PAGE SIX PMLY EST OSECOSIAS, FODLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVLXCX, IIOTEIITJEE 14, 1021, EIGHT PAGES M! Si Id as. tt-i t Th tit I ! t O ll It l'l 111 It 111 Ml lie At E, Social and Club News L. W. C. MEETS. The Loyal Workers Class jmerly oeeupledby Mc and Mrs. B. F. 1 be able to distribute bindlns twine and of the 'Avertl!." ' i loriijsi as far w i at Erhn 0.0.1 Christinn church met at the home of I wjr a dinanee of L'.l tuil.F. IVnUlet..: jira. n. 1. uaiiwa 011 rriuay in honor in. ur . 1U attT, iwoiild 1 m- 73 miles ,1 her wholasaie j 01 -rs. n. scon s eigniy-nrxi eirtn-i ine iiuugnitrs 01 eterans will territory iiy this 1 at ? wid all of il.e day and that rf the hostess whose Jhave a special meeting tonight at fiii.tix living in :z miles wo Ml b rthday was celebrated on the sameSU at the home of Mis. William It. .have to pay mure for binding- tw;ie occasion. iWyriok. 314 West ISluff. The de- ;r.i;ipci! through to I'ortland and h-. .1- Mrs. Scott and .Mrs. (iauna were j panment premueni, .irs. runcis 1 e! l ac!; over the c; presented with chnniunK gifts. The,-uc'oa or .viarsiuieiu, .,1U be pres- .isii.vry u doublo 1 presentation was made by Evangelist I1'1- Henshaw. j 1 Mr. and Mis. Curtis sang "The -MOTOR PARTY KETCKNS. Nearer the Sweeter" and "The Green J -Mrs- l'' Haley. Mrs. Willard Rond, Hill Far Away. jMrs. George Hartman, Mrs. Charles Among out of town guests were theIiond and -Mrs- s- K- Thompson. Pen Rev, and Mrs. R. L. Russabarber, now "etn matrons who spent the week of Waltsburg. Rev. Russabarger was iend in Portland, have returned. They formerly pastor of the Pendleton 'rnul,e tne t,lu u' motor, church. RETURN FROM POKTI-AND. ghter, Hetty June, returned last eve ning from Portland. .Mrs. Rarr and A buffet luncheon was served, in cluding two birthday cakes for the honorees, presented by Mrs. Margaret (Hoover. About sixty guests were pres ent, among them Rev. and Mrs. Russa barger, IUv. Henshaw, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Oressrtian. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. &"oU, Mr. and Mrs. Oadwa. Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Tielvail, Mis. Rrndy, "Mm. Bramwoll, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. fnmioll ra 1 '..iin , n.l Mn .,,. gill,' Mrs. F. F. Oreulieh.' Mrs. Vjerk-lThc1y "Men,lcd !lie iilciflc ItMItl ing, Mrs. Friedly, Mrs. Hut, hin.son, nal livestock hxpositlon. Mrs. C. M. Jackson, Mrs. KessTur, Mrs. Kligham, Mrs. Mcl'herson, Mrs. Mat lock, Mrs. Molstrom. Mm Straiighan, Mrs. Mendell, Mrs. O'Cnnnell. Mis. l.nes for tii-ir Farmers I'enalim) However, this is not merely a mat ter of wholesale trade territory. If Pendleton is going to be charged $1.83 1-2 per hundred on binding twine it means that all farmers in the Pendleton territory will have to "pay .j 31-2 cents per hundred more fori their binding twine than will the far- I mers in the Willamette valley. There ' are thoil',' m,la t.f rti.un,!., r.r v.:...ii ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude liarr and dau- twine used around Pendleton evert ! year and 11 there is any justification ! for tile in li.., .... daughter have been absent from Pen- taml . ,.. cpms i illctnn for spvem I woolra nml I- ni-r .1 : 1UIC iLinoii ,v..., ;, ;:...:".' . n. u,e so mnes J v ' " v,. ugu. RETURN' FRO.M I'OMTAND. Mr. and Mis. Pert Whitman have returned, after a visit in Portland. RETURN" FItOM PORTLAND. .Mr. and Mrs. Dale Klusher and Mr. and Sirs. Alvah Klusher returned yen- to Fort- Patten, Mrs. Iteese, Mrs. Sompi. Mrs. i 1 Mii. ir.,. 