East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There ,
E. P. Marshall returned this mom
infc after a visit in l'ortland.
Chafes M. Cook and Manuel Ftied
ly were among the local people who
returned this morning from Portland
where they were during the past
Judge J. A. Fee is in Enterprise to
day where he will remain for several
days on legal business which is being
taken up during the fall term of the
Wallowa circuit court.
SIMS DECREASE TODAY nmrce n:n nmmw !
urriuto urnucne
a .,:. ; 1 - j- ' .11.11
Ir. L. J. Williams returned today
from La Grande where he has been
for several weeks with J. Wigcr in
starting The Kootery, a new shoe store.
Mr. Winer is in La Grande whore he
will be in charge of the store.
"Pat" Folsom and Richard Rice, ac
companied by .Mrs. O. M. nice, re
lumed to Portland Sunday afternoon
after having spent the holiday over
Armistice Day with the home folks
nere. i ne young men are attending
school in Portland.
While many of the pol cies of the
American, government undoubtedly
will be far different, many things
nbout the Washington conference will
be the same as the Paris pence con
ference. For instance, a great horse
shoe table has been installed In the
Dauglrjof the American Revolu
tion Continental hall for the open ses
sions of the Washington conference. It
Is Just like the horse-shoe table in the
famous Hall of Mirrors at Versailles,
at which the treaty of, Versailles was
Wheat is down today, December
grain closing at J1.05- and May at
: 1.09 5-8. On Saturday December
grain closed at J 1.09 1, and Mav at
' 11.13 2-8.
Following are the quotations receiv
ed by Overbeck & Cooks, local brok
ers: Wlioat
: Open High Low Close
I Dec. $1.08 Jl.lOVi Jl.OJS: 1."S
! May 1.1IS 1.14 1.09S. 1.0'JN
Dec. .46 .47 S .46 .46 3s
May .53 .r.JS .52 1, .52
Dec." .32 "i .32 ' .Si
May .3 - .: ( , ,3T .37 't
It.YLrX.I :; V. Mi. ACC1CPT
(Continued trom page 1.)
To Collect On Hi
Suit ago. list V. K. N'arkaus for
judgment of 1500 on a note has been
brought hi c rouit court by A. J.
Stead through his attorneys. llaley,
Haley and Sieiwer and II. J. Warner.
Congress will declare a "naval noli
day" until the parley ends in success or
failure, leaders of both houses said to
day and no appropriations for Ameri
ca's sea forces arc to be made during
that time.
Secretary Denby said the depart
ment would continue building war
ships 'intil the international arms eon
'e e orders it to slop. Denby's an
' ' ement was made as a reply to
I n- congr - ionnl suggestion that the
Lulled StuUa stop naval construction
at once.
Ak Mortgage Foreclosure.
Foreclosure of a mortgage and
Judgment ol $6500 on a note are de
manded in a suit which has been filed
in circuit court by A. L. i: lover against
Mabel Zaring and others. The plain
tiff is represented by Haley, Haley and
ISiciwep and II. J. Warner.
puts SUNSHINE in the Heart
It makes Uttlo difference whether the HOME Is on
the isolated farm or in tho congested city whether
it be n Kiiuill eottage or a palatial residence, Ml'KIO
briiws pleasure w'lk ti can be secured in no other way.
Your nickels and dimes which are frittered away to
satisfy passing whims can be tisci' to make the
monthly pa.rimni.s on a Pano i Pin) or Piano a
Ilcpi'oductliig PUino or n Phonograph
You will then be Investing y;.,ir money in something
of real value and it will pay you big- dividend in
p:ea.suro iud happiness not oiki n jear but '.'very
Mako up your mind todtiy and have the greatest of '
all cntcrui iiinents ui your Indue Ml SIC.
The WAIUIKM Ml'SIC IIOISH will gladly assist you
in tho seU'etion of a musical Instrument.
Victrolas Bufene Edisons
Warren Music House
"Everything ;n Music"
Oil! us
Bring your container
Phone 187
739 Main Street Pendleton
v Proprietor
PflT Cflfth Pwc!uo MAr Par Imi
Dcspain& Lee Cash Grocery j
209 E. Court Phone 880
10c a Bunch
Despair. & Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
A beautiful headed Indian costume,
claimed to be worth between 30n
and Jinn, and some other Indian
wearing apparel were recovered this
morning ly the action of IVputv
Sherlffs Wes Spears and Jake .Marin
when they arrested . C. LHaz. The
goods are said to have been taken
about three months ago from the Xez
I'erce reservation near Lapwui, Idaho,
and a search by officers all over the
Xorthwes: has been under way since
that time. The man :s held for the
Idaho officials. Hi. arrived In Pen
dleton on Saturday according to the
story ho told the officers.
