DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 1921, FAQS TELES News Notes Pendleton Use the Phones, Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts 78 Use jthe Phos, Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Pepts 7S ltoscoo Vaiiithun lUtiivcrs , llev. Sooor In Iilpit pulpit last evening. He took his text QUALITY Rosooe Yaughan. who has been very During the absence of Rev. George from Revelations. Rev. Clark was in SERVICE ill with an abscess in his throat, has! U Clark. pator or t.ie I'resiuterian , Milton attending the' district confer- j reeovered. He expects to have his ton-l church. Rev. John Fecor of the Metho- ; ence of the Christian Endeavorers. Mils removed in two weeks. ii-st church occupied the Presbyterian ! rKNM.KTOVS LEAIUXO. STORE EIGHT PAGES S7f . JZJUi If 7. jam M lit J a m a I -1 ) 1 , 1011011013 01 101 i 01 -101101101- m GOOD Delicious Apples 1.15 PER EOX Not as pretty as the high priced ones but the same flavor. IF YOU WANT A FINT APPLE PIE make it with DELICIOUS APPLES. Also fine for baking and sauce. "101" SERVES YOU BETTER" Pendleton Cash Market, InG 301 . Court Street Phonei 101 Private Exchange Connects totli Departments Starts Kabb.t Ctunna'gn. Fred Reunion, county agent, is in the west end of the county today mak ing arrangements for arabbit exter mination campaign. ; Spon k for Campaign I I'endleton ministers yesterday stressed the Importance of the Red Cross. An appeal for the annual Red ! Cross Roll Call was made from the I i various pulpits. I aj.H,i umi i. iiii llankSrM Linen l-oaves For sunnyside Elvin Seibert, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Seibert, G15 Marie street, left yesterday for Sunnyside, Washington, where he will be employed by the Pacific Power & Light Co. I.envo 011 limiting Trip Wade Privett and Emmctt Estes! left today by motor for Arlington, on j a goose hunting exposition. Thev ex.! ! pect to get the limit of Rrnndts. lie-1 Ports from the Gilliam county town I are that geese are very plentiful. Thanksgiving Sale Table Linens Now is the time to replenish your stoeK of Table Linens, especially wh&i you buy them at a big saving. Come in now anil make your selections. S 101 T0I I01I0I 101 I0T 101 101 101 I Poos Organizing Hero I Brotherhood of American Yoeman, j ! whose home is at Salem, is here doing . work in connection with the campaign j i of the order for an Increased member-ship. iiiiiiii rih 1 if airlriff'-i'mitiUm frirm 1 n ur "" Will Ilit in Planks. ' The wooden planks used beneath 1 the tracks of the Northern Pacific railroad on Webb street are to be re placed this week, says C. Simonson, superintendent of bridges and build- i lings. 'Bight men, under the direction of Arthur Patrick, will do the work. I Order That Thanksgiving Turkey WE HAVE A FINE BUNCH OF CORN FED EIRDS COMING IN. ALSO DUCKS, GEESE A.ND HEAVY HENS. QUALITY MINCE MEAT AND OYSTERS PHONE 18 The Empire Market Where Quality Goes Clean Through J pi Itall OJit Water. X bailing; outfit la being used on the well of the Columbia Basin Oil Co. at Attalia now to free the hole of water, according to reports today from local stockholders of the company. The pressure on gns Is Increasing, It is said, and the oil showing is said to be growing more favorable. Vtw In Police Court For speeding, Edward Hooper this morning paid a fine of $15 In police j court when he entered a plea of guilty j to a charge of speeding. Dave White, 1 (ieorge Spring and Sam Heber were ! I fined $10 each on a charge of being I drunk. Aaron Williams drew $25 for being drunk and disorderly. m IS Lessons to lie Given. Millinery lessons are being given at Riverside today and will be continued tomorrow by Mrs. Edith G. Van Pou sen, home demonstration agent Mrs. jVan Deusen spent Friday and Satur jday at State Line where 21 hats were jinade, nnd the 1022 program mapped (out. Millinery and dressmaking will .bo featured. Thanksgiving Sale Table Damask $1.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale 79c $1.25 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale 98c $1.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $1.25 $1.75 Quality, The Vgiving Sale $1.39 $2.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $2.10 $4.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $3.45 Thanksgiving Sale Napkins Comes in sets of 6 and 12 Napkins to the set. $2.