READ THE EAST OREGOMAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE PsEWS TIIAT IS FURBISHED BY THREE SERVICES, A. P., U. P. 'AND L N. S. SIL J... L, JA .,. TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, 1921. Fed Up Un Beauty Contests TADS TID BITS E ' l. oV (!! I. N. S.) k According to Strict Letter oft Law Hubby's Rights Almost! Equal Those of Turks. By THOMAS C. WATPOX OVritten for International News Service.) UXDOX, Nov. 16. Of the many! kwn on the British statute book none! in so ambiguous or mlnleadliiK as that retatinff to the power of n husband over his wife. Under the strict letter of the law a British husband can exercise over his wife un almost Turk-like dominion. Hut in accordance with the Married Women's JProperty Act should a hus band live In the house and home which is her property he may only do so pro viding he behaves himself. Should he entertain any of his friends there without first obtainlns his wife's permission it is tantamount to misbehavior and he can be ejected. Most of the ancient matrimonial rights have disappeared. A case, how ever, cropped lip n the law courts the other day In which an action wasi brousht by a husband against his J or otherwise and take her to his house wife's father for "harboring" her, a re- Ud lc ler "P- She had no remedy, vlval of an ancient matrimonial' right I Legally the husband "hath power which has almost disappeared. 'and dominion over his wife and may ry . &K" Miss Cecilia Avan came over to America to escape iiiu boredom of I prctiy girl competitions. Kne. lives In London and has been voted Kns- ' land's prettiest rirl. She has won so many 'contests Uwt she tay li e I woa't oupeU for Ameilcaa honors. DiMth on IHiw-in-ljiw. The case devekped that the wife fulfilled the threat of going back to "her people" and left the husband flat. The result was that the father-in-law was involved in a very expensive law suit and in the end had to deliver up his daughter to her rightful protector. There Is an illusion abroad that the Englishman note English not British --has a right to beat his wife with a stick not thicker than his thumb. That was so sixty years ago, and though the act was never repealed, there are cer tain Judgments in existence which have considerably modified the power of a husband over his wife. There as a time not long ago when a husband became tho absolute owner of his wife's flroperty on her marriage; she herself, too, became his '. property; if she ran away he might keep her by force within the bounds of duty, and also he may beat her. but not In a violent or cruel manner." That is the outlet now through which a wife may sue her husband for assault should he strike her. There fore should the modern husband ex ercise his pre-1860 rights and thrash his wife for some misdemeanor he is liable to be sued by the said spouse for assault, and If he repeats the of; fense it becomes persistent cruelty, for which sho is entitled to a separation with alimony. ll-opi'ily lU-glits. However tho letter of the law still exists in England. Legally the wife's position has only been Improved In regard to her property, but the Inter pretation and spirit of it has under gone considerable alteration. The beating once regarded as per pursue he-.-, capture her by strntegem missihle is rrow reduced to "browbeat- QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE THANKSGIVING FEAST IS THE TURKEY of course But it is equally important to know that pour fowl is good and healthy so the family may have no after effects from the "big feed." A big quantity of freshly killed Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens has just arrived. The prudent housewife will choose one of these fine birds. Prices are lower here than elsewhere. Give us a trial. Pendleton Trading Co. ,m inWHiiiTTiii5fTiillBi urn Phone 455 me Sign of Serto "If It's on the Market We Hare It" ing" and mild remonstrance. Even the latter is now dangerous, because if a husband's verlwil abuse is proved to have had an Injurious effect upon the wife's health it may amount to cruelty and become a matter for the divorce court. Th. last time on record that a hus band attempted to assert bis powers was in isal. He quoted what is known as the famous Cochran cas In the Cochran case the wife In order to es cape from what she nlleged to be the "fitful fever" of an unhappy married life, fled to her mother. SVho remained absent for four years. D iring that time she had among other things "attended musked balls in l'urs iwiib per.ons whom her husband did not ki.ow." i IJy crder of the court the wifo was forced lo return to her husband and live wh him. It was then establish- e-l the husband had complete domin ion c.vir her and the liign court judge ; n. I.I ll-j.t; ! "Husband and wife were one in law; the law allows but one will between them, which must be placed in the ihusband as tho fittest nilil' ablest to govern the family." I In the case of lS!)l the husband .quoted this case. The facts were that 'the husband bodily seized his wife as she was leaving church in company :w:th her sister and carried her away .in a c,i:, took her home and placed her under lock and key. ' Mie wus brought thence by 'i wr't of habeas corpus. Later the house ..!' jl.oids (vrrruled the Cochran d.:isior. lai'd ;be freedom of wives In Kiml.