(Continued from page 1.)
are to be incorporated until the sys
tem as designated Is complete. This
will forestall the scattering of funds
over a disconnected system of high
Systems Are Pluiuied.
In the provision for secondary roads
tho object is to develop within the
state intercounty or market roads
which shall be united into a complete
Alter the federal aid roads are con
structed the slate is to assume the
burden of their maintenance. In the
event of the failure of the state to
keep the roads up to standard the fed
eral government may come in and re
construct them, deducting the cost
out of the state's uliolment.
Another Important condition is that
the roads are to be free from all tolls.
As bridges arc considered a part of
roads this provision may cause a com
plication in Oregon, The Interstate
bridge between Portland and Vancou
ver, on which toll is charged, is a part
of the Pacific highway, which is u
federal aided road both In Oregon und
Washington. This complication may
also arise In connection with the pro
posed bridges at Celilo and Cascade
Two Main Highways.
In selecting the highways in Ore
gon to constitute the primary system
which is to be beneficiary to federal
aid and keeping in mind the require
ment of an Interstate connection. It in
assumed that the highway commission
will designate the Pacific highway
and the Columbia river highway with
Its supplement, the Old Oree-on Trail.
and its extension from Umatilla tow
ards Wallula. This will give Inter
state connection with Washington,
Idaho and California.
These two highways will hnvn
combined mileage of approximately
879 miles. This will leave only a
margin of 421 miles to be applied to
other main highways. If the Itoose
velt highway alonir the roimt uhmii.i
be added this would take up 410 miles,
leaving only u remainder of 11 miles
to complete the 1300 mile limitation.
Thus Is shown a faint iMimrme of
the problem before the state highway
System Kept In View.
The law requires the secretary of
agriculture to givo preference to nin-
Jects which expedite the completion
oi an adequate and connected inter
state system. In the administration of
the forest road funds the law contains
many new features. Forest rouds are
divided into two classes, nrlmurv nnri
secondary. Kach class is to receive
60 per cent' the funds. The prim
ary cluss Is to form a nnrt nf Mtt,i
and county systems. The secondary
ciass is to be composed of those
which have for their chief object the
development and protection or the
In recognition of the fact that for
est lands are not subject to tuxatlon
a provision of the law permits the ex
penditure of forest road funds on
roads adjoining or adlacent to the for.
ests. It does not conflno the expendi
ture wnony within the forests.
Forest road construction Is to h
under the Putted States bureau of
roaiis of the department of agricul
fr r.
Neglecting That
Cold or Cough?
LETTING the old cough or cold
drag on, or the new one develop
seriously, is folly, especially when at
your druggists, you can get such a
proved and successful remedy as Dr.
King's New Discovery. N- drugi,
just food medicine that telieves
quickly. .
For over fifty years, a standard
emedy for coughs, colds and grippe,
laws croup also. Loosens up the
ihlegm, quiets the croupy cough,
stimulates the bowels, thus relieving
the congestior. Ail druggists, 60c.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
Wake Lp Clear Headed. That
'tired ut" feeling mornings, is due to
onstiparion. Dr. King's Pills act
mildly, stir up the liver and bring a
Healthy bowel action. All druggists, 25c
De Kings Pill?
CHICAC.O. Nov. H tl. X. S. 1
What is evicted to be one oi" the
greatest billiard tournaments ever
heUi, if not the greatest, olwned in the
aold room of the cousie.ss Hotel here
The world's ga!en cue manipula
tors, including the ihampion, Willie
Horpe prepared for the moM irriiel
iiiK contest that h:is been wa;;ed in
America since the first balk-line tour
nament was held in this country in
Among those scheduled to compete
Willie Hoppe. the favories.
Young Jack Schacfer, son of the old
wizard of the game.
Oeoree H. Sutton, the famous deli
cate nurser of the ivory spheres,
linger Contl. of Paris, France.
Ora Morninfrstar, the "hard luck"
i'hamplonshlp aspirant.
