc. sun of Ibe late Champ Clark, former speaKei- of Ibe bouse of representa livi'M. Among promliicnt incmliers of 'be parent body of Hie national asso ciation are Irving S. Cobb, Kertnit i;oosei'lt, Harrison (Iroy l-'isbcr. Ar- thur llauimersleiu, Stuyvcsant Fish, Mrs. Sidney Fisli, the Right Kev. Mon signor Kilwai'd ,1. Mctioldrick iind Augustus Thomas. The national body Has oigauled at Katltannre liy Captain )V. II. Slayton. "The citizens of Missouri are asked lo ln; ii(ute an nuxiliai y organlzal ion to co-oi erale with the patent and oth er lil,e assoclul ions," declared Judge Henry S. Priest, president of the local unit. 'The members of the organiza tion primarily believe in temperauee auil arc opposed lo (lie open saloon. "We believe, however, (bat the (ightecith nmenilnieiit Is a poliiieil liciesy. fraught Willi Infinite ni!s'liiel' to tin' country. Wo believe the Vol stead ."n't a pervisinn of the Intent of llu'l amendment and an initiuit Uuia a. Isauli upon l!ie liberiles of the peoi lc. Vihii'h is Intnioral In result, V Political b p. 'The amendment Itself is a usiirpi tioii of poliiical power by the feihr.'l ri veri.inient. I'lob r the guise of Ibo power to anieud the constitution it SEE ME TODAY FOR THAT NEW Suit or Coat for Xmas Largest Assortment in Pendleton of Woolen Materials to Select From. ' KcasimaMc Priiril K.vport oi kn ansbip l'cii'ivt I 'll (.nar.iiitiTil I -id ics' anil (.ems' Soils and ( o.Hs and Indies' Skins John Dorfmrn THE TAILOR piidiic lH2 IIooiih T, N, tl, Pcspulii l!ldg lakes fruin (lie slates tile power ex pressly res veil to them severally by (be consiitntion. It destroys the right ol local sell panvrntneut, so dear aril so necessary t a. free people, and con centrates it in the federal government. If tills is to be precedent stales will be mere districts to be v.ovcrneil by c. in gress, as it new legislates for the 1'is trict of Columbia, "The little power the right of eor currcut enforcen enl --reserved in the states by tlie amendments, was de stroyed by the Volstead act as intci -I letei by the supremo court. ' The amionilntont and the .let are to- ellier Immoral in their operatiie re s.ilts. The method Is a mistaken one. No refoi in In morn Ik ever has been or ever will be aueoniplisMeil through -i.-tal ion. "Such sumptuary laws belong to (be 1'iTiod of despotism, ,-bic': leaisei'mn u uates a disregard of law and a col li nipt for authority. "Thes laws are rxpt nslvcly ineffi cient. The government spends mil lions of dollars of our money to main tain spies upon our homes and busi ness piaees, who assist the prospe- u ; grade of illicit distilling and 1 King. ' Tlie members of our org.inizatio Hierclnre, oppose thesa because they destroy en I si'lf-gm eminent ; add uselessly to b0 alia dens of taxation." so-culled lav i ic ! !:'.'. of lo boeause they nly heavy liur- PAK1S, Hoe Carponlier left where be will bout with Cieorge Cook an heavyweight. Tlie said be was much improved his recent sickness. S. (K. I'.) Cenrgei today for Kngland ;o into training for a I tlie Austruli- ! renchman I'nllow-iiii' ' If Behind the Silver Screen Don't Neglect a Ccld Mothers, don't let CuU'.a fct unjer- wny; it first coufih or eniflle rub Musterole on the tliroat end chest. TIustrrols is a pure, white ointment, ; made with cil of mustard. It draws out congestion, relieves soreness, docs ell t'.ie work of th; pooJ cM-fashicneJ t mustard pbtt:r in occntlcrwt.y.with : out the butter. Krcp a j "r htie!y for all emergencies, i it may prevent pneumonktiny out home. : 3Sici5eii.jarsUti;bes-,hosi itlue,3. i UETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER hi )Lv ;":'.' iv . H ay ' - : ( I vet than any in' whU lXr !to fid. ItStHVt - . o ii in on Li o.w i- .l . ... two year ulfferonv y k I'W.-.f a if.n trr -in w v.- -IK Blankets Finished by our New Process ARE SURE TO PLEASE. We are now laundering blankets in an entire ly different way than ever before. They come home to you just like new. PRICES-Singlp Wool Blankets .75 Double Wool Blankets 1.50 Indian Robes "... .75 Auto Rolx"s 7b Rath Robes 1.00 Se Window Display at Wt lch Bros. Cigar Store 115 East Ccurt Domestic Laundry PHONE GO 3