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $1.95 $3.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $2.98 $5.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $3.98 $7.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $5.95 $9.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $8.35 $11.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $9.95 $12.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $10.75 $15.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $13.25 $16.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $14.50 $20.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $16.25 $22.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $18.50 Thanksgiving Sale Lunch Cloths $5.00 QualllHThanksgiving Sale $3.9S $7.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $5.93 $10.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale . . .' $8.45 I Paromoter Very Iow I The barometer is lower than it has been for the past three months and j Major Lee Aloorhouse, weather obser ver, predicts a storm. At noon today u dust and rain storm visited Pendle ton, and a gale has been blowing dur ing the afternoon. The maximum to day is 52 and the minimum 40, while the barometer registers 29:30. UaMFatgrtH, There are so' many kinds of "Onyx" m Hosiery OT just silk, but modish wool and sturdy lisle for country wear, softest cashmere baby sox, children's stockings made for play, sox that men prefer out-doors or in, and many other kinds of finest hose besides. FULL LINE OF CHILDREN'S MERCERIZED AND SPORT WOOL HOSE Watch Buster Grow. BUSIER Ml SHOE STORE Shoe That Fit and Are Fit to Wear To Initiate Claj-w. A large class of candidates -will be initiated by the Pendleton Camp, No. 4t, -Woodmen of the World, tonight. J. O. Wilson, head manager nf the. or der, will be here fnm his home in Portland to attend the initiatory ex ercises and the bin social evt nt vliloh Includes a dinner. The dep-roe tram of the Walla Walla lodgo will put on the work. Inv Unto I'or (iaire A low riite for t'lo r'TTAn-O, A. C. same which is to tin jiinyi d at Knsene November 19 is lie'n? of.Vrod by Hie O. W. rt. & X. and several local prada ates of both Institutions aro rntiVIng plans to attend. Harold Brock, Nate Kimball, Lyman Hire and Gene Hamp ton are some of the men who have definitely decided to ko. Jimmy Hicks of the pansenfier department of the O. W. was here today. Lunch Napkins Set of 6 Napkins. ?0.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $3.98 Thanksgiving Sale Cloths . j I -.11 Sae THMfc ? infants and invalids ASM-UK WmM MMr t' Original Wl&mWoU stations "'jk ''r anJ Substitutes Forlnlaitt3,i"s1?J md Qwwfn!Ch'.Mr( 'PlchnWt,nUd reatn estraetin Powder Tfie OAfwt FootJ-IVo!! F r AH Coolsv -riourUhing DigMiiUt $1.85 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $1.49 $12.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale . ... $10.75 $1150 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $12.Q5 $16.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $14.50 $18.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale ... $15.85 $20.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale , . . . . $1.6.25 $22.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $18.50 $25.00 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale . $21.35 $27.50 Quality, Thanksgiving Sale $23,15 mm iiwwwiiBwiBiMMOTiii,if'ipiiillia h.mim'ip' m SEVEN SHORT COURSES TO BE HELD AT 0. A. C. Rollout Control Man hero It. T. Jackson, biological assistant of the U. S. Biological Survey, arrived Inst night from Portland to take charge of rabbit extermination In the west end of Umatilla county. The rab bits were recently very thick around Boardman, according to Jackson, but with the coming of the rains, the long enred gentry scattered asain over the desert. Jackson and K. F. Averill are old-time friends, their friendship dat ing back to the time when the Pen dleton man was in the service. Check Artist Taken Paul Morgan, arretted several days since by Pendleton police when he was found to be carrying several alleged forged checks around with him, was taken to Kennewick, Washington, this morning by a deputy sheriff of Benton county where according to the story he told Chief W. R. Taylor he had passed one check. He will be prosecuted In the Washington town. Morgan had five checks on a local