F.dotiard Horemans, or Ilelglum.
Welker Cochran, noted "shark."
AVIth players of this type In the tour
nament it is certain that the great
Hoppe will be put to perhaps the
hardest test of his wonderful career.
Hoppe realizes this fact, and he has
prepared for Just such a situation. The
big point in Hoppe's favor, outside of
his amazing natural ability, is his
youth. In this respect ho has a tre
mendous advantage over the other
competitors, with the exception of
Iloger Contl, Young Bihaefer and
Schafer is considered by many as
the one man In this country who can
trim Hoppe. Some students had fig
ured that Sohaefer had "gone hack,"
but this belief was wholly dispelled a
year ago in San Francisco when
Schaefer set a world's record by aver
aging D7 1-7 for 4,000 and getting 1
high run nf 394.
The foreign entrants, too have
shown considerable class in past per
formances, and no one, particularly
Hoppe, is underrating their chance to
win the titlo. Conti is the youngeest of
all the competitors. He Is only twenty
years old. Yet ho has played billiards
for years; is an expert on masse shots,
a scientific shooter on the green ta
ble, a crack In the backward and for
ward stroke. Horemans has made a
great reputation In Europo and has
isroomed himself carefully for Ihe
present event. He Is anxious to take
the title back with him.
Sutton, who hns won the bulk-line
championship before, may be handi
capped somewhat by his as,e, but at
any rate the blllard experts are unani
mous In doping him out as certain to
give a masterly exhibition. Ho Invari
ably does.
Cochran and MornlngRtnr have both
competed for tho championship In past
tournaments but have not been able
to make the grade. Why, their friends
and admirers nro lit a loss to say, ns
both of them have displayed the goods
from which champions are mnde.
The games will be short, 4 00 points
each. The tournament will last six
For More Than Decde Mal
ady of Alabama Woman
Was Continually Sapping
Her Strength.
Mrs. H. P. Barrett, of Republic, su
burb of Pirniingham, Ala., gives the
facts of her remarkable experience
ivith Tanlac as follows:
j I'i'iiiiK iae pa.M louneen years I
nave spent more than one thousand
dollars trying to get rid of a com-
plaint that was gradually sapping my
strength, but until I got hold of Tan
lac nothing helped me. For the past
four years I have lived almost entirely
on milk and bread, and finally even
that went asainst me.
"Pefore I had finished the first bot
Me of Tanlac 1 got so I could eat any
thing, and I certainly bless the day I
first got this medicine for I believe it
has added years to my life. The peo
ple In my neighborhood were so sur
prised at the change In me that four
teen of them by actual count are now
taking Tanlac."
Tanlac Is sold in Pendleton by
Thompsons Drug Store and by lead
ing druggists everywhere.
(East Oregonlan Special.)
GIBBON", Nov. 14. Forest service
men are busy on the new roud being
built between Iiingham Springs and
the corporation ranger station.
Mr. und Mrs. Uolf Thompson and
son, Eldon, and Heth Hyatt spent
Tuesday in Pendleton.
Duncan lloladay Is Rpendlng the
week end here at h.'s home from Pen
dleton where ho Is attending high
Floyd Kendall nnd George Cllsby,
both foret rangers, spent Friday In
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson and
littlo daughter Zona are spending a
week in Walla Walla.
Albert 'Baker and Bill Kendall of
Dayton, Wash., are among tho forest
rangers here.
Mrs. George Prace left today for La
Grande where she will visit at tho
home of .Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Taylor for
a week.
Seth Hyatt attended a family re
union at tho Joe Hyatt home near
Weston last week.
- 1 - i i
; . 'j
Mlrs Freda Glover, assistant librar
ian at tho county library, is writing
for the East Orcgonlan a series of ar
ticles which will annear durinir th's
week, nationally known an "Children's
hook. hock. inese articles will
prove helpful to Pendleton parents:
Following is the first of the series:
In choosing a book for a child have
a definite book standard. Ask your
self why yon like the book . or why
you do not. Mere harnilejisness does
not recommend a book. Only such
can be deemed truly successful that
embody a realization of th child's
power to look nt life with his eyes,
not with his opinions. What we may
reasonably demand of books for chil
dren then is that they shall appeal to
this direct outlook on life that they
shall Intensify life and experience for
the child, that they shall stimulate the
imagination to work for Itself not
force opinions on It.' Preaching is un
pardonable in a child's hook. Trivial
ity, an untrue outlook on life, nnd
Irony are to be avoided. Children de
mand stories having the Imaginative
element, action and nature element,
storm clement, sadness and hero worship
NEW" YORK, N'ov. 14. (A. P.)
