f TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 16, 1921. PAGE TERES News Notes Pendleton CALENDAR OP EVENTS November 11. East End Fair una apuiv cuu. November 11. Armistice Day celebration. aser. Mr. Richardson was formerly f jects .r ; r:h carried on Inst night J .with r.ruy Brothers and also with the: by members of the ! ce force and' ! lVndlvton Cash Market. Mr. Hells, special apems The I'aker amliori- ! besides the crocery store, owns thoitios sent a niess;i" h..r.. n... f.i.'i Use the Phones, Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts 7S .h.rra QUALITY SERVICE 5S rr.NM.KTOX'S I.KIX STOlii: Use the Phones, Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts 78 Highway .--ervice Mation. ine new ipuives were thought to be headi d this store will handle a complete line of way. Everv train was searched nil November 21, special city elec- With grade staple and fancy groceries, jniirht Jons, but no trace of the men I Uod. December 15. 16. 17. Oregon Mate iirieation Congress. (was seemed. Tin Chinaman was! ltoss Carnc-y 1U. Uosa Carney, of the Tendleton Trad ing Co., is ill with pneumonia. Me was taken sick on Friday. Mr. Car ney's condition is not serious. T.io iiiiiiu i.nni;r. beaten oer the head . ltobbcrv li. F. Dnpuis has secured a building iBive aa ,iH, nu,tive 1Vr , crj.u permit at the office of the city re-1 corder for the construction of a era rage which is estimated to cost $30. is: Sncnk Thief Killers Spark plugs, wire connections and other parts on a new Ford Sedan re cently purchased by lien F. Trombley were stolen last night by an unknown ioi H'tiim thief. The car was in the garage at the Trombley home on Lewis street. The. theft was discovered this morning. lteemeii to Meet. Iteekeepeis of I'matilla county are making plans for the annual meeting of the Oregon State lleekeepers As sociation, to be held here January Ji; and 2". Officers of the l inati'ila county association are Eli W'inesctt, of Herud-aou, president ; '. Hancroft. on, secretary-treasurer, and Hoy IliiclmiKin 111. Itoy Buchanan. Pendleton merchant who has been confined to his homo by Illness since Saturday, is slightly bet tor today. Mr. Huchannn Was threat ened with pneumonia, but because of improvement his condilion is not serious. inn, of Pendleton, county :-or. All county associati- llo!d Solemn l!on.-diillim The solemn benediction of the lit. I!ev. P.ernard Murphy, third abbott of St. licnediet's Abbey, will be held to morrow at .Ml. Angel. The tihbott is a nephew of Judge Thomas Fit. Gerald, but Judge Fitz Gerald will be unable to attend the benediction. Grocery Will ()en The Highway Grocery at the inter section of East Alia and East foil", will open for business tomorrow : m lug. . H. llelts is the owner i :' 'lie store, h ml Harry Iticliardson is unn- Xel SI i n horn mi Team. X"d Strnhorn, of Pendleton, wl:o is a student at T'nivcrsity of nreson. is a member of the Kappa Sigma basket- i lecieu wiui me orenou as- nan team which gives promise of o: which A. J. Sanford, lied- winning the intei -fiHii-nifv ,.i,.,,. president; K. 1. linker of ipionship this year. The team has won I every game su far. Strahoru plays1 forward. ! Fred agci:l. ons I'd sociali mond, Knappa, vice president, and H. A. Scullen, head of the beekeeping de partment at the Oregon Agricultural college, as secretary-treasurer. At ihe meeting in Pendleton, leading bee keepers will speak on disease control, inspection, co-operative marketing and other pertinent subjects. Prospects are good for a lare attendance and a helpful program. Search for Murderers. T'le men who murdered a Oliina m. " at linker yesterday were the oh- if 101 101-101 j 01101- m im mi . GOOD HOME-MADE Sauer Kraut COOKED WITH Weinnies or Fresh Pork Makes a very appetizing dish for these chilly days. WE MAKE OUR OWN KRAUT and every head of cabbage is THOROUGHLY TRIM MED and RIGIDLY INSPECTED before go ing to the cutter. "BUY THE BEST IT TASTES BETTER" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc 301 E. Court Street Phones 101 Private Exchange Connects Both Department .Mountains Sno.