- TEf PAGES DAILY EAST OKIG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 30, 1021. page imzs News Notes Pendleton 3 I 1 Choir to Give Comedy. 'Sliop'Optu. The choir of the Methodist church! W. I. .Miller has opened a used tire is practicing diligently now on a clever j shop at S21 Cottonwood street. He State iirigation Congress. musical comedy which will be present-1 expects to make it one of the largest eeeeeeeeeel'd some time next week. The ccmedyjused tire shops in this part of the i state. 8 3 SHOP EARLY SHOP EARLY 1'l.XDl KTON S l.r.UHXU SK'KF. L i Falconer Is Fined. Fred W. Falconer was fined J 10 and costs in the court of Justice Joe II. Parkes Tuesday on a charge of speeding. The fine was paid. I is entitled, 'The Pastor's Wife's New i Bonnett." The choir is under the di-1 , rection of Mrs. K. A. TVoodvard. and i ..... ' t-'l.v,t.i,i ! ip.,,,!,. some new stars in tne tneatr.cai iirm- ainent are expected to be shining after; the play is given. ; Relief Store to 0Mn. The Salvation Arthy relief store is open today at the Salvation Army hall from 10 a. m. to 5 p .m. Clothing is being given away to the needy. ! Woodmen FJeot Officer". I I Officers to serve during 1922 were1 'elected Monday night by the Pendle ton Camp No. 41. W. O. W. As a re sult of the election, some records for ', length of service were made when J. i P. Walker was elected for the twenty- i Weather Warm. I nirtth consecutive year to succeed him-1 The weather is warm Warrants to pay for the work of judges and clerks at the special elec tion here more than one week since are available and will he paid to the officials if they will call at the office of the city recorder. The announce ment to this effect was made this morning. SSILOREP AT FAS! 1IOM PARK Baby Finds Homo The 'baby boy which has been under self as clerk. Thomas Fits Gerald the care of the Salvation Army for will serve his eighteenth year as bank son time han been adonted by a er as o result of his election today, the j maximum being as. I he minimum j y last night was 4 a. a warm winu mow- j ing, accompanied by rain. The ha- Portland family. The parents will ar- The list of officers is as follows: Con-. rometer registers 23. 25 and Major I.ee I .Moornouse, oittcial weatnur onserver, and will legally mil commander, R. H. Carrier: advis iory lieutenant. H. W. Uncoln; banker. rive here this evenin adopt the child. : Thomas Fits. Oerald; clerk, J. 1 Potatoes All Due. i Walker; escort. C. A. Saunders; The potatoes on Weston mountain ' watchman. Lorin O'Gara; sentry, Roy ore all dug and either Btored or ship- Hutchinson, manager, B. A. Lovell. ped, according to E. M. Smith, Weston The officers will be Installed on the banker. Mr. Smith was here last nisht first Monday night In January-. Fol to attend the meeting of the county lowing the election, a hot tamale feed federation iof commercial organiza- was enjoyed. A degree team of 27 tit; ha. "Wenton Mountain Is getting members was then organized, and it her stride in potato production," he is expected that thus team will show 4 declared, "and from now on our sufficient class to back off every oth country will be making a worth-while er outfit in this part of the state. A. record every year." Mr. Smith is one O. Ciuden is captain, Balfe Ulrich, of the most ardent boosters for the tu- first lieutenant, and W. E. Hanscom, bers In that section of the county. 2nd lieutenant. predicts continued with probable rain. warm weather, Lesion Men To Fjit A supper will be one of the chief at tractions of the annual election meet ing of Pendleton Post No. 23, Ameri can Legion which is to be held Mon day evening. The meeting will be held nt thA .Inllv Inn -which will he turned over to the organization after closing ? time in the evening. Nominations were hold at the Noveniher meeting. 1011011011 01 101 j 0i -101 101 101- I 1 I o FINE WHITE WINTER APPLES Faced and Filled $2.25 per box. You will like these firm, juicy, fine flavored apples. OREGON BUDDED FRANQUET TE WALNUTS, 50 per pound. Other Walnuts, 40c per pound. "There is but one "One-O-One" Quality." Pendleton Cash Market, Inc 301 E. Court Street Phones 101 Private Exchange Connect Both Department ioi- -I0T TOT 101 101 101 T01 101 TOT Slide, Delay Traffic. Traffic on the t S-. R. & X. was delayed today on account of a slide in the mountains. No. 24 which arrives early in the noi i.lng from the west, was held until late this afternoon in the yards here, and there was no west bound traffic. The high waters are held responsible for the slide which cause the delay. Walter MeOeedy Here Walter McCreedy, prominent base ball manager and in charge of the Portland team lor many years, Is here today while enronte east. No official announcement has yet been made but It is known from good authority that McCready has accepted the manage ment of the Seattle team and that James Richardson, now nt O. A. C. will be his business manager. 