Sixty thousand, garment workers
struck today In protest ugalnst- the
piece work system nnd an Increase
from 41 to 4 9 hours a week, which was
to have been put Into offect toduy by
the employers.
Mighty Spry!
r Hi
is i V -
i J;iaUnC'" if- "
jfjijfc; " X it
S. J Coogler swings his 07 year-
o'.d legs over the C3-year-oM back!
jof Sam Shcppard In a game of leap
(frog. They were buddies on the
police force of Atlanta, Ga, 25
rears ego. Coci'M la now prbttt,'
'lftH "''"' of the forca.
Evangelist Henshaw preached to
large audiences Sunday. Several per
sons responded to the Invitations In
the morning and evening meetings,
two of whom were baptized at tho ser
vices last evening,
The afternoon lecture was a most
popular one, full nf information und
Inspiration, the subject being "Beau
tiful Queen Vashti." Speaking on the
text, Esther 1:12 "And Queen Vashti
refused to come" the Evargellst
highly commanded the good queen
for her moral courage In her holding
aloft her noble'ldenls. '
"She is nn example for women of
today," declared the Evangelist, "In
that she manifested superb courage in
turning down tho challenge of an un-
chaKte king. She also brings us a les
son In prudence, as well as dlsreguard
nf worldly grandeur by her choosing
the spiritual grandeur of the soul, She
was also supremely humble. More
Vushtis are needed for the present
time more who will magnify beauty
into character."
Several excellent solos by Mrs. Cur
tis and the fine spirited singing led by
Mr. Curtis ndded much to the effec
tiveness of the day's servise.
The subject of Mr. Henshaw's ser
mon lor this evening will be: "What
Is Baptism?" The ordinance of Chris
tian baptism will he administered be
fore the sermon. Services begin at
. i
TOW4! -.
Dinner Ware
For the Thanksgiving Table
Wi loo
Tho diplomatic corps from ambassa- International gatherings of this kind.
dors down to attaches, are getting out ami where often some of the most im-
their official dress clothing, with its porliint 'business" is done. Tills task
yards and yards of gold braid and rib- will be a similar one for the American
bon, preparatory to the functions statesmen and diplomats, who have
which always go hand In hand with the same dress clothes as the doctor.
"AFTER tVfihi? MEAL" 1
II Mint leaf, peppermint or lus- IS .
fj clous Juicy fruit, either II
if flavor is a treat tar your
II sweet tooth. I
1 And all are equally cood for f ?
you. Teeth, appetite and I
y digestion ait benefit 1
Vour nerves will say thanK
you. your vim will respond.
(VRICLEY'S is liked for what
It does as well as for it3 BIG
value at the small cost of 5c
Th&Flavor Lasts
8TUATHMORE, Alto, Nov. 14. (I.
N. B.) The mythical goose that laid
the golden egg has nothing on a proud
little barnyard aristocrat on the farm
of HiiKh Berry. In the time-worn tale
there Is nothing to Indicate that the
golden egg was of more than usual
size. In this respect, at leant, the Im
mortal goose wus a piker.
Ernestine, the little purebred Black
Minorca, claims the Dominion record
for siz". In the struggle with sev
eral other champions for supremacy,
Ernestine luid nn egg having a cir
cumference of 9 3-16 inches. It
weighed 5 1-2 ounces.
Keep Your Skin Free From
Eczema and Rashes With
Healing Zemo
Zemo quickly stops Eczema tor
ture. It heals Tetter and rashes,
takes the sting from insect bites,
relieves all skin afflictions. Rub
It on the scalp. All Druggists'.
Df course. But it is equally important to know that
your fowl is good and healthy ho the family may have
ao after effects from the "big feed."
A big quantity of freshly killed Turkeys, Ducks,
Seese and Chickens has just arrived. The prudent
housewife will choose one of these fine birds. Prices
are lower here than elsewhere. Give us a trial.
Trading Co.
Phone 455 u,e Sign rf 8emo.
"If It's on the Market We Have It"
t -
f I-
- i r-
: it
r. 1