( ocnil. While rain was falling in Pendleton I and in the lowlands last night and this! morning, the snow was covering the j hills and mountains with a mantle of snow. The snow was visible from the high hills on the north side of the city ti'ib'.v. The while blanket to the edge of the reservation east of the city, mid farther south, the stub- blefields were also covered. This is Hie first snow of Ihe season which has como so near to Pendleton. k They'll See tho (ionic. Peudletiiiiians and former O. A. C. and Oreron men who live in the coun ty outside ,,f Pendleton will Join the KtaiiK which every year marches back to Eugene to see the two institutions battle for supremacy this year when the game js played on Saturday. Somo of the men plan to leave this evening on an overland trip, ami others will leave later. Among those who plan to go front here are Joe Jones, Hert .leranl. Nnt Kimball, Harold Prock. Gene Hampton, John Murray mid Carl Engdahl and Jim Hill of Helix. ill Look to the Details 101 IOI 101 TOT TOT TOT I0X 101 TOT It is said; that attention to the little details of one's appearance gives a woman the reputa tion of being well dressed. Ihit have you ever noticed that the worn an you think of as well dressed is painstaking in the extreme when it comes to her figure? She knows that gracefulness poise charming carriage and an attractive figure are the first requisited of being well dressed. Their attainment lies in scientific cor sctry. In the present showing of Fron.t Laced Mayor to K.vplaiu Measures. Kxplanation of the various measures which are lo be put before the voters for a decision on Monday, November 21, will ha given by Mayor fi. A. Hart man in three speeches which have been arranged. He will speak tomor row afternoon before tlio Women's i 'lul at tiie county library. On Friday afternoon he will make two speeches, the First time he will appear before I ho Lincoln school Parent-Teacher as sociation, and later in the afternoon he will speak to the Parent-Teachers issociation of the Washington school. for Fall you will find specialized models for different types of figures, so that, regard- ' less of stature, a graceful figure and a fashionable silhoutte may be yours. The corset the very foundation of style itself should be chosen before selecting the dress or suit, that the complete ensemble may most nearly approach the ideal. Let our corsetiere properly fit you with the model est suited to your require ments and preference. Do so while our Modart stock is complete. . . Corset Department $4.50 to $25.00 c WE WILL HAVE A FINE LINE OF CHOICE Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens For Thanksgiving Dinner. However, these will be strictly fresh killed birds. We don't want the public to jeopardize their health eating birds that have been killed too long a time. PHONE 18 The Empire Market Where Quality Goes Clean Through Iload Mi-rtliig Held. Pilot Hock farmers will appoint from each of the districts a repre sentative to confer with tho countv court regarding the location of a road for which f .15,000 is to be spent by the county court, according, to n decision reached at a largo mass meeting last night in Pilot 1-tock. Following word received by tho Pilot Hock Commer cial association mat tlio fund Was available, farmers met to dlseuss the matter. Knads in four different di rections were discussed at last night's meeting and the appointment of dele gates will bo the outcome. Following the road business Fred llennlon, coun ty agent, addressed the meeting on the recent grain hearing in Portland. He discussed Portland typo samples and federal grades. Cost Ih $!..-. Per Hiishel. 1 lie average cost of producing wheat on 40 farms in Sherman county in l'.i'-'O was $1.65 a bUHjiel, according to a report made by It. V. fiunu, of i. A. ('.. and (.'. (.. Calkins, formerly Sherman county agriculture agent wno niaile the survey. As Ihe yield im-i ucre ami me acres per larm were outstanding factors in Influencing the cost. It is estimated by Fred llennlon, county agent, that tho cost In Turn tillii would average less than S1.IIS Tliis is estimated in view of (ho fact that the IS farms on which tho cost was ji.1,.1 per nusnrl nail nil average f I I bushels per acre while Ihe 'y farms below the average In cost had an average yield of '20 bushels an acre Umatilla county, with Its high pro duction, Is able to produce wheat at less than Jl.Gj a bushel, Mr. llennlon believes. OTHER NEWS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ON PACE 5 E 3 B . jj. The Season's Craze We have just received a new shipment of the famous Toddle Oxfords ii They are absolutely the latest thing in Ladies' Foot j wear. Patent kid, plain toe, with one inch flat heel and light welt sole BUSTER Only $9.00 E BROWN Still m E a, Shoes that fit and are fit to wear ft I oneeleven, I cigarettes Three Inseparables One for mOdnesi.VIRGlNIA One fcr mellownea. BURLEY One for aroma.TURKISH The finest tobacco perfect aged and blended, 20forI5 (East Oregoniun Special.) PH OT HOOK. Xov. 16. Hoy Con nor h uccidently shot himself thru tt. -luhi lonir whllo hunting near RnnrkH Station Sunday afternoon is re ,.w.i in l.n eettinu along nicely. Ho Is being