1,..: , ... lanu. wuu'v .him, i t'uuii K uiiu ivus, ianar. ENTERTAIN WITH PARTY Mr. and 'Aim. Fred Rennlon were hosts on Saturday evening at a formal dinner at their home, 711 Willow street. A color scheme of pink was Used "most effectively, pink chrysan themums being a par t of the decora tion. Cards und dancing were the diversion of the evening. Quests for the affair were Mr. mid Mrs. James H. Weleh, Ir. and Mrs. I.. M. Spalding, Dr. and Mis. Fred Dieu-' alien, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Mark liurthel, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. H. FoiHliaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mathew.Hon and Mr. and Mrs. James Hill. ' BOYS ATTEND PARTY. Melv.'n Dovell, Philip Huntley, Fred Rennlon, Jr., Harold Hroulllard and Urban Rchwnrz of Pendleton motored to the Earl Dudley ranch near Helix on Saturday . afternoon nnd wore guests at a birthday party which cele brated the twelfth anniversary of Ray Dudley. Robert Kerley of Helix, was an additional guest. The arternoon wns spent In games and laler refresh ments were served. RIRTHDDAY IS CEtiKRRATRD. The birthday anniversary of Joseph K. Scott was celebrated on Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs, Scott en tortalned with a party at their home, 116 Lewis street. Curds nnd dancing weru'enjuycd, Harry lienson receiving the high score at cards. About twenty guests were present. A buffet supper was served during the luter hours of the evening, CT.ARENCK PJRHOP HOST. Clarenca Bishop wus host for a din ner at Clown Point chalet Sunday, when his guests Included Mr. and Mrs. uonald Spencer, Mrs. John F, Ca.ipcr of Walla, Walla, Wash., Mr. und Mrs. John R. Adams of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs ThH Vytians of Walla Walla, Miss Entelle Nissen of Sniita Anna, Cal. Oregon Journal. PICTURE OP MRS. K'E'li.V. Mrs. Lowell Kern, formerly of this cuy, assisieu in the Jo Iv and 1.1m booth at the recent Junior League fete in Portland, A picture of Mrs. Kern apponred In yesterday's Oregonlun. LITTLE SON UORN. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Touniiblood of 1J14 J'.ast Court street nro being con gratulated, upon tho birth of a son born November 12 ut 8t. Anthony's hospital. A . MOVING TO RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Cl.vd Phillips are mov Ing today from their present homo to 214 PerkhiH avenue, the residence, fnr- HERE FROM HELIX. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Norvall were in the city yesterday from Helix, en route to Spokane for a visit. RETURN FROM PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Scliurpf and children have returned after a visit In Portland. ARE IN PORTLAND. Air. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, of Pendleton, are at the Reason. Ore gonlan. IS PENDLETON VISITOR. Airs. Frank Garrett was a Pcndle ton visitor today. Her home is ii Helix. MISS JOERGER RETURNS. Miss Margaret Joerger returned this morning after a visit in Portland lumier on in me v iiiamette valley. I 1 am not able to find ;t. It is a clear ' case of taxation without representa- ' tlon. it oimht to bo patent and self- j evident that if the railroads can af ford to haul this binding twine through 1 1 enilleton and on to Portland for Mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmammm $1.30, they surely can afford to drop it off at Pendleton, on their way through, at the same rate and I don't I every 160 acre field and the farmer in believe that the farmers will stand for ttle Wtuniette valley will get tho Aluminum Ware Large Shipment Direct from the Factory. Pure Aluminum Roasters, each $1.43 Tea Kettles $4.00 and $4.25 Deep Padding Pans with tube, for cake or pudding, both $1.75 Griddle Cake Covers, each $1.00 Large Muffin Pans, each $1.73 Medium Muffin Pans, each $1.40 Large Berlin Kettles, each $2.50 Double Boilers, each $2.30 Preserving Kettles, each $2.50 Universal Coffee Percolators. Gray Bros. Groceiy Co! ! - Wroouct k .1 3 Phone 28 Only 1 Quality th Bet TAK B OHiLBEEf Mrs. Taylor's Siclrjiess Ended - by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Konbttry, Ma"a.s.