TEN PAGES PAGE SET. "DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNFSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, 1921V Social and Club News JEWELL CUT TO DANTE. Member of the Jewell Club will dance this evening at Kaale-Wondman hall, the affair reins the third in a series of winter dunces given by the club. Hostesses will be Mrs. Hugh Bell, Mm. Sr. U Akers, Mrs. C. A. Pitil'atrtcK. Mrs. L. K. Twitched. Mrs. Alger Fee and Mrs. J. U. Hendricks. J MIIS. HA.V.VA ENTERTAINS. : Mrs. Aff'e B. Hanna ente.rtained htvt evening with a party In honor of .Mrs. Charles Hunter, of Wallowa, who is a Kuest in Pendleton. Several tables of "JttU" were in play. Mrs. C. 'A. C'rabirtf and C. A. FitzPatrick ! winning the high score trophies. Lu iier In the evening luncheon was served. WILL ENTFJITAIX. Mrs. I. M. Schannep and Mrs. Frank Duff will be hostesses to a group of Pilot Hook ladles tomorrow fct a luncheon. (Suests have been ask ed to the home of Mrs. Schannep, 524 Orant street. RETURN FROM PORTUAXD. Mrs. Rudolph Crommelln and Miss Rose Ross have returned after a visit in Portland. They were entertained at a number of social affairs during their Htay. BOPF'8 UPSTAIRS 8BOP Great Stock Reducing Sale SUITS GREATLY REDUCED COATS GREATLY REDUCED DRESSES AT GREAT REDUCTIONS f ONE RACK OF DRESSES Including both silks and woolens. Values M C QC to $35.00. While any remain -PlJ.JJ PENDLETON'S POPULAR GARMENT SHOP . The lens sees with you-the auto graphic record remembers for you when you Kodak as you go Our store is so conveniently located that it is pretty sure to be "right on your way." Stop off a few minutes. The Kodak you want is here. Kodaks from $8.00 up Brownies from $2.00 up PENDLETON DRUG COMPANY CONVENTION NOV. K I'matllLt and Morrow county liebe kahs will be guests of Echo's lodg tomorrow at a district convention. Many Pendleton Kebekahs will attend, among them Mrs. Nettie Whetstone, state president of the order. Pendleton women will occupy a prominent place on the program. Mrs. Ethel liowman will give the response of welcome. For the legislative com mittee, several members will be ap pointed from Pendleton. I "Organization and Drilling of a De gree Staff.-' will be the theme of a talk by Mrs. Flora Demmlck, of Pen- dleton. Mrs. Jessie .Smith will apeak j on "Our Relationship to Our country." Two prominent Oddfellows of this city, 11. J. Taylor, and 8. F. liowman, will speak. Mr. Taylor's topic kill be hut the Kcbekahs of Oregon Have Done In regard to Music for Our Chil dren In Our I. O. O. F. Home," and Mr. liowman will speak on "Current Kventu In Oddfellowship." A degree staff drill is to be held and a silver cup presented to the winning team. EXPECTED TOMORROW. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy. I Seattle, are expected to return to Pen dleton tomorrow. They will make their home for a time with Mr. and Mis. Hoy THinple, at 309 Logan, in the I residence formerly occupied by Mr. land Mrs. Albert Kklund and purchased by Mr. Ttmple. CU.'ll TO MEET The Pendleton Women's Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in the club rooms of the county library. Mrs. I. t;. Temple, Mrs. C. S. Terpen- InK. Mrs. Herbert Thompson, Mrs. 8. It. Thompson, Mrs. K. M. Temple and Mrs. Edith O. Van Deusen will be hostesses. DINNER IS C.IVEX Mr. and Mis. Dan Russell and daughter. Miss Emma Russell, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Pltzer, Tuesday evening at the Colo nial Apartments. Red and white car nations were used In decorat'ng nnd the same colors were used In the plac cards. SOCIETY TO MEET The Women's Missionary Society of the ltaptlst Church will meet tomor row afternoon In the reception rooms of the church. Quality Poultry Our many satisfied customers know the fine quality of poultry that we handle. We will have limited quantity of Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks and Geese. Place your order erly. New shipment of fine Aluminum New shipment Oregon Walnuts, pound 40c Gluten Flour, pure, 10 pound bag $5.00 Pure Vermont Maple Syrup, quart 95c Libby's Mince Meat, pound 30c Libby's Sauer Kraut, the best quality, quart... .15c Bulk Pork Sausage, pound 30c De Voir's Health Bread, large loaf 20c Pea Meal Bacon, pound 40c Sweet Cider, gallon 75c Jonathan Apples, extra fine box $2.00 Fresh Eastern Oysters, pint 75c Columbia River Kippered Salmon, pound 35c Fresh Figs, Dates, CandyChestnuts. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Prion ei 28 Only 1 QuaJity th Ret 1 Trip Shnn of Original Afrvlc EXTRAORDINARY CLEARANCE SALE Clark, city chairman. The campaign opened this morning with a score of workers in the field. Of Rev. W. A. Gressman's workers, I two teams are collection membership I fees. They are Mrs. H. K. MoC'ook j and Mrs. Charles Brownlow, who have pledged 34 members In their district, and Mrs Willard Bond nnd Mrs. H. R. I Thompson, who expect to finish their work this afternoon. All Mrs. Jnmen Akey's team, with the exception of one, are busy, and tho teams of which Rev. John Secor Is captain are busy also. J. V. Tallman, Charles II. Marsh, Rev. -Alfred Lock wood and H. E. Inlow all report good I results. LAV12NDER CUm TO MEET. . The members of the Lavender Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. J, M. Cook. 300 Thomn- son street. TO HOLD SALE The Catholic Lidies guild will hold an all duv Cooked tnnA uiilo nt -,. Hrolhers store on Tuesday, November IDEAS H 0 M FOR HOUSEWIVES E DEMONSTRATION Popcorn I sell only the host Iowa Pop Corn. You may rest assured when you huy Corn from me you get the very best. A one pound hap: full of delicious Top Corn, every kernel seasoned exactly alike, only 5c. . 1 also specialize on popping corn in large quanti ties. I can pop GOO 5c sacks per hour. When you have a party call me up and give me your order and I'll have your corn ready in a few moments. Remember the quality and always order RILEY'S QUALITY CORN AM) PEANUTS Yours for Service Riley & Kemp Quality Our Watchword aatlnfaitloa Our Aim In response to several re quests, the following is reprint ed: Ilnnm Prepared CiuulnK Agents All surfaces should be polish ed with a smooth, fine substance in avoid the scratching which Krltty cleaning ttKents often pro duct!. Kllvcr Polish G pounds whiting. 1 quart boiling water. 2 ounces castor oil. " packano pearllno. .Mix tho whiting and pearllno together; add the boiling waler and stir until nil lumps nro re moved. Lastly add the castor oil and mix well. Store In cover ed Jar and in a cool place, ruriilliii'o Polish 1 pint linseed oil. 1 pint turpentine. Combine the oil and turpen tine and mix thoroughly. Duvtlt Dust Cloth Preparation 1 cup linseed oil. 1 cup turpentine. 1 cup kerosene. Saturate a piece of cheese cloth In iht mixture above. Shake the cloth out well, Iron it and expose to the air for u few hours. Dust clothes so prepared may he washed several times without retreating. DiistleKN MiiM 1 cup kerosene. 1 cup melted paraffin. Pip the mop Into this until It Is thoroughly saturated. To keep the mop moist It should be en closed In n large paper bag when not In use. y. r. XOTF.D BAXIUT (Continued from cage 1.) on McNeil's Island pusses sought him for weeks on the island, as well as throughout the northwest. Emmet Dalton, almost as notorious ns Gardner in his day and one of the famous Dalton OaiiK, recently in the northwest, declared Gardner "was throutih," nnd wanted to go straight. Knew Where Gardner Was. Dalton said he knew where Gard ner was staying and that he could not bo extradlcated, which, with the loca tion of his capture now leads authori ties to believe Gardner made his way to Mexico. Dalton recently eald he was interceeding with President Hard ing for Gardner, seeking to obtain a parole. Several wealthy persons had offered to go on the bandit's bond, should he give himself up, guarantee ing he would Ro straight. Will He Jailed Again. TACOMA. Nov. Is. (C. P.) "We will Jail him again." Warden Thomas Maloney said today when informed of tho capture of Hoy Gardner, "We could put him in solitary' confinement but wu will not do that. Ho must serve his