East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rc.: -vr. I' tiff.
' ' - -l-
Social and Club News
Officers and delegates of Magnolia
Lodge Degree of Honor, have returned
from Heppner wnere they attended the
seventh annual distri. t convention uf
the order, and where the local team
did the initiatory work.
They were guests of the Kate J.
TounK lodse of Heppner. at two ban
quets. The dinners were nerved in a
MRS. HUVX HOXORKD. Jin .honor of tlie birthday anniversary
Aire. Robert Itrown, for many years of Mrs. Una Sturgis. Ouests werei
an officer of the Decree of Honor, 'Mrs. Sturgis, Mrs. Frank Kraiier, Mrs. i
was comiiliniented last evening ut a Xorhorne l'.erkeley. Mm. lonald Rob-1
"Hiirprlse" gi en ly officers of the De- -Inson, .Miss Sahra Nason and Miss;
gree. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frieda (.Mover. The party motored to
Charles A. Conroy. She was present- neighboring city for luncheon and
ed with a charming gift, the presents- returned this afternoon,
tion being made by Mrs. K. L. Brown.
I Mrs. V: S. Farley. .Mrs. Walter Jones MRS. CRAP.TREE HOXORKD
and Mrs. Conroy served luncheon. Re- ' M". C. A. Crabtree v.iis honored on
sides Mr. and Mrs. Conroy, those ) oecusion or her eighteenth wedding
lodge room attractively decorated In IreHelli were Mr. and Mrs. Brown, i anniversary yesterday when a group of
chrysanthemums and roses. Mrs. Mrs Q K Williams. Mr. and Mrs.
Kd'th M. Rlnehnrt. state president, of Frank King Mrs. Everett Allen. Mrs.
John Day, conducted an Instructive Kv,e IxjnK Mrs vvilliam Dale. Mrs.
School during the convention. Mrs. W. M A Hoss' Mrs W alter Jones, Mrs. V.
Jones, of l'endleton. was chosen ,R frl(.v ilrs j G. McConnell, Mrs.
convention presiuem ana ..rs. WUllam Anderson, Mrs. Cecil Hamp-
J"aney, also 01 mis cuy,
was made
Sorivner, and were shown the new
F.Iks building, theatre and hotel at
The next convention will be In June
1923. at Heppner. with Mrs. Elsie Ste
venson as president and Mrs. Ullle
Bukln as secretary. Those who motor
ed from Pendleton to the Morrow
county city were Mr. and Mrs. P. C.
'tnn lru fMtn p Min All's. K. I
convention secretary The guest, were Krown Mn c1alre fa wardSi Mrs.
rnjojaoiy emeruun-u ul i0enrKC VowrrHt Mrs. James Fisk, Mrs.
the Heppner lodge president, Mrs.. ,.
Mrs. Ira Hushes. Mrs. J. W. McGee,
Mrs. J. F. Ilrady, Miss Lizzie Peterson.
The "Pay and Welsh" soclul, held
Thursday evening by the Riverside
I'arent-Teacher Association, proved a
decided success. It netted thirty dol-
Peterson. Mrs. William Anderson. Mrs. lars for the hot lunch fund of Rlver-
U. S. Parley, Mrs. Milton Rosa. Mrs. jside school. Music and dnnclng were
Charles Williamson, Mrs. Kyle Long, enjoyed. The nodal Is the first of a
Mrs. George Powers, Mrs. Clair Kd- (series which will be given for the ben
wurds and Mrs. Walter Jones. eflt of the fund and a second will be
'held durinif Thanksgiving? week. Mrs.
KETCRN8 FROM CONVENTION. ll. O. Zwlcker und Miss Nell Chand-
Mrs. Nettle Whetstone, state presl- ler were In charge,
clent of the Rebekah Assembly, has re- '
turned after attending the district MOTOR TO WALLA WALLA,
convention of the order, held in Iji Mrs. J. K. Hoblnson was hostess to
Omnde. day for a motor party to Walla Walla.
On all
Choose your garments from this clean, new, stock at a
saving of many dollars.
I -i .
25 Men Wanted
I want 25 men who shave themselves or who want to
shave themselves to see me this week on the squarest
shoulder to shoulder razor proposition that has ever been
offered to man. This is not a new razor selling scheme,
neither is it a new razor, nor do I want to sell you this
But I do want to lend you a Valet Auto Strop Razor
for 30 days and let you sell yourself it's a whole lot
easier for me.