-"rslrere(i contin ually with backncho nnd was often de. pFTSu"',s7?,, n'"dont, had diz;;y IDEAS FOR HOUSEWIVES HOME DEMONSTRATION Rcfore you open a bottle of milk, wash and wipe tho out- sldo of the can with water nnrl n clean cloth. The llttlo depres- sion at the top of the bttle col- loots dust or water, or milk, which may attract flies. Lift out tho cup with a pointed lnstru- ment, so that tho outside of tho cap, which may bo contuminat- ed, will not be pushed down into tho milk. Clean nnd nnnld the refripera- tor where milk is stored, resu- larly with hot sal-soda solution. See that tho drip pipe is kept clean and open, Even In the cleanest refriger- n tor, never keep milk In an open vessel. Milk absorbs odors eusily. If there are babies or little children in your home, clean, cold, covered milk Is absolutely essential. V. D, Embassy buildings have been scrun ulously spruced up for the fray, and the various nutlons have secured pn lauul uHliliiKtnn homes tor their principal delenalei and hotel suites for their lesser representatives and office tureen. 1-I.Sli: K. IS MISSINfJ m;V YORK, Nov. 14. (!'. p.) I Ho Kiisolino launch Elsie K. with elifht fishermen aboard is mission- und is believed to be lost at sea off Sheeps ncau nay uniiihk grounds, A police era it. round no trace alter a Ions scuren. Jfj5J ipulla aiid at f; 1,1 A Mbl my uionthlv iHtriods it Jwas almost iniKi3- mine to Keep around i :it my work. Since Imy lust baby came Uvo years ago my back luia been worso and no position I Umld get in would roliovo it, anj doc ! .or a medifino did not hell) mo. A friend recommended Lvdia K. I'mkhnm c v.,. etableComjiound and 1 have f jur.d groat relief since using it. My back is inucb better and I can sleep well. I keep bouse and huve the cure of live children sc. my work is very trying and lam very thankful I have found he Compound such a help. I recommond it to my friends and if you wish to use this letter i am very piuu to help any woman suf fering as I was until 1 used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coiniwund." -Mrs. Maude li Taylor., 6 St. James Place, Koxbury, Mass. Backache is one of the most common symptoms of a displacemei't or derange ment of the female system. No woman should make the mistake of tryine to overcome it by heroic endurance, but profit byMrs.Taylor'sexperiencc nnd trv LvdiaE. Pinkham's VegelabloCompomU so t AitMVAi, of t imn: jn haiti HiWIIlMiTUN, Kov, 14. (Ir. I.) lirtmutier tieneral JOII Colo of the iMarlne corps lodny told the special senate committee investtirallmr llaltien a! lairs that there was no "carnival of crime' in Haiti during the recent na Val occupation, 27 MEMBERS OF TROOP D MAKE CLAIMS FOR INCREASED COMPENSATION Twenty-seven mrmtiors of our own Troop I), famous as Peiullo. ton s cavalry regiment, huvo during the past six months made claims for increased compensa tion or for hospitalization, ac cordlm: to records of the Umatil la county lted Cross. Aid lilven In answer to tho pleas of Cinatllla county ex service men Is made possible through the lied Cross, but the organization must have funds to carry on the work. The 1921 Kofi Call now in progress is necessary if there is to be money to carry on the peace-time pro- gram or-'llio (ireatcst Mother in the World." Instead of tho work of the lied Cross growing less, it is con stantly growing greater. In ad dition to civilian cases, many ex service men who at the end of tht war seemed In good health, are now suffering from after af fects. This is true among s.