-uu! J began at th:it date. Even then, now I ever, it was carefully pointed mil that in some rases physical rest taint ! by the husband might be Justified lor example, if h" met her on tb'i 1 stairs in the very net of an elopement, i The direct and Indirect effect of the marr ed women's properly u. t and i the reversal of the Cochran caso li.ive ibcen the deciding factors to free vo j men from the matrimonial bo I luge I ', bich had been their lot since medie 1 val times. 9 1 'I ret. tillO ! .ro;i : ,4;ik ; .412 I I One hundred freshmen reported as candidates for the frosh football team at the Cnlversitv of (iroson this year. Gan You Beat This? $9.25 - FORD TIRES, 30x3 Vs $9.25 War Tax Included Lowest Price Ever Made on This Size Tire We have a limited stock of these on hand, so come early. Other sizes at corresponding prices. We al ways try to give the most for the money and this one has them all beat. Simpson-Sturgis .stiff? Sore? A lumc back, a tore muicle or a iliflf joint oilen ii considered too lightly by the sulTcrer, It should be remembered that backache, rheumatic pains, stiff ness, iorenesK, tallow tkin and pufnnesi under the eyei are ymptomi ol kidney and bladder trouble and these certainly hould not be neglected. 0 ol h Leads tlie Winter l.rauuc. j New York. Nov. is. i Mr. T. Cobb, of lictroit. the best ap ple buster h;:seb:i!l evtr knew, is still showing the buys how to sock the old Snook urn. ! In California ihev now have what Is called a "Wiim-.- League." It lasts jaboiit two months. ! There are four teams in it and each fteam is led by a star of one of the nia jjor leagues. j Vernon is led by denrge Sisler of iiiu St. Louis Lrowns. I Miss on is led by Harry lleilman of the Tigers. j Los Angeles is led by Uoi;pi' Hornshy 'of the St. Louis Cardinals. San Franei: co is Ld by Ty Cobb. I The standing of the clubs at this writing follows: I W. I.. Vernon 11 Los Angeles 9 San Francisco T Mission 7 Here is how tho boys are batting, lleilman. who led the American league all year, belting the pill fur .400 or more, is not even In the first five. Kamni and Smith belong to tile Pa cific Coas". lei.gue: 11. A.M. U. Cobb IS till 13 Kamni 17 Sii 13 Hornshy IB 5S 13 Smith 1,1 r.7 7 Sisler K, r.i) .14 Talk About ( hacking the Swell. Will Ito-.ers was talking about four flushers the other day while watehlns I limousines ease by. "Yes, sir," he drawled, "1 know peo ple v.ho go riding around in automo biles who haven't got a bottlo of whiskey In the cellar." .lohiiny Wilson's Holler. If you have ever seen Johnny Wil son, the middleweight champion, fight you tan hardly believe that he's a nice person to talk to. Somehow or other you look at lilm in the ring and think (hut he must be a horse thief or a wife heater or some llvng lilt.' that. He's such an uninlor. estlng boxer. He seems so impossible. He seems so primitive. Yet when you sit down and talk wllh Jaw n he's a very nice, soft-spoken fellow who smiles at the abuscl heapid upon his bli nd shoulders by the boxing critics. "I don't mind t lie fellows panning mo 'about my boxing," asld Johnny i the other niuht. but. gee whiz, I wish thoyV lay off khld'ng my smeller. 1 was horn with that, you know, and have no chance to get another ope. My boxing may improve, but my cenler bonrd never will, so far us looks go, Tell thos. fellows to criticize my foot work and feints all they like, but writing man, please leave my horn alone." Leo 1. riynn Chirps for Shade. Ieo 1'. Flynn, tho Spoi ling t "h lux. ' says: "My boy, Hilly Shade, has box ed but once In nine months and that was against Fay Keiser. Pretty good for a shoe righi out of storage, eh? Wait until he gels a lew bore lights under his belt. Look out below bovs!" You'll get somewhere with a pipe and P. A.! If. PH. 25 .4ti7 22 .1179 26 .3 lit! Jrftc Albtrt 1$ oM in toppy rtd fcatff , tidy red tins, handsome pound end halt pound tin humidors and inthm pound crystal glast tiumtd or with tponi, moisfit.-ter top. Start fresh all over again at the beginning! Get a pipe! and forget every smoke experience you ever had that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of smokejoy you ever registered! It's a revelation! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe ! We tell you that you can and just have the time of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince Albert for packing! What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! Gee but you'll have a lot of fun rolling 'cm with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! OpyrlKht t!)Zl Ly a. J. RytuiiJi 1 nb.iccu Co. Wh'-tuii-Shlcm. N.C. the national jcy, emoke "Home to Meet 'em. Hack to Ileal 'em" is the I'niversity of Oregon wel come to alumni on their annual Home coming November 111. Jap Petition 1 luring the hunting season this fall more than "i, 000,0(10 persons, estimates the biological survey of the United Slates department of agriculture, will go out with a gun Into tho woods nnd fields of America. Their going em phasized Hie growing need of more adequate and uniform laws to con serve and protect the country's Iwlndling game supply. "It has been the practice In many Stales," the department says, ''to Is sue hunting licenses for the open hcii- loo lo all applicants, with too little re '.vurd for the available game supply of any purtiutlar area. The hunters may far outnumber the animals hunted within a given section, ami under such conditions the extinction of big game especially is inevllahlc. "Tho ili'parlnienl of agriculture "ad vocates ii limited license plan for big ginno based on annual estimates of game conditions In each district. This means that the number of big game li censes Issued for a given urea In one season would depend upon the number of game animals which It has been de lermlned In advance can ho spared, 'roper luliulnist ration of tills sort islioiild conserve game in tho greatest numbers consistent with the reason able demands for local grazing and ither Interests and obviate the neces- slly for establishing perennial closed easons, except on nreaa being re stocked." help the kidncyi eliminate from the system the poiionous waste and icidt that cause these aches and pains. They net promptly and effectively to reitore weak, overworked or diseased kidncyi and bladder to healthy, normal con dition. J. E. Simmons. 