8 ir- ras I oppomii Not for several years has fifty dollars posessed the ability to secure the remark able value represented bv the Stanerek Double-Breasted Business Suit. It is style which serves to straighten up the figure. Custom service without the annoyance of a try-on. Ready-to-put-on. Tailored at Fashion Park.' 140 to $65.00 OMR MAKES $25.00 UP Keetly to firnvel llosd The Cold Sprlngs-Holdman road will soon be partially graveled. That is according to the word brought to Pen dleton today by J. K. Shotwell, one of the contractors, who is In charge of the work. A stretch four miles out of Holdman is ready for the gravel now. I he says. Seven miles of the road nas been graded and will be graded as rap Idly as it is possible to do the work. Try Us Let us have your meat business during December. You'll find to your satis faction that you get quality meats al ways at no more cost to you than in ferior meats. PHONE 18 i ne .umpire Market Where Quality Goes Clean Through nivcr Is Higher. The old Umatilla Is higher today as a result of the rain which fell rather steadily last night, and the water Is muddier than it has been during the run-off of the snow. The flood water has ibeen extremely light, in propor tion to the amount of precipitation. One farmer told recently of attempt- ine to ride a horse through a fallow- field with the result that the animal narrowly escaped miring down in' the I mud. A great proportion of the mols turo is thought to have soaked Into the soil with very 'beneficial results to the wheat. Moisture has been needed for several weeks, and farmers declare It is their opinion that the good soaking just received will bo an Important fac tor in thickening the spotted stand of wheat iwhich has characterized Uma tilla county wheat fields. MEN'S HATS FOR FALL The man about town .business man and working- jg man will all three find just the type of hat they pre- jg fer in our most complete showing of new hats for fall and early winter, jg Cloth hats $4.00 to $5.00 Stetson hats ; $7.50 up Men's Sox 15c to $2.00 Pair One of Storm's Victims G. J. Perry, accountant, working in Pendleton for Whltfleld-Whltromb Co,, has returned to Pendleton after a little experience In the realm of ad venture which does not often happen to Oregonians. He was ono of the autolsts who was caught by the storm in the valley. His machine was stall ed at Bonneville, and for six days he was there in the village out of com munication with the rest of the world. During his stay there, he, with a number of other totirists, assisted the state game warden in saving fish In the hatchery. The snow covered the ponds, stopped the flumes and threatened to cause the death of In numerable fish. Hard work by the volunteers assisted materially In tne good work of rescue. Perry got away from Itonneville by flagging a boat which took him to Portland. There are about 150 autos stalled in the snow In the gorge, he declares. Men's Fall Weight Underwear $1 to 85 Ties for Particular Men 50c to $ 1,00 MEN'S E. & W. SHIRTS $2.50 to $10.00 They fit better and wear well. You get shirt sat isfaction when you wear E. & W. Shirts. New pat terns and colorings. CI Xmas Shoppers Mr. Shopper, do you realize it is only 24 days before Xmas and you haven't selected that beautiful little gift for your Mother, Father Sweetheart, Sister and Brother. Don't put it off till the last minute. Come to Hanscom's Jewelry Store, the Home of Beautiful Gifts That Last. The place where you can find anything in Jewelry at a reason able price. Make this Xmas a happy one for your loved ones. Select your gifts now and let us lay them aside for you. Hanscom 'sJ Gwelry Store HOME OF GUTS THAT LAST HOTEL PENDLETON libOCK PENDLETON, OREGON ,w , VIRGINIA BURLEY Notables TURKISH The three greatest cigarette tobaccos, hSaOnt MILDNESS -MEIXOWNESS-ARDMA one -eleven cigarettes OOforl5f iflira.ffl?