Come in and ask for this razor proposition. If I am
not in, I will be home shaving with this same razor.
Expecting you today, I am
Razorally yours,
P. S. In the event that you do not find me in, the oth
er fellows can give you the same dope,
mends called at her home as a sur
prise. The hours were spent In sew
ing and later a luncheon was served.
The guests presented Mrs. Crabtree
with a charming gift.
Those 'present were Mrs. George
Dalrymple, Mrs. Jacob Marin, Mrs.
Frank McXally. Mrs. Joseph Royd,
Mrs. J. K. 1'inson, Mrs. Frank M.
Orlggs, Mrs. Alfred Smith, Mrs. Earl
'inlanders, Mrs. Xettie Whetstone,
Mrs. Ivan Dimiek, Mrs. Jack Allen,
Mrs. W. H. 1'itzer. Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Itae, .Mrs. D. L. Johnson. Mrs. Jo
Kornick and Mrs. Mary Queener.
The tenth birthday anniversary of
Pearl llullack. was celebrated today
when a group of little girl friends were
entertained as guests of Mrs. J. T. llul
lack, the honoree's grandmother,
'lames were enjoyed and later, when
refreshments were served, a birthday
cake, with ten lighted candles, was
Ouests were Murcella Johnson,
Amy Elizabeth Aldrich. Katherlne
Smith, Hetty Hond. Emily Isaacs, Xa
dlne Oriswold, Katherine Furnish, Vir
ginia Swan and Viola Swan.
Members of the Delphian Club en-
Joyed a luncheon yesterday at the
Elks Club. The table was centered
with button chrysanthemums in
shades of orange and place cards were
appropriate for Armistice Day. Covers
were laid for twenty-seven club mem
bers and two guests, Mrs. C. S. Jer.
ard and Mrs. II. J. Kuvunuugh. Liter
seven tables of bridge were in play
at the home of Mrs. It. I). Havre.
Mrs. Edgar V, Averill and Mrs. Hen-
Jamln K. llurroughs won the high
score trophies.
The marriage of Miss Hazel Smith
and Perry Herndon was solemnized
this morning with Rev. J. E. Ireland
officiating at the Ireland home. Miss
Smith for her wedding gown wore a
pretty frock of buff colored chiffon
and carried a bouquet of pink carna
tions. The only guests present were
the parents of'the bride. Mr. and Mrs.
Herndon will make their home in Pen
dleton where Mr. Herndon Is employed
at the Collins Flour Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cavlness or
(Yesswoll, Oregon, aro in Pendleton as
the guests of their daughters, Mrs.
Frank Iloynton and Mrs. Jess Sallng.
Mr. Cavlness owns large prune tracts
In the Willamette valley.
.Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Leader of
Pendleton are at the Portland hotel.
They motored from Pendleton for the
stock show and attended the proiluc
Hon of "Aphrodite" at the llellg the.
ater. Oregonlnn.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Licuullen,
Jr., Miss Hello Mdntvre nml iv
i Hopper were Pendleton visitors yes
Iterdav motoring; here for the linker
Pendleton football i?ame.
! .Illilun nml fl .' I i.... t
n. ...... ....... v.. , . i nvijtn nave
returned from Heppner, where Judire
is held court.
Apple Show
The grand sweepstake prize, won yesterday at
the apple show by JOHN ROSS with apples grown
in his own orchard on the upper Walla Walla river,
b another evidence of the hight quality fruit tht
we handle.
We have handled apples from tha John Ross
ranch for several years.
We congratulate Mr. Ross on the fine quality
of his apples.
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
3 Phone 23 Only 1 Quality the Best
Announcement has been made of J
the engagement of Miss Freda Glover
and Vernon C. Slgnor. The wedding
will take place some time In January
and the couple will reside in La
Miss Glover, who is a girl of charm
ing personality, is assistant librarian
at the county library. She is a grad
uate of the University of Washington,
where she was a member of Chi Ome
ga sorority. She- is very popular In
Pendleton social circles, llr. Signor,
who attended University of OreKon,
was a first lieutenant in the Coast Ar
tillery during the war. He Is now in
the employ of the State Highway De
A program appropriate for Armis
tice Day was given last evening at a
meeting of the United Artisans, held
in Eagle-Woodman hall. After the
singing of "America" by the audience,
.Miss Juanita DuPuls, J. P. Walker,
Miss Ethel Ealy and Mrs. Winnie Lin
coin jjuve readings, Mrs. Fannie Pu
Puls played an Instrumental solo und
George Edmonds sung a solo.