400 E. 50th St., Portland. Ore., writes: "I was troubled with backarho and urinary trouble. 1 toad Foley Kidney Pills ond will say thai I hishly recommend them to mv oae troubled in Ibat way, Ihey are excellent." Sold Everj where 223 E. Court St. SERVICE Phone 651 !!!!!!!! "Try the drug store first," and Koeppens, the drug store that serves best, for Prescriptions. Aw' - - - - -V . -; ; i-,. WIKOW ll.l TO ASiv "M.WV" ST. I.OI'IS, Mo., Nov. Hi. II. N. S.) Well, well, well! A widow hail to have the consent of her inolher before she could marry the second I'nie. A marriage license clerk declined to lssllo Ii license to Urs. Nora Schaner c n-j teen, and James H. Ilonne until JUrfl. I.lllie Wade, mother of the widow, gavo her conseul. I .OS ANOK1.K8, Nov. 17.U. X. 8.) Women's feet lire getting smaller every year, according to Southern Cali fornia merchants who sell shoes and iney ougni in Know. A Santa, llarhara dealer sponsored the first announcement of this Inter- . estlng revelation. Los Angelea sho merchants say he's right. And the reason? It's tho ubiquitous automobile. As the purring cars mul tiply in number women take fewer and fewer steps. Their tootsies no longer are subjected to the strain of pounding the gravel all day long. "The length of a woman's foot Is a mutter of heredity,' said one denier, "The width of her foot depends upon exercise, however. It Is natural, therefore, that tho tendency for sev eral years has been for womn's feet to get smaller thnt is, narrower, a a i ,i a aat. sal IsWiT Paint Them Yourself, Madam Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Etc. t Ji" i WE furnish free detailed advice on refinishing your own furniture, Honrs, walls, etc. We tell you what kind of paint, varnish or enamel to use. What kind of brush Where to buy the material. "Just a can of paint or var nish And a little work that's fun," will work wonders in your home. Try it on furniture now in your storeroom. After 72 years of experience with paints and painting prac tice, Fuller makes a special line of paints, varnishes and enam els for just such purposesfor you to use yourself. They spread easily, dry per fectly, and give every desired result. Easy, and great fun to Use them. Economical, too. We are one of the largest manufacturers of paints, var nishes, etc., in the United States and make the very finest kind of goods. Let our 72 years' experience aid you. Follow fuller Specifi cations and you'll get the right effects depend on that. Don't think you can't do work like this simply because you haven't ever done it. Try it, with our help. See how de lighted you will be. PI r; Madame Kajl Yajima. SO-ycar-old Japanese woman leader, photo graphed with a petition which she ) presented U President Harding. ' The peittiop. Written on Ja4nfiH rice paper ,) yards long, In a de mand for ft abolition of war, and bears the signatures of lU.Ouv Japa St Fuller SPECIFICATION 'Heme Service Paints Vamishei - Enamels M'fibyW.P.FullerilCo. WHERE TO BUY: Impor. tant that you eel the right ma terial to be cure to go to an uthorized Fuller dealer. Cut out coupon to th riht a& a memo to direct you. Write for booVtet of Puller's Specihcatio "Home Service" Paints, M(hich tells you just what to buy. Describe and ?et our free advice on any kind of painting job you want to do. For all exterior Jons of palntln, It It erlvlaable to obtain the servlcee ol a Master Fainter , For Furniture and Tables FULLERWEAR Is Fuller's Specification for all-purpose varnish fne at home for furni ture, tabiea, chairs, lin oleum, etc. boilinf, waur cannot harm it, nor rolling furniture. Pries cUint-free in four , houra. Walk on it over night. Fullerwear "The All Purpose Virnlah" Atlai.'-d (or any surface either Inside or outside. The most durable varnistt ob.a; able. Withstands interior wear and weather exposure. Dots not scratch, seel, tub oS or turn white. Drlte ever night, Flfteen-For-Floori Produces a mirror-like elasttfl floor fini.h. Withstands the scuffing, heel niai kt and hot water. Holds its (loss. Cleans easily. Alio makers of Rubber-Cement Floor Paint, Washable Wall Finish, Silken white Enamel, Aula Enamel, Porch and Step Paint. W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. 20, San Francises Pioneer Paint Manufacturers for 72 Years Established 1849 Branches In 16 cities in the Wett Dealers Everywhere SAVE THIS (Cut thlt out and put It In yeur pocketbook or handbag at a memo) Fuller'a "Home Service" Paints are sola by the ioilowuig in your cityi A. 11. KIRBY, A(lnni J Ml'IU'llY PAINT CO, IViidlitoii, Oregon , J3' nese women in bulb i.nt(luh and Japanese. (