bank when he was arrested. The checks had been made out, but so far as Is known, none was passed here. Myron Ha nicy Here Myron Hanley. formerly caplain of the Pendleton high school football team and ..star quarterback, arrived here this morning from fipokane for a three days visit with h! brother, Dick Hanley, coach of the local team. Young Hanley, now captain of the freshmen first team at University of Washington, is on crutches, his leg having been broken in football prac tice. This Is his second Injury this season, the first having been a broken shoulder. He will resume his studies at college but he will probably suffer from the Injury for about six weeks. Washington society matrons are ex pecting a busy season this winter, and aro hopefully expectant that their aid will be called for In the social enter tainment provided for distinguished visitorg from oversew, Farmers' week at O. A. C. has been scheduled for December 26-31. Seven winter short courses In lateHt farm practices developed by tho experiment station w.'ll run as follows: Two weeks course in fruit and vege table growing, Dec. 3-17. Four weeks' course In beekeeping, Janunry 30-Fcbrunry 25. Four weeks course In grain grading, January 0-21. Eleven weeks' course In tractor me chanics, Jan. 2-Mai"ch 18. Kleven weeks course In dairy man ufacture, Jan. 2-March 18. . Kleven weeks' course In general ag riculture, Jan. 2-March 18. Five months dairy herdsman course, Jan. 2 Juno 10. I Tho hoi.iemakers' conference will not bo held in connection with farm ers' week but will receive special at ten during tho week beginning March 2H.) New Yeast Vitamon Tablets Round Out Face and figure Yith Firm, Healthy Flesh, Increase Energy and Beautify th Com plexion Easy and Economical to Take Results Quick Thin or run-down folk who want to quickly get. sonic good, firm, olid flesh on their bones, fill out th hollows and sunken cheek with strong, henlthy tis sues, and build up in creased energy and vital ity should try taking a little Mastin's VIT MON with their weals. MuBtin's VITAMIN is tiny tablet couluiniiig highly concentrated yeast vituDiines as well as tot two other still mors im portant vitamtnes (Fat Soluble A and Water Hai ti by magic, strengthens aTttius Vj"" f &iis&iSir. 2 A BtAUTtFIJlV . SKiNNYJAW pj "JAW " J SrSAWiY NECK J' ROUWPEP . i hums M f BIIT flAT , CRACERIl CHLST SHGOlDmS II 1 1 i For This Week Only : , We are selling pll 0f our Indies nd Children's - I Hats at : ONE-HALF PRICE ' If you haven't already done so it is your opportu- nity to get a good lookihg serviceable! hat at a very low price. Our stock isn't so very large so it will pay you to come early. The BEE HIVE I PENDLETON OREGON ShOULClR' ilhle C). It bnniphes Dimples, boils and skin eruntloni the nervca, builds up the bodv with firm flesh and tinsue and often cnrmiletolv rejuveuaV s tl e whole system. Quirk, gratifying renults. No gas caused. If you are thin, pale, haggard, drawn looking or lack energy and endurance tnko Mrmtin's VITAMON two tablets with every meal, then weigh and mwiiiru yourself each week and continue taking Mastin's VITAMON regularly ULlil vo l nre sntiified with your gain in weight and energy. IMPOBTANTI While the remarkable health-buildins value of Mastio't VI-TA-MON has been clearly and positively demonstrated in cases of lack of em rry, nervous troubles, anemia, indigestion, constipation, skin eruptions, poor complexion and a generally weakened physical and mentiil condition, it should not be usr-d by anyone who OIJJ KCTS to having their weight incrcaped to normal. Do not accept imitations or substitutes. You can get Mustin's VITAMON tubbU at all good druggists. LMASTIN'Srir THfOaiOlKAA Jiil.JIUlM e-u -jw CENUINE. T YEAST VITAMINC TADLtt Are Posi'Jvc!y C;ir.r-nl2ed to Put On Turn F!:b, Clear the Skb and lacreasi Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back mm v 1 Whatwpuld look nicer on your table for a Thanksgiving dinner than a set of up-to-date silver? --- is Think of it, a njc? new i,n jAJfm. carving set for the turkey. .rrwf fA$ We have them. Why not Maf ffiiL you ? They do not cost zjta U' r "ich at Hanscom's. Come large silver stock at re markable low prices. Each article bearg pui; guarantee . ; ' HOME OF GIFTS THAT LAST sj' ' liansconi Gweliv Store HOTEL PEXDLETOJf WlfCH yKUDLBTOST, OREGON t r ft';, ft:-: lio ll 1 1 II 1 I