full 25 year sentence now, with all good time and chances of a parole lost to him because of his labor day escape." Will Ksoape If Possible. PHOKNIX, Nov. 1C. (A. P.) Gardner later told Sheriff Montgom ery and newspapermen the story of Ills escape. When put In Jail he warned the sheriff that he would cape at the first opportunity. Yeast Vitamon Complexion Secret Banishes Skin Eruption, Put on Firm Flesh. Strengthen the Nerves and Increases Energy. If yon want to quickly dear your kin aud ootuplexiou, put soius firm, healthy fleth on your bones, increaaa your nerve foroe mid power and look tad feel 100 per cent better, simply trv taking two of Msstin's boy VlTAMON tablet with eaah moil sad wstch rasulu. Msstin's VITA MON Tablets contain highly con centrated yrsst-riUinines as Weil as tlx two other still more important vitaotiMs (Fat Solubls A and Water Solubls C) aud are now being used by thousands ss a tonio restorativs and amssini complexion secret. Pim ples, boils and slun eruptions seem to vanish like magic, the o mplexion lw ixiuies fresh and bfautiful, the cheeks rosy, the lips red, the eyas bright. So repid and amaiing are the results tt at suacegfl is absolutely guaranteed or the uial oosta you nothing. The Mure of a glowing, radiant eom- p'sxion is from innds. You can't eipeot external applications to benefit a condition due to internal conditions. ' Get some vit&minea into your system! Re sure to remember tha nuns Mastin'i VI-TA-MON. You can get MasUn's VITAMON Tablet at all good druggist. R THE RFAl T FUL VL CLEAR VL V VITAMON THE UGLY BLACKHEAD UNHEALTHY SKIN THE BEAUTIFUL " i CLEAR I VITAMON SKIN DRESSES COATS SUITS Now for $12.50 to $93.00 The original selling price of ' which were from Twenty-five and up to One Hundred and Eighty-five. 1 Comparison of -Style, Quality and Value v Especially Invited , S3SS Of What Vf An Beautiful Futures If You H.t. An U(It Skin. FUbby FM, Hollow Chek, Or a Sorawof Noclif rVU.tln't VITAMON T.bl.l. An Po.l tlnly Cuarantad To Crn You Now Hoalth, Booutr And A Mori tUujiuoct Faco and Fig urt, or Monoy Book.- TMASTIK5 ; THtetio AND UMUINI Are Positively Cuarmnteedi to Pat On Finn Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back Adds Years to the life of Your Rugs That The Eureka actually prolongs by years the life of all ruga and carpets is guaranteed by its makers. ';': Added to this are the endorsements of leading carpet manufacturers, prominent rug importers, weavers of grass rugs and the experience of Eureka owners, many of whom have steadily used their cleaners for 6, 10 or1 more years- . , ' . . CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. CHILDREN OF FAMILY HELPED BY RED CROSS .. A mother, suffering: from Iwurt el 'warn to mioli an extent that It um practically ImiKutnltilt' tor tier to do hounework. u fatli tr NlriiKKllnjr tt support u fiim lly on a umall liomestoud, uml five iliildivit, poorly fed and oh.tlied ami uiiiible t attend Kolmol Iic:iiim' the nohoolhoiiM' wan five miles away. Such well? tlip conditions III u t'niut'llii routity home south of Jllot Uuck when tho lied Cross to.'k up the case. Today the mother Is reoelvlmf inerilcul ti'.'.iluuiit at niot Rook nnd tho rluhlren, clothed hy the Hod Cross, me attomlinir school nt St. Andirws Mission. Their HchoolliiK w;is urraiim'il for throimh the cooperation of the Catholic Uidii' Ciulld. 1 Ciiinpiilvii.'rx Mi t'i iHdy ltrlNuiot. j IVodleton campaigners for the Hod Cross annua! I'.oll Cull which opened here today nro nieetins; n ready re siiiinso uilh tlu. eceiilioti of a verv IS 1 ' " - y tow Instances, wyi ltiv, Georg U ' 1 f tiPHr' ll I IlS. ifiFffilHiyTaT 1 E,ohan 'our 0,1 '""''nu-e for new. niKtiest prices paid lor your I MTlliiJUl J lii,L4MlVARXluLJX ' I 103 E. COl'KT ST. mMar-. riione ' ) Alta Theatre TONIGHT 1 .. :.f. 1 ChUdren 55c . Adults 1,10 HOWARD FOSTER PRESENTS ' WILL II. GOULD - ; The Singing Comedian in a Modem Revival of Yon Yonson THE GREATEST OF ALL SWEDISH DIALECT PLVYS. ; Doors Open 7:30 p. m. Curtain 8:30 p. m.' No Seats Reserved Come Early.