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. McNary arc
Portland visitors. They made the
trip by motor and will return to Pen
dleton within the next few days.
Other News of This
Department on Page 5
Cluistlan Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
holds services at 812 1-2 Main street
(First stairway north of the Inland
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The subject of
Empire bank). Sunday services are
at 11 a. m. and S p. m. The subject
of the lesson-sermon for Sunday, No
vember 13, Is ".Mortals and Immort
Sunday school begins at 9:4J a. m
A Wednesday evening meeting
which Includes testimonials of healing,
Is held at 8 o'clock. The reading
room, which Is maintained at the same
address, is open daily from 9 a. m. to
9 p. m., where the Ilible and authoriz
ed Christian Science literature may be
read, borrowed, or purchased.
The public is cordially invited to at
tend the church services and to visit
the reading room.
Buy Popcorn
That will please the taste and not soil the hands
or clothes. I have the honor of being the only person
in Pendleton that can sell you this quality of corn.
Have you ever tried my popcorn ? Try a sack and
if you are not pleased with your purchase I'll refund
your 5 cents,
I am selling new crop peanuts now.
Yours for Quality Com and Peanuts
Riley & Kemp
i, mi.
I 111 V Nodung- equilt tbt
til r A bcautllul, tuft, pearly
I I I white ipptiruKt
I I V IjT Coonud's OrknUI
I I ml v Crtm renders to the
I I J -r thouldert and knot
If Covert tli In MtmUhct.
M V WW not nib off. Ku
1L Vlul,'or to powilert.
STTfli C V Send '5c. (or
I!-! v i Trial SU
i Uiill l J FttD.T.HOrUM
ilditir iK'l'.-.
Hunday school ut 9:45 a. in., F. M.
Riley, superintendent. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening with Mason
Thompson as leader. II. V. P. U. and
Junior 1). y. p. u. at 6:30 p. m. Rev,
H. C. I.ethan of Portland will occupy
me pulpit morning and cvenimt
"Father and Son; the Problem of the
hat her." will be the morning theme
aim -l.est we Forget tho Price of
reace," tor the evening.
First Christian Church.
Evangelistic meetings lod by Ilen
shnw and Curtis continue this week.
This Sunday a big nible school attend
auce Is planned for 9H5 . m follow.
ed by a sermon by Mr. Henshaw at 11.
Regular lecture at 3 p. m. on the sub
Jeot: "Beautiful Queen Vushtl." Fol
lowing the Endeavor nt :30 p. m. will
be the evangelistic services at T:30.
Subject of sermon, "Why Re Raptiz
ed?" Ruptismal services will precede
i ine sermon. Everybody welcome. W
A. Oressnian, minister.
Mrs. Wilton's Letter Should
B; Read by All Women
Clearfield. Pa." After my last child
was born last September 1 was unable
to uo an oi my own
work. I had severe
pains in my left side
every montn ana naa
fever and sick dizzv
spells and such pains
during my periods,
which lasted two
weeks. I heard of
Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Com-
5ti.'"i-yi Pound doing others
.rfeft I thought I would give
a a iriai. i nave ueen very glad that I
did, for now I feel much stronger and do
all of mv work. I tll mt frionAa
ihey ask me what helped me, and they
uiiuii a iiiuol oe a grana medicine. And
it is. You can use this letter for a tes
timonial if you wish. "-Mrs. Harry A.
Wilson, R. . D. 6, Clearfield, Pa.
The experience and testimony of such
.vomen 4s Mrs. Wilarm L j .
i ; r . . . .."n pivTo ucyunu
loubt tnat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
auic uuiuuuuu win correct such trou
lies by removing the cause and restor
tig the system to a healthy normal con.
Iition. When such symptoms develop
is backaches, bearing-down pains, dis.
i ateiiienui, pervousness and "the
lues s woman cannot set too promptly
n trying Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
.ompound if she values her future cora
ort and happiness.
Quality Our Watchword
Satisfaction Our Aim
.uiHrtnv Clmrrli,
iourt and Matlock Streets. Rev. J.
