3 PAGS TWILV1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1921. TWELVE PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE I THE LARGEST 0HA13 HEPARTME.M" ' STORE ORGAMZATIOM I TILE WORLD Special News of Umatilla Co. You v4C4tiom. Hve HseMU'vS M6 Son , YOU HE? L TKOfO XOUl? F?ICMO SMITH POST CAr? DS Z Field," by Henry Shelliday; address . men decided to make a day of it and by the speaker of the day. Rev. Lock- j get the work done. The road lead wood; community sing, " Star Siianil-1 from the Mutter Creek district to tier ed llanner." led by A. W. Adamson; i miston. The new store building bing erected benediction by Father liutler. A good , crowd was in attendance. The service I (East Oregonian Special.) HEHMISTON. Nov. 12. Uermiston celebrated Armistice day yesterday afternoon with a program which was alven at the l'lay House Theatre under the auspices of the American Itrion. Rev. Alfred Lockwood of 1'endleton was the speaker of the day. The pro ram was as follows: Orders for ser vice by the post adjutant. Karl KIiiks ly; prayer by Hev. Harry A. Wann: address of welcome by the post com mander, Carl Voyen; vocal solo, "My Own United States," by Dr. y. V. Prime; coronet solo. "On Flanders opened at 1:J p. m. The Lesion boys ! had originally planned a dance for the evening but omitted this in order not to conflict with a similar event sched uled by the Stanfleld I K:oii. The Community club ladies have made arrangements to have Dr. Steph en R. I.. Penrose, president of Whit man college come here for an address by the fluid-win and Swope contract firm for Ram Kosers is nearing com pletion. The walls are entirely up. The building is of brick construction and will replace one of the buildings destroyed In the recent fire. Tha telephone company ha Just completed the installation of its new cables In the exchange here. The com pany has spent 118,000 in Hcrmlston ON MI3 VA HC S COT LOTS O tOwGH, -&VJ-TI WASTING 4mv the evening of December 2. The I within the past few' months. women are studying early Oregon his tory and Dr. Penrose's talk will take up the story of Marcus Whitman. Hermiston business men spent Thursday Improving the road from near the city limits to the Mutter Creek bridge. The road has needed work for some time so the business THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley 5M ' . . VtRB TORN tXVMN TO PAY BY AUNT SARAH PCABOCrf LEABPl OCTHB SOCIETY FOR SUWWfSSlON OF PIPG SMOKING, Tills Ih "Father and Kon Wonky (bough would It mit li imiicli Im'IHt to have, every wrk "Failier and Son Wok? Ket'pInK better acquainted with tlio young man, and playfully steering hlin to tho dcwtl wiMoti or good manhood, will (to lots to bring to o oiid to iilm, big ret urim for your dally efforts. And linw wwy it Ih to trnch a youngster Thrift-I InbftH mid SiniiigN-lIablls during Ills H'oiih, by wttlng htm tlio right cxiinilo and 11 Ulllo iiuNKinwiiicnt. IKv. Wi-en tJuit and i-an-li-HSiMtiH, W -tho dtrffruun bc rvin HinifuM and full ill v. Savings Aomiiiiis aro immkI at tliLs birnk every day. The AmericanNational Bank Pendleton, Oregon. i&ZZSZ 'Strongest Eanc in Cast em Oregon Buy Your Range ? Ili 1 Steffi i ; 1? Coal Heaters from $18.50,. and Heater Now Easy Terms We'll take your old stove as part payment $69.75 SPECIAL Valuu Wcsoo Range. Iiu.1 all tint nwrht aiul most ilcsirablo rMitiui of a pnu-tlcnl Stwl l4uig. Twin fluo oinstnictiiHi liiMiies xrf(x't baking ami p4Tfe-t di-aft. The Valuo M'cmxi will actually .savo 1-2 tho fuel Dir ordinary ranges. FREE-Breakfast table with each Range or Ra dium heater sold during this sale. RADIUM HEATER For Coal or Wood Mora lie ting Mirta Insuivs uior licut. This heater wrll mtl ycrnr Iioum better aiul give jkii imir (viinfort than th old title round stoves. l,et us sIiomi Wood Heaters $4.75. ),H1 lbis h'wr- Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Count" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Your Old Fu nil t tiro Taken In Exchange aa Tart Payment on Nti delusive Agi nls In 1'widletou for M.OHniall KltcJieu ( oblne's The community club will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 3 p. m. at the city library. The ladles of the Umatil la Home Hureau will be guests of the club at this meeting. feo. Ktrohm, the well !;nown hog breeder took first and third prizes at the big stock show for best car load of hofrs. This is the third successive year Mr. Strohm has taken first hon- j ors for best car load of lions. This Is the first year he has ever competed In the heavy class. He is a breeder of ' Duroca. Dr. II. S. McKenzie of Pendleton was a Hermiston visitor yesterday. He was here on a hunting trip. (East Oreeonian Rpeclal) WESTON, Nov. 12. .Mrs. Kmory fitaR-gs und .Mrs. V. A. Coffman were hostessed for a party given at the Coffman home, on Dry Creek last Sat urday evenlivg. 