-ores of men who were gassed end who are now suffering from the Injury. this kind of taxation. Here is another case that will be in teresting to the farmers and wheat growers of Pendleton. This proposed schedule of the carriers makes a, very decided change In the rates in fencing. Taking a 160 acre field to lie fenced with 26 inch hog tight fencing, figur ing the weight of that fencing we find that under the new rale this fenc ing will cost the farmers at Pendleton 28.28 more than it will the farmers In Porl'aml or in tho Willamette val ley. This does not provide either for any cross fencing. Every farmer who wants to put up any fencing in the Pendleton or eastern Oregon territory, if this schedule goes into effect, is go ing uo nave 10 pay Inoro for benefit. Trusrinj; this will give you some in. formation of value to you I am, Sincerely yours, J. A. FORD, Secretary. EASLES ' may be followed by serious cold troubles; use riighuy VAPORua r"-r 1 7 W.w I htd Yearly It Can't Leak, Because It's Made in One Piece EVER been scalded by a leak ing hot-water bottle? This can't happen with a Kantleek. Kantleek Hot-Water Bags can't leak. They ere "one r.iecc" wuter bags moulded from pure soft rubber into a single piece no joints or seams. Most hot-water bottles are made in sections and cemented. Cement cracks bag leaks! We guarantee a Kantleek for two years or a new bag free. Ask to see the Kantleek. You may need it tonight. mm h 5 is pra i "Actual experience taught mo t' roicys Money and Tar Is un doubtedly the best couah rem tdy. It has been worth $50.UU ebotUotome." Wm. Barnes. Sun Antonio, Texas. E For ovr 33 yean the standard family cot gh. medicine for chil dren and grown persons, ifm ' A'o opiate: ' ' fof ft. Sold .Everywhere 'LANG RANGES Unequalled when economy in fuel laving is ccmidered. 'i 1 nmWvWA St 1 ft?.:- WMs. The Only Range made With Only Two Lids Call and See Them YOURS FOR SERVICE IRiley & ICemp Quality OnP Watchword Satisfaction Our Aim Adds Years to the life of Your Rugs That The Eureka actually prolongs by years the life of all rugs and carpets is guaranteed by its makers. Added to this are the endorsements of leading carpet manufacturers, prominent rug importers, weavers of grass rugs and the experience of Eureka owners, many of whom have steadily used their cleaners for 5, 10 or more years. CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. Evelmnse jour old furniture for new. Highest prices puid for your 1 old furniture. 103 K. COl'KT ST. .,oi.e 49 G reat S HOPE'S UPSTAIRS. SHOP Hundreds of New Fall Garments Sacrificed for Speedy Clearance. o n u n.uo n IM.KA (Continued from ni!e , U'l'iV twine nnd iiMatii to the f:n niei-K u tlu entiro I CHICHESTER S FILLS rJ .illl A.korl.r,l.,V;, I .uillinuil cmnriy (. .,, ;;." l& KiW j "'' T,1, ni'lH"tU. of the earner.. 1 f ?5rMtetrM r.",'t ,M;n,""SJ ""P" .souBirmiiGisiscviniiust nun me i nnianii '.vn to 11 .in ins; 1'enjleion at 11.81 :-2. Tnder thin projioBsn rati i'euaioion wuuia f-'m p mm wm tmmMWmmt' 5&wifJ W4:OL nm if fei4i irnp Vw4r -wmR - f ifeO'ipM lmM Mi iff -RPdl-p-!M! -J f SMART SUITS BEAUTIFUL COATS and DRESSES ( many new arli beincUt wonl iVduetions to reduce our stock. See the rack of Dresses at $15.95, containing Canton crepes, Poire t ; 1 w-ilis, Incotines and Serges. Most beautiful stock of dresses ever shown by this shop Shop in Morning; if Possible , UT LJZ tLJ krJLwkLM Shop in Morning; if Possible Pendleton's Upstairs Garment Shop . . Over Taylor Hardware Co.