TEN PAGES PAGE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 30, 1021. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE I THE LARGF-ST I nAn lhKTlf. I DAILY MARKET (NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Q.00D . Iiclndiiag Pandlatoa Pricai and Aiiociated Pren EapurU ?3 4V - Trading Is Aclivo On Mix k Kxcliaiic NEW YORK. Nov. :i".-(A. li Yesterday's trailing was unusually ac tive ami' broad, as evidenced by sales if S5), oiiii sluircs and a turnover of about :'6,r.i)U.00() par value in bonds. The latter exceeded anytotal in sev eral months. f IiciIiiil" in ftirciirn ('i'lia!t).v were li-bt. Tbv demand for sterling francs and Scandinavian remittances were I imminal, nutwithstandini! the ap proach of December, wliieh usually brings heavy pin chases of food an.i eut!nu lulls en leading KiPojican i -n-1 ter.'. I Kuropcan war issues did not share Honds were the center of attraction, especially Rovernment issues. No less than seven liberty series mounted to highest records for a year or two. Itailway shares aKaln dominated and oils, coopers, motors special! ies and to bacco Kept more or less even pace. Jlackwardness was shown by steels and i equipments and heaviness of miscel laneous issues contributed to the mar ket's uncertain trend. Sears, Kochuck nsrain was under de pression and several agricultural issues reacted. Aside from rails, which held firm, the. Kcticral list eased under liqui dation In tho final hour, call money's rise to 5 1-2 per cent causing gelling for both accounts. in the rise of liberty bonds, but South American issues were strouK. Many rails and industrials, incIodiuK railed States Steel 0s, strengthened per cop tibly and several new undei w i itinns for moderate aniuunts were, oversub-seribed. Wheat nines Take Setback on Market t'lllt'ACO, Nov. 3". (A. 1'.) Wheat underwent a material decline in price yesterday, largely by way of re. action from the recent advance of more than lL'e. There was an unsettl ed close, -1-4 to :ic net lower, with licecmzcr Ji ll 5-S to Ji ll 3-4 and May S 1.13 3-8 to $1.13 Corn lost L THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley i 1 1 IWlfffJ THS NhT WA1CMMAN fl! l CHASED A Ctowu OF BOM'S U'.rflWT WHO WtTRg I ill I I II 111! jf " TRY,N&TO WEAK UP A DAMCB IN MARCHESS HALL TEN PERCENT OR MORE 'I """-i.r"ifi 1 People save more now, iltirlnu llii'-c times of dc rcssloii. tlum they did diirliu; the Illicit years. And why? No iloubl it l.s because tli lietter renll.c tlir necessity of Imilim on liuod reserve capital or n inly i-asli. Tlieie arc now many who actually sate Ten I'creont of their Income, some ccn more, mill who ilurliiK tlx' dns ol' plenty and liie.li wanes, did not lint by uiiylliliif. Mute you a Sax Inc. Account in Ibis slmnu bank ? One Holla more will start such mi account, and if you cannot attend to il personally, it eau easily be handled llimunh (lie mall. Hie American Naiional Bank Pcndlclon, Oregon. ""Strongest Rank in Cast em Oregon" jPr ices ou to 1 1 Gun ay Afford : 1 If you have thought furniture price a little high in tho past, and have delayed buying- for that reason, we suggest that you come in and see our sale prices, as we are selling on the new prices. ODD DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS Our display is large ami can be hail in most any finish, such as Ma hogany, Walnut, Ivory Enamel ami Golden Oak. Tliey are all moder ately priced and are sure to please. Cruiksh&nk & Hampton "Quality Counts" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Your Olil l'linilture Taken in Uxclinnce n.i I'urt Payment on New Inclusive Ascnts Ln 1'cttdlrton lor Mi'Dougn II Kltclieo l ahine's 1 l-S'u i to 1 T-s'-ilV. oats fin ished unehaii'.-ed to half a cent ..ff an.! Iirovision were down Inc. .Many traders in wheat took the po sition that a setback in values was u 'e expected, a the technical position of the market had been weakein-.l l.y the bi advance. S.-llini; by commis sion houses became more general, and there -uas considerable liquidation of December holding. Itcsalex of winter wheat at l.iveriiool ftc tmiler cost were announced, ami it was said Arm ntiue what was beinK offered at $l,.'7 J-4 i. r. Kurooc, ataiust 1.31'il.3! 