1'rojfressive Kook fur nished the evening's entertainment. At midnight a delicious lunch consisting of sandwiches, pickles, cuke and cof fee appeased keen appetites. Vocal selections by Mrs. Ueorge W. Winn brought to u closo a happy event for those In uttendnnce. The Invitation list Included Mr. and Mrs. ltobert l.ee, Mr. and iMrs. Italph Staggs, Mr. and Mrs. James Heanier, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey, Mr .and Mrs. Oeo. W. Winn Mr. und Mrs. K. A. Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. Kmory Htuggs, Miss Frances Compton of Wulla Walla, Victor Thoeny and Kmerel Duncan. Cliauncey Hafner of Walla Walla wan a recent visitor ut the home of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Airs. II. A. Itramlt. O. W. Htaggs returned Krlduy from the Htaggs and Sons wheat ranch near Wushtuena, where the fall Reeding campaign has been concluded. Mis. y. 11. Church, wife of Pastor Church of the United llrethren con gregation has arrived from California to Join him in his work in Weston, 'rtho parsonage was made ready for her coming with Improvements in the way of varnished wood work and new wall paper. Newton Hrumbnck one of Weston's youngsters had his head accidentally gashed Tuesday with an ax which an other boy was swinging. Tho wound Is not regarded us serious. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Culley are re modeling und redecorating the 1'annet cottage on north Water street which they recently purchased and plan to be at home to their friends about the 10th of November. Mr. und Mrs. I.yle Webb and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Hnrru motored to Wulla Walla for a brief outing. Mrs. lethu King was conveyed this week to the Walla Walla hospital. Mr. und Mrs. H. Morrison und Mrs. Sidney Tucker wore in town from Tea llldgc district on a whopping expedi tion. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Van Wlnklo have returned to town from their up. land ranch and will be domiciled dur ing the winter season with Mr. and Mrs. 1,. It. Van Winkle. Olive Tucker, young daughter of Truyon Tucker has come to Weston to spend the winter with her grand mother, Mrs. Pusan Tucker and attend tho local school. Mr. and Mrs. V. fi. Trice moved to town this week anil nro comfortably1 p4s'ce m,s COT LoXS housed In the1 Seward residence on South Water street. Mr. und Mrs. Clem Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Italph Klnear of Milton ac companied by their children were din ner guests ut the Ivan O'llarra home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K I. O'Harraand Mrs. Nels Jones were business visitors In Walla Walla Wednesday. Mr .and Mrs. Earl Ueuullen of Wal la Walla visited relatives and friends In Weston. Miss Dorothy riowers spent the week end with her parents In t'.ie Weston uplands. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Sa.mn are the parents of a baby boy born Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson wore business visitors In Pendleton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Street made a business visit to Arlington last week C.eorRe Carmlcheal was a business visitor in Pendleton the first of the week. Mrs. Lewis Kllgore and daughters are preparing to move to Weston from their ranch In the Pea Ridge district. Miss Frances Compton of Walla Wulla spent the week end with her sister Mrs. O. W. Van Winkle. Miss O. Compton spent Sunday at the home of her parents In the Wes ton uplands. Dr. W. 11. Reynolds of Pendleton spent a few hours In Weston on bus iness Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Adklns have moved to the farm leased by Roy I.ieuallen andwlll spend the winter there 1 fleo. Oerking was a business visitor in Weston from Athena Tuesday. Robert Jlazelwood was a business visitor in Pendleton Tuesday. Mi-s, John Sooten Is quite seriously ill nt her home In the Locusts. Jack Cfithens was a business visit or in Walla Walla Tuesday. Miss Veva Kuthers of Pendleton Is the guest of Miss Ituth Proebstel at her home In Weston. Mm. Tom Hooher returned to her home In Weston Monday after a visit with relatives and friends in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pumbrun were visitors Sunday at the homo of Mrs. Pambrun's mother, Mrs. Anna Fuson. It Is reported thnt the health of Mrs. McKinney is very much improv ed although her relatives and friends were quite alarmed for a few days.' Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Kirk are moving to their new home recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. l.ee Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. I.lndekin were In Weston Tuesday from their farm on Weston Mountain. Miss Ruby Hall who has a position in Athena, visited at the home of her parents over Sunday. i Leon Lundell made a trip Sunday down close to Hermiston duck hunting. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS It is a safe bet for any young man to tell any young woman she Is an an gel, und It is just as safe for any girl to tell uny young man that he Is the grandest man In the world. Tho girl won't believe It, but she likes it any way. The man, on the other hand will believe every word. All gome peoplo havo In tholr heads is a cold. A man may wear loud clothes but that does not mako him the "big noise" by uny means. "Is your wife In?" "No." he renlles. "she's out with a hunch of prize-fighters." "Prize-fighters?" "Ye, she went to a bridge party." DOINGS OF THE DUTF? A WISE OFFICE BOY BY 1LLMAN IF AN V BODY COMES IM TO SEC Mt TODAV AMD THEY LOOK LIKE A COLLECTOR DON'T LET 'EM IN - TEU'EM 1 CAU'TSEE THEM J . NESSiR.Bos IllGIVE 'EM T1 i riylfNC I irrai am II IU 1 ; zzFTiii ir ; . BUT, WAST Mi 1 1 1 wi f . . iv. m 1 I'D LIKE TO SEE. MR. DUFF, PLEASE- MO CHANCE, LADY HE ISN'T SEEING ANWBODV TODAV! THEM'3 THE 0R0ER5. LADY BUT I WANT TO SEE HIM! 1 1 triiFn i five, tem fif teem .twenty. twenty-fwe! oh gee. 1 didn't Know it -that must be his WIFE! . $ The Dollar Mark What Does It Stand For? Aa tcctantmnt, bmb4 Lee. who had nerer heard of cffltttM? r takes soorw In Kieatlfle offie manafiaent, took tfa (ipanlttk "peM" and abbreviated It, taoi 'T'. It MTCd aim dBM. It fmil ail eye aad stood tot value (lvea for Taio reeTd. Aawtea Uknl aa4 adopted it $ Bark represented as manr aneertala eoadlttoas aa darlar tka aaat few rear. TUa $ mark now-a-Uyi rafctaeata bmh tkM mm bafoic the policy back of erery Uigtiwaa. I the J. C Penney Ooapany, thta f mark repraaeata a fviicj af freedom, equal opportunity aad prefreaa. FREEDOM became It bay! for eaah aad aefla far aaah. BQUAL OFTORTUN1TT bteaati erery atees offara aqgal aad axceadoDal opportunity to its aaleaaaaa aa ka kai eo-partacm, PBOOsUBU becaaaa tft $ rtamdatlaa; tkreafk Ut atorea U 24 Statea kaana Itroaperily aavia, Maffaag beueCti ta aaaaaat a!1 Japanese Crepe Colors New and Dainty 39c The most comprehensive range of pleasing shades we have shown this season makess up this new assortment of first quality crepes. Full 30 inches wide, yard . 39c 42x36 Pequot Pillow Cases 43c 45x36 Pequot Pillow Cases 45c 36 inch Pepperell Pillow Tubing . . i . ; . . . 31c 45 inch Pepperell Pillow Tubing . . . . 39c Wash Cloths, fancy Terry Cloth, mercerized borders .10c, 12c, 15c 16x32 inch Huck Towels 10c 18x36 inch Huck Towels 23c 18x36 Boott Absorbent Towels, hemstitched border 19c 18x36 Turkish Towels 19c 20x38 Turkish Towels 23c 22x36 Turkish Towels 25c 22x40 Turkish Towils 35c 24x44 Turkish Towels 49c 20x40 Turkish Towels, unbleached . . 25c 16 inch Stevens Brown All Linen Crash ...... 25c 15 inch Stevens Bleached Linen Crash 28c 16 inch Brown All Linen Heavy Crash 35c 16 inch Startex Bleached Crash, part linen.. 25c 18 inch Stevens Brown All Linen Crash ...... 29c 16 inch Brown Union Crash , 19c 16 inch Heavy Brown Union Crash .... ... . . 23c 17 inch Glass Toweling, pink or blue bar pattern, yard 21c 36 inch Hope Muslin ......... 13c 36 inch Lonsdale Muslin , . : ...... 19c 36 inch No. 60 Berkeley Cambric 19c 36 inch Lonsdale Cambric . . 25c 36 inch Unbleached Muslin, heavy weight,' yd. 19c 36 inch Unbleached Muslin, extra weight, yd. 20c 36 inch Unbleached Indian Head, yard ... . . . 21c 22 inch Birdseye Diaper Cloth, 10 yard piece $1.59 24 inch, $1.79 ; 27 inch . . $1.98 Pepperell Bleached Canton Flannel, 27 inches . wide, yard 19c 27 inch Bleached Canton Flannel, yard ...... 15c 36 inch Long Cloth, yard ................... 19c 36 inch Long Cloth, yard 29c 40 inch Long Cloth, yard ...... 23c 36 inch English Nainsook, yard ............ 25c 36 inch Philippine Nainsook, yard ........... 39c 36 inch Philippine Nainsook, yard 43c 40 inch Batiste, yard , 39c 312 DEPARTMENT STORES' MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE 1 LECTURE By W. II. PICKERING : Of Brooklyn, N. Y. International Bible Students Ass'n ODD FELLOWS ItALL Corner Alta and Main Sts. j ; ' "V; -X Sunday Evening, Nov. 13 At 8 O'clock Subject: "Christ's Return Solves World's Problems. Resurrection Soon." Audioes of ri:xi)i.rrox bihle stxdexts r.veryboily Welcome rnrK :no collections