cured for at the Sparks home. !dr. and Mrs. James Whlttaher mo tored to Pendleton the first of the week to attend tho International Live stock Exposition. Mrs. George 'Huge and daughter, Miss Grace Kugg visited relatives hero Sunday. A young peoples meeting was organ l.ed at the church Sunday afternoon with officers as follows. Kugene Ulbbs, president;' Kuth Fletcher, re cording secretary: I.llu Fletcher, cor resnondine secretary. Meetings ivlll be held at the church every Sunday evening at 6:45. Mr. and Mrs. llnrry Newman are tho parents of a baby girl born Tluirs day Nov. 3. Mrs. l.eora Haughty and William Ruber!, both of Pilot Kock, wore mar ried in Pendleton Saturday Nov. G Judge 1. M. Schanncp performing Ihe ceremony. Mrs. naughty is a sister of Kd Smith of this city. Mr. and Mrs. ('. M. (test returned home Tuesday from a trip to Portland and ICugrno. Mrs. Charles Michall was shopping in Pilot Hock Thursday. C. W. Depuy was a business visitor hero Monday. Joo Itoyer and family spent Monday afternoon In Pendleton. Kldon ISoylon celebrated his fifth birthday Thursday nfterenoun Nov. 3, l.y entertaining a few of his little friends at a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Iloylcn. His guests were Maxine Custeel, Car mile Sianley, Allegra Donne, Roberta 'ioylcn, Lemuel Hoylon, Hialno f.'as teel. Ward Stanley. Jr and Patrick Cassldy. Jello and whipped cream was served with the birthday cake. Mrs. V. C. Stanley, Mrs. Robert Iloylcn and Mrs. K. II. Castnel were present also. Dillard French was a business visit or hire Monday from Gurdane. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kinder were in Pilot Ruck Sunday from Long Creek. Mrs. Levi lOlridge who has been In Portland for the past several weeks for medical treatment arrived home last week. Her condition Is much Im proved. Harry Schlegle was a business visit- Heroism I'ays AVI. i' A . ' V ',', - ,0. t 1 ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine ! L1J I J Heware! 1'nless you bco tha name "Hayer" on packano or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only lis told in Ihe Bnyer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Tooth ache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Payer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cunts. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin in ths trado mark of Uuyef Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Hallcyllcacld. or hero Monday from Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Walker of Slan field were visitors here tho first of tho week at the home of Mrs. Walk er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. 1). Con-) nor. Mr. and Mrs. Tod Gllleluud wero In I town Wednesday. Robbie Kelby was absent from school i several days this week suffering from j a broken arm. Jin fell from UVo fence wlille playing at school. Vic Ruiimagoiix was a business i visitor hero Thursday. Herbert Warner was here Thurs day from Milton with a load of apples. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Miller aud chil dren were Sunday dinner guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Macken. .Mrs. Chas. McDonald of Albeo was shopping in Pilot Rock Saturday George Ness was a business visitor liero Monday from I'lilali. llrfhieheN from Mllirlit (.'old Laxntlvn 1IRO.MO O I ' I I N K ThIiIcIs re. Ileve the Id'Hilacim by curing the Cold tonic laxative and germ d'strover. The genuine bears tli" signature of K. Vt. Grove. (Do Hiiro you Bi t 11ROMO.) . i.Mlllf 3 til, M il M U ftrWn CATARRH of th BLADDER 5fl, tocCKMl Etch Canmili besra name Ptirnr rtiwin IrrfMt Mrs. Kate Day, of DallM, T. iot the Theodore N. Vail silver medal and $600 cash award for heroism In saving 4' girl tetcplfnt operator from death In a fire rnst .iuoyed their durmitory "QULW roil CIMf WATlONm" A Pr paratlorv cf COMPOUND COPAtn nd CUBESS AT YOUR DRUGGIST A.k fhr Y JN MJE.OX.Ly. qM (uballiutiw. Special Sale Of Men's and Ladies' Made-to-Order SUITS AND Overcoats NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUft ORDER John Dorfman PENDLETON'S LEADING TAILOR Rooms 7, 8, 9, Despain Bldg. PHONE 982 TraVel via the Northern Pacific Railway THE PIONEER LINE Steel Pullman Sleeping Cars of latest construction arc in service on through trains. Automatic Block Sig ' nal protection on most of the line. THE BIG BAKED POTATO Is again a featurt of our FINE DINING CAR SERVICE Always Noted for Hi Eictlltnct SArETY COURTESY PROMPTNESS Northern Pacific ticket agents will cheerfully answer your question? and give you full information. WALTER ADAMS, Agent Telephone 549 60 Main St. I'fiulleton, Ort". t - I. ... h i " MM-U.M..m:MJM.m