1-:' lor l.'uitcd Htaii s wheat by way of the Kulf of .Mexico. The finish was at about the lowest level of the day. Volll was depressed by lack of sup. port and by predictions that coldei weather would briinf enlargement ol receipts. Oats wi re better sustained as a re sult of buyint; by elavator interes's. I'rovisions averaued lower with hoKs. l ambs strong, rattle anil llous Loner I HK'ACn, Snv. .111. rl'niteil States liurtan of .Markets.) CattN l!e ceiptM. 1 T.iiiiii head; best steers and fat she stock, dull; firsts, sales 1.1c to I'.lc lower; choice !7ii3-pmind steers, $; hulk beef steers, Ji; (ii s.T.". ; butcher cows and heifers mostly n.:i:,; ranncrs and cutters, $:'.?:, fi ,l.rj,-,; bulls, dull; bulk boloKnas, $:j.ijn fi .l.s I; liKht calves, steady; top, $:t.aO; fat calves, dull; talkiim sieaily. Hubs Receipts, 56, Win head; fairly active, mostly Hie lower than yester days average; top, $7. In paid for I.VJ In lllu-pound averaKe; lMI-pouml HeiKhis, $7.li;,; bulk, ii.7r,'.( 7; pic-t. Hie lo 13c lower; bulk desirables, $7 ii 7. 1 0. Sheep Receipts. 11, noil head; ac tive, steady to slroiiK; choice fed west ern lambs to city butchers, $lu.2r; hulk Tat lambs, $11. fiiift 10.10; choice handy ewes.' $5.15; hulk natives, $3.30 Kooil fat lambs, $S.3,"i ji S.aO. s siiokt ritii to l it ( i; I!V DAVID 1.. UI.I'MKNFITIj (I'liited 1'resH Staff Correspondent.) ASIIIMITON, Nov. 30. Take the elevator to the seventh floor of the New Willard llmtel and you are in Fiance. Hero is the hcndciunrtcrs of th . . . . . . 1'iencii delegation and trom mornini; till niKht and even into the far hours of early dawn dainty mademoiselles scurry nlonn the corridors, papers in tiandj to rattle uway on typewriters for the honor of l,;t France and for tin peace of future nations. There is no niislaklm; thai floor Kvcn if by chance you should be want inn the fourl h where the llelnian del- epates have tlielr habitat there would no inistakliiK thai accent 'which mows nowhere but on the Ronlevard Dcs llaliens or the Rue de liivoli when Hie 'Catliedral clocks or I'aris arc chlmiiiK the noon hour, "'an you direct me to Monsieur le I'clciiatc So and So?" -you ask tho pi'etly mldlnette sealed with a lisl or rooms by her side at the end of the corridor. Two blue eyes gaze into yours, there is a frou-frou of skir' and wllh a "lint certainly, Monsieur.' .Mademoiselle lakes you aloiiK the cor rnlor knocks al one of Hie many label led doors and Introduces you to th ocicuaie ol your ciiotce. ,o tuss, no hindrance the polilesso of I'aris ln the modernity of WashlnKtnn. nil' hen illy ol llial lloor is that you never know whom you are Boinn to meel In ils corridors. Uriaml has a habit of poppini; in and out of its var ious doors, Vivianl is just as likely lo clcp olf the elevator as you sli p in I here are very many places in and out of Washington where you may spend a less interest inn five minutes. fe it-I've weARt you feeFoRei IF" IT'5 A CvOOTS OWE. IT lON'T BE RJIM(3l) TlMGS MlSPR-OrVOUMQ IwG. AtL THIS1 'r And maybe, if Monsieur uses his very best French accent and has a really tragic thirst . TOK II Ol' ( IIIXA 1!Y DAVID 1. l!l.l'Mi:.FI:i.D trnited I'ress Staff Correspondent.) YVAHUINIiTOX, Nov. 30. There's no need to take a boat from the coast to see China today. All you have to do is to buy a railroad ticket and board your Pullman for Washington. Ask for tho Cairo hotel when you get there, and once inside It'a doors, yoi will find yourself In China. The "Cairo" which is the headiiuart ers oC the Chinese delegates here, ought to have been labelled the "l'ek In." Inside the hall is the Information bureau and here Chinese gentlemen sit at desks, long ink brushes stuck in holders by their side, for most of the Inner correspondence of the delegation Is written In the- characters of idd China, save when the two thousand charactered typewriter is brought Into play. The walls of the Information bureau are lined with pigeon-holed cases, each pigeon-hole bearing docketed files, their oulsidcs facing the room, weird with Chinese hieroglyphics for all the world like the washing packages In a laundry. W'hlw, up lo the seventh floor In tile elevator and you find yourself In a long corridor which smells sweetly of Kustern Incense. Here the delegates have their offices and here, too. the serious work of the delegation is done. All the notices on the walls are printed In Chinese. When a delegate or an official wants his ste nographer, he picks up a little red lacquered stick and bangs on a Utile silver gong. In walks the stenograph er Just like that. I Higher up In the hotel are Hie sleep-! ing quarters of the Chinese where all the beds have been turnd to the F.ast. "So that we lace I'ekin" tile China men say. And in Ihe darkness of th,. night, Utile candles burn while the delegates sleep sound in their beds the candles which avert disaster and drive away the evil spirits. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS The reason people laugh In their sleeves Is because it is the direct route to the funny hone. There are a few advantages for those who are snobs. Think what small Christmas lists they have. The frost is on my window silt, And autumn's fields are brown and drear, The fretful cow on yonder hill, Proclaims that winter's almost here. f And when I think of chilly -winds, My gentle heart begins to fail; f know that Mabel's shapely shins, Will suffer from the northern gale. If yon could live your life over again, wouldn't you want to skip a lot of it ? An inloiuobile Irallcr, shaped like boat, that can be used to navigate ater, has been invented. TO IMPORT SONG MUDS. ! tln.VOl.ri.I', T. H., Nov. 30. (T. I X. S.) Meadow larks, orioles anil nightingales, as well as other bong birds which depend for food to a large extent on Insects and are not harm ful to fruit anil other agricultural crops, will soon be added to the fauna of Hawaii if plans proposed by DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Olivia Takes Danny to the Matinee BY ALLMAN pt rv,ti d IM jaKtio'Ai '1 igiS)tj ; t ... ' OHLookit! MOT 50 L0OC ' ) v. New Blouses for Christmas Giving $2.98 to $7.90 The balcony apparel section is indeed an inter esting place these days for the person in search of nrn.rt.iral rifts for women. The showing of blouses offers a very pleasing solution of the gift problem. - There are styles, colors and materials that in sure becoming blouses for most everyone and Penney cash prices will surely make your Christ mas budget buy better gifts. TORSES AND HAND BAGS 98c TO $11.75 Our New York office has given special atten tion to the selection of new bags and purses for holiday gifts. Plenty of the popular priced re memberances with a comprehensive display of the new lace edge bags of finest calfskin, ornamented with becoming tooled designs, lined with suede leather and moire silk $6.90 to $1 1.75 H 'HI il Ml v ' ii- T " Incorparattd , 312 DEPARTMENT STORES' the Trail and Mountain Club of Hono lulu carry. Sour birds at present are quite rare In the islands. M.VXY VN"E.MlU.fYKl) AT WOKK WASHINGTON'. Nov. 31). (L. I'.) I The national unemployment con ference has been Instrumental in put ting nearly 2,000,000 people to work through increased building, according to Secretary Hoover. The stimulation may bo temporary, Hoover intimated, believing January and March may see a slump. CROUP l , spasmodic Croup ia frequently I relieved by one application of VAPORUB Oner 17 Million Jan Vxd Yearly 9" TraVel via the Northern Pacific Railway THE PIONEER LINE Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars of latest construction are in service on through trains. Automatic Block Sig nal protection on most of the line. THE BIG BAKED POTATO in again a feature of our FINE DINING CAR SERVICE Always Noted for its Excellence SAFETY-COURTESY-PROMPTNESS Northern Pacific ticket agents will cheerfully answer your questions and give you full information, WALTER ADAMS, Agent Telephone &4 9 O'.'O Main St. l'l-lldlcUill, Olf. I j Toyland waft CRVIMO? HE -HE. ) 1,- S - l HE-HE yoo SPOILED THAT PLAV for r.e with yovz LAU6HIMvj -THE NEXT TIMS I TAKE. YOU I WILL L F.AVE. YOU HOME! A We announce the opening of Umatilla county's greatest Toyland. Everything can be found here for the youngster, some new toys that delight even the older ones. A small reminder list below: Dolls Trains Games , , i Blocks Roly Poly Climbing Monkeys China Tea Sets Aluminum Tea Sets Aluminum Cooking Sets Teddy Bears t Velocipedes Wagons Doll Buggies Greeting Cards (5c to 25c) Handkerchiefs Many gifts for mother and Father After all the logical place to buy gifts is at The BEE HIVE i ii B PENDLETON OREGON i III ,l MX