- FROM I PEOPLE EVANGELIST HEXSHAW ANSWKUKU Portland, Ore., Nov. 26, 1 921. Editor East Oregonian: My attention has Just been called to a jnlsleudlng reference to Christian Science, reported in your Issue, of Nov. 7th as made by Evangelist llenshaw In one of his revival meetings, and I will appreciate your allowing me space to reply. He is quoted as saying that "negativism, like Christian Science and infidelity, refuses to accept tho doc trines of Christ." To liken Christian Science to Infidel ity or negativism, or to think Christian Science does not nccept the teuehiiigf, of our Master, Is to display Ignnrunce of what Christian Science is and what It teaches. Infidelity Is defined by Web. ster hb "want of faltn or belief In (a certain) religion." Christian Science has nothing in common with Infidelity, for where Infidelity lacks faith Chris tian Science inculcates faith to the highest degree and of the highest character, a faith based upon an tin dderstunding of spiritual truuth, Far from denying any of them, f'hrihtlun Science is bused entirely upon the teachings of the Jliblo and especially those of the Master. In her hook "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary llaker Eddy, the IHscoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says on page 209 "I therefore plant myself unreservedly on the teachings of Jesus, of his apostles, of tho prophets, and on the testimony of the Belence of Mind. Other founda tions there are none." And In accept ing the doctrines of Christ, Christian Science accepts all of them, and Insists upon putting them to practical use in the 'solving of our every day human problems whereby we find salvation troin evil and ills of the flesh. Christian Science Is successfully healing mind and body, healing both sin and disease and otherwise rellev. Ing suffering humanity, and these blessing are the natural effects of that understanding faith which re. moves mountains. To obtain these beneflcient results, Christian Science teaches that the illble Including the) teachings of our Master must be In-1 terpreted spiritually, and unless we I understand them spiritually and muke practical uie of them a Jesus himself did, wo nre hardly "accepting" them in the way they should he. THEODOHK lll'ItKHAFtT, Christian Science Committee on Publi cation for Oregon. CKOKS-I.YI.I) CAT HIDES THICK. HOQUIAM, Wash., Nov. HO. l'. P.) Trainmen, 'wiire the lilack-cat on the short line running between hero and Gray's Harbor. A shaggy, cross-eyed feline, with a voice like an unoiled car spring, persists in riding the passenger coach trucks on every run tho local makes. Decoyed aboard the. trucks by sniffs or a hot axle box, tho hobo feline has made his (or her) nest on a spring- and goes Into winter where the frhttonitl heat or even one which has changed its col- '(uurters or from nondescript to black via the knocks the spots out of Old Man Win coal smoke process! So say trainmen tor's chill breezes. Take Yeast Vitamon Tablets to Supply Energy Food Lacks Put On "Stay-There" Flesh, Strengthen The Nerves, Clear The Skin and Invigorate Your Body Thin; run-down folks who have been wondering why they remain so skinny and lacking in energy even though they seem to est a lot, thould try tnking two of Mutin's tiny yeast VITAMON Tablet with their meals snd watch results. Maatin'i VITAMON Tablet supply in highly concentrated form a proper dose of the health-giving, body building vitaniinei. You aurcly need to get tout of these precious vitaminea into your ayntem at once. Mutin's VITAMON Tablet! mix with your food, help it to digcut and supply just what your body needs to feed and nourish the shrunken tissues, the worn out nerves, the thin blood and the starved brain. Pimples, boils and skin eruptions seem to vanish like magio under thia healthful invigorating influ ence. M ns tin's VITAMON will not cause gaa or upset the stomach, but strengthens the digestive and intestinal tract and helps to overcome even chronic constipation. Be sure to re member the name Mastin'a VI-TA-MON. Avoid substitutes and Imita tions. Vou can get Mastin'a VITAMON Tablets at all good druggists. CorvalUs, Or., poo. 20-31, 1921 . .- Winter Short Courses : Pill Sclenco Into Eann Practice Fruit and Vegetable Course ' ' Dec. 3-17. '21 Tractor Mechanics Course . v Jan- -Mr.'i,";2S Dairy Manufacture Course r , Jn, 8-Mar. it, 'it Agriculture Course ...Jan. 2-Msj. 1. 'g Dulry lierdamen's Cours ,, Jan, 2-Jun 18i"'2j Grain Grading Course Jan. 9-21, "it lleekeeplng Course ...Jan. 20-Feb. 25, 'it llomcmiikers' Conrerence..Ma.r. 20-26 ga OIUXX)N AUItKiCLTIJItAL , COM jEGH 1 Full Information on any 'Course by writing TUB nKOIHTRArt, 1 O. A. (., CorvHllls, Oregon U . .jll. .. r (fSS tVELL-FZD. YET STARVING! AM vitamin to lh food. The vary tomd ru mar b wuluning jrs hu it lacks vitamin. Eat what avaryou Ilk, bul b sura l tak Iw ml Ma.tln'a VITAMON Tabl.l with S.MASTIN5 URUltfiVWarW vr TABU1 , AND CtKUINl. Are Poitiel Guaranteed to Put On Finn Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back oont ee A SLAVC SAve voon STRENGTH AVE' Electricity takes the L out of the word slave. It saves a woman's strength and it actually saves mon ey. If you aro up against the servant problem an electric washer will assist you wonderfully. You have a standing invitation to come in and view our restful electrical devices. J. L. VAUGHAN KWwirlo and Gas Supplies ' itOa R. Court FbOiie 1.1 II II i a h i-