T. LuRose, Pastor.
Sunday school, 10 a ,m.; morning
service. 11 a. m.; evening service 7:30
p. m. The pastor lias Just returned
from a nextended vacation trip
through western Canada and will
preach at both sen-ices on Interesting
subjects. Reginnlng- Sunday evening.
November 13, thero will be special ser
vices In the church every even'ir
next week In preparation for our spec
ial revival services which will com
mence on Nov. 29 with Rev. I. K. lier
scr n nd party in ccharge. This week
of services will be helpful and Inspir-
iift ui uii wuu uncoil, i nerc win op n
slioit address by the pastor or others
who are assisting, on timely and luted
estlng subjects, you are welcome t.
attend and Join with us for the spirit
ual betterment of our city. Come,
you are welcome. P. S. Don't forget
Sunday school.
Phone 887
Hp QHwmaa ito
John Dorfman
Tailoring:, Cleaning-,
Pressing-, Repairing-
Rooms 7, 8, , IM-spain nFork
I'lioiic 9S-1
Now On
Every Garment Re
duced to Cost and un.
Come Early!
i i 1.
The coal that meets your requirement. See that yoi
get the genuine fur storage.
i Cleanest, Hottest and Most Economical :
Save as You Go?
Pavo as you go and you will go far; spend as you '' '
KO and you'll go to the poorhouse. It is all rijrht to '
be the good fellow NOW but the good fellow of TO-
DAY Is tho one that Is penniless TOMOHKOW.
Saving does not mean being miserly. It means a '
sensible "center-of-the-roud" position, saving a part
out of each week's pay und putting it away for the
future. '
Why not take a part of next week's pay and open
a Savings Account with this strong Institution?
When you do, we will present you with the unique
home safe that is shown above. This safe Is an ex
sct replica, of the famous liberty Bell. No better .
jymhol of the Independence you are saving for could
be had. It only takes $1.00 to open an accpunt apd
abtaln a IJberty Hell Bank. ' - ' '
The Inland Empire Bank
Member IVdoral Reserve System
When you purchase
a pair of
W. L Douglas Shoes
you are getting the
best $hoe value for
the price that money
can buy.
Fur Sale bf
131 Si am M. ' w
OiLrche of the IteiIeMiicr.
Rev. Alfred I.ock'wood. rector. 8
in.. Holy Communion; 9; 4 5, Sunday
school; 11, morning prayer and ser-
nou; 7:30, evening prayer and ser- j
Jl 'inon. This will be Red Cross Sunday
(t i and soma reference will be m.ido to
J tlie work of this beneficent organiza
JJ.tion. The public is cordially Invited.
St. Marv's C'lilmii.
Flint Mass sermon, S:ii.
ihildien's choli.
St. Mary's choir,
j lecture and benediction. T
Ringing :
j l"nMiytr an (liun-h.
Corner of Collene and Alta. Rev.
C. I. CUirk, pastor. 10:00 a .m.. S.il
i huh school, A. C. Funk, supt.: 11:00
ii. m sermon, "The Listening Kar," by
the pastor; t.ii p. m.. Christian Kn
jdeavor. Topic, "Personal Evangel
ism." T:3o p. m.. sermon by Rev. J.
I H. Svor. pastor M. K. church. The
two congregations worshipping togeth
jer in tho Presbyterian church at i
.f enlng hour. A cordial welcome to
n. ...... .
I ' I.
Home ill
rue four walls ,,w rail horn.-, the Mir I f fi 1 I TF1 1 1 llmL- 'A '
11)1 nlnce IliHt illlilnati'lt enreMiM imir J Ilill 'II I m Ml'" iW.
xHiiiiuy ami inliMliiaI ta.su!), immxIs good t I tr, i j 71.
fimiitiire to compUto its (harm. Nuoh ' L l! "
furiiltuii- is now nnlluble In mir great i : 1 ! r- ' "
Autumn display t prkw much lower ' 1 'Ml
tlian you wihiM ordinarily fpert for 40 f M Ll
fllltlitllCI -If Kllch .I.UM.. t...l
. wkvwieia. mrx. a
exhibit. nlii'iboT yim w1i to make a MA
Crawford Furniture Co. VSn
j 103 I'. COMIT ST.
Exchange your old furmiurc for new. Highest prices pall for your
riimie old furniture.